#also on the idea that when Phil blacked the screen then turned it back on again this was representative of a few hours sleep
When Cellbit gets up, he drags himself to the Order. He means to check on Forever, only to find a tear-stained book on an item frame directly infront of the door.
Nervous he collects it, opening it to find an extended passage in Spanish. Thanks to Roier he recognises a few words, enough to send him running for his husband and asking a translation from him.
Translated, the letter reads:
'My son and my husband are gone.
My children have been gone for some days. My husband was asleep in their room when I went to sleep last night. When I woke up this morning I found his hat, and his clothes, and his backpack, but he was gone. I cannot reach him via communicator. He is not in our house.
I have only one lead - the trapdoor to the lower basement is missing, and in it are two new flowers, and a purple box almost full of poppies. I do not have a camera to take you a photography, I am sorry.
I do not know what this means. Philza bought me here to learn what had happened. I hope this means you can learn what happened to him, too.
I am not clever.
I am not strong.
I am not fast.
I am not brave.
I am a stupid, weak, slow coward.
But my husband has been taken.
What I do have is a backpack, a sword, a fishing rod, five hundred slices of avocado toast, and love for my family.
I go south-east. I will die, many, many times. Do not be afraid when you see my death messages - I am already half skeleton. Death cannot keep me. I will just get back up and carry on until my family comes home.
I do not know if this is the right direction - if you find something, my husband trusted you. Roier is my friend, and he trusts you too. So I am trusting you to find him, if I have chosen the wrong direction.
If I never make it back, do not tell him that I loved him - it would be too cruel.
Cellbit knew the gist before it began, he just did not want it to be true.
Two, three days ago he asked for Philza's help, and now the Federation has taken him. Help freely given, but punished none the less.
Cellbit knows it is his fault.
But how does he even begin on making it right?
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ramons-elevator · 10 months
I just wanna take the time to list the fucking bugs on the QSMP because they range from mildly inconvenient to this has changed history forever and they are the weirdest fucking bugs
Broken hearts: this is the bug of when people log in, it shows half of their hearts just being blacked out and it take someone smacking you to get them back. Its very funny when an egg or someone randomly goes "hey hit me". Honorary mention is when someone gets withered and the withered hearts stay. Very angsty I love.
Broken voice: this is many things, but mainly when someone has to deafen and undeafen when someone relogs. It was a big problem in early days because people didnt know and it was annoying, but now its just common knowledge.
Sweeping edge: Me and my homies hate this bug. Basically it was a line of code in one of the mods that got bugged and instead of sweeping edge dealing 0.5 of the damage of a hit, it would deal 5 time more. For example, when Etoiles and Bad were testing it out, Pomme hit Bad with a weapon and it killed Etoiles who was next to Bad. This is more than likely the cause of deaths for Tilin and Juanaflippa. Im glad it got fixed, but it still installs fear into OG islanders to this day.
Dorime bug: The funniest and stupidest bug of all. Dorime randomly playing out of nowhere and the only way to get it to stop is to turn musicbox noises on and off. It happens enough that people usually have their musicbox noises turned off at all times
Sound bug: Sounds be loud. Even from hundreds of blocks away. This is elevator sounds, monster/demon sounds, camera sounds, etc. Its normal at this point, but it sometimes freaks people out and think admins are fucking with them.
Dapper's flying hammer bug: A recent bug, but when Dapper and someone fight and Dapper hits them with their hammer, they start flying indefinitely or until they relog. The first time this happened was fucking insane because it was Dapper and Ramon doing their usual fighting and then Ramon started flying away. Fit, Bad, and Dapper all had no idea what to do and were all freaking out/crying laughing.
Ramon's duping bug: A bug that's been fixed, but Ramon figured out that if you sling shot something in a certain way (I think it was in the Copacabana ocean?) it would dupe a whole stack of whatever was shot. This also lead to Ramon and Fit figuring out that if you sling shot a waystone, it fucking crashes the server. Which led to a day where everyone was using that so they can keep doing Lucky Ducks.
Death bug: This is when someone has the visual of "0.0/100.0 Time left 00:00:00" stuck on their screen. Usually leads to someone BEGGING someone to let them kill them. Pretty funny and dumb.
Eggs being tall: Aka eggs models not loading for people. It usually makes people try to roleplay their way out and being scared of tall eggs. I.E. "Tall Richas isnt real" or Cellbit screaming in horror in purgatory when the lil eye guy model wasnt loading and saying the castle is haunted.
Teleport bug: Not very common, but some times if someone is trying to use their warpstone, they particles start to fly around them and they dont stop until the person lets go of the warpstone. This can make a wall of purple particles around someone.
Egg names: This is a very early "bug". In the beginning, in order for the parents to name their egg, they had to right click their eggs and name them. This made people accidentally name their eggs stuff like "eee" or "Wwww". Also other parents naming other eggs other names (Mariana named Leo "shit" and Foolish named Juana "Marianaisabitchjr"). On the first day, for some reason, everyone was named "TILIN" for like 5 minutes. This 'bug' also got the iconic clip of Phil right clicking on the OG code and he got a chance to name it and it freaked him out.
Im pretty sure there's a lot more, but I love how insanely modded server has the weirdest bugs known to man. Feel free to add any you remember.
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growingdesires · 2 years
Hungry - Chapter 1
This was one of my first published stories, it is free on my Deviantart in full, here is the first chapter :)
____________________________________________________ Your head hits the pillow, you are not long for the waking world. Another rough day at college coupled with your roommates foolish idea to go out last night drinking. “Why did I have to take chemistry?” you curse to yourself “And why did I listen to Phils stupid plan to go out drinking!”. You groan, you know why, Emily was going to be there. Your mind starts to relax as you start to fall asleep. *Bzzt Bzzt* Your phone goes off. “Uggh” you peer over to the screen, Its Emily. Your eyes bolt open and you quickly snatch the phone from its charger. Emily:         I had a lot of fun last night Matt, I am suffering now though. Matt:         Me too, I just got in and I’m in bed Emily:         Lol same, I’m not sure how you managed to stay awake in Chemistry, I’m fairly sure I did fall asleep Matt:         You did, only reason you got up is because I coughed Emily:         Nice save, Mr Fletcher would’ve killed me if he would’ve noticed Matt:         That old coot, he is blind and should’ve retired ages ago Emily:         Too true, I hope you can make it tomorrow to the party at my dorm, low key stuff but you made the list Matt:         Definitely Emily:        See you tomorrow then, Good night xx Matt:        Night Emily Chambers. You’ve been crushing on her since high school, as it turns out you both went to the same college and you both took the same class. She is brilliant, incredibly smart, funny and very pretty. Emily is 6”1 and obviously towers over all of her friends, she is quite lean in her build with an even distribution of what little fat she does have on her body. As a result of her frame she isn’t curvy at all, whilst usually that means she wouldn’t be your type there is something about her that just clicks with you. You appreciate a larger woman, curvier the better and for the most part the bigger the better too. You estimate Emily to have B cups and her bum is trim and almost non-existent, her long beautiful legs are thin and smooth, her best asset other than her very pretty face. Her face is lean and she has a strong jawline, a wide mouth which just beams when she smiles. Flowing down her back is her long black hair which curls towards the ends. Even though you are exhausted, your conversation has you thinking about spending time with Emily tomorrow. She mentioned that it's low key, enough for you two to spend quality time together? You hope as you fall asleep. The next day flies by, not helped by your extended lay in. You go shopping for a few things to get you through next week's unrelenting college course and also some new clothes to go to Emily’s party. You start to get ready and check in with Phil. Hey man, you're not coming tonight?” you ask “Where? I wasn’t invited?” he seems a little hurt “Oh… well Emily invited me over for a party, she did say low key” Phil’s face breaks out in a stupid grin “Oh low key huh?” he winks You blush in response “I’m sure it's not like that… is it?” “All I’m going to say budd is pack some protection and make sure you look a million dollars” he punches you lightly on the arm “No it can’t be? But? Huh?” “Hey chill, don’t over think it Matt, you will be fine. Let me know the deets tomorrow, go get her tiger” “Huh? Yeah… right” “I’ll see you tomorrow if you do come back” Phil winks as he enters his bedroom You spend some extra time getting ready. Product in your hair, shaved smooth, bathed in cologne and your clothes look smart. You are ready to dazzle. Doing the classy thing you pick up a bottle of wine before you head over. When you arrive at Emily’s dorm, music can be heard from outside. You take a sharp inhale and knock. The door opens, It’s Emily. “Hi Matt, looking sharp, is that wine?” She laughs “Yeah… for the party?” you blush “Heh you are such a sweetheart, come on in” Following Emily into her dorm it has a fair sized living area with 2 couches and a big TV on the wall, you survey the room and see a few faces you recognize. Her close friends Jess, Joanne, Melissa and five guys, you don’t recognize them other than one. Brad Smith. Much like you he went to the same highschool but he was one of the popular kids. Brad was the quarterback for the school team, his mom and dad were big shots in the town, even as a straight man you could tell he was handsome. “Hey everyone, this is Matt, a good friend of mine, a chemistry nerd like me” Emily gives a sweet giggle “Hey everyone” you shyly wave Everyone introduces themselves to you and you mingle with everyone there for a while. You notice Emily is sticking close to Brad. After some time passes, some games and the hours get on people start to leave, stumbling out the door. You must admit that you are quite drunk yourself, you drank the wine almost all by yourself. This is it, you see your opportunity and sit next to Emily on the three seater. Brad sits to her left and you to the right, you try to join in the conversation but it’s no use. You spend the next hour trying to get included in their conversation but you instead just speak to the other party goers. Brad finally gets up to go to the “piss palace” as he so eloquently put it. Emily turns to you wide eyed with a big smile. “Oh Matt, I think he likes me” she beams Trying to hide your shame as you realise you have misread the situation. “Oh yeah?” you feign excitement, Emily is pretty drunk so I think she fell for it. “Yeah, I’ve never seen him sit with one girl for so long, Oh Matt I'm giddy!” “Well, play it smooth Emily, I’m sure if you feel this good then he must be giving you good signs”. Expertly delivered, I don’t think she could tell you are dying inside “Good advice Matt, you are such a good friend” Like a dagger through your heart you suppress your frown as best as you can. “We are going to head off now Em, I hope you have a good night” Melissa winks as her and Jess start to leave “Hey Matt, I think it's time we left” she adds as she gives you a light tap on your arm. “Yeah, good idea Jess, I’m going to turn in Em, see you monday” you flash her a fake smile before leaving with the others. After closing the door you go the opposite direction for Jess & Melissa. A bit of fresh air to clear your head before you get back to your dorm. You stumble in as quietly as a drunk person can and fall face first onto your bed. *Knock Knock* What pure evil creature is knocking at my door at this ungodly hour, you squint as the light burns your eyes whilst the burden of being conscious weighs heavily on your skull. “Who is it?” you groggily call “It’s me bud” “You know I was-” “I’ve got someone to see you Matt, I hope you are decent” You sit up and stretch with a mighty yawn. Luckily you cleaned your room yesterday and yesterday’s clothes will have to do, you pop a mint in hopes that it will help with your breath, quick comb of your hair. “Yeah, send them in” The door opens and you see Emily. Her eyes are puffy and her eyeliner is running down her cheeks. “Good morning… everything all right?” you break the silence. “Everything alright? What a stupid question” you think to yourself Tears form in her eyes and she dashes into your room. Instinctively you hold out your arms to offer her a comforting embrace. “What irony, you wanted her in your room but not like this, this is some cursed monkey paw shit” you think to yourself whilst she sobs into your shoulder. 5 minutes pass, slowly she calms down and raises her head off your shoulder. “Oh Matt, I am so sorry, I didn’t know who else to turn to” “It’s ok, you can talk to me” you say, taking your new friendzone role seriously “Brad is a jerk” “Did he hurt you?” you say with venom in your voice “Not like that… once he got back from the toilet I started to make a move… he turned me down, said I was a flat chested nerd” She starts sobbing again “What an asshole” “What a shallow bastard… I like him and he shoots me down like that… it hurts” “I know the feeling” you say under your breath “Huh? What?” “Nothing, I just said he's a dick” “Yeah… he really is” “Right wait here, I’ll be back in 30 seconds” you head towards the kitchen. You open your freezer and grab a tub of ice cream and 2 spoons and head back into your room, fire up netflix and sit back down. “I’ve not had many female friends but I believe the social norm is to watch some junk TV and eat ice cream in this scenario” you chuckle and see a smile creep over her face “You are a good friend Matt” You spend the next 2 hours watching any old rubbish on netflix and sharing ice cream. Emily has a bit of a sweet tooth as she devoured 90% of the ice cream herself. Randomly she pauses the TV and turns to you. “Do you think I'm a flat chested nerd?” a serious glare in her eyes Completely caught off guard you can’t control the shocked reaction you give her “C’mon we are friends, you can answer” She adds “I mean from one chemistry nerd to another, yes we are nerds” you joke, she reveals a tiny smile for a brief moment before the serious look returns “And my chest?” You go red in the face “Erm, Your chest, I mean, No you aren’t flat chested” you stammer “I’m a B cup, not big sure but not flat chested. Brad, what an ass hole. Have you got any more ice cream?” “All out sorry Em” “Probably for the better. Thank you Matt, I think I’m going to go now anyway, you’ve been a good friend today. I’ll see you tomorrow morning” “Oh sure, I’ll let you out” You show Emily out and she remarks at what a gentleman you are. Phil is peering through the door at you from his room. “Sooooo?” he exits his room with a big smirk “I mean I didn’t hear any noises so-” “No” you interrupt “It didn’t go like that at all” “Well tell ya boy Phil all about it” “Ok so last night…” You give Phil all the “deets” that you remember from last night and everything from this morning “Wow so the highschool quarterback, popular, rich, snooty athlete was an asshole… who would’ve thought?” Phil rolls his eyes “Well not Emily I guess” “Well how are you Matt?” “Feeling pretty shitty… I got my hopes up and I shouldn't have but hey maybe I can just be in the friendzone and maybe we will just be friends…” “My advice, try to avoid that, it will hurt more. You can be her friend but after you’ve lost your feelings for her” “Makes sense. I’m going to shower and chill in my room today, if you need anything just knock” “Same for you bud” You spend the day watching TV, playing games and relaxing before class starts again tomorrow morning.        
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mothra-mcyt · 3 years
☾ "Don't worry i'm here now." ☽
platonic!Philza x reader
!Trigger Warning: aftermath of physical abuse, blood!
After your biological angry father thought taking his anger out on you physically was the best idea, you ran out of the house. Not knowing what to do you called the person that would be able to comfort and help you most in that moment. Philza Minecraft.
2.2k words
Moving your legs as fast as you could you felt rainwater slowly drench your feet. With every sharp breath you took in you could feel your lungs more hurting. The tears streaming down your face blurred your vision making it hard to see where you're going but you could care less.
The only thing on your mind right now was getting away. Away from the danger that is at home.
What you didn't expect was to see your dad standing in front of you, brows furrowed in anger and beer bottle in his hand when you came home. You couldn't understand much about what he was shouting at you about but when he stomped down on your ribs while blaming you for loosing his job you began to understand what he was so raged about.
Thinking back to it you put your hand over where you know a boot formed bruise would probably form in purple colours.
You came back to your senses when you slipped in a puddle and slammed down onto the ground. A groan left your mouth feeling the already strong pain intensifying.
Trying your best at wiping away the tears forming in your eyes again to look around you saw where you ran.
The train station where you met Wilbur, Tommy, Phil etc. for the first time. Immediately memories started running through your head of seeing Tommy sprint out of the train, running up to you and hugging you as tight as he could. Or of Phil trying to hold you and Wilbur back from trying to steal a pigeon.
At the thought of Phil your eyes started to water again.
He always was there for you, always making sure you took care of yourself.
Never was mad at you when you made a mistake.
He was always so nice and gentle, you didn't want to bother him with your family problems.
None of you talked about it but both of you knew he was basically your father figure.
"Maybe i should call him...but wouldn't i just annoy him i did that... fuck it."
Thankfully you remembered to grab your phone when you started sprinting through the front door onto the sidewalk in a panicked state. Carefully taking it out of your pocket a curse left your mouth. The water of the rain soaked through your pants making your phone wet. Praying to whoever is out there you hoped that it wasn't broken.
A sigh of relief left your mouth when your phone screen lit up showing your familiar background image.
"Dammit. Only 23% left."
Unlocking your phone you immediately went to your contacts. Tapping on Phil's name you were about to press on the call button but you hesitated.
"Is this really a good idea...what if he's busy right now..."
Not realising it your finger accidentally pressed on the call button. Panicking you were about to stop the call but Phil already picked up.
"Hey mate what's going on. Why did you call me?"
Completely frozen you tried to think of a way to get out of this situation but before you could say anything Phil's voice started coming out of the phone again.
"Wait a minute. I hear rain. Are you outside?! It's in the middle of the night! Why are you outside?!"
"I- I'm sorry Phil. I don't know. I don't know anymore."
"Where are you, Are you okay?!"
"I'm at the train station Phil. The one where You, Wilbur, Tommy and the others met me for the first time."
You tried to your best to hide the fact that you were crying in your voice but apparently it didn't work well enough.
"Isn't that like really fucking far away from your home? Also are you crying? You sound like you're crying. Are you okay mate? Please talk to me."
Not being able to stop yourself a sob left your mouth. When you tried to open your mouth again to answer him just more sobs came out.
"Fuck shit okay i'll drive to you. Stay out of the rain and try to get somewhere warmer. I don't want you getting fucking sick. Just go to the toilets or something okay. I'll be there as fast as possible. Stay on the ca-"
It broke off before he could finish. Confused you looked down through blurry vision at your phone clutched in your hands. The screen was black. Frustrated you shoved your phone back into the front pocket of your hoodie.
"Of course the battery had to go empty at this exact time."
Mumbling to yourself you pulled the hood over your head before you went back into the rain to get somewhere warmer. Hoping that your memory for once wasn't gonna betray you you started to walk in the direction where you remember the toilets being.
Thankfully there was a single gender neutral bathroom stall so you don't have to worry about someone coming in and hearing you crying.
Pushing down the handle you stepped into the bathroom. It was bigger than a normal stall would be because it was also for disabled people. The floor looked like it was cleaned not long ago. There was some graffiti next to the door looking like someone tried to scrub it off but gave up.
Stepping to the sink you glanced up into the mirror to see how much of a mess you looked like.
There were obvious marks of a hand on your neck from where he choked you. It may have been only for a few seconds but it was still strong enough to make you shiver just from thinking back to it. Some dried blood that trickled down your forehead from where the green glass beer bottle crashed into your head. If you looked long enough you could see a fading handprint at your left cheek.
"Damn i look like a fucking mess."
