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thewhiterabbit42 · 7 years
Full Circle: Part 4
Full Circle Masterlist
Pairings: Gabriel x Reader
Warnings/Tags: Winchester sister!reader, a touch of angst, a side of disappointment, odd forms of blasphemy, celestial cock blocking, and a few swears.
Word Count: 7,823
Summary: You’re given the chance to fix past mistakes, but, like most things with Gabriel, your night doesn’t go quite as planned.
Author’s note: All tags are at the end - if you find a line through your name, tumblr wouldn’t let me tag you :(
Special thanks to my wonderful beta @sumara62​ because there’s always that one damn spot in each story you know exactly what I’m trying to say and you help me say it.  Also special thanks to @blondecoffeecake​ who’s sunshine and encouragement is one of the few things limping my muse along right now. 
<<Prev Chapter     Part 4     Next Chapter>>
You were beginning to wonder if the resurrection process hadn’t left Gabriel’s eggs a little scrambled.  
First, he snapped you into the bar.  Not that you weren’t used to him preferring to travel that way.  It was one thing to bring you to somewhere, however, and another to send you both barreling into the side of a building.  
Just shaking the rust off, sweetheart was his response while casually brushing off the side of your jacket.
Second, his attention span was far more abysmal than you remembered.  Sure, it had never been great if it didn’t involve sex, sweets, or sabotage, though tonight it seemed to have more to do with that scattered energy thrumming through him.  It spilled over into his movements, every hand gesture, every look a little more frantic than was usual, which again had you questioning whether or not this Gabriel was somehow changed.  
Third, he must have lost the instruction manual that came with the game because this was not how you played.  
“Gabriel…” You said, voice taking on a sing song quality as you stretched out his name.
“Hmmm?” He hummed absentmindedly, eyes flicking up nonchalantly as if he’d been staring at your food instead of your chest.  You glanced down, checking yet again to make sure you hadn’t dropped anything down the front of you that was somehow distracting him.
To be honest, you had dropped men for far less of an infraction, but this was Gabriel.  You might have understood if you had yourself on display.  The sweater you’d chosen, however, was probably the most modest thing you owned, neckline running high with an overall loose fit, giving only a hint of what was underneath.  
Dean would be so proud.  You couldn’t advertise yourself any less if you'd tried.
Sharp laughter drew your attention away and you turned toward it, watching a couple walk through the entrance.  He disappeared out of your side vision for a split second and your hairs stood on end as he almost immediately reappeared. You didn’t even know what to do with that, other than maybe start questioning your sanity again.  Every time you took your eyes off him, he seemed to glitch, as if not quite real.  
Maybe he wasn’t.  Maybe this was what you had dubbed his shadow twin and the real Gabriel was somehow still dead.  
“That couple seem odd to you?” He asked, eyes drifting toward the bar.  You followed it, gaze appraising.  They appeared fairly mediocre.  There was nothing notable in their appearance or with their clothing.  The only thing that was in any way distinctive was the sheer air of bliss surrounding them.  The woman couldn’t seem to stop giggling as the man whispered to her, his face beaming with a wide smile.  
Newlyweds, because they were definitely living in a fantasy world.  
“Other than looking disgustingly happy?” You did your best to keep your tone light and stave off the bitterness vying for a place in your voice.  
“Exactly.  I mean, who’s that happy?” He demanded, eyes narrowing.  He wasn’t quite suspicious, but you also wouldn’t say he wasn’t eyeing them as if they might somehow be a threat.  
“Normal people without a clue as to what’s really out there in the world?” You hedged a guess, chasing the slight edge in your tone down with the rest of your drink.
“You need another drink,” Gabriel decided, pointing to your glass.  “And not that cheap stuff they keep behind the bar.”
You looked down to find your glass had not only been refilled with a different shade of amber, but it had also doubled in size.  You took a sip, mouth awash in pleasant, smoother flavors followed by a less caustic burn once swallowed.  The moment you looked up, however, you found his eyes right back where they’d been sitting for most of the evening.  
There were worst things, you supposed, than being served top notched drinks while an archangel ogled you.
“Gabriel,” exasperation sang through his name, though it didn’t appear to faze him.
“Yes, sugar?” He replied, eyes dropping to his own glass as he rubbed a finger along the rim.  He wasn’t staring, you realized, finally catching the look on his face.  He was zoning out.  It shouldn’t have surprised you.  He never stuck around for very long, only you couldn’t remember him ever getting bored this quickly.   
Then again, he hadn’t been exactly offering up his usual scintillating conversation, either.  
“Well I can see what kind of guy you are,” you baited, turning your attention back to your burger.
“Excuse me?” His eyes flashed back up, a little more focused.  There was nothing like throwing out a barb to get him hooked again.
“Most guys have a preference on body parts,” you said casually around a large bite of your food.  “I once knew a guy that thought I had the sexiest ankles.”  You smirked, both at the memory and at how high the angel’s brow arched as he regarded your features once again.  
“My father did do an exceptional job when creating you,” he said so cautiously you almost stopped mid chew to stare.  The Gabriel you knew was never careful.  In fact, you were pretty certain his filter was permanently warped, if not outright broken.  He also never acted with anything other than that obnoxious air of confidence that bordered on hubris.  
It was clear by the way he was regarding you, however, he was not very confident as to where this conversation was going.
“I’m not fishing for compliments, champ, but thanks anyway,” you slid your plate a little closer to him, offering some fries which he, not surprisingly, refused.  You suddenly recalled the only time you’d actually seen him eat any was when he’d had a milkshake to dip them in.  
“So which do you prefer?”  You continued, trying to prevent silence from lapsing again.
“Um, well, if this is a serious question,” he began, pausing to consider.  “I’d say that’s a gross oversimplification of preferences.  Beauty is so much more than just one aspect of a body, and I’m not talking the cliched what’s on the inside counts more mantra they preach these days - not that personality doesn’t play a role.  But if we’re talking straight up physical attractiveness, it’s all about balance.  You show me the hottest set of tits, legs, or ass in creation, and I’d guarantee if you put them all together it would be the one of the most grotesque things you’ve ever seen.”
For a moment you could only blink.  It shouldn't have surprised you so much that Gabriel would somehow turn the tables and catch you off guard.  Clearly, he wasn't the only one with a little rust to get rid of.  
“What about you?” He asked.  “You have any preferences?”
Oh, you had a preference alright, for all the wrong guys.  Most of them had been one night stands or hunters, the latter of which had either ditched you, cheated on you, or in one case, left you for dead in the middle of a case.  It wasn’t that you didn’t think you deserved better. The problem was finding someone who knew about the life without having all the baggage.  
“Yeah,” you muttered, “Tends to be for giant dicks.”  The words were out of your mouth before you realized what you’d said.
“Well, I didn’t expect you to be so one dimensional but I guess we all have our flaws,” he teased.  You let out a slight laugh, almost inhaling one of your fries.  
