#we never hear his daughters opinons but based on how they treat joe and the twins presence on the roof earlier in the movie
somecommonbitch · 10 months
this isn’t going to be coherent but i am stuck on the presence of smoking in may december. joe tells us he never talks to his father about what happened, but he’s able to smoke cigarettes with him, neither of them saying anything. his son teaches him how to smoke a joint on the roof, how it’s different than a cigarette. elizabeth is reliant on an inhaler and nebulizer to the point when georgie smokes near her she makes a point of coughing and telling him to blow it away from her. georgie, who was joe’s peer, who was the reason for gracie being around joe before she could manipulate the pet store job. the fates of joe’s little sisters are left unclear but we’re told one of them was asthmatic like elizabeth. at the start of the movie joe is grilling at the behest of gracie, but she can’t stand to be in bed with him afterwards because she says he smells charcoal. joe tells her that they have a gas grill, so what she’s smelling is smoke.
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