Turning on the sink you looked down at your hands. There was some blood on your fingers from when you wiped away the blood running from your nose. Holding them under the water you immediately flinched away feeling how cold it was.
Taking a deep breath you put them under the stream again and started washing the blood away from your hands away first. Forming them to bowl you held them under the water. Knowing this is not going to feel great you splashed it on your face. Immediately regretting your decision you gasped for air.
Feeling it slowly running down your face you took some papers and dried the remaining water and blood off of your face. After throwing them in the trash can you looked back up into the mirror. Even without the scabs and dirt you still looked like a mess. With a sigh leaving your mouth you made your way over to the toilet and sat down on the closed seat. About to put your head in your hands you jumped when you suddenly heard a voice from outside the door.
Slowly starting to recognise the voice you quickly stood up.
"Da- Phil? Is that you?"
Raising your voice only a little to avoid other people other than him hearing it you stepped closer to do the door to listen more closely.
"Yeah it's me, i'm here now. Can you open the door mate? I wanna make sure you're safe."
Hesitating for a moment you slowly wrapped your fingers around the door handle. Carefully opening it you stared down at the ground making your hair shadow your face in hopes of hiding how much of a mess you are or maybe because you weren't able to look him in the eyes, too ashamed to let him see you in this state.
"Can you please look up at me?"
Tears started forming in the corners of your eyes when you looked up at him. You were surprised at seeing how much worry and concerned was showing on his face but also at how shocked he looked.
"Who . . . who did this to you?"
Not being able to hold it back any longer sobs started leaving your mouth. Tears started spilling when you felt Phil wrap his arms around you and pulled you in a tight embrace. Gripping the back of his shirt you felt him putting his hand against the back of your head. He pushed your head against his chest making your tears soak up the fabric of his shirt but he could care less right now.
"Take your time don't worry. I'm here for you and i promise i won't let go."
Slowly starting to calm down again, eyes dry from crying so much you still didn't wanna let go. This is the most comfort you ever felt in your entire life you were sure. But knowing you sadly couldn't stay like this forever you carefully pulled your arms back and stepped back a little. You tried wiping away the remaining tears but it only resulted in your cheeks getting even more wet from your rain soaked hoodie sleeves.
"Let's first get you to somewhere warm and safe. My house is closer so i'll just drive to my place if that's alright with you mate."
Seeing you nod was enough was enough of a response for him so he wrapped his arm around your shoulder and started walking to the exist. Or at least you thought it was in that direction. You don't really remember anything from before you went in the bathroom stall leading to you realising you probably dissociated the whole way here. Probably better that way.
After a while of just trusting Phil with where you two were going you stopped next to what you presumed was his car. Stepping in front of you he opened the door of the passenger seat and let you get in. Closing the car door you immediately relaxed feeling the warmth around you.
When he got in he quickly glanced over making sure you were okay before he started driving. You didn't really remember much from the car ride besides him asking you if you were okay every other 5 minutes to which you always responded with a small nod. Knowing at some point he's gonna want a better response from you but for now that was enough to satisfy him thankfully.
Slowly coming back to the real world you looked out of the window to your left and saw Phil's house. You don't really remember much from when you were here the last time one of the things that was still in your memory that it was bigger than you expected. But it felt comfortable and like there was put a lot of thought and detail into his home.
Jumping a little in surprise at Phil opening the car door he tried to help you out of the car but deciding to ignore him you started to get up.
"For fucks sake just let me help you you stubborn child."
A sigh of annoyance left you but you took his hand and let him take you out of the car.
"I'm gonna be honest Da- Phil i thought i was the one who was going to have to help you out of the car since you're becoming so old-"
A giggle left you making him give you an obviously joking annoyed look. God you missed these interactions so much. Not like you two stopped having them they just felt a lot better in person rather than over discord or when calling.
Letting him walk to the door you stepped under the roof and waited for him to open it. Glancing behind you one last time you saw that the rain was still going strong but now you wouldn't have to worry about it anymore. Cautiously you stepped into the warmth of what you would love to call home and let Phil close the door.
Bending down you took off your wet shoes. A feeling of disgust went through you feeling how soaked your socks were. Standing up straight again you looked around confused because you didn't see Phil anymore. Immediately panic started rising in you. Feeling your heartbeat getting faster you quickly stepped further inside.
Trying your best to hide the anxiousness you heard the quick footsteps of a concerned Phil letting you know you failed miserably at it.
"You okay? What's wrong? What happened i was just getting dry and more comfortable clothes for you."
Slowly tears started forming and when you tried to speak your voice cracked.
"I- I don't know. I just thought maybe maybe you left because i-"
Noticing you starting to panic he put his hand under your chin making you look up at him.
"I am not going to leave you. I am not going to hurt you. No matter what i will stay with you. If you need something i will be there to help you. If you're ever sad i'm there to comfort you. No matter how long you cry i won't let you go until you're feeling better."
Not knowing what to do you rubbed away the tears that were about to fall.
"Thank you. Thank you so much Da- Phil-"
"Don't worry you can call me dad."
Registering his words the corners of your mouth went up forming a smile.
"Now come on. Here are better clothes to wear. Don't want you getting sick."
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soft-boi-eli · 3 years
Gender neutral pls they/them
Of course! I've been having a bit of shortages on ideas. So this is so fucking welcomed.
Father CC!Philza x Emo! Reader
Summary:your old parents gave you up as a teen, overflowing you with emotions, causing depression, mood swings, and quite a bit of anxiety. When you got adopted by a man and a lady,both seemingly very kind and understanding. You felt happy. They didnt expect the sleepy bois to come and visit so soon.
Tw:anxiety attacks, mention of depression, loving clothes (not a tw but damn I sometimes miss my old fashion sense.), mention of trauma, swearing!
A huge new family
They dont blame their biological family. They knew that they were being overwhelming. Slowly shifting into a state of mind where fluffy black and colored hair was their favorite. Their outfits became more extravagant and their makeup took a turn for the darker. But they didnt have to put them up for adoption.
About a year in and out of foster families, a few months in an orphanage, then one more foster family. It was official. They were the new child of philza.
Your life got better. Both of them accepted your choice of clothes and makeup, even supported it!
They helped with everything in the first few weeks. Giving you space, letting you know that they were there. But you nor phil knew that three boys were heading down to visit.
So when you answered the door to see three faces demanding philza minecraft and one just looking awkward. They were also changing about him coming and join them you felt panic flood through you. Slamming the door on their face you held near your chest.
Your uneven breathing was heard by your father and he was quick to scoop you away from the door and have kristin answer the door.
He was sitting next to you hand lightly rubbing your shoulder and he guided you through the panic attack. "That's it. In through the nose. Hold it for a few second. Breathe out." His voice was calm.
It took less time to calm you down then you've ever had. "There ya go mate. Just keep breathing." He kept coaching you through you panic attack.
Kristen let the four in with their promise of keeping calm. Your shaking form brought major concern to the two older ones and confusion to the two younger ones. "(Y/n) I want to introduce you to the four behind us. Technoblade, wilbur, tommy, and tubbo. They are really good friends of mine." Nodding lightly you sat there, not wanting to turn because if you did the panic would strike harder. Remembering what happened before you parents left you.
A huge group of people basically shunned your for your choices and didnt want to take you in because 'trash like you' wasnt accepted in the family. But these two were different. Supporting you with your choices. How different were their friends? "Hey I think you shirt is cool! Who's on it?" A slightly hyper voice broke through the silence. " black veil brides." It was quite but a start. "Cool! So their a band right? What kind of songs?" The brown haired teen was trying to communicate with you. "Uhm. Rock." It had started small but you opened up to the teens. They were about you age and they didnt bash what you decided to like. The two older ones hung out with phil and Kristen. You three hung out in your room which was kind of softer then your appearance. It was to reflect a bit deeper into you. Bookshelves, a desk, reading corner, and a bed. Not fully knowing what to put in there.
But you, tommy, and tubbo were almost the best of friends when they had to leave. Techno and Wilbur it took a bit. After the two teens left you had came out of your room, no makeup, hair had all products removed, and your clothes changed from Jean's and a black veiled brides shirt to a black tee shirt, grey sweat pants, with a book in hand.
Before sleeping you just chilled in the living room, reading while basking in the presence of your adoptive parents. You did not expect wilbur and techno to still be there.
Plopping down on the couch next to phil you opened your book and tried to zone out, to get engulfed into the book. Nope. Two sets of eyes just watching you.
"So you like poems?" The book you were reading was a massive collection of poems. Looking up to the two on the couch you nodded lightly.
Looking back down you felt nervous. "Small talk is awkward." Looking up to the brown haired guy with an American accent you nodded. "Same." Once more you looked down at your book. You already had issues focusing but you tried to work though it. "What kind of poems are you favorite?" You sat there for a second. Trying to think of something that catches your attention.
"Mainly ones about trauma. It reminds me I'm not the only one in the word that went through something I have. It just makes it more interesting when I can relate." It was true. Sometimes the poems you liked ring a little to close to home.
"Good choice. It does really intrigue the audience when they can relate." Nodding you closed your book. "Especially when you relate. It's a must for me. Other wise I get turned away from it and just cant focus. But if I like it then I am just dead set on that poem."
You and techno bonded over poems and wilbur brought up some songs. "So what is you song preference?" "Hollywood undead, black veil brides, other then that its random. If I like the song it's in my playlist." With no other preferences with music other then it had to sound good to you there was honestly no judgement for other people's taste in music. There were little treasures from almost all genres.
For a while you talked about poems and songs. It honestly helped you feel safer with them. They didnt care about what you found intriguing. Or why. You even went on a rant and there was no care. They just listened.
But sadly they had to leave. Bit they promised that they would visit more. They were like the brothers you never had.
"So I see that you were able to talk to all of them." Nodding to your father figure you smiled "they were nice. Honestly. I cant wait to see them again."
He found joy in you wanting to hang out with his friends/technically children too.
Now meet the rest of the dream smp. It was very fast. Meeting almost all of them at the same time.
Phil was streaming and no one except for the sleepy bois knew about you. So you walked into his stream, book in hand and sat on the couch behind his set up. You liked having another person on the room. You just hated being alone. It gave you really bad thoughts. "Who's that behind you phil?" A random donation read out. Phil looking behind himself saw you in the corner reading and you normally did. "Ah that's my child. They like to have company. So sometimes they come in here to read." "Wait you have a child?! Since when?" The voice made you jump. Your book fell out of your hands and you looked at your father's screen. A green man with a weird white blob for a skin on minecraft. "Yeah. I took a break to pick them up from the orphanage." All hell broke loose. You ran while phil answered questions. You were not dealing with that. No way. Nuh uh. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Not today satan. It took phil bribing you with a trip to hot topic to get you to come back in. I mean hey you get to score a few shirts and hats. Might as well.
Meeting the server wasbt too bad. But the questions were weird. You didnt answer the ones you were uncomfortable about and they didnt care. Your boundries were up. And when tommy, tubbo, willbur, and techno revealed they knew of you they were yelled at. It was funny. Watching people say they should of said something. But it resulted in alot of compliments and Phil's chat loving you.
You were now the older sibling of the chat. Why? Cause chat said so.
When you come in from now on the chat is chanting for you. Just "(y/n)!" Over and over.
Your life? Crazy. But it became a bit better after you were living with your new parents. It was heaven.
I'm sorry if its awkward I'm not good at introductions. And I am tis but a sleep deprived human. I need sleep and so do you have a nice day and once more I'm sorry if this isnt up to what you wanted.
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killmebythebeach · 3 years
A bunch of head cannons (Maybe too much). Also in talking about the characters.
I think Dream is that one design where his skin is just the static tv screen. He just constantly emits that fuzzy noise, Sam crafted him the smile mask that he can see through so he doesn't scare people.
George is just kind of the server itself. He's the same species as Hannah, but a mushroom and more powerful. If he stays awake too long, the server just kind of freezes. This is also a reason XD keeps him sleeping, it's his way of talking to George and he thinks the server is like his soap opera of mortals.
Callahan is sort of like the person who makes sure George doesn't get killed or dies while asleep, making sure he's surrounded by mushrooms and such. Deer hybrid <3
Alyssa joined the server because she knew all her friends were idiots and didn't want them to die immediately. But once the elections rolled around, she felt the pressure of choosing sides and ran away to the desert, only keeping contact with Ponk. She actually lives just a couple miles from Foolish's summer home. Her communicator actually died after a couple months and she had no way of charging it, so she lost contact with everyone.
Sapnap is a magma cube hybrid and can jump higher than most, his natural temperature runs hotter, and is fire proof. Bad found him in the nether when he was maybe 10-15 years old.
Sam was actually a normal creeper, but gained player like sentience from being struck by lightning. Instead of becoming charged, he gained intelligence and met the others on the server. Callahan taught him some Redstone, but from there he figured out a lot on his own. He's also a creeper centaur.
Ponk is actually a descendant of a fairy, a lemon tree. Their mask was also a gift from Sam because after the second or third time their tree was burnt, their immune system was weakened a considerable amount. Alyssa also wore her mask for them.
Bad is a size shifting demon from the nether, more specifically soul sand desert. He uses soul fire to gain strength, so because the egg died when near it, he was just a little weaker than normal. Because he's a demon he needs a tie to the overworld to stay there, he tied his soul and lives to Skeppy.
Tommy was grown in a lab to be a hero, project: THESEUS. The lab gave him small enhancements, like slightly stronger and just a bit more resilient, to make the Above Average Boy (TM). He then ran away to meet Wilbur. When Dream asked Wilbur if he wanted to come to the server, he asked if Tommy could go first to see what it was like. He also actually really likes gardening and making up funny songs to Wilbur playing guitar. He also made funny lyrics for his discs, but he's still a bit scared to take them out of his ender chest. Other than bringing attachment, Dream also exiled Tommy to see what his lab enhancements could do.
Tubbo is an adaptive hybrid! His hair was blond, shifting to brown when Wilbur found him, getting blue eyes from Tommy, growing small horns under Schlatt, parts of his skin being static when Dream was "helping" him with his presidency, and parts of his scars tinging black and green from Ranboo and Micheal. Tubbo also helped Wilbur write part of the anthem. He likes living in the snow because the Manberg flag had magma blocks on it, casting a heatwave over the country, and after L'Manburg blew up it got really hot from the exposed stone in direct sun.
Fundy can actually hold his breath for a very long time and swim very well because of Sally teaching him and his salmon genes. The yellow things on his hat are actually shells, and the stripes on his jacket are trans colors. Also with his dreams, he saw Eret was going to betray them but didn't think it was real, or didn't want to. He also saw Wilbur blow up L'Manburg but chose not to believe it, thinking his father could still be saved. He actually saw pretty much everything, but didn't quite understand what they were until after doomsday.
The necklace Punz wears is one of those picture lockets, but he lost the picture and can't remember what it was. The first time Dream paid him was when Dream asked for help and Punz made an off hand joke about getting money, and then Dream thought he was being serious. Him, Dream, and Sapnap were like brothers, and Punz got sadder every time he saw Dream pushing people away and diving deeper into darkness.
Purpled is an aliensent to see if the planet was colonizable, but then crashed and was stranded, all his communications down and his ship barely able to hover fifty feet off the ground. When Quackity blew it up, he essentially got rid of his chance of ever going home. Purpled's species can shapeshift, so he turned himself into the first person he saw, Punz. Eventually before trying to communicate with the native life forms, he edited his form a little so they weren't identical, keeping purple eyes and antennae, changing the colors slightly, and changing the voice up. When he moves away from the main SMP, Ponk makes sure to check up on him and that he has a way to check his communicator.
Wilbur came a month after sending Tommy. His father being a patron of life and his mother the goddess of death, he met in the middle being born as a human. The only reason Ghostbur was as active and present as he was was because he was so connected to both life and death. Since his corpse was decaying for as long as it was, Wilbur is now super weak, his flesh is thin and his eyes are rotted and gone. Much like Ghostbur, Wilbur in limbo saw what people said about him, and Ghostbur could hear that from the back of his head. Now Wilbur can hear what people say about Ghostbur and he hates it, not wanting to be connected to what he thinks like a shell of himself.
Schlatt is a ram (duh) and actually does the fainting goat thing. So when he died of a heart attack, no one knew at first if he was actually dead or not. His alcoholism stems from the revive book, as the possibility of tampering with death made him existential and scared, so to cope he drank. There are also a ton of other stuff other than revival in the book, but it's in galactic.
Skeppy was just a normal human, but after making the pact with Bad, Bad put a spell on him. Parts of him turned into diamond, protecting both his and Bad's lives. He however, is unaware of this. With the egg, he would just sit on it, the diamonds chipping away to make room for the vines.
Eret was cursed by the Wither Cult, giving them white eyes and a slowly deteriorating memory. Not sure what to do, Foolish dropped them off at the SMP. Sometimes they would dream about old memories from before the curse, but it was just glimpses so he could never tell what they meant. Once they were king, they made the Herobrine shrine subconsciously, not really sure what it was after. They also had a strange affinity of beacons and resurrection, some of their memories resurfacing when they tried to help Phil and Ghostbur revive Wilbur after doomsday. The reason people are more scared of their eyes than any other wierd eyes was because he generally looks like a normal human, but the wither along with their Herobrine origins creates an uncanny valley that people are shocked by.
Jack had red and blue irises before crawling out of hell, but after coming back the whites of his eyes also turned red and blue. He always wears 3d glasses so no one noticed, but he just thought no one cared enough to mention it. He also has a bunch of scars and burn marks that no one but him can see, therefore no one asks about them or thinks something is wrong, cementing the idea that no one cares about him.
Niki is a blaze hybrid (stole this from @/420technoblazeit) whose fire hair color changes based on strong emotion, something she bond with Tubbo for as a fellow shifter. A soft yellow in L'Manburg, brighter orange in Manburg, hot pink on Doomsday, a soul fire blue with the syndicate (which Techno hates), and a dead grey when she found out Wilbur was alive. She was also old child hood friends with Ranboo and Eret, leaving Ranboo for the SMP. Ranboo, unfortunatly, doesn't remember much more than her name. She also knows galactic from Ranboo, so she talks about her troubles to Shy the Enderman. She doesn't really know how to talk to Puffy anymore after Doomsday or finding out how she wants to protect Tommy.
Quackity can perfectly replicate someone's voice and, with a lot of effort, can completely change his form to another player. He also has very small yellow wings, too small to fly, so he almost always hides them. He used to constantly change his voice for jokes with Karl, Sapnap, and George, but he doesn't like doing it now in Las Nevadas, as he sees it as unprofessional. However, sometimes he uses when he visits Dream, changing his voice to people like George and Sapnap to make torture more effective.
In the In Between and Other Side, Karl actually looks like his old skin, or his natural state (the big purple one that inspired his sweater). But most of the time in the normal world, he looks human. With effort he can bring out the interdemential being thing, something only Quackity and Sapnap know about. The more he time travels, the easier it becomes to change, and he's even started defaulting to the other form.