“Because who wants a giant one of those?” You snorted.
“I always figured Cas as more of a pushover than anything,” he mused, and the bitterness that crept into his words struck a similar note as your own.  
“What does Cas have to do with anything?”  You were completely lost again.  You had no idea what happened between the two of them, but something had rubbed Gabriel the wrong way by how the dark-haired angel couldn’t seem to stay out of the conversation.
“Although..,” he began, eyes flashing up to yours, whiskey glimmering as he gave you a knowing smile.  “If that was a hint you’re interested, sweetheart, you just had to say so.”
He hadn’t lost the manual, you decided.  He had set it on fire and was in the process of making up new rules.  It had been about subtleties, maybe a well placed innuendo here or there, but it had always been about dancing around those carefully placed lines.  Tonight, however, he seemed intent on charging right over them.  
“I believe your exact words were there’s a big difference in being a dick and knowing how to use one and you, Gabriel?  Are the biggest dick in creation,” he reminded.
You smiled.  You remembered that conversation well.  Might have been because you were trapped in an alternate reality.  Might have been because Gabriel stuck you in a naughty nurse’s outfit which made you livid.  Might have also been because you punched him square in the face for it and then he’d given you a peace offering in the form of the herpes commercial and Nutcracker show.
You were just about to respond when your FBI cell went off.  Gabriel suddenly stood up.  
“Don’t get up on my account,” he said.  “I’ll just go… get another round.”
You stared at the back of him as if he’d grown two heads when he moved toward the bar.  Not only was he making his own drinks at this point, but you weren’t going anywhere considering you were pretty sure his super sonic angel hearing had a radius bigger than city block… not to mention why would you leave to take a call he was likely responsible for anyway?
There definitely had to be some circuits fried.
“Hey sheriff,” you answered, recognizing the number.  
“I’d tell you to get those drinks ready, but I’m kind of already at the liquor store…” The sheriff informed you.  
“Why do I sense a but coming…”
You could only imagine what would follow, and you braced yourself for the inevitable.
“... Probably because most of the store appears to have gone missing while the staff was working.”
You almost sighed in relief.  Admittedly, that sounded odd, but it didn’t exactly sound like Gabriel’s normal brand of mischief.  
“I’m looking at the security feed right now and one was at the register all shift while the other was in back doing inventory, so neither of them did anything, but neither did anyone else.”
“Like someone stole the store out from under their nose… and the security cameras?” You asked, confused.
“That’s just it.  The bottles are still there, but the liquor itself… well, it’s gone.   Like someone poured it out and put it all back...”
Your eyes narrowed on Gabriel who turned, giving you an innocent wave.    
“Or like someone drank it?” You stated more than asked.  
“I… guess?”  He responded. It sounded like he was unsure whether or not to call you out on your theory.  Not the only one waving around a one way ticket to the crazy express.  He apparently came to the same conclusion and decided to move on.
“It gets stranger, if you can believe it,” the second half of his statement seemed to be muttered more to himself than her.  “Only three sections were left when we arrived: gin, whiskey, and vodka.  Five minutes ago a whiskey bottle fell off the shelf and when a deputy went to pick it up… he found some of it missing.  Someone opened that bottle and took some of it while we were here.”
“Let me guess.  That bottle was high shelf stuff,” you surmised.
“How’d you know?” The man sounded not only surprised, but a little spooked.
The sheriff didn’t know just how lucky he was to be dealing with empty liquor bottles.  If vanishing whiskey unnerved him this much, she’d hate to see what he’d do with reports of slow dancing aliens or any number of antics Gabriel could conjure up.
“If you haven’t opened any of those bottles yourself, you probably should,” you said dryly, trying to ease some of his nerves, though you were only half-joking.    
“My deputy might be in back with one of his own as we speak,” he said, completely not joking.  “Can I ask you something and get an honest answer?”
“You can ask,” you told him, careful not to commit to actually answering anything.
“Do you know what’s going on?”
Honestly, you didn’t feel like you did.  You knew Gabriel was responsible, but what you couldn’t figure out was why he seemed so unlike his usual self.  Then again, you’d probably have a hard time bouncing back if your brother had killed you, but you couldn’t help but feel as if there was something else you were missing.  
“I have an idea,” you finally said, gaze absently falling back on the archangel.  He met it this time, giving you a devilishly handsome smile.  Scratch that.  Handsomely devilish by the extra little glint in his eye.  Probably because he was listening to every word being said and enjoying the chaos he’d started.    
“Do I want to know?” He asked.  
Well, wasn’t that a loaded question.  The sheriff seemed like a nice enough man.  There probably wasn’t a need to shatter his normal concept of the world over someone who would undoubtedly disappear from town before tomorrow anyway.  You just needed to keep said someone corralled in the meantime.  
“No, sheriff, you really don’t,” you advised.
“Right.  I’ll just…  spend the rest of my night figuring out how to write a report that doesn’t make me sound like my cheese has finally slipped off my cracker.”
“You know, a local trickster is as good a scapegoat as any,” you suggested, watching the angel’s lips curl up into a smirk.  
“That’s not half bad,” the sheriff replied, sounding thoughtful.  “And the hotel?”
Your watched as Gabriel received another glass, this one was orange tinged and had a little umbrella sticking out the top.  You put the phone on your shoulder, arching a brow as you pointed to the newest drink.  Sex on the beach he mouthed before his brows gave a quick flare.  You rolled your eyes, turning your back to him as you picked up your phone again.
“Agent, you there?” The sheriff was asking.
“Yeah… I’m not sure what advice you’re looking for since I don’t know what hotel you’re talking about,” you hinted.  You weren’t sure, but you thought you might have heard a long, drawn out sigh.  “Call back if you need to, but if you want to avoid any potentially strange things, you may not want to check the vodka aisle anytime soon.”
“Right.  I think I’m going to be tied up here for the rest of the night.  All these empty bottles need to be processed and entered as evidence,” he began to explain, nervousness coloring his tone.
“Sheriff, if you’re smart, you’ll stay tied up the rest of the time I’m here,” you told him, giving him the out he was looking for.   
“Yeah.  Good idea,” he said before ending the call.
An amused puff of air slipped out of your nose and you shook your head.  This was why you couldn’t find anyone normal, because all the regular, smart ones knew when to run.  Not that you were disappointed considering your alternate plans, although now a little sideways, still involved one of the few individuals that could make you feel remotely like yourself again.  
“Gabriel...” You called over, tucking the phone back in your pocket.  The way his eyes snapped to yours immediately, he had been waiting for his cue.  He turned, fixing you with a charming smile as he caught sight of the stern look on your face.
“Gabe,” he corrected, sauntering back toward you.  “You, my dear, can call me Gabe.”  His voice dropped a little lower, brows giving a quick flare.
