#we shall see if i can keep up with thr twice a week posting schedule 😅
fromthemouthofkings · 6 months
Jeeves and the Fox Hunt
Chapter 4
I swung open the doors to the breakfast room, prepared to do my utter best to put on an antic disposish. Now, of course, this was not a natural role for the last of the Woosters. I’d like to envision myself as more of the chivalrous adventuring hero, if I were to be typecast. But somebody had to do the job, and if it would help Jeeves, why then I was game to play the fool absolutely to the hilt.
“What-ho, Prods!” I exclaimed, striding inside only to find the breakfast table empty. So, sadly, was the sideboard.
Puzzled, I rang the bell.
The grim-faced fellow from last night appeared.
“Where is everybody?” I asked him.
“Down at the stables,” he said in a low, growling voice. “Best get a move on, or you’ll be late.”
“But what about breakfast?” I asked pathetically. “I mean I know I’m not much of an early riser, but I didn’t think I’d missed it entirely!”
“The master and mistress don't like to spoil their appetites.” His face split in a wide, pointed smile.
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