HBomb is actually just a normal news reporter, sent to interview and record what's going on in the server, his first big story being the election. Upon Doomsday, the stress of seeing everyone alone, fighting, and disconnected, he ran away from the world, essentially becoming a cat lady. His undercover reporter persona is actually the cat maid. He eventually came back to the server to see how he could help after Doomsday, befriending Niki again and living with her in the underground city.
Techno is a piglin, so he's scared of soul fire. He forgot to tell Phil before he decorated the syndicate room, so he just suffers in silence. He also does better when around a lot of gold, like in the nether, and he feels drained and slightly weaker without it. Instead of just putting gold around the area (it would ruin his property value), he just hibernates. He has an emerald earing, like all of the syndicate, but his is a locket that unfolds into pictures of the syndicate.
Ant always wears a red hoodie, now ruined by the egg, that used to be Red's. On Red's death anniversary, him, Bad, Skeppy, and Sam would make cake and put flowers on his grave. He missed the last one because it was during the egg, but for a brief moment after Puffy killed him he saw Red. Red then promptly and bluntly told him to stop being a pussy (haha, cat) and that he shouldn't do all this just to get him back, one of Ant's motivators to make amends with the people he hurt while with the egg. Ant is also a shapeshifter, but can only turn into a cat.
Phil actually used to work under Foolish as a patron of life but then he had a son with the goddess of death, so his title was removed so he could be with her and he became an Angel of Death. Kristin noticed how sad he was after being released, so she gifted him wings. They were however, destroyed on November 16th. His chat also serves as messenger pigeons, which were used to send letters to Wilbur.
Connor is actually just a hedgehog who somehow befriended Schlatt. Even before the haunted mansion, Karl vented to him about his time travel troubles, not knowing he was a sentient player. As a hedgehog, no one really cares where he goes, so he goes outside the server limits to meet his friends from the haunted mansion.
Puffy is a distant relative of Schlatt, but instead of politics she went into piracy. With her mom, she went travelling the seas. One say, a storm came and wiped out her ship, her crew, her mom, everything but her. The reason she survived was because Foolish saw her and saved her. Unfortunately, Puffy hit hee head in the crash and doesn't remember anything.
Vikkstar is the equivalent of a big time celebrity, so of course his endorsement of POG2020 was a big deal.
Lazarbeam is literally just a ginger bread cookie.
Ranboo has actually met a lot of the smp before actually joining. He's met Niki, Fundy, Eret, Punz, and Dream at least. He also sees the inverted colors Enderman see. His suit was actually a gift from Eret before they forgot how to tailor. He got the crown from Techno after joining the syndicate, claiming he didn't want any syndicate members to look like trash.
Foolish came to the server most recently to check up on Eret, but he couldn't bring himself to leave again. When Puffy adopts him, he can't say no because he remembers saving her. His initial goal was to kill an ender dragon to claim the XD title and become a full god like DreamXD, but after realising someone already killed it he went into his totem if death phase. Upon meeting Eret, he got over it and they went on some silly adventures, Foolish now taking a more peaceful route.
Hannah is essentially a weaker George, as her power is tied to the plants themselves and not the entire server. She however has a lot more physical power because rose dryads like to fight because they have thorns. Since roses can be taken out a lot easier, she is essentially a glass canon. Also when around any plant, she can make it grow faster than normal.
Any guest on the server? Corpse, Pokimane, Lil Nas? They were all Slimecicle. That's how he knows where everyone is from, even outside of Las Nevadas. No one else knows this. He's also ancient, if he met Phil they would probably recognise eachother. There was an actual Charlie Slimecicle who was not a slime, but after being launched into orbit this Slimecicle decided to impersonate him.
Michael Mcchill is a sort of bounty hunter. He came to the server after hearing of all the crime, assuming there'd be a lot of bounties to collect. However, he soon learned that no one really cares if you commit a crime. He then took to reading news articles made by HBomb to see if there were any past open bounties. But after reading for a while about the server's wronguns, mostly Dream, he began to sympathise with them. And he's also a speedrunner, so maybe he could help with some bounties across other servers!
This was a very long post and i apologize, but it was so fun to finally write all these thoughts down! I hope you liked them! I can't even fit all the tags I want.
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ray-ray-writings · 4 years
drabble idea: after Wilbur is killed by Phil, Fundy finds a smol arctic fox hybrid reader and cuz they're both foxes and the hybrid child looks abandoned, he adopts them. Then Ghostbur shows up and Fundy doesn't want him to have anything to do with his child. maybe some other relationships for fluff??? i'm just craving this rn -💍
So imagines won right? I sit down and go to write the imagine, and I just end up staring at a blank screen for what felt like forever. I know I said I would give you the option but I honestly couldn’t put anything in my brain for it. And because I spent so long staring at it, I lost a lot of time and so this is the only post for tonight…. I feel so bad. I’m sorry guys, I should have more stuff tomorrow. <3
TW: Parental abandonment.
This idea is so cute though. 
So we all know that Wilbur wasn’t the best father. He really messed Fundy up and gave him some of those good good daddy issues to where he has a hard time trusting people. But I think that he would be out on a walk, clearing his mind, trying to think of anything but his father. He’d be in a snowy biome when he hears footsteps. At first he thinks it’s a mob of some kind, so he draws his weapon and creeps toward the sound. He catches sight of something white and at first he thinks it’s a skeleton, but then the thing moves again and he can very clearly see it’s an ear, a white fluffy ear… That’s odd. “Hello?” he finally decides to call out. There is a small squeak and a lot of rustling. When he wasn’t attacked, he figured it safe to move forward. He carefully approached and as he pushed some of the bushes out of the way to reveal a small child. In one quick glance he could tell this was no ordinary child. It was an arctic fox hybrid, the fluffy white ears and tail a dead give away. In his glance, he could also tell this child was in rough shape. Their clothes were tattered and torn allowing him to see just how skinny they were. His heart ached for the poor child, “Hello little one,” he greets softly, “What are you doing out here?” 
You’d been on your own for a really really long time now. Your parents had brought you out here, told you to stay put, and left. You listened and so you waited for them to come back. But as the days went on, you began to understand what had happened. But nevertheless, you sat there and waited. Munching on the berries of the bushes, but it never quite fills your stomach. One day as you’re moving from bush to bush, a voice calls out. It startles you and you can’t help but let out a squeak as you fall to the ground in surprise. The bushes shuffle a bit and from over the top you find an orange headed man peering at you curiously. His eyes scan you quickly before he speaks, “Hello little one,” his voice soft and comforting as he speaks, “What are you doing out here?” You give him a little shrug and allow yourself to look him up and down. You’re heart thuds a little faster as you notice that he is also a fox hybrid with orange and black ears, an orange and white tail, and sharp canines poking out from his lips. “Where are you parents?” he tries again. Again, you give a little shrug and figuring you can trust this man, you speak, “Gone… Let me here.” His heart breaks at your sad and defeated tone. “They left you here? All by yourself? When did they leave?” Another shrug, “Two… three….. Weeks.” you mumble, looking down to the berry bushes, your fingers grazing them carefully. Fundy’s heart burns in anger as he thinks about how horrible your parents were for leaving their obviously amazing child to die in the woods. He’s about to speak when your stomach grumbles loudly causing you to flush in embarrassment. “Hungry?” Fundy asks, then mentally smacks himself. Of course you’re hungry your stomach just rumbled. But you nod sheepishly, still plucking at the leaves. “How would you like to come home with me. I can fix you up some fish. I have lots of fish at my house. You could eat as much as you’d like and you could stay as long as you want.” Not even caring if this guy was lying to you, you accept his offer, simply desperate to get out of the woods. Your head slowly rises from the bushes as you stare at Fundy who is smiling at you ever so softly with an outstretched hand. Carefully you raise your own arm and gently rest your hand in his, shivering at the warmth that spreads throughout your palm. “Let’s get going then kiddo.” 
Fundy leads you out of the forest and towards his house. As you two walk, you two talk… Well he does a lot of the talking and you give small answers here and there. You tell him your name and he tells you his. He talks about where you’re going and how it’s extremely safe there and how he thinks you’ll like it. He leads you inside his house, sits you at the table, before making up some fish for you and him. He places the plate down in front of you and before he can sit to eat his own meal, yours is finished. To say he’s shocked is an understatement, but he quickly remembers you were out in the forest all alone for two to three weeks, maybe longer with nothing but berries. You’re looking at him super embarrassed, like you want to ask for more but are too scared too. “Hey, it’s okay,” he soothes, walking back over to you, setting his own plate down in front of you, picking up the empty one, “You don’t have to feel bad. Like I said, I have plenty of fish, eat as much as you like.” And so you do. You eat until you’re so full you can barely move. Your eyes are sleepily closing and then jerking back open as you try to force yourself to stay awake. Fundy notices this and laughs quietly to himself. Your eyes close for a little while, giving Fundy enough time to put his plan into action. He quickly stands up, moves to you, picks you up, and carries you to his bed. He carefully lays you down, tucks you in, and presses a kiss to the top of your head. “Sleep well darling,” he mumbles, not thinking much of it. “Thanks dad” you mumble back, clearly out of it. But the simple word stops Fundy’s heart before a huge smile grows on his face. He decides that he wants you to be his child, if you want. He can feel a connection and a strong desire to care and love for you and he wants to be that strong father figure that he himself did not have. The next morning when you wake up, you don’t remember what you said obviously. You also plan to leave and go back to the forest. You would thank Fundy for feeding you but you already feel you've overstayed your welcome. You make your way down to the kitchen, ready to tell the man who saved you, who you don’t want to leave, goodbye. Fundy is standing over the stove and at the sound of your footsteps his head turns and he grins brightly at you, “Hey kiddo! Have a seat! Eggs are almost done! I hope you like them scrambled!” Not wanting him to feel bad, you do as you’re told and decide to tell him after breakfast. True to his word, the eggs don’t take that much longer and soon he’s served you some eggs. You two eat together, talking a bit about how you both slept and stuff. And after you’re done, you’re just about to tell him but then he begins to tell you about his plans for the day and asks if you want to tag along and you do. You really do. It is then you decide that you’ll stay until Fundy asks you to leave, and if that means you’re staying forever… So be it. 
Okay on to some more general headcanons and less plot type stuff haha
You two help each other in grooming your ears and tails all the time. I feel like they can be hard to get perfectly clean by yourself so you two do it together as a bonding activity. You would do Fundy’s first because it takes less time. Fundy does a lot of it and you just get the hard to reach spots and stuff, and makes sure there is no spot left unclean. However, when it’s your turn, Fundy takes complete control. He will make you just sit there and let him groom and take care of you. He is so careful as he does it. He cleans your ears and your tail carefully, making sure no dirt is left. And then he takes the time to carefully brush out the hair and make it very soft and very fluffy. It feels so nice. I would imagine you didn’t have the nicest parents, they literally left you in a forest to die, so you never got this special treatment or attention for your ears or tail. So the first time you two did this, you would be so confused. You didn’t understand what was happening or why you were being treated so kindly, which broke Fundy’s heart. I feel that’s also partly why he doesn’t let you help because he wants to make sure that you know that you will be loved and cared for as long as he’s in your life. 
So that being said, you two are so affectionate with each other. Like you curl up together and cuddle on the couch all the time. It has a lot to do with the fox side of both of you. It feels really nice to be pressed against family of your own ‘breed’ so to speak. A lot of the time it’s a lot of you sitting on his lap or laying on top him while he holds you tightly. Again, he wants to make sure that you feel loved and wanted. 
I feel like it wouldn’t take you long to call him dad. Like you accidentally did the first night, but you weren’t really awake for it. But I do feel like it would be a slip of the tongue on your part again. Just he does something for you and you give a quick “thanks dad” before you dead stop and stare at him. His eyes are also wide and filling with tears. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to call you that. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable. It just that you have taken care of me from the moment I got here and I--” Fundy would cut you off by pulling you into a tight hug. “It’s okay Y/N. It really is. It would be an honor if you called me your father” he tells you. Your heart soars in your chest as you hug him back. “Okay… Thank you dad.” You two go to sleep that night with the biggest smiles on your faces that you’ve ever had.
…….. Speaking of dads….. Ghostbur comes back. One day there is a knock on the door. You’re both confused because no one should be coming over to your knowledge. But Fundy gets up and he opens the door and his confusion turns into anger. “What are you doing here?” He spits out. You slowly make your way to the front room, hiding behind a wall but peeking your head around the corner to see what was happening. There in front of your father stood an extremely pale man in a yellow sweater and a red beanie. “Hello Fundy!” the man greets, oblivious to Fundy’s harsh tone, “I came to visit you! I wanted to see my son!” A gasp catches in your throat, this was your dad’s dad. He hadn’t told you much about him, he just told you that he used to be close with his father but as he grew more obsessed with politics, that bond broke bit by bit until it was completely severed by his death. “Well that sucks because I don’t want to see you. Go away now” Fundy snaps back, waving him off. Ghostbur catches his harsh tone now and a frown settles on his face, “Fundy please. I want to talk. I want to mend what was broken. You’re my son and-” “And nothing. You should have thought about that before you went and blew up our nation and then got stabbed by grandpa… So goodbye now.” Fundy moves out of the doorway and goes to close the door. When he moved out of the doorway though, he accidentally gives Ghostbur a direct line of sight of you peeking around the corner. He lets out a gasp and points, “Fundy who’s that.” Fundy looks over his shoulder and pales a little but because oh fuck. This is the last thing he wanted to happen. He clears his throat and looks back to the ghost of his father. “That’s Y/N… My kid” “I have a grandchild?” “No you don’t because you are no father of mine. Now if you’ll excuse me” and before Ghostbur can respond, Fundy has slammed the door closed. You’re a little worried as to what he’s going to say to you so you speak first after you walk all the way in, “I’m sorry” you whisper. “No, no, no baby. It’s okay. It’s not your fault. Don’t worry about it.” The rest of the day, Fundy is a little off. He tries to act normal but you can tell something is off. You don’t call him out on it though, you just let him do him. 
But yeah. Fundy does everything in his power to keep you away from Ghostbur. He does not care a single bit if Ghostbur isn’t Wilbur, they were both still his father that practically abandoned him and so therefore he will not be around his child. His child will only be surrounded by those who love them unconditionally and will always love them. If you and him are out and public and Ghostbur appears, Fundy will take you back home. He doesn’t care if what he is doing is super important, he will leave and take you home. He also will not let Ghostbur in his home. Ghostbur does show up occasionally, hoping to catch another glance of you, but Fundy barely opens the door to the point where Ghostbur can hardly see him. Fundy will let Phil, Techno, and Tommy see you occasionally which hurts Ghostbur a lot, but there is nothing he can do about it. Fundy does not want his ghost father to be anywhere near his child. 
But Fundy would be an amazing father. He knows what it’s like to be/feel abandoned by a parent and to feel ignored in a world full of family. So he makes sure you never feel like that. He loves you so much and makes sure you know that. Fundy would do anything for you, give anything for you. He loves you so much. His precious baby child. 
Okay that ending sucked lololol. Again, I’m very sorry that this is the only post tonight. I got a much later start than I planned and it fucked everything. I’ll see you guys with more content tomorrow though (hopefully).
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hacked-by-jake · 3 years
Hi yes hello I just got away from someone who I think was stalking me and I am freaking out and know I will continue freaking out for several days. Would you kindly write something where MC is in the same situation and Jake helps them in some way? He doesn't have to physically show up if it doesn't make sense storywise he can just talk to MC and tell them to go someplace public or whatever and help keep them calm. I don't know. Thank you.
Take you home.
>Part 2
Summary: Jake helps you when you’re being followed by a stranger on your way home at night.
Words: 2,3k
Warnings: MC is being persecuted and the person has no good intentions / Light swearing.
⚠️A/n: Okay, first of all, I’m really sorry you had to experience this. I very much hope that you are well / that you are better and everything is okay. If you want to talk to someone you don’t know, feel free to write to me.❤️
>>So, then, of course, please take all care of yourselves! Be careful and when you get into a situation like this, find someone who can help you quickly. People on the street, ring a bell even if you don’t know who lives there. Ask for help and draw attention to yourself. If you are alone, there are almost now numbers everywhere you can call if you happen to be on your way home or wherever. Save this number to your phone and get help there. Or call the police, even if it seems exaggerated to you, but at such moments it is not exaggerated.<<
To the Story: I started writing this but realized in the way I wrote it that I didn’t feel good about it. So I decided to write another alternative. Alternative 1. I have left both alternatives there, it is marked. The beginning and the end of the story are for both alternatives. However, Alternative 2 is a little more fictional, while Alternative 1 is a little more serious (if I can say so). I just felt Alternative 2 wasn’t serious enough for this really serious subject. Nevertheless, I left alternative 2 inside to maybe / hopefully leave a little bit more good (more cute etc.) feeling.
So, and at least: In this story, the perpetrator is a man. But I would like to point out that it is not only men who do this. This can happen to all genders and all gender can be perpetrators!
Now, I hope you will like it and I can help you a little bit with it or that it will calm you down a little. Thank you for your request and always be careful. Stay healthy.
Sorry about the mistakes.
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"See you tomorrow" you call laughing and wave goodbye to the others once again. You put both hands deep into the pockets of your jacket and make your way home in a good mood. You and the others have all spent a nice evening in the Aurora. Actually, the others wanted to drive you home but you said that the fresh air will do you good because it is always very warm and stuffy in the bar. "Good night, MC" says a friend of Phil who is coming toward you and only now enters the bar. "Bye" you smile.
You breathe deep in the fresh night air, which is more than good for your body and your mind. You close your eyes and enjoy the silence for a moment. Nothing can be heard far and wide. No cars, no people, not even ravens crowing. A beautiful and clear night in Duskwood.
Your way home is fortunately not so far. From the Aurora about 15 to 20 minutes walk. Quietly you mumble your favorite song and whistle the music in some places. Until you see a black shadow across the street.
You turn your gaze there and see a man, dressed in dark, looking around. His eyes are flashing in the light of the street lights and you quickly turn your gaze away again. From the corner of your eye, you can see that he’s moving across the street to yours. You’re twisting your eyes, not pleased. Of course, you don’t want to say right away that this man is a bit weird just because he changes sides of the road but nevertheless you have a queasy feeling. It’s no secret you have to be careful.
Just for your own safety and to calm your mind, you turn left on the next street. It is not really a shortcut, the way remains the same, but enough to avoid him. But when you notice the quiet steps behind you also turn into the alley, you become really uncomfortable. You are getting closer to your apartment and thus to the edge of the forest.
Not many people live here anymore. After Hannah was found and the case solved, many people moved away from here and when you moved to Duskwood, you found your apartment in the edge of the forest.