Old habits apparently died harder than archangels.  He’d been waging this battle since TV Land.  At the time, it seemed wise not to get too familiar with a being like him.  Strict boundaries and clear lines had seemed so important back then.  
What you called him now, however, was the least of your worries.  
“Gabe,” you conceded.  
Triumph splashed across his face in the self-satisfied pull of his lips and the crinkle of his eyes, and you could have sworn he’d won an actual war instead of laying to rest such a small detail in your relationship.  
“Yes?” He asked, tone raising dramatically as he leaned even closer to you.  That’s when it hit you.
You would never forget this smell.  It was the one your father never failed to reek of the first night back from a case, only this wasn’t the one of someone who’d just emptied half a bottle of whiskey.  This wasn’t even the smell of someone who’d had a full one.  The one coming from the angel was more than was humanly possible… like an entire liquor store was pouring out of him.  
And just like that, one of the final puzzle pieces dropped into place.
“Are you drunk?” You demanded, folding your arms over your chest.  
“Maybe?”  He asked back.  “It’s been a few centuries.  I’m… not quite sure.”  He leaned a little too far into your space, and you felt your heart rate quicken at his closeness.  His balance shifted faster than he could compensate for and you had to grab him as he stumbled to keep him upright.  
“Why don’t we head back to the hotel,” you suggested.  The thought of having to manage a sober archangel was daunting enough, let alone having to deal with an inebriated one in public.  The last thing you needed was for him to get bored and really start some mischief.
Trying to explain to an entire police department how to wrangle a minotaur was not on a list of things you ever wanted to do again.
Gabriel’s eyes dropped to where your hand had settled.  You could feel his heart thumping gently against your palm and you were surprised when it quickened.  You weren’t sure how everything worked when they took over a vessel, but you had seen Cas hurt enough times to know they didn’t make nearly as big of a mess when they got injured.  It was comforting to know their hearts still beat though, even if they technically didn’t need them.
Once he seemed steady enough, you stepped back, releasing him.  
“I thought you’d never ask, sweet cheeks,” he murmured, waiting for you to turn around before smacking you square in the ass.  You froze, lips pursing together as you bit back a response. If having two brothers had taught you anything, it was if you didn’t react, the shenanigans would at least not get any worse.  
“Just cashing in that rain check you owe me,” he explained and you could hear the self-satisfied grin varnishing his tone.
You moved forward, trying to put some distance between the two of you.  The energy in the room had become more chaotic since you called him on being drunk, and it only fueled your suspicion that he was still keeping something from you.  You just wished he trusted you enough to stop playing games and just tell you what the hell was going on.  
“I… should probably not snap us anywhere,” he declared as he caught up to you.  “Last time I drank a little too much, I ended up in the bathtub at my neighbor’s apartment.  His name was Bubba and he liked his baths.”  Gabe’s brows shot clear to his hairline in recollection before a sing-song, “Awk-ward,” slipped out of his mouth.  
You also wished he could stop being so damn endearing long enough for you to hold his feet to the fire.  
“Come on, bubbles.  Let’s get you out of here,” you told him, taking him by the arm.  
He let out a chuckle, dimples showing as his smile softened to one of genuine amusement.  It was the most relaxed response you’d seen all evening, that little manic edge seeming to have faded now that he had a decent amount of drink in him, despite the surge in his energy.
“If you’re trying not to be attractive, you’re failing miserably,” he let you know as you made your way out the door.  You ignored the comment, thankful you didn’t have far to go with him.
“Right now?  I’m just trying to get your drunk ass off the street,” you told him.  The hotel was right around the corner.  All you had to do was keep him out of trouble for five minutes… which was far easier said than done.  
“I could conjure us up a little magical transportation,” he said and your eyes widened as he raised his hand.  
“No,” you insisted, hastily grabbing at his fingers which were poised to snap.  It was bad enough dealing with whatever a rational Gabriel conjured; you could only imagine what would appear now.
“I thought you liked unicorns?” He teased, grinning.  
Oh, you liked them all right… after they’d been filled with magical lead.  For all the lore that had remained, you’d have thought bloodthirsty impaling assholes would have been hinted at somewhere, not just the whole rainbow magic and sparkles.  
“I get it.  You’re looking for something a little more subtle,” he said, slipping his arm out from yours and twirling around, leaving his other hand still in your grasp.  “How about an acromantula?”
“Gabriel,” you warned, a laugh escaping your lips as you imagined the look on the sheriff’s face when he started receiving reports of a man and a woman riding a giant spider through town.  The angel taunted you by raising his still free hand, readying it to snap.  You lunged forward only to have him yank it out of reach at the last second.  
“Ok, ok.  I’ll settle for a satyr,” he said, pretending to be put out as his hand continued to zig zag away from your grasp.  You let out a groan which only made his grin widen.
“Jesus’ crispy bacon, don’t you even dare,” you warned, finally capturing his second hand and holding it tightly in yours.  
“Protest all you want, but I know it’s a lot more fun than anything tall, dark and dour does with you,” he said, smugness creasing his lips as he smirked down at you.  “Bet you’d even enjoy the look on the sheriff’s face when you explained how to catch one of those.”
You had no idea what the hell his first remark meant, but he wasn’t completely wrong with the latter.  You bit your lip, stifling a giggle when you thought about what he’d look like when he realized the only two settings that came with those beasts were hungry and horny.  
“Would be a shame to actually get called out for anything and lose this quality time we’re having,” you told him.  “But I guess that is what I do.  Hunt things.  Save people.  Hang out with giant dicks,” you baited, beginning to drag him along the sidewalk by his hands.
If you could just keep him distracted, you might have a shot of making it without attracting attention.
“Kidding,” he sang, his announcement pushing the fringe of incredulity.  “Even I don’t want to deal with that headache.  I only used them that one time to prove the point that I am not the most obnoxious being in creation, as Thing One so enthusiastically suggested,” he reminded.
You could never keep it straight which brother was which, though you could recall Dean pitching an abnormally big hissy fit and getting into Gabriel’s face before it all happened, so you could only assume it was him.  He was also the target of not one but three of the four satyrs the angel had conjured while the fourth one, of course, had gone rogue to terrorize the town.
“Admit it: you just did it to see the look on his face when they started humping his legs,” you told him as you neared the corner.
“Would you believe me if I said I did it for the look on your face when it did?”  He said, all dramatic pretenses dropping.  
“Why would you do that?” You asked absentmindedly, head craning to catch a glimpse of the hotel.  Another minute or two and you’d be back in your room where, if needed, you could stuff his ass in the second closet which was warded to contain angels and demons, since both were equally on your naughty list these days.
“If you don’t know the answer to that, sweetheart, you still aren’t paying attention,” he said with a shake of his head.  You glanced back at him, brows knitting together.  Was that disappointment you detected?  
“C’mon.  We’re almost there,” you told him, giving him a smile because you didn’t know what else to do.  You released one of his hands, keeping a firm grip on the other as you turned and continued on.  
