#we should’ve gotten to see them having a slap fight while snake stands there not knowing what to do
mirrorhouse · 1 year
i already said i thought ocelot was trying to copy one of eva’s bike tricks but it turns out, in the scene where ocelot gets knocked off the ledge by eva and she then backflips into him with her bike, originally there was more of a struggle between them and eva rears the bike up like a horse (exactly like ocelot does later) to try knocking him back before she does the full flip, but the scene was cut down in the finished version:
EVA shakes off Ocelot’s restraints and either hits or kicks him in the body, making him drop down. EVA quickly jumps on the bike, taking advantage of the opportunity. Starts the engine. Ocelot, similarly, jumps and catches EVA’s arm. Two people struggling with each other. Snake can’t pull the trigger.
EVA pushes the accelerator all the way, rises up on the rear wheels like a horse, and attacks with the front tires. Ocelot loses his balance but won’t/can’t get away. EVA does a small step on the rear wheel.
ナイフで襲いかかろうとするオセロット。EVA後輪で立ちながら、前輪を回してナイフを受ける。EVA、アクセル全快! バイクは宙返りして、後輪でオセロットの顔面を轢く。(ハイスピード) オセロット、はね飛ばされて地面にたたき付けられる。
Ocelot tries to attack with a knife. Standing on the rear wheel, EVA turns the front wheel so it receives the knife. [the scene plays out the same from here] EVA, full throttle! The bike somersaults and runs over Ocelot’s face with its rear wheel. (high speed/slow motion) Ocelot is sent flying and is knocked to the ground.
in the game, there’s no struggle between them after ocelot falls; she gets on her bike, he pulls the knife, she drives at him, and then does the somersault (the physics were already crazy in the final scene but im realising were pretty toned down compared to the script version lmao)
anyway. now i’m more convinced that he was trying to imitate her cool bike moves (and… maybe even copy how the boss rears on her horse too)
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bandsconcertsfood · 5 years
Let Go
Part 2 to I Never Stood A Chance, Did I?
Don't really have to read part 1 to read this part However here's the link to part 1: Link! 
Jace Wayland/Herondale x Reader
Summary: After Y/N leaves Central City she moved back to the Institute and Jace finally reveals his feelings for her and they start dating. What happens when Team Flash decides to come look for her in Brooklyn and accidentally capture her parabatai, threatening to kill her, unless she tells them where Y/N is. Will she reveal herself to them?
4 Months Ago: "Y/N I know it's only been two months since you got back from Central City but I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me" Jace says as I walk into the weapons room. "Clary told me y'all were dating" I tell him as I grab a Seraph blade, semi confused. When I met Clary, she seemed kind of jealous by how close Jace and I were but eventually warmed up to me and we became good friends, not close friends though. "Well she lied, so yes?" he asks, slightly irritated that Clary lied to me. "Yes, tomorrow night" I say and go and train with Izzy, telling her what happened. As I'm walking out of training I bump into Clary, "I don't want to repeat what happened in Central City so please don't hate me but I'm going on a date with Jace. We've been best friends for years and I've always wanted this" I tell her truthfully. "I'm sorry, after what you went through two months ago, I shouldn't have been selfish, ever since I was forced into this world all I did was be selfish, I won't get in between you guys, forgive me" she asked sincerely. I smile at her and we hug, slightly giggling.