Since there are really not many people living here, you also know that the probability that the man has to go exactly this way is low. You try inconspicuously, turn your head backwards to look over your shoulder. It seems to you that the man has accelerated his steps, which automatically makes you run a little faster too. Of course he notices your look.
"Wait a minute," he calls and your heart stops for some knockers. Quickly you look straight again. Speed up your pace again. Don’t want to get panicked and hectic, yet you can’t resist your mind that immediately tells you 'run' "You don’t have to be afraid," he shouts behind you. A goose bump spreads on your body and a wheeze leaves your lips.
Your mind goes crazy and your body immediately enters survival mode. You’re starting to go faster, panicking of the strange man.
You thought Duskwood left those dark days behind.
"You don’t have to run away!" he calls again and you tighten your jaw muscle. It’ll still take a little to get to your apartment. Again you look back, see that the man has come even closer, also runs very fast. The houses and apartments around you are all dark, people are sleeping, no one would wake up. And then you get the idea.
Jake, the only one of the others who lives near you is Jake.
When he moved here, he moved into an apartment about four blocks from you. Further downtown, it has become difficult to find anything. You pull your phone out of your pocket and open the phone immediately. You always have Jake on speed dial, so you can call right away. Afraid, you press the phone against your ear. Your other hand wraps tightly around the pepper spray you own since there was the Man Without a Face.
'Pick up, pick up, pick up'
"I just want to talk to you!" calls the creepy man from behind and this time you can not hold back and the first sob leaves your lips.
"Hello, MC?" you hear Jake’s astonished voice. Of course, he doesn’t expect you to call him at 2:00 a.m. "Help me" you whisper quietly, your voice is a squeak, panicked, anxious, desperate. "What’s going on?" Jake immediately sounds alarmed. Immediately notice that the situation is serious. "A man has been following me since the Aurora, he wants me to stop," with deep sobbing you explain the situation. "How much distance is between you?" Jake asks calmly. "About 7 or 8 meters, but every time I run faster, he runs faster too!" you answer. You hear loud rustling from Jake. "Okay, MC, you just have to stay calm, don’t hang up, I’m already on my way" You agree, mumbling. "It won’t be long before I’m with you," insured, and you hear fast paces echoing through the phone.
"Stay now!" the man shouts loudly and you flinch. He sounds much more aggressive than he just did, impatient and annoyed.
>>Alternative 1
"Hurry up, please," you beg Jake.
"Stay calm, okay, MC? Put me on speaker" he orders and tries to keep his voice relatively quiet so as not to make you more nervous.
You do what he says and unlike what you expected, he makes a request for a video call. You take the call and put it on speaker.
His face appears and you immediately feel a little more safe. You keep the phone further away from your face so that the man behind you can also see that at least someone is there who can see you." I’ve got your location, I’m on my way to you. It’s only two streets away," Jake says aloud, briefly holding a second phone in front of the camera where your location is displayed. Even if your pursuer may not be able to see it, the gesture counts.
Carefully you turn back and take a look again. For your joy, his steps have already slowed down and a little more distance is between you.
"I don’t need a minute until I’m with you, MC," Jake informs you and you nod relieved. You wipe the tears from the cheeks that have calmed down a bit and breathes trembling deeply before you look behind you again.
The man changes sides of the road.
"It works" you breathe and nod wildly with your head, in relief.
You see the man walking the other way, in the opposite direction of you. He has given up, seems to have noticed that you're safe now.
"Stay there," demands Jake, "I can see you," he informs you, and you look to the right, into the street next to you. In fact, you see the hacker running towards you, but now also slowing down his steps.
"Oh God," you croak relieved, lowers your phone and run towards him. From afar he stretches out his arms and you throw yourself into his embrace. <<
>>Alternative 2
"Hurry up," you plead. You’re accelerating your steps more and more. Jake answers something, his voice is blurry, choppy and distorted.
Quickly you look at your screen. No signal. Your phone has no signal. It’s a dead zone.
You hear as Jake asks about you, also difficult to recognize. The first tears run down your cheek and burn into your skin.
Slowly everything starts to turn, from the panic in you. It all feels blurry, imaginary and not real. But unfortunately it is real. "Shit!" you hiss as your screen turns black. Jake has to hurry!
"Stop!" the man calls again and suddenly you hear firm and fast steps behind you. Without looking, you know he start running. And without hesitation you start running as well. It feels like there’s a loud sough in your ears, like an old radio is losing the signal.
Your surroundings become blurred, out of focus and you feel as if everything is pulsating around you. The houses are getting closer, it feels like it’s getting darker around you, It’s like the sky is getting even blacker. And the only thing booming in your head is 'run, run for your life' You can’t prevent a weepy whining from coming out of your mouth followed by a loud sob. You try to blink the tears in your eyes away to see something but it doesn’t work. The more you try, the worse it gets.
Your lungs are starting to burn. Stitches in your sides make this run unbearable. You lift your legs higher while running to reduce the risk of stumbling. Just focus on running and breathing. The steps behind you are not to be heard, like this mute everything feels. "MC" you hear it calling from somewhere, can not arrange the voice, your mind imagines that your persecutor knows your name. But then, suddenly, you see, out of the alley next to you, an arm coming out fast. He’s reaching for your upper arm. It’s so fast, you don’t even have time to scream. You get ripped around and hit against a back hard.
In the first moment you want to fight back, defend yourself, to kick around you but you quickly recognize the voice as Jake’s when he says "I’m here, MC, everything is good". Full of pure relief, you wrap your arms around him from behind, "Thanks God" you sigh and press your face into the soft material of his sweater. Jake’s hand reaches for yours and puts it on it calmly as he builds up tall in front of the man. You don’t want to look at this guy, you don’t want him to see you.
"Can I help you?" Jake asks in a deep and dangerous-sounding voice. You never thought he could speak like that, so angry that his voice is almost shaking. You hear how the other man’s steps have finally stopped, "No, everything is fine," he grumbles.
"Then fuck off now" Jakes hisses aggressively and takes a step forward. You will be pulled along and wrap your arms even more tighter around him.
"It’s all right, man," the other one grumbles and really seems to turn around to leave. Jake doesn’t move a bit, his whole body is tense, he is under high tension, you feel how tense his muscles are. Feel how trembling his breath escapes.
When your persecutor finally disappeared, Jake takes your arms off his belly and turns around. Without a word, he wraps his arms around you and pulls you tightly against his body. Your mind finally realizes that you don’t need to be afraid anymore, you start crying again, but this time out of relief and happiness.<<
You start crying hard, crying against his chest, his arms holding you tight, protective.
"It’s all good, MC," he whispers, and his voice sounds like he’s about to cry too. You’re pressing so tight and close against him that you’re afraid you might crush him, but you have no control over it. And he doesn’t seem to mind.
"It’s all good, MC, I’m here now, you’re safe, I take care of you. He can’t hurt you anymore, and he’ll never be able to hurt you," he whispers, pressing his lips on your forehead.
"You’re safe," he keeps confirming that everything’s okay now. Does not let go, holds you and gives you stability and safety.
"Thank you" you whimper and bury your hands in the fabric of his sweater.
"Don’t thank me, there’s no reason to thank me, everything is fine," he easily walks away from you to look at you. Lovingly and carefully he puts his hands on your cheeks to wipe the tears from your cheek with his thumbs.
"You’re safe, okay? I’m here"
You nod, try to calm down and stop your tears." You’re coming with me, all right? You’re sleeping in my apartment today. You don’t have to be alone right now. And you can stay as long as you want," he suggests, and You exhale with relief, glad you don’t have to be alone.
"Thank you" you croak again and again he kisses you lightly on the forehead.
"Shall we go?" he asks cautiously and you agree.
Jake takes your hand into his, and slowly you start on the path that luckily is not far.
"You never walk home alone again, all right? You can always call me and I’ll pick you up. And if you want to walk, then I’ll come and we’ll go home together"
You don’t contradict him, you’re happy about it. Never want to walk alone again.
"I got his data from his cell phone, and we know who he is. Tomorrow we’ll see what we can do," he tells you, and you try to smile a bit.
When you two gets home, he picks out some of his clothes for you, a shorts and a T-shirt. You take a warm and soothing shower while he makes you a cup of tea.
Together you lie down, he holds his arms open for you and holds you tight and takes care of you until you fall asleep.
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redorich · 4 years
I literally woke up, checked tumblr and was like oh shit...that cliffhanger was terrible and I need to know what happens next!
Anonymous said to redorich: Ther Hermitcraft vs Dreamsmp war really is just gonna be a 2 hour long Dreamsmp cringe moment compilation huh. Also I like what you wrote! That fight fic was EPIC, but I do wonder why tf does Dream want Tommy back rn? I guess to solidify his status? Like, look at me I’m the righteous son! I’ve saved this infant child!
Anonymous said to redorich:
how could you end in a cliffhanger my day is ruined- /j /lh (but in all seriousness, HOLY SHIT DUDE IM SO HYPED UP FOR THIS YOU HAVE NO IDEA - Art Anon (the one who asked if you liked art of your work and such :>)
The dreamon whispers in his mind. He can’t tell which thoughts are his own. His fingers twitch on the handle of his axe, whether he’s faced with friend or foe. Dream wants to be this insidious person he’s become. He can’t remember why he was ever kind.
Tommy, that obnoxious prick. He’s the only one that ever consistently said no to Dream. It infuriates him. He loves it. He wants that again, for someone to tell him no, you’re wrong, you’re being a dick. The dreamon doesn’t like it, but it does like breaking Tommy’s spirit. Dream has to have Tommy back.
In the end, the kid makes it easy on him: he comes to Dream. Philza’s there too, which is a complication, but Dream knows he’s better than Philza. He can kill him if he needs to. Tommy won’t forgive him for it, though. The thought is delicious.
They face each other on the balcony of the HEP tower. Dream killed all the snipers hiding up here. No doubt they’ve respawned.
“They don’t really care about you, Tommy,” Dream smiles indulgently. Stupid child. “They think you’re a novelty. They pity you, because you know blood like I do. Don’t you miss it? These ‘hermit’ assholes-- they go on and on about how everyone is equal, but it’s bullshit. Where’s your admin?”
Philza shifts uncomfortably from his position behind Tommy, swayed by Dream’s rhetoric but unwilling to compromise on his son’s wellbeing. Tommy snarls. He doesn’t know where Xisuma is, but he knows exactly what the admin is doing.
Dream barks out a nasty laugh. “If the hermits really liked you, if your admin really cared, he’d be here. But I’m here, Tommy. I fight alongside my men. Look around. All the death, all the destruction? I did it all for you.”
Dream slithers closer, still smiling. Phil raises his sword minutely, and Dream stops approaching but doesn’t back away.
“I’m your only friend, Tommy. I visited you every day in exile. Remember the trident I gave you? We had good times together.” Dream’s voice grows hard. “Then you lied to me. You turned your back on me. I have been nothing but patient with you. I’ve given you so many second chances. This is your last one. Come back home with me.”
Tommy meets his father’s gaze. He can barely see past the water in his eyes. His breath catches in his throat as he holds his arms up, silently asking Dream for a hug. Tommy needs this, he needs this to happen.
Knowing that he’s won, Dream grins triumphantly. He wraps his arms around the young man, then chokes. Philza meets the possessed man’s shocked gaze over Tommy’s shoulder as blood flows freely down the blade of his sword, seeps into Philza’s palms as he yanks out the sword that he’s buried in Dream’s chest through his son.
“What--” Dream rasps, trying to pull away from Tommy. The boy’s hands around his back are suddenly a vise grip, nails like claws digging into his shoulderblades.
The hermit admin, unseen til now, swoops down with his elytra and shouts in a language that Dream doesn’t understand. The dreamon knows it, though. As the tall, armored admin flicks through debug screens, the floor glows purple with Aurebesh runes. Dream’s skin feels like it’s melting.
The sky goes black, then white. Consciousness returns to Dream in patches. A short woman with flowers in her brown hair is splashing the two of them with healing potions-- Tommy is still holding him up. All at once, the gravity of the situation hits him.
“Hold your fire!” he roars. Half of his men are dead anyway.
He grips desperately at his hair. “Oh God, what have I done?” He feels physically ill. “Tommy, kill me. I only have one canon life, it’ll stick, I deserve it for what I did to you.”
Tommy hears Philza suck in a sharp breath. The man that he once loved like another brother, the man he’d fought wars both with and against, the man who took everything from him, is laid out in his arms and begging for Tommy to take his revenge. It would be so easy. Tommy wouldn’t even need a sword. Technoblade wouldn’t have hesitated, if it was him here instead of Tommy. Even Tubbo would feel enough pity to put Dream out of his misery.
Tommy remembers when he lost his first canon life to Dream in a duel for his nation. He remembers seeing Wilbur’s unstable features light up when Dream gave him eleven and a half stacks of TNT. He remembers exile, and everything that came before it.
Tommy also remembers when False caught him stealing her cobblestone, and she gave him a shulker box full of it. He remembers when Impulse saw Tommy’s war room, and wept for Tommy’s childhood. He remembers the proud look on Grian’s face when they pranked Doc together. He remembers, at every turn, expecting rejection, and receiving kindness.
“No,” he says, and is taken aback by the firmness in his own voice.
Dream’s face twists in an ugly sneer, more inwardly directed than a jab at Tommy. “So that’s what I get, huh? You’re going to leave me alive to suffer?”
“No,” Tommy repeats. “We’re going to fix things. We’ll make them better.”
“That’s impossible,” Dream says incredulously.
Tommy smiles. “Not impossible-- just hard. You’re up for a challenge, yeah? I believe in you.”
The sun sets on dead bodies and rubble. The moon rises with a gleam of hope.
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feelingofcontent · 3 years
DNP Rewatch: Phil is not on fire 6
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Date video was published: 11/06/2014 (X)
DNP Main Channel Rewatch: 249
Time for another PINOF! They went back to early November for this one, so it had been slightly under a year since PINOF 5. Phil asked for questions on Twitter. And they continued the tradition of alternating who would promo it on Instagram, and it was Dan’s turn. It was a fast-turn around from asking for questions to filming, editing, and posting this one - just 3 days!
0:00 - I like the t-shirts they chose for this one.
0:08 - Dan’s reaction to Phil starting a sentence with “do me” 👀
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0:14 - this is the first PINOF that we see Phil drawing the whiskers on Dan at all, and it’s very brief (though there’s more in the bloopers)
0:17 - Dan’s little nose wrinkle in the background! And Phil has such a problem with that for some reason. Dan staring intently at the screen and then reaching out to push his arm away. And then they left it in the video, lol.
0:24 - Phil is me under pressure. And then what he comes up with is “cheese umbrella” ...sure.
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0:42 - wow Phil. I’m not sure that’s “sassy” but it is something. Dan wants this to be over so much. 😂
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0:53 - Dan blinks twice to take that in and is ready-to-go. I wonder how much they pre-plan for these questions vs. what is entirely improv. I do think that is a skill they both have though...they did it in the stage shows a lot.
0:59 - Phil started off a bit too high
1:15 - love Dan watching for whatever Phil does in response to that
1:21 - Phil had just bought this and another plant recently.
1:26 - I really don’t think this question/joke would have made it into the video even just a year before this. Of course, this is the part Dan chose to leave a YouTube comment about...
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1:38 - Love that Phil is looking at this in the screen to start with. So much butt. Also where did “Timmy” come from, lol. This snake was originally from Dan’s now-deleted Krave video.
1:49 - Phil is incapable of not laughing when told not to and Dan is involved
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1:56 - Dan’s better at it, but not when Phil starts touching
2:02 - this does not seem to come from any particular tweet
2:14 - yeah I’m gonna go ahead and agree with Dan’s reaction here
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2:22 - these days Phil thinks Dan’s singing is “surprisingly beautiful”
2:29 - well this was a sad choice, lol. And an early idea for TATINOF.
2:42 - Phil really wants his consciousness/soul to end up in some sort of robot or machine
2:48 - that jumper is getting a lot of use between the baking video and this one
2:55 - annnnnd right into each others’ space
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3:11 - Dan is paying very close attention to this. Phil is disturbed at himself and/or just trying to get a reaction out of Dan
3:22 - that mirror is filthy.
3:25 - Phil’s eye control thing!
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3:37 - lots of flinching. Dan waits to fully break until Phil does first.
3:44 - what is happening on this cut-in with Phil tongue and Dan lip bite 👀
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3:49 - absolutely love that they put their fringes in the opposite direction and are sitting on the other’s “usual” side. Also Phil should wear more black and Dan should wear more color they look GOOD.
3:50 - Phil’s “accent” slips back to normal almost immediately
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3:56 - Phil knows Dan’s about to get payback after that, lol
4:16 - fringe fix for the outro!
4:40 - inappropriate winking is unsurprising
4:52 - is this the first time they acknowledge how hard it is to get sharpie off? They really should have stuck with a different kind of pen.
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A return to a more comfortable and highly amusing PINOF, after a bit of a dip for 3, 4, and 5 (in my opinion). This is also the most viewed video of all time on Phil’s channel!
And after no bloopers the previous year, they are back on Dan’s second channel for this one!
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star--anon · 3 years
"The fuck?" Wilbur muttered, watching his computer screen lag and crash. If it wasn't so abrupt, he would have gotten mad at all the lost work. As it was, he simply sat there, confused. Had the power tripped?
A quick - and unnecessary - glance at his lamp told Wilbur that the power was still on, which only puzzled him more. After a moment, it registered that his ceiling lights were also on. Feeling somewhat stupid, Wilbur tried to think of other explanations for the abrupt shortage of power in his computer.
And he found it.
A quick peek behind his desk told him all he needed to know. His computer had unplugged itself. And really, it wasn't all the hard to see why.
"It's a fucking jumble of wires back there," Wilbur muttered, getting up from his seat to get a better look. Wires, black, red, blue, green, ran around the hidden area, coiling around one another and tangling into big knots. One small tug could easily unplug several devices.
It was going to take a while to sort out.
Being lazy, Wilbur simply wrote a small sticky note remind to clean up the wires. As of right now, he decided that all he needed to do was to replug the cord to his computer. He would deal with everything else later.
What? He had editing to do! (The realization that he had lost at least three hours of editing was also staring to sink in.)
And it would have worked out just fine! Wilbur would have been able to redo all of his lost work and have his video out by tomorrow!
...Except, it seemed like fate had other ideas.
The electrical socket his computer's cord was supposed to be plugged into was a little further in and lower than Wil had initially expected. As a result, Wilbur had to get on his stomach and scoot his way over. After a few failed attempts and a lot of curses, Wilbur managed to replug his computers. Almost immediately, the fans in his computer began turning and the Microsoft power-on noise sounded above.
As Wilbur tried to scoot his way back out, a sharp tug on his left hand quickly make him stop. He froze, not wanting to knock anything over. These wires were taut. One pull would send whatever those wires were connected to falling down on top of him. With great care, Wilbur tried to untie his hand from the wires.