By the time you made it into the building, you weren’t sure what you had trailing behind you.  Gabriel hadn’t said another word and you hadn’t chanced a glance to see exactly what kind of mood he was in. Was it his surly counterpart that occasionally made an appearance?  Was it the even rarer pensive version that actually thought before saying something?  Was it even really him?   
You pulled him past the elevator, not wanting to risk the ride.  At least if you kept moving you could pretend things weren’t as awkward as they increasingly felt.
“Last one up gets the couch,” you challenged as you entered the stairwell, giving him a playful nudge with your elbow before taking off up the stairs.  You had made it almost to the top when you realized you didn’t hear him behind you.  You glanced down, pace slowing when you noticed he was no longer there.  
Son of a bitch.  Had he seriously just given you the slip?  Your heart screeched to a halt, anxiety pouring down through your chest and forcing the air from your lungs.  You were more concerned about the fact that he was gone again than by the havoc he could potentially be wreaking.  
You reached the top landing, turning just in time to keep from colliding with the body that suddenly appeared in front of you.  
“Jesus fuck,” you shrieked, so startled that you instinctively jumped back.  Gabriel grabbed you, preventing you from tumbling back down the steps as he whirled you around and safely into his arms.  You couldn’t tell if it was his touch or the sheer amount of adrenaline rushing through you that sent a dizzying jolt through your system, but for a moment all you could do was stare.
“Thanks,” you finally said and the look on his face was unreadable.  “That’s cheating, by the way.”  
You gave him a small smile.  He didn’t say a word in return.  He simply released you before reaching behind his back to open the door.  He gestured for you to go through, but you hesitated.  
You didn’t want him out of your sight again, though you couldn’t actually tell him that.  You also didn’t want to admit how much had gone through your head in that moment he disappeared. You held your hand back out to him, tension mounting as you waited for his response.  You kept the same smile plastered on your face, hoping it might ward off whatever was causing that manic undercurrent to become so much more pronounced again.  Everything about him resembled a caged animal, one that was desperate to be let out.   
It was not a look he wore well.
He laced his fingers with yours, your hand practically buzzing from his energy.  Relief eased some of your worry and you focused on just making it back to your room.  It was only halfway down the hall, but somehow those final feet seemed to take even longer than the rest of the walk had.  
You were very aware of the increasingly heavy silence with each step, as were you to the why.  How many times had you fantasized about leading Gabriel back to your room?  About the way it would feel for his lips to be on yours, his hands exploring the curves of your body, as you explored just what exactly lay beneath his clothes.  How many times had you prayed for a second chance with him because you could never find the courage the first hundred or so you’d been given, and squandered?
Then again, in all those situations, neither of you were stewing in alcohol.  You let out a slow breath, finding you were relieved more than disappointed.  How many times had you prayed for him just to be alive and eating his way into a diabetic coma somewhere?  
You stopped in front of your door, fishing your key out of your pocket before sticking it in the lock.  
“You still with me, champ?” You asked, catching sight of the distant look on his features.  He didn’t respond.  He seemed a million miles away at that moment.  Then again, who was to say he really wasn’t?  At this point, anything was possible, including the notion that this was somehow one giant mindfuck of a trick.  
His gaze lowered slightly, as if sensing that thought, whiskey shaking off a little haze before focusing on you.  Intently.  
“You going to let me in?” He mused, brow arching slightly.  The look in his eye was different, unfamiliar, and it was making you nervous.  You weren’t about to deny him, however.  At least letting him in afforded you a modicum of control.  
You were about to be shown just how very wrong that assumption was.  
He was practically on top of you the moment you made it through the threshold, his presence suddenly looming.  It swelled even further as the door clicked shut behind him, every inch of the space filled with him and only him.  
“You going to eat me?” you teased, only half-joking as you tried to dispel some of the tension still hovering in the air.  
“Only if you want me to, sweetness.”  His tone caressed your senses like the finest silk; it was so smooth and utterly seductive.  You swallowed as the lights suddenly dimmed, candles popping up at the snap of his fingers to create the perfect ambience.  
“Gabriel what --”
“Hush,” he murmured, finger flashing up to your lips in an attempt to cut off your protest.  “I’m going to go out on limb and assume the sheriff was not intended as a third for your little party.”
You blinked.  If he didn’t start making sense soon, your mind was going to collapse on itself from all the whiplash you were getting.  
“I mean, I can’t imagine Cas would even know what to do with you properly, let alone two of you, so I assume whatever arrangement you have is not exclusive.”
The scariest part about that conclusion was that he looked like he was actually clarifying something.
“You’re drunk,” you told him.  Clearly he had forgotten which Winchester he was talking to, and you would have laughed had he not been so serious about it.    
“Gabriel, I honestly have no idea what you’re going on about,” you told him when he just continued to stare.  “Why don’t we get you some water.”  
Wait.  Did water even work on angels?  
“Don’t,” he warned, eyes narrowing dangerously.  “His scent was all over your bed when I got here - all over you.  I can still feel him beneath your skin.”  
Well… how about that.  Suddenly Cas being the man of the hour and all the surrounding oddness made sense.  Not only did Gabriel think there was something going on between you and the other angel, he was jealous about it.  Really jealous.
Holy shit.  
“Gabe, I -- we --” you held your hand up, trying to communicate how this was all some big misunderstanding.  Your nervousness, however, came across more as fear as you took a step back, trying to escape the intense swirl of energy surrounding him.  
“I get it,” he told you, the dark edge receding some from his gaze.  “We all get lonely,” he managed a casual shrug, giving you a slight smile. “We all have needs.”  He stepped forward, closing the gap you’d just created and your tongue anxiously darted out across your lower lip.  His gaze was instantly drawn to the movement, and you couldn’t help but feel like you had somehow just provoked him as slow burning heat igniting across hazel depths.  
You stepped back again, knowing the closer he was, the harder it was for you to think straight.  
“Drinks or not, I’m thinking more clearly than I ever have,” he insisted, matching your step again with one of his own.  You’d never seen his gaze like this, like a fire was lit beneath the surface, turning whiskey molten from the inside out.  His want was so palpable, crossing the space between you before kissing over your skin in heated waves that ebbed and flowed.   
“I know you don’t want him,��� he continued.  “When you needed help or answers, I was the one you turned to first,” He reminded, continuing to force you back further across the room. “I was the one you called out for when famine brought you to your knees...”  
All you could do was swallow, breathe, and keep moving back...
“And you prayed for my help when your brother’s became overbearing grizzlies and wouldn’t let you out of their sight…”
… until you hit the wall, and found you had nowhere else to go.  He slowed his steps, but he didn’t stop them.  For every inch that slowly vanished, his yearning washed over you.  It sank beneath your skin, seeking out the slow burning embers of a desire you were trying very hard to keep contained.  
“I’m the one you always call for,” he murmured, voice dipping lower as his hands came up to meet the wall on both sides of you, trapping you in place.  “Because I’m the one you really want.”  
