#we lined tree trunks with pine cones and said hi to ducks 🦆
doulayogimama · 5 months
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Kevin did this interview today while Sky and I ran around the park + pond by our house. It was 39 degrees and overcast so Sky and I were the only ones playing at the park. I selfishly had a big sigh of relief upon seeing the empty park, and then I hear her ask, “where are the kids?” My social butterfly 🦋
I really want to listen to this episode. I don’t usually listen to his interviews unless I have to transcribe them for the magazine or an article, but I’m very instigued by Sarah. Jen Pastilof is her friend and wrote the forward of the book. Jen is someone I really look up to. She’s been very open about her mental health struggles, her deafness, eating disorders, etc as she teaches yoga, co-parents her young son, and connects with big names in both Hollywood and in the “wellness community” to make pretty big waves.
Jens book, On Being Human, really changed my life and helped me have the guts to sign up for my YTT in 2019. She has a hashtag called No Bullshit Motherhood on social media which I adore. She’s really one of the few people in this professional world that I relate to and I can FEEL is being 100% authentic. No shame is a big part of her life perspective and knowing Jen speaks so highly of Sarah… I was so excited to read this book. And not only that, to be SENT this book to read for an interview that I get to co-conduct in a few weeks time. 🤍
I meditated for less than 10 minutes this morning but I have to do this every single day. Not a couple times per week. I have to get back on the therapy wagon and stay the fuck on it. Need to do yoga more, too.
Whewww. End of the year. Time for reflecting.
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