#we never got pulled into the boiling hot center of a swirling cloud of dust and gas
msboutofcontext · 2 years
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krizaland · 5 years
Zim/Dib x Magical Girl Reader Chapter 3
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Chapter 3 is finally here! I’m having a ton of fun with @brookelim2001 ‘s Magical Girl reader request!
I finally managed to get to the fun stuff and it’s only going to get more wild from here! 
Zim let out a growl as he followed you and Dib into the lunchroom. He had no idea why he cared so much about you hanging out with Dib. Nobody ever believed him and he tended to creep most students out.
However, just seeing Dib, heck any other student, near you was enough to make Zim’s blood boil.
Zim hated how upset he got whenever he saw you hanging out with anyone else. Why should he care about who you spend your time with? It didn’t affect him nor his plans in any way. So what was the problem?!
Zim decided to grab some ‘lunch’ and sit down at a table in front of Dib’s.
He snarled as he watched the two of you chat and eat together.
“Stupid squirmy Dib…How dare he try to take what’s-No! Look at me! So the Y/N has decided to hang out with the Dib-stink, big deal! I won’t get worked up over some pitiful human taking interest in someone other than Zim! I won’t- I….” Zim trailed off as he continued to watch you eat with Dib.
Zim’s face fell as he slumped in his seat. It wasn’t fair! Why was Dib getting all of your attention?!
He felt like his insides were in a blender! Where did all of these feelings come from?! You clearly did something to him but why couldn’t he find out what it was?!
Zim let out an enraged growl as he stormed out of the lunchroom. Clearly, he needed a new plan to find out what you did him.
Meanwhile, you begun to tell Dib about what happened to the talisman.
“It’s so crazy! I was just holding it and bam! It changed color! Look!” You insisted as you held up the now pink talisman.
“Wow! The talisman’s instruction manual didn’t say anything about a color change! Maybe it’s absorbing whatever alien chemical Zim injected you with.” Dib mused as he inspected the talisman.
“I guess so. Anyway, I really can’t thank you enough for helping me. I’m sorry I didn’t believe you at first.” You smiled as you took another bite of your lunch.
“Eh, it’s alright. I’m used to people not believing me. I’m just glad I managed to get through to someone.” Dib sighed as he continued to eat as well.
“You know, I’ve actually always believed in aliens. I just didn’t think they’d ever want to come to Urth.” You confessed as you rubbed the back of your head.
Dib nearly spat out his food.
“You believed in aliens this whole time?! And you never once thought that Zim might be an alien?!”
“Well, I mean sure Zim looks a little weird but I didn’t want to make assumptions. Like I thought he just had a skin condition and probably got bullied a lot for it.” You explained as you continued to eat.
“Ugh. Look, I know everyone wants to be inclusive in all but Zim literally screams about ending mankind! You can’t tell me that’s something a normal human would do!” Dib whined as he gestured with his fork.
“You got me there. I’m surprised I didn’t really pick up on any of that stuff sooner.” You admitted as you nodded along.
“Well at least you understand now! If only the rest of the world could wake up too…Then we could all work together and stop Zim before he destroys us all.” Dib pouted as he played with his food.
“Well, I’m pretty sure he won’t get that far. I mean it’s not like-Huh?”
You were cut off by a sudden vibration jolting through your body. The next thing you knew, the talisman begun to glow.
“What’s wrong, Y/N?”
“I think It’s the talisman. It’s shaking and glowing. Is that normal?” You asked as you gestured to the now glowing talisman.
“No. I don’t think it’s supposed to do that-OW!.” Dib tried to reach for the talisman but the glow burned his hand.
“Dib! Are you ok?” You squeaked as you covered your mouth.
“Yeah, I’m fine. I’ve had way worse. Something is definitely up with that talisman.” Dib cradled his hand.
You were about to respond when the ground started to shake. The water in your cup rippled as the sound of loud stomping grew louder and louder.
A massive mech burst through the lunchroom! The impact caused both you and Dib to fall under the table.
“Where is Y/N?!” Zim’s voice bellowed from the mech.
“What the?! No! That can’t be Zim!” You hissed as you hugged your knees.
“It is Zim, Y/N! And it sounds like he hasn’t finished his experiment yet!” Dib insisted as he tried not to hit his head.
“Well what are we gonna do?!”
“Don’t worry, I’ll think of something. Just hang tight and try to stay hidden.” Dib instructed as he pulled out his laptop.
“Ugh. It’s time like these I wish I could just transform into some kind of hero-Huh?”