You could barely breathe he was so close, everything about him completely overwhelming you from the warmth radiating from his body to the buzzing of his energy now trapped in the small space between you, down to the way he smelled now that the scent of alcohol had diminished.
“When you’re sober, you may not want this,” you told him, searching for something to keep you anchored as you felt your resolve crumbling.  You could feel your own desire responding to his, not only growing but reaching out in response, as if trying to latch on to his sentiments and make them your own.    
He sensed the shift in you, victory glowing across features.  His lips pulled up into that trademark smirk and suddenly he was more himself than he’d seemed all night… save that manic undercurrent that still lingered in his eyes.  
“One never knows how long they’ll be here, sweetheart, so it’s often best to live in the moment,” his voice was reduced to a low rumble in the back of his throat, as that heated gaze pressed upon you.  Intuition flared, a heavy sensation taking the edge off what was happening as you realized you’d seen that look before.  
“Gabriel?” You breathed, your voice feeling heavy in your throat.
“Yes, sugar?” He replied, eyes dropping unconsciously to your lips as he wet his with anticipation.
You were almost afraid to ask, but this wasn’t some question you could just swallow.  “What do you know that I don’t?”
“Do I have to tell you?”  He purred, leaning so close his nose almost touched yours.  “Or this time can I just show you?”  
Oh sweet Jesus.  This was happening.  Gabriel was looking at you like he was going to devour every inch of you, regardless of what loomed on the horizon, and the last you checked, you were definitely not dreaming.
Knowing he wanted you was too much.  Hunger erupted, burning through you until your blood was singing through your veins for him.  Only as usual, you found yourself unable to do anything about it.  
God you were such a coward.
Your silence only encouraged him, lips tugging up on one side as he dropped his head lower.  Warmth curled over your ear as he released a slow, steady breath.  You shivered, goosebumps racing down your spine and over the back of your arms.  His lips hovered close, so close, it was like you could feel them ghosting over your skin, trailing just behind his breath as he continued to release it down along the side of your neck.  
Gabriel was doing things to you without a single touch that some men couldn’t do in an entire night.   
“You are so sensitive,” he said, voice husky with emotion.  “I’ve barely even touched you with my grace and you’re already on fire.”  
Grace.  That’s what you could feel on your skin.  You gasped as it shifted, trailing down the curve of your shoulder and dusting across your collarbone.  You didn’t even know that was possible.
Son of a bitch wasn’t playing fair.  
The breath and energy stopped for a moment, gold flashing up with question as he hovered near your throat.  You didn’t dare move.  You were torn between not wanting the madness to end and a part of you knowing that something still wasn’t quite right.  He knew something you didn’t and the hunter in you should have been pinning him against the wall and insisting that he tell you.  
Except it was too late for that.
The moment his lips brushed against you it was over.  You inhaled sharply, energy sparking across skin and skittering down through your chest.  Your heart rate spiked, beating so fast with anticipation and need if you didn’t do something soon it was going to burst.  
It would be your luck to die of a heart attack before he’d even properly kissed you.     
His mouth came down against your pulse, a distinct thrumming shooting straight into your veins.  This time it was your lungs that felt the jolt, breath seizing in them, cutting off a groan that had started in your throat.  
He was killing you.  There was no way you were going to survive this… but it sure would be one hell of way to go.
“Please let me touch you,” he pleaded, his voice strained as he pulled back slightly.  “Father, I just need to touch you.  I need you to touch me.”  
You could feel how tense his body was becoming, his arms nearly rigid.   You didn’t realize he’d been waiting for your permission.  In fact, you didn’t think Gabriel asked permission for anything.
The look of torment on his face wasn’t just about having to use restraint.  There was desperation woven into every action, every look, that went beyond pent-up desire.  You could see that now, and you found it too similar to your own feelings of loneliness that had steadily grown over the last several months.
He’s right, you realized.  You never knew what was coming and even when you did, it didn’t mean the odds were any more in your favor.  He was here now, and wasn’t that what you had wanted?  Another chance to undo one of the few regrets you could not seem to shake?
You placed a hand over his cheek, touch lightly grazing over the contour of his face.  He froze, holding so still as if afraid the slightest movement might scare you away.  His eyes slipped shut, a ragged breath releasing as you slipped your fingers into his hair, tips drinking in the unexpected softness.  How many times had you imagined being the reason this perfect part of him became mussed?  
Feeling emboldened, your other hand came up to cup his jaw, thumb tracing lightly over the faint stubble across his chin.  His eyes slowly opened again and you found yourself staring into gold capped green seas caught up in a storm neither one of you had any hope of escaping.
“Tell me that you want this,” he insisted,and the amount of restraint he used seemed on the verge of being painful.  “Or tell me to stop.  Tell me to leave.”
Tell me something his stare begged as it bore down upon you.  It took you a moment to realize he was giving you an out.  Was he having his own doubts?  The almost feral look in the darks of his eyes suggested otherwise, but he still hesitated, waiting for you along the edge of a precipice, one whose height you had no way of knowing.
Good thing you Winchesters were known for taking crazy, flying leaps.
You moved your thumb higher, touch feather-light as you traced the edge of his bottom lip.  He let out a noise caught somewhere between a groan and a growl, eyes edging further into wild territory as you continued to draw things out.  The power you were suddenly wielding was intoxicating.  
No wonder Gabriel loved to throw his around so much.  
“I want this, Gabe,” you told him, and never had you been more sure of anything in your life.  “I want you.”
And just like that, the game was over.
Your lips found his in an ungentle embrace, teeth nearly knocking as he leaned forward to meet you.  The energy in the room rose to a dizzying crescendo, your heart keeping pace until everything seem to release, within you, around you, within Gabriel himself, all the tension dissipating from his frame.  
His hands slipped beneath the folds of your jacket, eagerly running along your sides.  His fingers brushed over your ribs, teasing along the edge of your breasts, touching them without touching.  You moaned as he took hold of your mouth and sucked, pulling your lower lip between his before teeth gave a nibble.  
Palms lowered once more, over to the dip of your waist before slipping around your lower back.  His fingers stretched lower, tips digging into flesh as they continued their exploration before really cashing in that rain check of his and fully cupping you.  
In the blink of an eye, he had you off the ground, effortlessly hoisting you up.  The way your body moved was as if it were an extension of his, legs immediately wrapping around his waist as your arm slipped around his shoulder for extra support.  He nestled against you, pinning your body to the wall and freeing his hands for further exploration.  
You could barely think, your mind overwhelmed by overload of sensations.  The warmth of him pressed against you, the way his grace had pleasant jolts streaking across your body wherever it touched, the way it couldn’t compare to his actual touch, fingers drinking in the feel of your skin as it slipped beneath your sweater, leaving sparks of heat in their wake as they teased their way along the waistband of your jeans.  