All he succeeded in doing was tangling his right hand too.
Yeah, there was problem. Phil was most likely out of the house with Tubbo. Wilbur vaguely remembered him telling Tubbo he had found a new beehive. Techno was probably off beating up the dummies behind their house again. That left Tommy, who he knew for a fact was upstairs.
Fuck it, Wilbur eventually decided. His reputation wasn't worth the risk of dying of electrocution.
"Tommy? Tommy, you there? Tommy! Tommy, come quick, I need your help!" Wilbur yelled. He waited. When no response came, he yelled again. And again. And again. And again.
A minute passed. Then two. Then three. Then five.
Still, nobody came.
Just as Wilbur was beginning to fear the nobody was home, he heard small pattering footsteps from outside. His bedroom door creaked open and the gentle footsteps came inside. He let out a sigh of relief. Stuck between the wall the wall and his desk, with nothing but the wires arounds his hands to keep him entertained, Wilbur had began to panic a little. Thankfully, help had finally-
"Pffffttttt," snorted Tommy, slapping a hand over his mouth. "Whahat the shit? Wilbur? What the fuck happened?"
Wilbur flushed, embarrassed. He swung a leg behind him, trying to kick Tommy.
"I come in," Tommy managed to say through his laughter, "annoyed as fuck because I was trying to set up my camera, and all I see is-"
Tommy broke off in loud cackles.
"Shut up, Tommy," Wilbur snapped, glad that the boy couldn't see his red face. "Just help me get out of here!"
Still giggling, Tommy made his way over to Wilbur. Since Wil took up all the space between the desk and the wall, Tommy was forced to scooch under the desk and work through an opening in a portion of the table. Gradually, Tommy helped Wilbur untangle himself from the wires. After making sure that nothing would fall on him, Tommy gave him the go-ahead for Wilbur to make his way out from underneath the desk.
Yet again, it seemed like fate had different ideas.
Because Tommy had to work with Wilbur through the desk, that also meant Wilbur had to work with Tommy through the desk. Although Tommy managed to help get Wilbur's hands free from wires, they were now effectively stuck underneath the desk.
"Are you kidding me right now?" snapped Tommy, irritated. What had began as a hilarious situation turned out to be a frustrating distraction from his camera-fixing.
"No, I am not kidding you right now!" Wilbur snapped back. "Now come here and help."
Working together was not Wilbur and Tommy's strong suit, and it isn't all that hard to see why. Tommy liked to be respected, but the other didn't think he deserved as much respect as he demanded (and he's right). The issue that often occurred was Tommy feeling mistreated by Wilbur.
So, as if Wilbur didn't already have enough complications to deal with, that problem had now officially entered the chat.
"You know, I had to stop fixing my camera, come down here, and help you get out from a few wires, and I don't even get a 'thank you'?"
"I'll thank you when I'm out of here. Now help me, for fuck's sake!"
Tommy glared at Wilbur, and Wilbur glared right back. Tommy sat there, angry.
"I don't need this," Tommy muttered. He sharply poked Wilbur's side. "Help yourself then."
He expected Wilbur to shut up. He expected Wilbur to be very grumpy. He expected Wilbur to apologize and call him back.
What he did not expect was for Wilbur to squeak.
And then Tommy, under the pretense of teaching Wilbur how to be nice, wrecks him. Yeah, I ain't writing that. I mainly do unfinished fics/prompts bc I'm too easily embarrassed to write stuff like that...
Right, anyway. Once you've written the tkling part that I'm too chicken to write, you can pick it up below.
"T-Tehehechno!" yelped Wilbur, pulling at his wrists. "Phihihil! Sohohohomebohody! H-Hehehelp!"
Wilbur let out an embarrassing, high-pitched squeal as Tommy hit a more sensitive part of his stomach. He tried kicking, but Tommy sat on his legs, effectively pinning them down.
"Aw, Wilbur is asking others for help~" Tommy teased, speeding up his fingers. "Is wittle Wilbur upset? Is wittle Wilbur getting despwerate? Is wittle Wilbur-"
"Shuhuhuhut the fuhuhuck up!" Wilbur demanded through his giggles. Tommy rolled his eyes.
"Some people never learn," he muttered, leaning down. He drew sharp breaths and blew quick, small raspberries all over Wilbur's exposed stomach. Wilbur could do nothing but arch his back and cackle loudly.
"Techno's not home, Wilbur," Tommy said, digging his fingers between Wilbur's ribs. Slowly, making sure to lightly scratch at each rib, Tommy made his way up Wilbur's ribcage, silently counting each rib. As his fingers got higher, so did the volume of Wilbur's laughs.
And his panic. He knew where Tommy was going.
"D-Dohohon't you dahare," Wilbur said, trying to be scary. Tommy placed his hands on Wilbur's underarms, innocently looking up at Wilbur. The older glared at him and Tommy had to struggle to not grin. With Wilbur's bright red face, messy hair, wide smile, and nervous giggles, he didn't look nearly as intimidating as he thought he did.
"I'm gonna do it~" Tommy sang. Wilbur tensed.
"Y-You wouldn't."
"I would."
"I-I'll get you back," Wilbur tried to threaten. Tommy wasn't fazed. All he needed to do was take one look at Wilbur's cherry-red face for any threats to lose their scariness.
"It'd still be worth it."
"D-Dohont you dahahare," Wilbur demanded. "I'm serious Tohommy."
"You know, you really could have avoided this if you were nicer to me."
Wilbur opened his mouth to respond when a new voice came from behind him.
"Who could have what when if which how why where?"
Tommy froze. He quickly retracted his hands and darted away. He scrambled into the corner of the room, warily eyeing the new member.
"T-Technoblade, my friend!" he nervously stuttered. "H-How are you doing? What brings you here today?"
Techno tiredly rubbed the bridge of his nose. "I live here, Tommy. And I couldn't help but get curious at Wilbur's laughing and screaming."
"Not my fault!" Wilbur called from his awkward position. Tommy gulped.
"What's going on?" Techno asked Tommy, glancing at Wilbur. "Why is Wilbur like that? Is he stuck? What were you doing? Tickling him?"
Wilbur squeaked at the word, which caught the attention of Techno. Meanwhile, Tommy sheepishly grinned.
"Aha..." Tommy rubbed the back of his neck and quietly explained the entire situation.
Techno stayed quiet the entire time, processing what he had heard. Then, without a word, he walked over to Wilbur. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Tommy trying to slip away.
"Tommy, stay there," he ordered. Tommy immediately stopped moving. Techno squatted down in front of Wilbur. To him, he asked, "You good? Lookin' a little red there."
"I'm fine, yeah," Wilbur muttered. "Can you let me up? I have some revenge I wanna be doing."
"Yeah, yeah, you can do that."
Tommy tensed. Oh, he was gonna get it.
"Just, in a moment."
Wilbur blinked.
"In a moment?" he echoed. "What do you mean?"
Instead of responding, Techno simply prodded his hips.
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Monsta X as the guy who hits on you in a bookstore
(a/n: I work in a used bookstore and this is entirely self-indulgent, please enjoy.)
Your intention for the day was to find a vegan cookbook for your best friend, so you wandered over to the cooking section of the bookshop after having already scoured the stacks of fiction and fantasy, taking your own pick. Knelt near the bottom shelf was a young man. You couldn’t quite see his face but his hair was fluffy and promising. He stood up abruptly to his full six foot of height, towering over you, his eyebrows knit together in full concentration. He was flipping through a book on baking, something seemingly too soft for someone of his stature. He glanced over at you while you searched the shelves on your own quest. “Uh…” You turned to him. “Yes?” He seemed taken aback that you had even heard him, staring at you wide-eyed. “Sorry, um, do you know anything about cooking?” He asked quickly. “Some. What do you want to know?” He proceeded to ask a few questions, explaining he wanted to bake cupcakes for a friend’s birthday, double-goaled to both impress and surprise them with actual baking skills. After a few minutes of conversation and light laughter, he shut the book he’d been holding and turned fully to you. “Do you think I could have your phone number or something? I think I would be better at this with a little help…”
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“Do you- do you work here?” A tentative voice asked from the end of the bookshelf you were currently rummaging through. “I don’t, but I understand your confusion,” you chuckled, contemplating the stack at your feet and the fact that your hands were between books in the shelf. “Oh, well, do you know about books?” You turned to find an incredibly well-sculpted man. He looked entirely out of place but sounded so shy, and you were immediately taken by the messy black hair and large glasses over his nose. “I do. Why?” You stood up fully, also determining he stood a good few inches over you. “I- This is kind of a thing,” he paced over. “It’s my little niece’s birthday next week, she loves reading, it’s all she ever does. I have no idea what to get her, but I know it needs to be a book. I even, look,” he pulled out his phone, “I took a picture of the books she already has so I don’t buy the same ones.” You looked at the screen, recognizing titles from when you were in your very early teens. “Oh, I can definitely help with that. Um, just... “ You peered down at the books you had previously picked out, still on the floor and waiting to be brought home. “I’ll help you if you carry my books.” “Oh, absolutely,” he bent down as soon as you said it.
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“Why won’t you just let me play Green Day, though?” You whined at your boss for the millionth time that week. You had recently gotten a job at a local used bookstore and had rapidly adapted to your small team of coworkers, mostly by taking over the radio which was overly used to Phil Collins and Bryan Adams. You added life to the boutique. “Listen, I like Green Day as much as the next guy, but half of our customer base is little old ladies, I’m not sure they’re super down with pop punk on a Monday night,” your boss replied. “Which album?” Minhyuk jumped in. He came in every now and then, always a mischievous glimmer in his eye. Today was just the same. “American Idiot,” you replied. “Oh, well, that’s a classic, you have to let her play it.” Minhyuk shrugged, turning to your boss. “She’s clearly got great taste, come on.” “There you go, see? Even he wants Green Day!” You pouted. “Sorry, guys, no can do.” You manager sighed. You scoffed, turning to Minhyuk with a pout. “Party pooper.” Minhyuk pulled his tongue before throwing a smirk your way.
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He was a regular at the bookstore you worked at. It was a used bookstore, selling anything and everything literary for dirt cheap and he would come in every few weeks with an empty box ready to fill. He would sit on the floor if he had to, scouring the shelves. Every time you checked him out, you would peak at the titles, feigning checking prices. “Have you read this one?” He asked the last time, pointing to one with a black cover, gold lettering. “I haven’t, but I’ve heard plenty about it. I was actually planning to buy it tonight before leaving, but you beat me to it.” He smiled to himself, seeing an opportunity he’d been waiting for. “Well, you’ll just have to borrow it from me, won’t you?” You looked up. “I guess I might.”
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You were hurrying past the romance section into fantasy which had been moved to the back of the store, according to an employee. You were frowning, disappointed your favorite section didn’t sell enough to be featured front and center, overall just stuck in your own head. In front of a showy display for a new release in romance was an ethereally good-looking young man in a long coat, hair falling into his face. He made you almost stop in your tracks, steps hiccupping. He looked up at you. “Do you know anything about romance novels?” He asked casually. You frowned again. “No.” “Right. My mom sent me to get something for her, but I don’t remember the title, so I’m kind of just hoping I’ll find it.” “Ask an employee?” You hid a smile. The answer seemed simple enough. “I would. I don’t remember the author’s name either, just the cover. Describing it as a ‘woman in a man’s embrace with the sky in the background’ well- I don’t think it’ll get me anywhere looking at this.” “Not particularly,” you laughed despite yourself. “What are you here for?” He looked up at you suddenly, and his eyes were so pretty it took you a second to answer. “The, uh, fantasy… section…” “Take me there.” “What?” You asked, confused. “I don’t know, anywhere’s better than here. I have to call my mom. Where’s the fantasy section?” He looked over the shelves and it occurred to you he was tall enough to actually see the section signs over the shelves. 
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You had somehow been following each other through the little boutique. It wasn’t intentional, but clearly you had similar taste. He was cute, tall, and you didn’t mind. He knelt down to look at the section for fiction authors whose last names begin in K, then stood up abruptly, turning to L, then M, clearly looking for something. You continued on skimming the shelves. He cleared his throat. "Can I show you something?” He asked you, finally breaking the silence. “Sure,” you replied, eyes wide. He smiled to himself and pulled out a book. “This book here has a photo of me as a kid on it." “Oh,” you giggled despite yourself. So he was sweet, too. 
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This was your absolute favorite little shop in the city, one that mostly contained books but often sold all sorts of knickknacks you couldn’t help but wonder about. Where did they even come from? Some had you staring for too long, wondering what they even did. You could spend well over an hour in there, going through the bookshelves, more often than not going home arms full of books, and tonight was no different to the exception of snow lightly floating down outside, covering everything in a dreamy coat of shimmery white. In the shop with you were the owner, at this point almost a friend to you, and a boy surely around your age. He was staring at an old film reel toy on the top of the cash counter, frowning. “It’s a toy,” you offered, waiting for the shop owner to be finished punching your books’ titles into the register.  “Yeah, I’m just wondering what the reel shows. I had one when I was little.” “Well, look at it,” you shrugged. He glanced up at you, small smile hovering over his features before grabbing the red plastic thing in his hand and holding it up. The owner gave you your total and you pulled out your card. “Dinosaurs.” The guy said. “Oh?” “Yeah. Very cool.” He bit his lip and laid it back on the counter while you piled your books, regretting not bringing a bag and questioning how in the hell you were going to take these home through the metro system without dropping them. “You need help with that?” The boy came over. “Uh, sure, but it’s sort of a ride.” “I don’t mind,” he took some books out of your hands. “I read this one, actually. And this one. That one. You’ll have to tell me how you like- sorry, what am I saying?” He laughed to himself. “Well, maybe I will,” you cocked your head, thinking him cute.
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subwalls · 4 years
An analysis on Ranboo’s January 30th stream, meant to pick apart c!Ranboo’s complex relationship with reality and the voices in his head. This will be broken up into three (3) parts: introduction, stream analysis, and conclusion.
cw unreality, derealization, etc.
Before we start, I want to make clear that this is just my personal reading of the stream’s events, and as such it may not be the same as yours, and that’s okay! Critical reading is all about how one work can be viewed through a variety of lenses to yield very different conclusions, and the validation of one does not immediately mean all the others are Bad and Wrong.
We all got that? Cool.
Now, a common theory being tossed around at the moment is the idea that the entire stream was a dream (ha) or hallucination. This possibility is somewhat backed up by a few observations I will point out in the rest of this post, but for the sake of seriously dissecting this dream into truths and untruths, I will not be assuming that everything that happened was fake. I’ll delve a little deeper into why this theory doesn’t completely convince me in the conclusion, too.
Aw yeah, here comes the frame-by-frame analysis of 41 minutes of footage.
... Well, kinda. Let’s start with a play-by-play instead of a frame-by-frame, yeah? 
At 2:45 into the stream, Ranboo starts out in the panic room, looking at the “You are fine” sign. He says that Sam told him he can visit Dream (”him”) today, and reflects on the fact that he’s no longer looking for clarity or confrontation (me, looking at the stream title: uh,) but rather to make Dream think about what he did.
“He deserves to know what he did.” (Ranboo at 3:47)
“I’m gonna tell him what those thoughts are.” (Ranboo at 3:55, which is an... interesting remark, seeing as the voice in his head that sounds like Dream has been trying to tell Ranboo what his thoughts are. But it doesn’t mean anything substantial.)
Vibe check so far? REAL. Nothing appears to be out of place in the panic room. Ranboo is nervous but keeping it together and talking himself through it. Sounds great!
After a bit of psyching himself up (and noticeably declaring his memory book to be the only one that hasn’t been tampered with), Ranboo starts towards the prison. He’s scared and doesn’t know why, but he’s gonna do it.
One thing of note is that he passes by Sam Nook’s construction site, and the place’s big map sign thing never quite loads in properly. The whole thing just stays black. Suspicious, but those maps are honestly kinda glitchy at loading in anyway because they’re entities instead of blocks. Or maybe Sam Nook’s doing some prep. (Edit: more likely is that this is a clone of the Dream SMP server for the sake of what they’re about to do to the prison, and it doesn’t have the map plugin, so all the picture maps in the world are broken.)
As the prison comes into view, he continues talking to himself (he’s never been to prison, apparently; he’s been inside Pandora’s Vault before, but not as a prisoner). He thinks about the fact that he could get rid of Dream if he wanted to, but no, he couldn’t. 
The prison entrance portal is actually already lit. Ranboo isn’t sure what he’s supposed to do but eventually hits the button.
After quite a bit of waiting, Sam eventually greets him (13:32) and invites him to step into the portal. Ranboo goes through the portal and appears in a warped forest biome.
This is incredibly suspicious. The prison’s nether portal is supposed to be a customized portal in six (6) layers of obsidian that floats over a sea of lava. In fact—and I will come back to fix this if I’m mistaken—I’m pretty sure the portal resides in the fringes of a basalt delta, not a warped forest. You can see a bit of a basalt delta poking over the warped fungi in the distance, but Ranboo is very clearly in the wrong spot. 
So why the warped forest, the wrong biome and the wrong portal? It probably has something to do with the fact that Ranboo is part enderman, and enderman live in the warped forest. With the End forbidden and unknown (seeing as Techno and Phil had no idea what an End Portal was), the warped forest is likely the closest thing endermen as a species can call home in the Dream SMP.
Anyway. This is the earliest instance of either a brief hallucination or Ranboo losing his connection to reality altogether.
Ranboo goes through the portal when instructed to by Sam and properly appears in the prison’s interior portal, facing Sam at his warden’s... desk thing. Sam has Mining Fatigue right now, by the way, as seen by the particles. Ranboo is then teleported to Sam (14:20) for some reason (maybe because, behind the scenes, he was in a duped prison portal in order to make the warped forest thing happen), appearing to be inside Sam’s space before he moves back out. They do not acknowledge this.
Sam does the same series of questions to Ranboo that he did to Tommy. Ranboo says that he has not come to the prison before or even spoke to Dream before, and expresses to Sam his desire to bring his memory book along. Sam agrees on the condition that he holds onto it during the way there.
Side note: Ranboo does not get Mining Fatigue until he’s already inside the prison and being questioned. (14:47) This is quite different from the timing when Tommy got Mining Fatigue in his visit, but considering the fact that we don’t know the placement of the elder guardians or even how many there are, this could just be natural variation...
Anyway, Ranboo does the same thing we saw Tommy do with the locker and the examinations and whatever, except that Sam is... more cordial. Nicer. This is vaguely suspicious, but he’s been a little softer since his encounter with the Crimson and he has a clear soft spot for the kids. Tommy also is very different from the clearly nervous Ranboo (Sam points out that Ranboo is nervous later on, around 20:01, so he definitely noticed), so he could have just been being nice to the poor traumatized kid... Or maybe this is just a Sam constructed from Ranboo’s memories of a nice person, and not the real one. It’s not very clear but could be swayed in either direction.