The talisman rattled as it begun to glow even brighter as a small voice rung out.
“Wish granted…”
“What’s going on-WOAH!”
You were whisked away by hundreds of bright pink butterflies. Golden stars and dark pink clouds surrounded you as your body glowed bright white.  The talisman flew off your neck and transformed into a massive, glowing pink ribbon.
You let out a gasp as the glowing pink ribbon spun you around and raised your arms above your head.
The ribbons formed a frilly hot pink dress with light pink accents.
A black sash wrapped around your waist and popped into a cute bow.
“Woah! Woah! Hey! Take it easy!”
One by one, the ribbons lifted up your legs and formed matching frilly black boots.
The ribbons swirled around your arms and formed matching, black arm length gloves.
“Hey this is actually kinda fun now” You giggled as you playfully swiped your hands above your head.
Two curly black antennas sprouted from your head and your hair turned bright green.
You dragged a hand across your forehead and a bright red pair of tiara-like goggles appeared.
You hunched forward as a pair of wings burst from your back.
You stretched out your wings to reveal their shimmering, gold and pink hues.
The talisman formed a small, light pink bow and attached itself to the center of your chest.
More butterflies swirled around you, encasing you in a bright pink cocoon.
You burst free from the cocoon and struck a pose.
Soon the stars, butterflies, and clouds faded away as you completed your metamorphosis.
“Aww, it’s over already?”
Dib’s eyes nearly burst out of his glasses as his jaw hit the floor.
“Hey! Wait! What just happened?! And who are you?!” Zim demanded as he hopped out of the mech.
“Huh?! It’s me….Um” You trailed off a bit as you begun to debate on whether or not to tell Zim who you truly were,
“Well?! Who are you?”
“I am-”
“Who are you?!”
“I am-”
“Who are you?!”
“I am-”
“Who are you?!”
“I AM…um…Space Butterfly! Yeah I’m Space butterfly! And I’m here to put a stop to..whatever it is you’re trying to do!” You stuttered as you put your hands on your hips.
“Stop me?! HA! I don’t think so!”
And with that, Zim hopped back into the mech.
“BEHOLD MY MISSILE LAUNCHERS!” Zim cackled as he charged up the mech’s lasers.
You let out a scream and crossed your arms in front of yourself to prepare for impact.
A bright pink barrier appeared around you.
The mech’s missiles didn’t even touch you.
“What the?! No matter! Have some of this!” Zim sang as he slammed down onto another button.
The mech fired a purple laser beam straight for you!
You smirked, pushed out your arms, and held out your hands.
“Try me, you cosmic cockroach! Butterfly..attack..thing!”
You summoned a massive pink energy blast.
Your pink energy slammed into Zim’s purple laser just moments before it vaporized you.
After a few minutes of struggling, your pink energy overpowered Zim’s laser.
Your energy sent Zim’s laser flying back to him, causing the mech to slam into the wall.
Zim groaned for a moment before pressing a few more buttons.
The mech slowly got up and shook off the debris.
“Now it’s my turn to have some fun!” You sang as you lowered your goggles.
Your goggles helped you lock onto the mech’s weak point as you held your fingers out like a gun.
With four quick blasts, the mech was knocked back onto its rear.
“HEY! NO FAIR!” Zim whined as he begun to mash buttons.
“DANGER, MECH OVERLOADING!” Zim’s computer bellowed.
Zim continued to mash button after button, causing more and more warning sirens to go off.
“Time to put this toy back in its box!” You giggled as you threw your hands above your head.
“Butterfly…energy BLAST!”
A massive ball of bright pink energy swirled in your hands.
The moment the energy ball made contact with Zim’s mech, the room went white.
When the dust settled, all that remained was a defeated Zim sitting in a pile of scrap metal.
Zim groaned and held his throbbing head.
“Ha! Looks like I stopped you after all!” You gloated as you jumped in front of him.
Zim’s PAK sparked a bit as his face turned a darker shade of green.
“Now are we gonna do this the easy way or the hard way?” You smirked as you triumphantly loomed over him.
Zim shook away his infatuation and jumped to his feet.
“Foolish…whatever you are! Do you really think you’ve won?!”
“Um, yeah. I mean, I destroyed your mech. I’m pretty sure you’re done here.”
“HA! What if I told you that my real plan was to…um..Make a mess of the skool cafeteria! Yes! That was my real plan! So HA! In your face!” Zim stuttered as he snapped a finger in your face.
“Sure it was.”
“And now you have to clean up the mess!” Zim cackled as he ran off.
“Coward!” You called after him as you stomped your foot,
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