“Jesus,” you breathed, arching against him when he dragged his lips down, allowing you a moment to catch your breath.  
“The name’s Gabriel,” he reminded, voice almost a growl as teeth nipped possessively at your neck.  “And that’s the only name I expect to hear from that lovely mouth of yours.”  
This was not a request, and the way he took charge only had everything inside you reaching a boiling point.  You needed to feel him against you, to feel his heat on your body, skin against skin, and neither one of you were going to be able to get out of any clothes like this.  
“Bed, now,” you commanded. You felt the briefest smile as his lips soothed over where teeth had certainly left their mark.  You grabbed his face, angling his mouth back up to yours as he pulled you away from the wall and backed slowly toward the mattress.  You couldn’t get enough of the feel of his lips, of the maddening hint of his taste as you swept your tongue across his bottom lip.
He moaned in response, so distracted with what you were doing that he didn’t realize how close you were to your destination.  The back of his legs unexpectedly hit the bed, sending you both tumbling backwards.  Instead of bouncing onto the mattress, however, you landed against something unexpectedly solid.  Your knees slammed hard against it, pain radiating through them, and by the jarring oomph beneath you, you were pretty sure Gabriel’s back had absorbed most of his impact.  
“The hell,” you muttered, eyes flying open only to find yourself in complete darkness. Your hands came in contact with something smooth, something cold, something that definitely was not your bed as you attempted to push yourself up.  The lights flickered on and suddenly you were hoping this was a dream after all.
It wasn’t possible.  Not only were you no longer in your hotel room, you weren’t even in the same town.  How you had ended up back at the Elysian Fields Hotel was beyond you, but you found yourself in the last place you ever wanted to be with Gabriel.
He was splayed out, ash rising up around him in perfect alignment with where you’d expect his wings to be.  You swallowed, eyes riveted to the prints as you realized he was in the exact same position as when he died.  
Gabe looked up, your look of panic the first thing registering as his features fell.  
“Get us out of here,” you told him, dread pooling in your stomach, making it feel heavy.  
He sat up, features hardening as he looked around.   
“Gladly,” he said and just like that, the manic edge returned.  He raised his hand and snapped once.  Twice.  Three times, before that same look of fear you’d seen almost a year ago overtook his features.  
“It’s too late.  He won’t let me leave,” he told you, cracks beginning to show in his mask.  He suddenly looked guilty.  Very guilty... and very, very sorry.
His earlier explanation came back to you and fear raced down your spine.  
Please let us still be in the present.  Please let us still be in the present.
A familiar slow-creeping dread trickled through you, the presence weighing down your insides until you felt rooted in place.  
“Tell me it’s not who I think it is,” you said, unable to give voice to the name that was the cause of so much of your pain.  
Because I can’t do this again.  
His hand came up to the side of your face, thumb stroking a path of reassurance as the sentiment slowly built in his gaze.  He opened his mouth, but whatever he said was lost over the clap of thunder that echoed across the room right before a blinding light engulfed you.  
Next Chapter>>
ALL the tags:
@girl-next-door-writes  @fand0maniac @feelmyroarrrr @omgreganlove @jannalionheart @baritonechick, @deaths-maiden @lucifer-in-leather @stone-met   @the-moose-of-baskerville @summer-binging-spn   @raspberrypuddle @ourloveisforthelovely @deanxfuckingadorablexwinchester @crowley-you-sinnamon-roll @tistai   @christinalibertymikaelson
Gabe Squad: 
@theblackenedsky @bloodstained-porcelain-doll @pepperwoodatnight @lacqueluster @samikitten @ludwigs-a-monster @a-vast-african-plain @onlyanothersocialcasualty @kazosa  @cobra--1972 
Full Circle: @melodyhiddleston
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WordPress starts adding noopener noreferrer tags automatically
Did you observe that no opener referrer tags are being introduced to each external AND inner links which are set to open in a brand new tab (target_blank) for your WordPress weblog? I noticed this taking place on my blog closing night time. I disabled WordPress plugins, changed my browser as well as my Pc to test if it became some thing precise including them. While I found that it become still going on, I determine to search on the Internet and that is When I found that some customers have been reporting the same difficulty on WordPress boards.
WordPress adding no opener no referer tags to links
In case you set a hyperlink to open in a new tab, WordPress will now, aside from including the goal=”_blank” tag also adds the rel=”no opener referrer” tag mechanically.
No longer handiest that, If you open any old submit and store it, the tag will get added routinely. This has probable been done to avoid what is called Opposite Tabnabbing. For the reason that onus is on website proprietors to prevent such assaults and exploiting the vulnerability, WordPress has taken this step to guard users.
Opposite Tabnabbing takes place the attacker uses window.Opener.region.Assign() to replace the heritage tab with a malicious record.
Whilst you add no openers keyword, the brand new/different page cannot get admission to your window item through window.Opener The referrer key-word tells the browser to Now not gather HTTP referrer records Whilst the hyperlink
To place simple, in Reverse Tabnabbing, Whilst we click on on a link on an internet web page to open a brand new web page, and it opens in a brand new tab – and if we then come lower back to the principle internet page, then in the back of our backs, that web page could have changed robotically. It’s going to appear like the unique internet web page that you had been viewing however will obviously show a exclusive URL. however most users won’t be aware the URL alternate. related tab from a trusted
Hosting Provider: What You Need to Know About WordPress
Folks that create simple web sites aren’t acquainted with the technicality of going for walks a website. As a end result, these people might need to apply a CMS or content management gadget so that you can keep up their net presence. WordPress is a famous content material management system. It has plenty of premium database that includes a substantial range of extensions, plugins, and programs. Moreover, it’s miles interactive and gives a massive room for personalisation which responds to clients’ requirements inclusive of, bandwidth specifications, protection, area specifications, and privacy.
WordPress has so many functions which makes creating a domain or weblog a lot simpler for folks that do not have the talent in developing a website from the scratch. With these interesting functions, a WordPress platform needs web hosting that is reliable and strong. It requires best the nice, excessive general WordPress hosting. As it should be, a website hosting plan the use of WordPress is without a doubt perfect for all and sundry who desires to manipulate a blog or internet site without encountering issues. In an effort to have the great web hosting plan on your WordPresss web site there are a few things you need to understand. We’ve got come up with a checklist of essential things to do not forget earlier than you’re making your final decision.
WordPress Cutting-edge version
Make sure you discover if the web hosting company has the recent WordPress version. Within the worldwide international of computer technology, the brand new versions or versions are continually better due to the fact they contain up to date enhancement which improves faults, antique capabilities, and uploads new tools. Therefore, the WordPress updates make certain your weblog is usually in a role to carry out at its top and additionally user intuitive.
Fast Loading Pace
You will want your internet site to load in no time for an ability customer, won’t you? Undergo it in thoughts that most visitors won’t wait any greater than five seconds to your site to load up – anything longer than that, they will flow instantly in your competitors. You’ll need simplest the satisfactory WordPress website hosting employer with a dedicated server to enable your site to load up quickly in your customers.