One odd thing—Ranboo took quite a bit to die to the harming potions, and I feel like Tommy died faster, but I’ll have to check. It’s as though Ranboo got Harming I instead of Harming II? Sam even comments that it “took a minute” (19:12). Also, Ranboo loses his levels in this process, so, uh, if his next stream he appears with levels, that means there’s something happening that we ain’t seeing.
A skeleton dies somewhere offscreen lmao.
Ranboo is immediately re-inflicted with Mining Fatigue every time he dies, by the way, so they’re definitely within range of the elder guardians.
Ranboo endures the water section of the trip and it sucked but he seems about the same level of nervous as before, so. Sam takes the time to reassure him and give him the memory book at the last step before the cell itself.
“He [Dream] shouldn’t misbehave, he knows what happens when he does.” (Sam at 25:23, he still got that bit of ruthless warden in him.)
Vibe check again—this prison, physically speaking? Seems real. It’s possible that Ranboo could be drawing on memories from his other self, but considering that he has never been to the prison before, the fact that the prison is the exact same as the real prison that Tommy went to seems to indicate that this is a real experience. 
Ranboo’s Mining Fatigue gets refreshed, so looks like the elder guardians reach here too. Dream has the Mining Fatigue particles as soon as he comes into view. (Only pointing this out because it notably took Dream a long time to get Mining Fatigue back when Tommy visited him.)
A weird sound happens at 27:31. Not sure what that’s about.
The lava curtain comes back down, and Ranboo turns around to see Dream. His screen shakes a bit as he turns, which could be anything from lag (there’s a lot of lava moving right now) to nerves (both in-character and out). (Edit: confirmed in the chill stream following that he was just nervous, and feeling his character’s nervousness.) First thing of note, here: the item frame holding the clock on the wall is transparent. This is a texture pack thing, presumably—could be the same thing that fucked up the construction site’s map sign earlier, maybe it’s even just the texture pack that some members of the SMP have installed for the chess thing—but it’s still something to notice. 
Dream greets Ranboo with quite a bit of joy and energy, and says it’s not a surprise for Ranboo to visit, and altogether makes numerous implications that he and Ranboo’s other self have been conversing a lot in the times that Ranboo doesn’t remember. 
“We’re best friends, right?” (Dream at 28:19, and I better not see any serious remarks about gaslighting here Dream is actually telling the truth, he just has not realized that this Ranboo doesn’t remember their conversations.)
“I’ve probably talked to you more than I’ve talked to anybody on the entire server.” (Dream at 28:27, indignant at Ranboo’s claim that they’ve barely talked, which. Yeah. I mean this whole thing could be a lie or fake but... I don’t know, I’m not convinced.)
Ranboo, whose understanding of his relationship to Dream is very different from Dream’s apparent understanding of their relationship, claims that Dream is just trying to scare him. Dream sounds confused and asks, “Why are you acting different?” (28:45) so he’s definitely not had dealings with this (awake?) Ranboo, but rather the... other set of memories.
“Ooooh.” (Dream at 28:56, which I think marks the moment he realizes that this is the other Ranboo, and it isn’t the one that he normally speaks with.)
Dream continues to say that he’s glad that Ranboo’s come to visit, that Ranboo’s been a great helping hand, and Ranboo immediately accuses him of somehow knowing about the whole panic room situation, and after Ranboo declares that he’s not going to let Dream trick him into thinking that he did those things—
“But you did do those things.” (Voice at 29:36)
Voice is always fake; it’s not “real” (audible by anyone else), and it’s not Dream.
Kudos to cc!Dream, by the way, his tone audibly changes when he switches into Ranboo’s Voice. This, I believe, is the turning point of the stream. The Voice returns, marked by the tone difference from c!Dream and also by the constant referral to Dream in the third person. 
Now, here’s the interesting thing. The Voice claims that the reason why it went away is because Dream was put in prison and thus they haven’t been talking as much, which leads to Ranboo forgetting how Dream sounds like and thus robbing Voice of that, well, voice. (29:58) The implication here is that the reason behind Dream’s voice being the Voice of the “other” in Ranboo’s head is because the other just talks to Dream a lot. 
Ranboo questions the third person thing, asking if he’s gone insane in prison, and there’s a pause, and then Dream says, “You’re right, you’re right. Yes, yes, there’s not much to do here.” (30:20) The tone shift is a little more subtle here, but the way Dream responded—it’s like he was responding to something else. “Have you gone insane” doesn’t usually lead to “You’re right”, because that’s a question, not a statement. 
We’re real again, folks. But only briefly. Actually, it sounds like real Dream has been talking to someone while Ranboo was talking with his Voice, and when Ranboo heard him again, he was mid-conversation. Dream may have been speaking with that other Ranboo and we as the audience and Ranboo simply couldn’t hear.
Dream apparently doesn’t like his clock (30:32), and then prompts Ranboo to see what he’s been writing. In suspiciously good timing, we hear the elder guardian’s curse go off again to refresh Mining Fatigue, and then Dream hands Ranboo a book.
Here, the unreality really sets in.
The book is named Do not read. (30:47) It is a precise copy of Ranboo’s memory book, and when Ranboo checks Dream’s chest full of books, they are all named Do not read. and have the same contents. What appears to be real Dream invites him to look through them, and as Ranboo panics over this, what appears to be the Voice rather than c!Dream tells Ranboo that he needs “to face the truth” (31:18).
Ranboo says the truth is that Dream is a terrible person who hurt others.
The Voice says the truth is that Ranboo helped “me”. (31:35) Now, I can’t tell if this is a slip of the tongue on cc!Dream’s part or on the Voice’s part, but he does correct himself and say “Dream” after, so take that how you will. 
At this point, the Dream on the screen’s body language starts to match up with the Voice (moving while it talks), and the Voice claims “I’m not even Dream,” which lines up with its prior claims that it is just another part of Ranboo. 
Ranboo tries to rationalize the situation, assuming that the real Dream is speaking right now, but the Voice refers to Ranboos memories in the first person (“I know what I went through because I’m you,” 32:01), reinforces the fact that “you” (Ranboo) use to talk with Dream every day, and the only reason the Voice stopped happening is because he couldn’t picture Dream’s voice after not speaking with him since Dream went to prison. 
“He [Dream] would tell you [Ranboo] things to do. You were like his little... servant.” (Voice at 32:24)
Ranboo refuses this, the Voice continues to insist that he did help Dream, Ranboo asks why he doesn’t remember, and Voice says that he does; the Voice remembers, and the Voice is Ranboo. 
And then the Voice says, “I’m not even real,” and the Dream on screen vanishes. 
We don’t see a logout message on screen, but Ranboo isn’t in f1, so Dream probably either /tp’d somewhere OR switched to spectator mode. Ranboo suddenly gets the Nausea effect, panics and looks at the chest and says that he got rid of the voice, but the obsidian starts falling (gravity applied to the cell, hope they have a backup of the server to rollback to or let themselves use creative lmao) which unveils some details in the Pandora’s Vault inner chamber that I’d love to dissect but not now, and then Ranboo "hits the ground too hard” and dies.
Of note: Ranboo’s death screen is not vanilla. The word “Died” is capitalized where it shouldn’t be, and even though Ranboo lost his levels dying on the way in, his score is 206810. I bet that’s a code for something but I have no idea what for.
(I typed 206810 into my search bar and got a hex code for green. Yeah. Darker than what you’d associate with Dream, but... green.)
And then we have morse code crown and smiley that’s supposed to say “not free yet” or something but apparently there’s other translations because cc!Ranboo might’ve hecked it up a little bit. Oops.
But yeah, there you go! That’s the stream.
Not once does Ranboo press tab, by the way. Something makes me think that that might be because they’re not on the real Dream SMP—also to, you know, avoid having to rebuild the prison.
I do think the prison visit is real at first. Ranboo falls in and out of contact with reality, and the warped forest is definitely fishy, but the layout of the prison is too precisely accurate to be wholeheartedly dreamed up. He’s never been there before, after all, and Sam doesn’t correct him—which could mean that Sam is fake and Ranboo is drawing on those other memories, but we never see Ranboo use memories he doesn’t have, he just acts on emotions and feelings that his other self seems to have.
So, the moments that are “real” are Ranboo walking to the prison, through the prison, and the first part of his talk with Dream. He clips back into reality just in time for Dream to show him a book, which immediately pops Ranboo back into the land of hallucinations, because there’s no way Dream has so many copies of the real memory book when he’s been isolated in his cell this entire time. The warped forest was probably a hallucination born of Ranboo’s enderman (sleepwalking) half being nervous, since Ranboo said he was nervous but couldn’t pinpoint why; it was probably that other side. Still don’t know why he’d be nervous though, when it seems like Dream’s happy to see him. 
The room caving in and Dream disappearing are fake. I think it’s symbolic of the other side forcing Ranboo to black out in order to have a conversation with Dream that isn’t being interrupted by the awake self. Who knows where and how Ranboo is going to wake up next time, honestly. Or even if he’ll remember the visit at all.
Oh, and I really doubt this costed a canon life. There’s some very funky implications if it does, but I’ll only get into that if we get a confirmed life lost.
Again, the Voice is not Dream but instead is the side of Ranboo that actually remembers the supposedly “bad” things he did at Dream’s behest. Interestingly, Dream calls them besties, but the Voice sounds almost... scornful and refers to Ranboo as Dream’s little servant. Sure tells you how fucked up c!Dream’s definition of a friend is, huh?
Speaking of c!Dream, here’s an interesting thought: sleepwalking Ranboo only speaks Ender, as shown by his attempts to communicate with Philza. So, assuming that sleepwalking Ranboo is the “other” Ranboo that remembers things, he probably couldn’t have visited the prison, because he couldn’t organize a visit time with Sam, because that would require speaking Player.
However. He used to speak with Dream on a regular basis.
Which means Dream speaks (or at least understands) Ender. This would also explain why the Voice manifests as Dream’s; it’s the only other voice that understands the tongue it uses.
I’ve got a lot of thoughts about Pandora’s Vault because we got a little sneak peek at some of the redstone behind those obsidian walls when the room started caving in, but that’s for later. Hope this was helpful to... I dunno, anyone? I’ll probably come back and add/edit things as needed.
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Out Of Time ~ 106
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< previous chapter
Word Count: 3,350ish
Summary: Y/N gets a call. (Yep, that’s it.)
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Summer came and went. Tony and Y/N spent every second that they could together. And when they weren’t together it was because Pepper had forced Tony into meetings and Y/N was at the new facility training.
Talks of having children never came up again, but that’s also because Y/N was doing everything in her power to avoid it.
Before they knew it, it was October. Y/N and Tony were currently laying in bed after another round of sex. They were both shocked when FRIDAY interrupted their peace with an announcement.
“Excuse me, Boss,” the AI started, “but someone’s trying to reach you using the private line.”
“The private line?” Tony repeated.
“Only one person uses the private line,” Y/N stated. “After six months, now is when he decides to call? Not impressed.”
“Ignore it, FRIDAY.”
“I have tried,” FRIDAY said. “But it had been ringing off the hook for the past hour.” 
Y/N groaned, burying her face into Tony’s neck. “Just answer it,” she said quietly.
“Y/N? You there?” Coulson’s voice filled the room.
“She’s here,” Tony replied. “Have you decided to finally call and apologize?”
“I have bigger issues right now.”
“Really, Phil?” Y/N questioned. “Like what?”
“Simmons is missing.”
Coulson went on to explain that Simmons disappeared about 6 months ago, after looking into the rock, the monolith, that was on Gonzalez’ ship. Fitz had been trying his best to find a way to reach her, but nothing. Coulson decided that he needed Y/N’s help on this one, to at least bring Fitz back to reality. That Simmons may never be coming back.
Y/N and Tony quickly dressed. Tony ordered for all the information to be sent to him so that he could also work on it. He gave her a kiss goodbye before she went through a portal to Coulson’s office in the base. 
There Phil also explained what had and was happening the Inhumans. Jiaying had killed Gonzalez, trying to start a war. Cal was forced to kill Jiaying in front of Skye, who was now going by Daisy. The crystals had fallen into the ocean and were absorbed by the fish. Causing people to start unlocking there Inhuman DNA without the risk of others dying.
“I do want to apologize,” Coulson finished off his briefing. “You didn’t deserve any of how you were treated. I’m so sorry.”
“Where is everyone?” Y/N asked.
“Skye—Daisy,  I mean, Mack, and Hunter are on an extraction mission right now. An Inhuman after terrigensis.”
“Do they know you’re bringing me in?”
“Not yet. Thought it might be a welcome surprise for them.” Coulson checked his watch. “I’m actually running late to meet them. You wanna come with me or stay here?” Coulson began leaving his office.
“You said you were just bringing me in to help Fitz.”
“Yeah, well, I have a new plane. You wanna see it?”
Y/N was in awe off the new plane, Zephyr One. It was definitely more suited to the team’s needs than the Bus was. Coulson told Y/N to stay hidden while he went to talk to Daisy. She couldn’t help but follow them.
“How’s he doing?” Coulson asked, speaking of the man in the containment module.
“Okay,” Daisy answered. “For now.” 
“Third incident already this month, but at least we were able to get our hands on this one.”
“The rate of new cases is increasing.”
“We knew it would after the initial reports.”
“A new inhuman could emerge anywhere, without having any idea what’s happened.”
“Only in the continental US so far. Plus, this new aircraft can stay in the air much longer than the old plane. Days, really, so rapid response anywhere is—“
“You love your new toy, don’t you?”
“I ver much love my new toy. But even with the mind-boggling range of this puppy—“
“Inhumans are still disappearing.”
“This is the first one in a while we’ve been able to secure.”
“Well, it’s no mystery who’s taking them. That black-ops group was there before us.”
“I know.”
“Again. Whoever they are. How many do you think they’ve taken?”
“We know of at least five sightings. Five individuals who vanished before we could get to them. But the real mystery is, who’s running that group?” Coulson and Daisy walked over to the monitors.
“Not if you did your part. How did it feel to join the paparazzi, Phil?”
“I think I might have missed my calling. I have every body, every piece of software, tasked with identifying that woman.” He pointed to the woman on the monitor. “So we can figure out where she’s taking inhuman and what exactly she plans to do with them.”
“Sounds like you need me for more than just hutting down Simmons and calming Fitz then,” Y/N stated as she walked up behind them.
“Y/N?” Daisy gasped with surprise. “How— why—“ She ran up to hug her. “I’ve missed you.”
Y/N welcomed the hug. “I’ve missed you, too.” She pulled back to get a look at her friend. “Well you sure have changed. Chopped your hair off and are going by a different name? Sure sounds like I missed a lot.”
“What are you doing here?”
“I called her in,” Coulson responded. “To help Fitz.”
“Anyone else know you’re here yet?”
“No,” Y/N replied. “Not yet anyway.”
Everyone was surprised to see Y/N back. But no one risked questioning it, not wanting to get on her or Coulson’s bad sides. She followed Hunter and Coulson to his office, waiting for instructions.
“They’re not HYDRA,” Hunter stated. “You know, I’ve been digging, and my street sources tell me HYDRA’s gone silent. Eerily silent.”
“Really?’ Y/N questioned.
“Yes, but—“
“Yeah, the HYDRA finances we track are static,” Coulson interrupted. “No money’s changing hands.” 
They entered his office, where Mack was waiting for them with pictures of the woman they were tracking up on the monitor.
“And by the looks of the hardware these gung-ho nutters are using,” Hunter added, “they’re well-funded.”
“So if this woman’s not HYDRA, what is she?” Coulson asked.
“Everything else,” Mack answered. “I mean, look at this.” He motioned to the monitor. “Two years CIA.”
“Is that MI6?” Hunter wondered.
“She really gets around,” Y/N muttered, reading off the monitor as well.
“Yeah,” Mack continued, “under which time, she was consulting with the CDC, apparently.”
“All under different aliases,” Coulson stated.
“Oh, I like her,” Hunter commented.
“Me too,” Y/N added with a smirk.
“Yeah, but how are you supposed to track down someone like this?” Mack asked. “We can’t look everywhere.”
“If we can trace that hardware,” Coulson said, pointing to the gun Hunter had brought in, “that could give us a place to start. Take that down to Bobbi in the lab.” Coulson moved over to an open briefcase underneath a red axe. “Have the team analyze it.”
“Oh, no, no, no, no, no,” Hunter quickly refused. “No, no, I’m— I’m…. Not going anywhere near Bobbi.”
“Really?” Y/N questioned. “Again?”
“Fine,” Coulson conceded. “Y/N and I will take it to her. Wouldn’t want you to do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable.” Suddenly, Coulson twisted off his left hand.
“Hold up! What is that? And when did it happen?” Y/N pointed at Coulson’s fake hand. “You lost your hand?!”
“Did I forget to mention that?”
“Uh, yeah.” 
“I know that’s sarcasm,” Hunter continued with his rambling. “And I’m choosing to accept your thoughtfulness at face value.”
“Mack, you should head downstairs,” Coulson ordered. “Assist Skye with intake.”
“Daisy,” the other three corrected.
“Daisy. Damn it. Hard for us to get used to, huh?”
“Mm… no.” / “No, just you.” / “I just found out and I seem to be doing okay.”
“Okay. So, what do we know about this Jose Gutierrez?”
“He goes by Joey,” Mack answered. “Construction foreman, motorcycle enthusiast.”
“Appears to be able to liquefy certain metals spontaneously at a distance of up to 3 meters.”
“Good thing I kept Tony home then,” Y/N commented.
“Yeah,” Mack agreed. “And understandably, that development has scared the living crap out of him.”
Mack headed down to help Skye while Y/N and Coulson made their way to the lab. As they entered, the base shook.
“New readings on the monolith?” Coulson asked Bobbi.
“Nope,” she responded. “That was Daisy firing a warning shot.” She turned to see Y/N standing next to Coulson. “Good to have you back, Y/N.”
“I’m not back,” Y/N responded. “Just visiting.”
“Anyway, there’s been no new readings, no new anything on the monolith in months. Fitz even stopped sending automated probes into that room. No one’s stepped foot in there since… Simmons was swallowed up by it.” 
Coulson was staring at the monitor, showing the fed of Daisy and Mack with Joey. “This was fish oil again?” He asked.
“What can I say? We pulled the product off shelves, but we can’t track down every bottle sold. The good news, if you want to call it that, is the deadly metallic elements sank to the bottom.” Bobbi led them to another part of the lab. “So the chemical contaminating the sea life isn’t deadly to humans just game-changing for inhumans. The bad news—“
“It’s not just in the fish oil. Where else could it have spread?”
“Other sea life. With ocean currents, it’s dispersed into the ecosystem.”
