#we love one snek and one villain your honor
apuppetmuseum · 8 months
When Rollo finds Kido asleep as she laid her head on his shoulder, he leans over to place a kiss on her forehead. Whether she was still conscious and closing her eyes or not, Rollo would not like to think about it. Just the thought of her finding out has him feel his ears burning.
He watches the sunrise, keeping her close a little while longer. A moment of respite. For the first time, his mind is quiet.
Have a good rest, Kido.
unprompted ask | always accepting! @huiyins
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She had been asleep for some time, but had woken up to shift slightly against Rollo due to stiff muscles. Her eyes had remained closed the whole time and she easily fell back into a still state. So she doesn't blame him for thinking she was still sleeping. It honestly takes every ounce of will in her body not to react when he kisses her forehead. Her long hair had easily hid any kind of evidence of her face heating up, and she managed to keep her breathing normal.
Still, she finds it was more comforting than nerve wracking as it probably should have been all things considered. She could think of the consequences of such an action later.
For now....she felt safe.
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