Have you ever Seen The hosting Critiques?
Opinions have grown to be a critical element in the lives of maximum customers. They’re used as a identifying element inside the satisfactory decision to take. Reviews have become so essential in differentiating among the ones services that are sub-popular, and people that supplies. continually use website hosting Evaluations to base your judgment in figuring out the first-rate WordPress hosting service that may meet your whole requirements.
Database Backup
This is obligatory while your records source or internet site grow to be hacked or malfunctions. The very fine WordPress hosting agencies offer instantaneous back-united states of americaof your website online and re-set up a full version of your website online to a date the problem took place
Ease of set up
Do you watched WordPress is difficult to put in? Properly, the coolest news is that it’s easy to install if you’ve selected the proper WordPress website hosting enterprise. A top class host will allow you to installation your website via your control panel. You must additionally make certain that the WordPress website hosting company offers smooth get right of entry to to install software that could frequently be not easy to installation.
There are masses of website hosting corporations supplying almost the identical carrier but provide an exclusive fine end result. However, choosing the right WordPress website hosting is not sufficient. You can encounter a few problems like terminologies that are probably abnormal to you. Choosing a WordPress hosting issuer can be clean if you may get great assist any time of the day.
There are few sites that can supply those top-notch offerings. you may be assured to get first-rate services and guide: uniquestar.Com, SiteGround, and WPEngine are only a few of them which are at the pinnacle of the list. Deliver them a shot, and you’ll be satisfied you probably did.
Adding Relevancy to Your Online Presence
The chances are quite desirable that you have had your internet site for a while now. Many enterprise humans do not understand that it is not sufficient to in reality build (or have constructed) your internet site. The content will simply take a seat there and turn out to be stale and stagnant in case you don’t take measures to refresh and make it applicable on a regular basis.
Making sure that your website is applicable By now, you likely have a brand that is nicely-developed and pretty state-of-the-art. One aspect that you need to understand sincerely is that your brand, which you have made such an effort to increase, need to be relevant always. If that does not manifest, you won’t get anywhere in business.
If your online presence content material isn’t always relevant, there are many other agencies who have applicable content and other people will choose to hook up with those agencies rather than with yours.
Interestingly (and, possibly, sadly) relevance looks as if a vague, unobtainable concept to many human beings. However, one thing this is positive is that it’s far important in your business’s achievement.
Relevance isn’t always something which you are both born with or now not. it is something that you may work to construct and gain. There are sure particular steps that you can follow to attain relevance in your enterprise In case your brand and services aren’t relevant at this point.
Every other extremely important facet effect of relevance is how you’ll hopefully rank in the seek engine pages. For all of those reasons, you have to supply some serious thought to making your commercial enterprise as applicable as you possibly can.
Broaden a patron personality
The reality of the problem is that not all of your content might be relevant to all of us who reads what you are posting. that is precisely why you need to pick out your target audience extremely carefully. if you try this, you may have the excellent danger of your content being applicable to the folks that are studying what you’re posting.
One of the mystical qualities of relevance is the reality that relevance never stays the identical through the years. it’s miles continuously evolving (or, as a minimum, it ought to be). So, your business may be relevant one minute after which it may be beside the point the subsequent. That places an extremely good deal of pressure on you as the enterprise proprietor but it’s miles surely now not an exercising in futility. it’s miles an workout so as to certainly repay in spades for your business.
The fact is that relevance isn’t always nearly as elusive and ethereal as you would possibly understand it to be.
Its miles a really important and dynamic part of your commercial enterprise. it is One of the building blocks of your enterprise’ basis. it’s miles vital as a way to consist of it when you are designing your advertising method as it can be very instrumental in your success. it’s miles crucial for the commercial enterprise owner and for the target market member.
In terms of your website, the design is extremely critical however the relevance has a far deeper significance than the design has. you may constantly transfer up the layout in case you want to. However, relevance has to always be there and although your website content material needs to constantly be relevant, how you still permit it to evolve is up to you.
In short, you strive what you think will work and if it does, excellent. However, if it does not work, you may need to attempt something else. Your client personality is very crucial for your business. You ought to cater to the folks that will help you to develop your business. Having a personality in thoughts and growing it in an in-depth manner is genuinely what you need to do.
Automatically Converting a Number to Its Word Form
Let us take various that is 4 digits long and examine its houses to derive the phrase form of it the use of a few patterns or guidelines.
Let us constitute the 4 digit quantity with the aid of “ABCD” wherein D is the Gadgets region, C is the tens area, B is the hundredths vicinity, A is a thousandths place.
We all realize that there are absolutely 10 digits between 1 and nine. So when any of the digits 0 to 9 occur in the Gadgets region (D) they end with the word form One, Two, 3, 4, 5, Six, Seven, 8 and 9 respectively.
When 2 to nine occurs in the Tens vicinity (vicinity holder C) the corresponding word form of the Devices vicinity (region holder D)
is prefixed with the following strings particularly “Twenty, Thirty, Forty, Fifty, Sixty, Seventy, 80 and Ninety” respectively. while the no 1 takes place in the Tens vicinity the phrase form relies upon upon the digit within the Gadgets location. The word shape, in this case, could comprise strings which include “11, Twelve, 13, Fourteen, Fifteen, Sixteen, SevenTeen, Eighteen and Nineteen.”
When 1 happens within the Tens location and Zero takes place inside the Gadgets region then the string could grow to be Ten.
Whilst 1 to 9 takes place inside the Hundreds region (vicinity holder B) the phrase shape might include the subsequent strings One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, 8 and 9 suffixed with the string Hundred.
Whilst 1 to 9 takes place within the Thousandths location (area Holder A) the phrase form could consist of the following strings One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight and 9 suffixed with the string Thousand.
So there is about twenty primitive phrase paperwork whose combinations yield all the superior phrase varieties of numbers between 1 and 9999.One can also affix the phrase “And” in appropriate locations among the Units and the Tens area, among Hundreds and the Tens location and generate a word string.
the usage of the easy guidelines above, one ought to construct a go with the flow chart with easy branches. The float chart also can be converted to a computer application the use of a programming language together with Visible Primary.
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addcrazy-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Add Crazy
New Post has been published on https://addcrazy.com/how-cia-hackers-rate-your-laptops-antivirus/
Up to date | Of all of the revelations from WikiLeaks’ CIA information sell off this week, one of the maximum informative has been the intelligence employer’s perspectives at the antivirus software we use to maintain our computers and gadgets secure from hackers.
Extra than 20 safety products are noted throughout the 8,000-plus pages, including some of the world’s biggest Computer protection corporations—Avast, Kaspersky, McAfee, Norton, Microsoft security Necessities—together with feedback from the CIA on how powerful five of the companies are at absolutely protective human beings from being spied on.