“I need to know how wide a range we’re talking.”
“Fitz and I have the team working on a computer simulation.”
“That biology degree’s finally coming in handy, huh?”
“Leaving me stuck staring at screens in here for all eternity.”
“I get it. Rehab’s a bitch. At least you’re not hoping your knee will grow back.”
They had stopped in front of a few scientists working and a glass box with a hand clutching a crystal in it.
“Is that—“ Y/N started. “Is that your hand?”
“Yep,” Coulson answered.
“Sorry,” Bobbi said. “I’m just frustrated. The simulation’s taking a while.”
“Have Fitz look into this, too.” Coulson handed her the gun from earlier. “If we can figure out where it came from—“
“We could narrow the search on the mystery girl.”
“I’m sure she’d prefer mystery woman. Oh, and by the way, where is he? Y/N’s been brought in to help him.”
“He requested yesterday to do some research at SHIELD archives, but I haven’t seen him all day.”
“All call him in. He’s chasing down on last lead on the monolith.”
“I’m guessing he’s had a lot of last leads,” Y/N said.
“Call him in. Tell him I’m here. If you need to, put me on the phone.”
Daisy, Coulson, Mack, and Y/N were all in the common area, watching their new inhuman, Joey, on the monitor.
“He’s going nuts,” Daisy said. “Joey’s have a tough time. The change is hard enough physically. But emotionally, it’s a whole other thing. I tried talking him down, but I blew it in here. And Mack is not exactly coming off as a teddy bear.”
“You just told the guy I’m a teddy bear,” Mack defended.
“And then you told him the best case scenario was his head blown off.”
“I need help, and there’s one person who’s better at that than anyone.”
“Lincoln?” Coulson guessed. “You really want to go there again?” Coulson headed out of the room, the others following.
“He could help with intake. Plus, he understands the physical change. He’s a doctor, whereas we don’t even know what medical treatments to give.”
“Daisy’s got a point,” Y/N agreed.
“Last time you tried to sell him on it, he wasn’t exactly buying,” Coulson said.
“I’d like to try again,” Daisy said.
“Mack, what’s your take?” The paused in the middle of the hallway.
“I voiced my feelings about letting Lincoln roam free,” Mack responded. “I’d gladly drag him in here where he can’t hurt anyone. But if Daisy can talk him in… he might actually do some good.”
“Both of you go. Requisition a flight team and a quinjet.”
“You wanna come?” Daisy asked Y/N.
“I’ll pass on this one since I’m technically here for something else,” Y/N answered, throwing a glare Coulson’s way. “But that plan doesn’t seem to be going anywhere. Now I’m wondering if this was all a ploy to get me back on the team.”
“Hey, Coulson,” Bobbi called from the lab. “Got her.” Y/N and Coulson followed Bobbi into the lab. They stopped in front of a screen with the woman pictured on it. “Weapon is a DARPA prototype. We tapped surveillance at multiple DARPA facilities, got a hit. The DC branch office. She visits every few days.” 
“A routine,” Coulson said. “Tell me there’s a window where we can get to her.”
“It’s a small one. Every night she visits, she leaves at approximately 9:00 pm, with a small security detail. They’re all three dropped at the metro station on 12th. Half an hour later, her escorts buy her a coffee on the walk to the platform. But she boards the 9:35 train alone. Sits in the middle, drinks her coffee, and answers e-mails. It’s the only time she’s alone all day.”
“You’re going in to talk to her aren’t you?” Y/N questioned. “Phil, where the hell is Fitz? And why the hell am I here?” 
“To help Fitz,” Coulson answered.
“Yeah, then where is he?” Suddenly, Y/N could feel Bobbi’s mind.
“Shit,” Bobbi thought, “Fitz is causing some real trouble. If only he would have stayed back like I told him to.”
“I don’t know where he is,” Coulson replied. “If I did, then you’d be helping him.”
“I’m sorry, sir,” Y/N said. “It appears that I’m a little tired. While you are off meeting the woman, I think I’ll stay behind, rest and search for Fitz.”
Coulson was put off by the quick change in Y/N. “Okay… you do that. Let me know how it goes.” Coulson walked way and Y/N spun around to face Bobbi.
“Where is he?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Bobbi responded.
“Cut the crap, Bobbi. Have you forgotten that I can read minds? Where is Fitz?”
“He found a lead in Morocco,” she whispered. “I’ve been covering for him.”
“Is he safe?”
“Lost contact a few hours ago.” 
“Damn it, Fitz. Give me his number. I’m tracking him down.”
“Y/N, I think that—“
“I was literally pulled out of my bed to come here. And I was really enjoying retirement. So, you either willingly give me his number or I force it from you.”
Unfortunately, for Y/N, she had never been to Morocco. So she wasn’t able to create a teleport to get to Fitz. She was working on a tablet in the common area, when the team turned on the tv. President Mathew Ellis was on it, doing a press conference from the White House.
“Good evening,” Ellis greeted. “I’m here tonight to address growing concerns among out citizens of the threats we face that are not of this world. I don’t need to remind people of the catastrophes in New York, London, and, most recently, Sokovia. Tragedies that seem to be growing in number and scale. And the organization we had in place to protect us, SHIELD, brought airships raining down in our nation’s capital.”
“Every day, new dangers present themselves,” Ellis continued, “filling our peaceful streets with chaos. By executive order, I have created a special task force to neutralize these alien threats on our soil. The Advanced Threat Containment Unit, or ATCU, will be given full license to act with whatever authority is necessary. The laws of nature have changed. And until the laws of man change to reflect that, we must do what we feel is right.”
“I’ve never liked Ellis,” Y/N muttered. 
Her tablet finally showed Fitz’ flight. He was coming back. And so she’d wait. Coulson found her that night, waiting alone in the lab and joined her. Neither of them said anything. Suddenly, Fitz came through the doors, tearing off his suit coat as he worked on the small object in his hands. Rolling up his sleeves, Fitz turned and noticed the other two. They slowly come closer to Fitz.
“We’ve been waiting for a while,” Coulson said.
“Had to be done,” Fitz responded. “It’s my last shot.”
“What’s supposed to be in there?” Y/N asked, looking at the object on his desk.
“The answer.”
“You’ve thought you’ve had the answers before,” Coulson said. “I think you’ve considered every possible answer… except the obvious one.”
“That’s why you brought Y/N here, isn’t it?” Fitz continued to work as he questioned them. “To change my mind?”
“I’m only here to help,” Y/N stated.
“You thought Simmons was trapped inside the monolith, but every instrument scan showed the stone was solid all the way through,” Coulson explained. “After hearing about the Pym Technologies disaster, you even thought she’d been reduced to a microscopic level. But no evidence supported that. And now… 
“And now I think—I know—it’s a black hole,” Fitz said, frustrated. “It’s dark matter made solid. It can warp space-time. It— look, regardless— okay?” He picked up the object he’d been working on. “This is gonna tell us exactly what that monolith is. So…” 
Fitz slammed it down on the desk, breaking it open. Coulson and Y/N shared a worried look. Fitz took out an old, rolled up piece of paper.
“Should we scan it?” Coulson suggested. “See if the computer can decipher what the—“
“It’s Hebrew,” Fitz answered, not looking up from the paper. “It’s just one word.”
“What does it mean?” Y/N asked, stepping closer to look at it.
“Fitz,” Coulson carefully called, “I’m gonna make the trip to Sheffield. Jemma’s family to deserves to know that she’s MIA.”
“Ohh,” Fitz scoffed, getting emotional.
“They need to be able to move on. And so do we. You have shown so much heart, never giving up on Simmons, and I will always, always respect you for it. But look around. We need you. We need that big brain of yours and that heart here. Okay? I miss her, too. I’m having a hard time accepting it. All of it. I-I’m on my third hand. But nothing feels normal because nothing will feel normal. Y/N went into retirement, and I know she’s mad I brought her back. May took off on vacation and never came back. So I lost my right hands, too. We have got to accept it, to say goodbye. We need to say goodbye.”
“Jemma would want us to do that, Fitz,” Y/N quietly added, her voice filled with emotion. “Okay?”
Coulson walked away but Y/N stayed back to watch Fitz. He was clearly struggling with this. He paused at the door on his way out of the lab before quickly going in the direction of where the monolith was being stored. Y/N rushed to follow him.
“Fitz!” She called. “What are you doing?”
He grabbed a gun off the wall and marched towards the room. Fitz tore the caution tape away and broke into the room.
“Fitz! Stop!”
Fitz shot at the container, successfully breaking through the lock and straps.
“Fitz!” Y/N rushed up to him, standing in front of him. “I don’t know what you think you’re doing. But it’s not smart. Just think about it for a second!”
Fitz shoved her aside, causing her to fall to the ground, and quickly opened the door to the monolith. He stepped inside it.
“Do something,” he ordered the rock.
Y/N couldn’t do anything but watch. She knew and completely understood how bad he was hurting. It was the same when Bucky fell.
“Do something!” He shouted, breathing heavily. “Do something!” He screamed. “Do something!”
next chapter >
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Another chapter of Surprisingly Familiar. Time to write for Grifter again!!!
hermit Tommy au is by @petrichormeraki and @helleborusangel gets tagged in my writing because I can.
Grian groaned as he woke up. It sounded like someone was up pretty early, and based on the fact that he seemed to be the only one in bed, he had a guess as to who it was. He was too tired to look at the time, but either way it was supposed to be the weekend and he wasn’t awake enough to be his normal wake up.
“What’re you doing?” Grian asked tiredly, wrapping himself in the covers more. “Come back to bed. ‘M feelin’ cold.”
Grian was glad to hear footsteps, but then realized they didn’t sound right. He turned in bed to face the source before opening his eyes and then finding himself face to face with the minimalist image of a face with a mustache.
Grian tried to jump back, but that was hard due to still being in bed. He still moved back some, and was able to see the image seemed to belong to a screen that was attached to a robot. “Dad! He’s awake now! I think I scawed him a wittwe!”
Grian didn’t pay attention to any answer as he looked around the room. He was in a large fancy king sized bed in a room that matched it. In other words, this was not his normal bedroom. Grian tried to get up out of the bed, but the robot pushed him back down, being much stronger than him despite being smaller.
As the robot’s hand kept him in bed, Grian started struggling, trying to find some way to escape. He wasn’t going to let himself be stuck in a place like this. If he just had something to use against the robot, maybe he could get out, but his punches and kicks did nothing except leave himself in pain.
“Stowp stwuggwing. You’we gonna huwt youwself awnd Dad’s nowt gonna wike thawt at aww.”
That just made Grian struggle harder. “Well I don’t care! I’d rather not be kidnapped and want to go home. If you want I could just scream bloody murder until someone shows up!”
“Thawt pwobabwy won’t work.”
“What, is that normal here?” Grian asked jokingly, but then was disappointed to see the robot nod. “Oh course it is.”
“If uwu don’t twy weaving, I’m gonna get my Dad. Awnd even if uwu twy, Seftew’s pwobabwy going tuwu stowp uwu.”
“Lovely.” Grian deadpanned, and then the robot left. Despite the warning, Grian still tried to leave, but found his escape blocked by another similar robot, though it was different enough that it couldn’t be the first one again. When it saw Grian, it stared him down until he reluctantly went back to the bed and sat there pouting.
He had to wait a bit while sitting there, lying back down at one point, but eventually the door opened again. Instead of the heavy metallic footsteps of the robot, they sounded much more like a human’s. They cleared their throat to get Grian’s attention, but he wasn’t really in a hurry to give them that. “So, mind telling me what you kidnapped me for?”
“You’re the one who was napping.” The person replied, and Grian’s eyes widened before he sat up. Standing there was himself, well, their face was definitely his. They seemed to be a few inches taller, red sweater replaced by a green tunic shirt, and black wings just barely visible folded up behind their back. “I was just trying to help.”
“What- but- why do you look like-” Grian fumbled out, mind trying to wrap around what he was seeing. “Dad?”
There was silence before the person held in some laughter, well, tried and failed. “No. No I’m definitely not dad. Absolutely not. I mean you’re close I guess, but he’s more blond than mousy brown.”
“But you look like him!” Grian argued. “I mean, he wore green a lot, and he’s got black wings. Wait are you related to him?”
“Yeah. Let’s see. I’ve got a dad and mum, one of which is literally death, I’m a triplet with two brothers, and then we’ve got a younger brother who was really little when I went missing from the rest of my family at the age of seven, living at a high school with a pair of friends, if you can call them that, and just trying to survive.”
“But that’s-” Grian started, before getting cut off.
“The same as you, right?” The person asked, sitting down on the bed. “And the answer of why should be obvious.”
“Are you…? Are you me? Like, me but older and from another dimension or something.”
“Or something. It’s a bit complicated with everything that happened.”
“Okay. And you’ve got robots. Why do they have mustaches?”
“To match their dad.” The person replied.
Grian’s eyes widened. “Wait, Taurtis has a mustache?!”
The other person’s eyes widened. “No. It’s not- I’m not with- Taurtis is…”
“What do you mean you’re not with Taurtis?” Grian asked, now very confused. “Did you break up or something? Or I guess did we break up… this is weird.”
“No. I didn’t break up with him. I… I didn’t want to… he was just…” the other person said, face falling. “When he stopped mo-“ and they cut themselves off. “Ignore that.”
“Were you- is… is Taurtis dead?”
“Uh, no. No he’s not dead. Just…”
“Oh my god…” Grian said, slumping down. “Taurtis…. Taurtis is… h-how did he…?” The person didn’t answer. “What happened to your Taurtis?”
“He and… and my Sam. Well we found something we shouldn’t have, and then I was the one to leave.”
Grian didn’t say anything else, just stayed silent. On one hand, this meant Sam was dead too, so he wouldn’t be causing any problems. But Taurtis. Taurtis was gone and he wasn’t coming back. Wouldn’t come back. Why had he even come to a future as horrible as this? But then he had a thought. “What happened to Taurtis?”
The other him was briefly taken aback by the suddenly serious tone. “I said. Essentially we messed with higher beings that shouldn’t be messed with.”
“Then what.”
“Well, they wanted one of us for something, but they didn’t tell us who or for what. Next thing I know, I’ve got blood on my hands and the other two are dead. I didn’t really get to do anything before I was dragged away.”
Grian nodded, completely quiet. The other Grian almost said something, but the look he was given stopped that. “That didn’t happen yet for me. If I get back, I can stop that, right?”
The other Grian blinked. “I mean, I’m not sure if it would work that way. I mean, I don’t remember getting pulled into the future when I was still in high school.”
“So it could work.”
“If we can get you back to that time, yeah, probably. But that’s if it will even work. I mean, since then I’ve learned magic, but I’ve never been able to really go back in time like that.”
“Well, maybe I should stay with you a bit longer, at least so I could have a chance by knowing what’s supposed to happen.” Grian said, trying to cling onto some sort of hope.” And you wouldn’t lie about it to make me feel better, right?”
“Hey, would I lie to me?” The other Grian said, sounding as genuine as he could muster. “Telling you about it is nicer than actually going through it, so of course I’ll tell you.”
“Thanks. So uh, where are we by the way?” Grian asked, looking around the room.
“We’re sort of in my castle.” Grifter replied. “Welcome to the NSMP!”
Tommy was woken up by someone shaking him awake. He groaned a little, wishing he could stay in bed a bit more, but then he recognized the hands. “Grum? What’s up?”
“Dad’s been kidnapped.” Grum responded, panic in his voice. “I-It was Grifter. He was here and we didn’t know, and now he took Dad away. And then everyone started arguing and you weren’t around so I came looking for you.”
Tommy pulled himself out of bed the rest of the way. “Where’s Jrum? Why isn’t he here too?”
“He’s still with Daddy. He went to get Kokatori, which I think is good since I guess he’s warming up to them.” Grum explained, and Tommy nodded, pulling out his comm and looking at the messages in chat.
“Hey, why the fuck is Grian’s old name in there?” Tommy asked, making Grum shrug. “Well that’s not fucking good. Where’s everyone at?”
“Still over where the party was unless they’ve moved since then.” Grum answered.
“Alright, here, hold this.” Tommy said before putting Tubbee in Grum’s arms and then slinging the robot over his shoulder. “Let’s see if people will tell us shit about what’s going on. Can you message them that we’re on our way?”
Grum said yes and a few moments later Tommy felt his comm buzz, followed by Tubbee buzzing in response and Grum giggling at that. Good. With whatever was going on, it was a good idea to keep traumatized kids distracted. Tommy definitely didn’t know that from experience.
A quick trek through the nether got them back to Aque Town, where everyone was in a bit of a crowd. Tommy set Grum down on a bench nearby before pushing his way through the crowd, though most of the Hermits didn’t really need to pushed aside to let him through, doing it willingly. When he finally reached the center, he frowned upon seeing the group in the middle.
Xisuma and Mumbo were there of course since it involved Grian. Phil and Paul were also there, arguing a bit. Then, there was also someone Tommy didn’t recognize at all, who seemed to just be standing there awkwardly. “Hey, you in the bathrobe. What the fuck’s going on around here?”
Xisuma and Phil each tried to give some sort of explanation to Tommy, but he just stopped them. “Hey! I asked shower boy, not you shits. Obviously he’s important if he’s right here, but no one’s really dealing with him, so you go back to yelling while I give him something to do.”
“We weren’t fucking yelling-” Phil started to say, but then Tommy shushed him.
“Alright, what do you think happened?” Tommy asked the guy in the robe.
“Well, I was asked here by King Soares for some task. I met the local hedgewizard and we proceeded to have a magic duel. To make a long story short, I defended against an attack, the hedgewizard tried to stop my attack, and a Watcher intervened which seemed to cause some sort of issue with the Listener and now he’s gone.”
“Wait, you think Grian was a Listener?” Mumbo spoke up, making the robe man nod.
“Of course. The magic was coming from his direction and matched his magical signature well.”
“Alright, so this is all Grifter’s fault.” Tommy spoke up. “Grifter is like… an evil alternate version of Grian. Grian’s a Watcher while Grifter’s a Listener.”
The hooded man’s eyes widened and he nodded in understanding. To the side, Paul pushed away from Phil. “Wait, this whole time Grian was one of the Watchers here?”
Tommy nodded. “Yeah. His kids are too.” And that seemed to shock Paul more as he went to sit on the ground rather than stand, not trusting his legs.
Before anyone else in the group could say anything, Jrum ran in, holding Kokatori above his head. “The chicken doesn’t know anything which I think is weird!”
“Why the fuck would the chicken know anything?” Tommy asked, a bit confused.
“Because it’s not a chicken.” Phil was the one to speak up, Paul nodding to agree. “The question is how it even got here in the first place, because while it might not know what happened with Grian, any information it’s got could help.”
“You’re not seriously suggesting we interrogate a chicken, right?” Tommy asked, but the serious looks that Paul and Phil and even the magic guy’s faces told him otherwise. “How do you even do that?”
Paul stood back up and cracked his neck, which seemed to actually scare Kokatori. “I’ve got a couple options.” The chicken struggled a bit in Jrum’s arms before Paul grabbed its neck and pulled it out of the bot’s arms. “You want to do this the easy way or the hard way?”
The chicken struggled a bit more before hissing and then shooting something out of its beak. That caught a number of people off guard, but not Paul, even though what vaguely resembled a dart had stuck itself into his neck. “This isn’t gonna get any easier for you. It’s almost night and I think training some kids for their interrogation badges could be a good way to pass the time. Torture too if they don’t have them yet.”
“I’m sorry, do you mean badges as in…?” Tommy asked, trailing off.
“He means boy scouts, yeah.” Cleo was the one to answer, which surprised Tommy. “He’s sort of an honorary troop leader for them.”
“Yeah, the kids love me.” Paul chuckled, then looked around. “By the way, does anyone have any milk? I’m losing feeling in my legs.”
Hoodie went to Paul’s side a moment later and cast a spell, making everyone notice that he had gotten a bit pale after the chicken, or whatever it was, attacked him. “So, If I may ask, what exactly is this creature?” Xisuma spoke up, worried about whatever it was being on his server.
“Cockatrice.” Paul replied. “Belongs to someone I know.”
“I’m guessing that they’re not really a friend of yours, huh?” Tommy asked, earning a nod from the man.
“Yeah. Kokatori’s his main ‘chicken’, which makes it more odd that they’re all the way out here and not with him. How long have they been around Grian?”
“Maybe about two weeks.” Mumbo answered. “Everything was a bit of a mess around here recently. Grum and Jrum got stranded in another world and we had a number of issues getting them back. Somewhere near the end of all that, this chicken, or I guess, this cockatrice, showed up.”
“Good to know. Anyone got questions they want answered?”
“Well, I would say ‘where’s Grian’, but if Grifter is involved, he’s likely in Helscraft.” Mumbo responded. “It still would be nice to know why, though.”
Paul nodded and looked back to the mob. “Well, you heard him. What’s the answer?” And he glared at the cockatrice, which gave a feeble chirp of sorts. “Wrong answer, try again.”
“Wait, you understand it?” Tommy asked, making Paul nod. “How?”
“Deal with them as long as I have and you pick up some things. So, what’s the answer?” And again the cockatrice gave a feeble cluck, though this time with a hiss. “Last chance.” Another hiss, and then Paul sighed. “Alright, so somehow it doesn’t know. Koka was just ordered to keep an eye on this place, so they don’t know what’s going on with Grian.”
“What do you know then?” Tommy asked, getting closer to the mob. “Because I bet you’re not completely fucking clueless.”
Paul nodded. “Nice and to the point, I like it.” The cockatrice clucked and hissed a bit. “Alright, it noticed Grifter lurking around a little bit, but didn’t see him actually doing much because it was around, guess he doesn’t like chickens. Anyway, he was trying to get Grian for something, but for what they don’t know, just something.”
“Well, that’s better than nothing I guess.” Tommy said, and then there were more noises from the cockatrice. “What did that bitch say now?”
“Stuff about Punchwood.” Paul said, a dark look on his face.
“Who the fuck is Punchwood?”
Paul looked up. “You’ve been calling them hels versions? Well, I’m pretty sure he’s mine. I’ve known about him for a long time. He likes to send chickens to spy on me and others and I’ve had to make excuses about him showing up more than once. Technically people know me by either Paul Soares or Pablo Punchwood. That’s because he showed up and made a mess of things. Since then I’ve used the name Pablo Punchwood as a sort of alternate name, and so everyone assumes that the first Pablo to show up was me doing an editing gag as a promotional piece.”
“So your hels version is making a mess out of things?” Phil was the one to speak up this time. “Wait, I half met mine not too long ago and he was death instead of Kristen. Does that mean-” Paul nodded. “Well shit.”
“Well, if we end up dealing with him, we’re gonna need to get prepped.” Paul said, finally letting Kokatori go. It didn’t have freedom for too long though, as almost immediately Jrum grabbed it again. “Phil, Doc and Wels can lead a number of teams to get properly prepped. While I’m sure a number of you can prep well on your own, I don’t really trust you with a team.”
“Hey! That’s- You know that’s fair.” Bdubs was the one to speak up.
“Hoodie, while I’m sure your magic would be helpful, I know we’re going to need it to help Grian and it would also be good to keep this place safe. If anything happens, you have a way to contact us of course.”
“Then I will do what I can to assist those staying behind, sir.”
“Why the fuck do we need to prep?” Tommy spoke up, making people turn to him. “He’s in Helscraft. We know enough people there that are on our side, and more that while they’re not on our side, they hate Grifter more, and right now he’s the problem. Let’s just get over there first before we try figuring things out, especially since they could help us get gear.”
“Tommy, it’s not that simple.” Phil was the one to speak up, but was then cut off again.
“Why not? We just showed up there last time and we were fine.”
“Yeah, because we weren’t going in there alone and weren’t dealing with Grian’s Hels version. I think you saw what he did to the SMP.”
Tommy frowned. “Yeah, because we didn’t know he was gonna show up, but now we do. And sure, we still might need to prepare or whatever, but the more time we take to do that, the more time he has to do whatever the fuck he’s up to.”
“Tommy.” Xisuma was the one to speak up this time. “While I know the past few hours, Paul hasn’t seemed the most trustworthy, the other hermits seem to trust him and he does know what’s going on. None of us know exactly what’s going on here, so preparing in advance for anything is going to be our best bet.”
“I don’t want to waste any fucking time preparing for something that might not even happen!”
“Then let’s try and make it quicker.” Paul spoke up, looking up at the sky where the moon was rising. He put two fingers in his mouth and let out a large sharp whistle. At first, nothing happened, but then there was suddenly a crowd of baby zombies coming over to the group of hermits. A number of the hermits pulled out weapons, ready to fight, Phil also getting out a sword of his own, but Paul just stepped closer to the crowd of zombies and knelt down in front of the one at the front of the group. “Hey Bub.”
“Heya Mister!” The zombie spoke, which caught a few of the hermits off guard. “What’s going on?”
“Well first of all, I heard you got a new member related to Cleo here.” Paul said, gesturing to the zombified hermit.
“Oh yes! He’s already doing a lot! We’re even scheduled to go on a week-long trip to a scout camp to earn plenty of badges and he’s signed up for seven badges!”
Paul chuckled. “Good for him. Say, I’m sure plenty of you guys have your badges already, but I’m dealing with Punchwood again and I’ve got some friends that need to properly gear up.” He said, gesturing to the hermits.
The baby zombie nodded. “Say no more Mister Soares sir! As long as you sign our blue cards, we’re happy to help!”
“Alright.” Paul said, standing back up. “Let’s get to work.”
Perfect Sense looked back and forth between Grifter and the shorter, more angry looking copy of him that was standing to the side. “What. The hell. Is this? I though-!”
Before Sense could say more, Grifter started pulling him into another room. “If you want to shout, let’s go to another room before you accidentally scare someone!”
Sense sputtered at the accusation. “Accidentally scare someone? I wouldn’t do that!” He got out before the door shut behind him and viridian magic appeared around it. “It’s always on purpose!”
Grifter grabbed Sense’s tie and pulled him down into a kiss. “Oh I know, but Grian doesn’t know that.”
Sense looked back to the door. “So that was him. Why is he here and not locked up like he was supposed to be, hmm? You’re just letting him stand there, completely conscious, nothing stopping him from using magic.”
Grifter rocked on his feet. “Well, he actually can’t use magic because he doesn’t know he has any.”
Grifter stopped rocking to look Sense in the eye. “Okay, so I know the plan was to kidnap and trap him, and we still might do that. But stuff happened.”
“And by stuff… you mean?”
“Okay so I get there and they’re having a party for their Grifect because it’s his birthday or something. I think it’s perfect to kidnap him from because the chaos will hide his disappearance. And then I run into a chicken.”
Sense facepalmed. “Oh dear lord, tell me you didn’t.”
“I didn’t! I just hid, no screaming. And that definitely wasn’t a normal chicken. Those eyes weren’t right. But anyway, then I moved and then I saw Punch!” Grifter said, shouting a bit. Sense also was surprised, but before he could comment, Grifter continued. “Apparently it was actually his wels counterpart, which is so much better, and then he messed with things so I couldn’t get Grian because then the chicken was watching him. And that thing scaled a fucking building, it’s not a normal chicken. I mean it’s worse than a blucker.”
“A-alright.” Sense said, just a little bit confused, then he looked back at the door. “But what about Grian?”
“Shit, right. Anyway, follow Tommy because he leaves alone. I try to figure out if he knows anything, but doesn’t look like it. I go back, and then there’s another new guy! He’s got magic shit and I’m pretty sure he’s working with not-Punch and then Grian’s nearby. I’m worried he’s going to do something to Grian so I just try a little spell to maaaaybe leave him unconscious for a day or two or something. But then he reacts and attacks back before I can get the spell out, and then their Scar is doing magic, and then Grian interferes and now poof! He’s a kid! So I dragged him here before anyone could notice and he woke up, saw me, and assumed he’s in the future since I’m also here.”
“So, he doesn’t know who you are?” Sense asked with a slight tilt of his head.
“No! So as far as he knows I’m future him and I know what’s going to happen. I just try to remember what’s different between here and wels based on what he says and it works fine. He has no clue he’s still got Watcher magic because that won’t fucking go away, but I can work with that! If he remembers, we shove him in the Anesi box and take it from there. But for now…”
“What do you need?”
“I need to go threaten some people so they don’t ruin some things. I want you to stay with Grian and get his trust. He’s already influenced into thinking he’ll love you since I do, but still play it a little safe. And if necessary, say that I don’t like to talk about my past too much.”
Sense nodded and the magic was lifted from the door. Grifter opened the door again and grabbed the redstoner’s hand to pull him out. “Feeling calmer now?”
“I… yes. I apologize if I scared you at all.” Sense said before getting an elbow in the ribs for him to be less formal.
“It’s okay.” Grian said, though he didn’t look like he was, still glaring a bit. “So, you’re Sense?”
“Perfect Sense, at your service Grian.” And Sense took Grian’s hand and kissed the back of it.
“Seesee, you’re going to make me jealous of myself.” Grifter said with a little giggle. “And don’t make him uncomfortable with that.”
“N-no. It’s fine.” Grian said, taken aback by what just happened. “Um, should I just go by Xelqua so you can tell us apart?”
“Well, Gri had a nickname some people use. A bit of an inside joke. Of course, people still might call him Grian, so you using Xelqua should be fine.”
“What do they use?” Grian asked, worried about what it might be.
“Grifter. And he’s completely fine with it.”
Grian nodded. “Okay. I just thought it might be something else.”
“It’s not.” Grifter said, teeth gritting slightly. “No one’s used that name in years.”
“Gri, are you-” Sense started, but then Grifter was off. “Well, I suppose he does still have things to do. Why don’t I show you around then?”
Grian looked to where Grifter stormed off before back to Sense. “That sounds good. I’m sure he’ll want some time to himself.”
“I suppose you would know that, wouldn’t you?” Sense said with a smile. “Well then, let me show you around the castle. I’m sure you’ll love it here. By the way, Gri didn’t say, how old are you at this point?”
“Eighteen. I’m legally an adult so you don’t need to baby me. I just got pushed back a few years, I’ve still got more high school to deal with, but I’m hoping I can find a way to graduate early.”
Sense nodded, making sure he was behind Grian so he couldn’t see his smile. “Well, I suppose you’re out of there now. Now I can’t remember if we have any guest rooms available, but if not, we can always add a bed in our own room. It’s large enough for that.”
“That sounds good. I was in there earlier and it did look pretty big.” Grian nodded, oblivious to what exactly he was getting into.
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clichesadmusic · 3 years
Ranboo Lore Recap (April 29)
The villain returned:
Intro piano music with black screen instead of his normal blue one.
Screen goes to complete black, is totally silent (no music) as he opens the game and goes onto the server, first words being “Oh, shoot.”
When he logs on he is still on top of L’manhole
“I’m seeing dead people again.”- Ranboo
(note: none of his usual stuff is on screen, he already stated that donos would be off but the subgoal, follower goal and even his watermark are gone which usually remain when he is doing lore)
Ranboo talks about how hard it is to deal with knowing that someone that made his friends' lives so terrible is back.
“Obviously I don’t like the guy.”- Ranboo
Ranboo tabs so he can see who is on and notices that Phil is there. Ranboo realises that he has to tell Phil, as he farms wheat by the community house he practices what he’s going to say to him….it doesn’t go great but there’s not really a good way to say it.
Ranboo makes his way towards their home and goes over what happened so that he can tell Phil.
“I shouldn't rehearse, I should say it naturally.”- Ranboo
Ranboo hypes himself up as he makes his way to Phil’s door.
He greets Phil and makes him a “chair” to sit down.
Ranboo tells Phil….everything. The plan for the prison, Ghostbur going in as cover with Tommy following, how Tommy came out with Friend and without Ghostbur.
Phil doesn’t put together that Ghostbur is “dead” until Ranboo says it, even then he doesn’t believe him because “Ghostbur is a ghost.”- Phil
“Ghostbur being gone is the good news….”- Ranboo
“....Wilbur’s back….he’s alive”- Ranboo
Phil seems very happy saying that it “changes everything.”
“I wonder if he’s any different.”- Phil
“He said that he was in a train station or something for like 13 years.”- Ranboo
Phil keeps looking up at his picture of Wil. “13 years is a very long time to be away, he might not be the same person. He certainly isn’t the same person actually. This changes a lot.”- Phil
Phil tries to get Ranboo to explain what Wilbur ways saying and how he was acting but this was Ranboo’s first time meeting Wil so he doesn’t really know.
Ranboo tells Phil that Wil thinks that the current state of L’manberg is his fault. Ranboo also tells Phil that Wil originally didn’t know him but then said he knew a lot about him.
“What I’m scared of now Ranboo is what has he been thinking about this whole time.”- Phil
Phil says that he needs to prepare for when Wilbur comes to see him, saying that they have a lot to talk about.
Phil says that he’ll talk to Ranboo later and leaves.
Throughout Ranboo keeps saying that Wilbur seemed happy and that “he didn’t seem that bad”. (Ranboo is def an optimist about how much people can change).
Ranboo looks at the blue in his inventory, goes silent for a moment before saying in the saddest voice “Ghostburs gone….I just realised that. I’m gonna miss Ghostbur.”
“I think that Wilbur has probably turned over a new leaf.”- Ranboo
Ranboo talks about how Wilbur seemed to be really fond of Tubbo. But he also knows how Wilburs actions have affected Tubbo. (He is very concerned about Tubbo, for obvious reasons)
Ranboo flips through his memory book to the last page where enderwalkboo responded to him saying “this is what I have to do” (aka stop conflict).
Ranboo says that he needs to keep a close eye on Wilbur and that there are only a few people who can help him with that.
“I know exactly who I need to go see”- Ranboo
“I just have to make sure...that he doesn’t do anything too bad.”- Ranboo
Ranboo runs through the nether, back through the main portal.
I think that Wilbur has probably turned over a new leaf cause if he hasn’t *pulls out axe*, then we are in for a wild ride.”- Ranboo
“Cause then Tubbo. Michael and Tommy will be safe.”- Ranboo
Ranboo jumps down to the hole where The Council has most recently reconvened (originally it was a joke about the 6 endermen holding grass block that had all gotten stuck in the staircase down to Ranboo’s strip mine, they were accidently let out because of a creeper explosion but Ranboo found another group of endermen in a different hole that he has redubbed The Council).
He asks The Council to keep an eye on Wilbur for him. “Let me know what he does. Make sure that if anything happens tell me. Just...let me know, okay?”
He leaves the hole. “The Council usually helps me out with that stuff. Especially since I re-learned how to talk to them” (confirmation that non-enderwalk boo can talk ender).
“I guess we’ll just have to wait and see what happens. Just wait for the letters. Oh! That means I have to make the mailbox for them.”- Ranboo (I love this, I love this so much).
“Is it my duty to tell people? What do you think particles?”- Ranboo (I love when he refers to us as particles, I don’t know why, it’s just so great)
“*reads chat giving him totally conflicting answers because it’s chat* *laughs* you guys are useless. ”- Ranboo “A lot of you guys are saying no…”
He goes looking for crying obsidian for the mailbox, going back to his place.
“Something tells me that I’m not gonna have to tell people honestly.”- Ranboo
Ranboo decides that he should put the mail box in the original meeting area (the entrance to his mine). He talks himself through building it as if there is a specific format it must be in (like a nether portal for example) in order for it to work, implying that this is something that he has either done before or has seen be done.
“Hopefully by the time I get back I will have news about what happened.”- Ranboo
He blocks off the mailbox room with dirt.
“Re-learning how to speak enderman was a fantastic idea. See that's a good thing about the experiments at least! Before I could kind of say hello sometimes...”- Ranboo
Chat/Particle: Explain the experiments?
Ranboo: No, I don’t think I will.
(at this point he turns the subgoal and dono alerts back on)
“When Tubbo described Wilbur to me he said that he really liked debates.”- Ranboo
(music comes back on)
Ranboo decides to fix up the courthouse a bit.
“We’re gonna fix Wilburs courthouse. Maybe he can warm up to me. Cause I hope he likes me. First impressions are everything. I just wanna get on Wilburs good side y’know.”- Ranboo (Ranboo’s need to be liked by new people is just a little too relatable man).
Ranboo says a couple of times that he is aware that Tommy didn’t seem to like Wilbur when he saw him but that Wilbur has been gone for a long time and has hopefully turned over a new leaf.
“I like to remain neutral in most things. But if the council comes back with bad news then obviously I’m going to protect Tuboo by any means and make sure Tommy is also good.”
“When push comes to shove I’m probably gonna be on Tommy and Tubbo’s side” *eyes emoji*
Dono: He did say that Dream was his hero
Ranboo: Yeah, he did say that Dream was his hero. Ohhhh….I forgot to mention that to Phil. Whoops….probably should have to Phil that he sees Dream as his hero…..probably a bad guy…
Ranboo says that him and Tubbo were playing chess while they waited for Tommy to kill Dream.
Ranboo realises that he needs to keep the knowledge of the nukes away from Wilbur.
He writes a note to Phil telling him about how Wilbur said that Dream was his hero. “Heya phil! Quick thing that i forgot to mention...Your newly revived son considers Dream his hero! So read into that what you want! Just thought you should know haha- Ranboo the Beloved”
He put the book and quill (not a signed book) into a chest he leaves in Phil’s house that he labels “Mail for phil”
Ranboo realizes that Wilbur doesn’t know about him and Tubbo being married or about Michael but decides that this is fine.
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