Many of the agencies have been quick to reply to details of the way the CIA uses “weaponized” hacking gear to interrupt into telephones, computer systems, and televisions, with a few imparting advice on how to defend yourself from being spied on. Others stated Greater collaboration is wanted to guard humans against different malicious actors which could try to make the most the vulnerabilities.
“Much like 0df4f52a910a2727661aafb942fbd805, horrific actors like hackers are also trying to pick out and make the most these vulnerabilities, the cutting-edge set of leaks definitely serves to deliver to our interest the very real mission of securing centered systems,” says Vince Steckler, CEO of Czech security company Avast.
“There may be a pressing need for enterprise collaboration and open platforms among protection providers and cell working structures that allows you to live in advance on this cat and mouse sport.”
So what does the CIA make the tools we use to protect ours online protection? Under are the five companies that the intelligence business enterprise referred to in any detail.
Finnish safety corporation F-Comfortable, which provides its offerings to tens of tens of millions of purchaser clients and over one hundred,000 company customers, became defined by means of the CIA as a “lower-tier product that reasons us a minimum problem.”
In response, F-Comfy’s Chief Studies Officer Mikko Hypponen said that it became no surprise that the CIA’s hacking strategies were able to pass safety features hired via software program providers like F-Comfortable.
“F-Comfortable is noted in the leak, bringing up the CIA can doubtlessly bypass a number of our products,” Hypponen said in an emailed comment provided to Newsweek. “However the query is really not whether the CIA can skip our products, the solution to this is continually sure. If they can not do it properly now, they make investments every other million to find a flaw.”
German software program enterprise Avira was described as “just like F-Comfy,” with a comparable vulnerability that can be exploited with the identical device.
Avira says it affords safety protection to Extra than one hundred million human beings thru partnerships with other corporations.
Consistent with the CIA, Avira has traditionally been a popular product amongst counter-terrorism targets, however, is “typically smooth to stay away from.”
Russian protection giant Kaspersky changed into also exposed to have vulnerabilities inside the Vault 7 files, allowing the CIA to “pass” the corporation’s protections.
With over 400 million users global, Kaspersky changed into one in all the most important firms to be implicated in the leak and turned into one of the first to reply.
Both flaws noted inside the WikiLeaks sell off, which contains files spanning the route of 2016, have already been constant by using Kaspersky.
AVG proved a more difficult project for CIA hackers, with numerous “easy defeats” proving useless in opposition to the Dutch protection company.
The vulnerability that turned into eventually uncovered concerned a complicated technique referred to as Technique Hollowing. It’s miles defined inside the files as: “Incredible, and by a Top notch, I simply totally sweet.”
security software program firm Comodo, which deals with business answers, obtained perhaps the excellent badge of honor from the CIA, defined as: “a large cache within the posterior.”
“It literally catches the whole lot till you inform it now not to, along with fashionable windows offerings (say what?!?),” the documents nation.
The self-proclaimed “worldwide chief in cyber security answers” trips up in one among its versions, but, which incorporate vulnerabilities which can be seemingly tons simpler to make the most. The CIA writer describes an assault on a four-12 months-vintage version of Comodo’s software program.
“Comodo’s consumer base, paranoid bastards that they are, has seemingly caught wind of this and plenty of them haven’t upgraded to 6.X [sic],” the files state. “Sort of a shame, cuz this is a hole you can power a completely huge wheeled freight sporting vehicle thru.”
In an emailed comment to Newsweek, Comodo said: “The best aspect worse than being talked about by means of the CIA is not being pointed out by using the CIA. To be called a massive ache within the posterior and traumatic by using the CIA, one of the best-funded, most expert hacking companies within the global, is high reward.
“Comodo Net safety has come an extended way due to the fact that V6.X and such hints are out of date.”
Mystery Clandestine Facial Popularity Countermeasures and The Destiny of the CIA
Currently, Universities and personal Enterprise are working to construct greater robust “Facial Recognition Technology” due to the Place of birth Safety Funding for such studies this field maintains to develop. Anti-Terrorist efforts are a worldwide aim, so we are sharing this technology with allies for use in their countries. Those new Technologies may also grow to be inside the fingers of our enemies or possibly Future enemies. Such adversarial countries towards the use with such Recognition software may additionally save you our clandestine secret agent efforts overseas. Getting our assets and spies in united states of America can be difficult and records have proven that it takes plenty secrecy and attempt to get in, get information and get out without detection.
hostile nations will remember our spy efforts in the ones international locations as International Terrorists, plenty the identical way as we see their spies who come to our us of an if and whilst they are stuck. Such Facial Popularity and software program device will consequently be without difficulty deployed to stumble on our infiltration efforts and exploitation in their structures. Considering the fact that we have now invented this technology we want to find a way to conquer it when it’s miles used in opposition to us by using our enemy.
The use permits citizens to shape different nations to wait for our Universities, which do extensive research in Those areas “human Reputation” and that records are being duplicated of their nations of the foundation. We will explain the most common sorts of human Recognition on this record. Presently Facial Popularity Technologies are not used very regularly Seeing that they are ways from best and are probably not the quality identification device, but the generation is swiftly turning into very possible. Soon such Reputation software program will be greater than adequate for figuring out the ones human beings we want to capture and keep out of our sensitive regions.
The CIA has a horrible leak hassle with information, the FBI not a good deal higher. The FBI has lost a few 2000 PC laptops, is now sharing statistics and records bases with other regulation enforcement and we all remember the spy Intercourse Scandals currently. The CIA also can’t hold a Mystery, nor can the ones in Washington who’re in the know, as we recently located out with the wife of a Senator being written about in a prime newspaper. Then of direction, there are sleeper cells, deep cover operatives, and hackers all waiting within the shadows and collecting information. As soon as a database of operatives has been exploited or a cover of a clandestine agent is observed their face can be put into records bases of foreign international locations to seize them using such facial Reputation and different human Popularity software and device. These days the hassle isn’t huge unfold however the technological advances of mankind aren’t special to America alone. So what exactly are Facial Recognition software program and the way does it work?
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edgepro-555 · 1 year
Buy Edge Guards At Best Prices In India
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Edge Guards are a protective barrier that is placed along the edges of any surface to prevent people or items from getting injured. They are made of high-grade materials and are long-lasting. Our company designs and manufactures Edge Guard of various styles and sizes which are used around the world to protect people from slipping off surfaces.
Since we are a well-established company, we are able to provide high-quality products at very nominal rates that are affordable to our customers. We take our clients' satisfaction very seriously; therefore, we make sure that our Edge Guard are of top-notch quality. 
If you are interested in any of our products, please feel free to contact us. We would be happy to give you a quote. 
Call - .+91 - 9370264202 / +91 - 9096377999 
For more information please visit our website - https://www.edgepro.co.in/edge-guard-supplier-manufacturer-wholesaler.php
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