Present: "Y/N would you like to go on a  date with me to maybe the pizza place on main street?" Jace asked, so many things have been happening with Lilith that we haven't gone on a date in a while. "Sure, usual time?" I asked as I walked into the common room as Alec is talking to Izzy. "Of course" he says kissing me on the cheek and walking towards the Lightwoods as Clary approaches me. "You guys seem happy together" she says smiling. I know this must be hard for her but she's been super supportive of us, something I realized I should've done with Barry and Iris. I wonder how they're all doing. Especially Caitlin, last we saw each other was painful. "Wanna help me get ready for tonight?" I ask and she nods excited. We giggle and walk to my room. A few minutes later Izzy walks in, "you didn't invite me" she pouts giggling. I decided on leather pants, a noodle strap black crop top and some black wedges. I decided not to wear makeup other than red lipstick that Izzy let me borrow. "Have fun" she says "What are you guys going to do" I asked curious. "We're going on a mission, apparently a fast mundane has been asking about shadowhunters so we're going to find him" Clary replies before Izzy says anything. I freeze. Bartholomew. "Go on your date and don't worry about it. We'll take care of it" Izzy says and grabs my hand and leads me to the common room. "I know who it is, please don't go after him. He's looking for me" I tell her quietly. "Who is he" "He's the one that got me killed" I say before Jace walks in. He kisses me and I look at Izzy one last time before we go to our favorite pizza place for a nice night. Not knowing Izzy was going to talk to Barry... alone.
Barry's P.O.V.
We were next to an old abandoned church. It was me, Caitlin, Iris, Cisco and Joe. They wanted to come with me, I had finally managed to ask Caitlin why she didn't want me to search for Y/N's body when she finally told me the truth. Now I'm in Brooklyn, wanting her to come back. After I saved Iris, she started dating Eddie again, that's when I realized the one for me was Y/N. Out of the church came a woman in all black. She had long black hair. I ran and grabbed her, tying her up, there was a chair and Joe made her sit on it. "What do you know about shadowhunters" I asked her, noticing she had the exact same tattoos as Y/N. "Leave" is all she grumbles. "I think she's a shadowhunter" Cisco says excitedly. "Where's Y/N?" "She's better of without you getting her killed. At least here she's loved" she spits out. "Please I'm her best friend" Caitlin begs. The lady laughs, Iris goes and slaps her leaving everyone shocked. "You? Her best friend? I have a rune that begs to differ. Her and I are connected, our souls are as one. If you kill me, you kill a part of her, how's that for best friends" she says. "Find her phone" Joe says. "You won't reach her, her phone is always left at the institute during date night" the mysterious woman says. I feel a pang of jealousy, she's on a date?  Joe looks through her contacts, "I feel like we should call Jace or Simon" Cisco says giggling, excited to be meeting nephilim. "This is serious Cisco" Caitlin says, not regretting her choice to tell me the truth. I noticed how the woman's eyes widened when Cisco said the name Jace. "Try Jace" I said serious.
Third P.O.V.
Jace and Y/N were talking when he got a phone call. "It's Izzy" he says answering, putting it on speaker since we were the only two at the pizza place. "This is Barry Allen. We're next to the broken church on main. Give us Y/N and this woman goes unharmed." he says and hung up. "It's Barry" Jace says getting mad, the only ones that knew the whole truth about Central City were Magnus, Jace, Raphael, and Alec, Y/N didn't want Izzy to worry so she never mentioned the details, just the overall that she got shot by a crazy man.
Barry's P.O.V.
"She hates you" the woman, we found out her name is Isabelle, says. "She is my best friend and I will take her home" Caitlin says, proudly. "Again, she's my best friend, my sister, my literal other half. Also Jace won't let her go. And if you think she'll leave with you, you're going to have to get through vampires, werewolves, seelies, warlocks, shadowhunters, and lastly me. Every downworlder and shadowhunter loves her. Like I said, we protect our own here, you just let them die." Isabelle says, I notice Iris, Joe and Cisco suddenly look afraid. "I'm not afraid of monsters" I say, knowing I'll be taking Y/N home, especially once I tell her i love her. "Maybe we should leave" Cisco suddenly squeaks out. "I'm going to agree with Cisco" Joe says but Caitlin answers before I do, "we're not leaving without my best friend."
"Back away from Izzy" I hear a very angry deep voice say. "Hi Alec!" Isabelle says happily and walks up from the chair. I just realize she was untying herself as we talked. "call for backup" he tells her and he points an arrow straight at me. "I'm the fastest man alive, so that won't really work" I say and flash to him and get the arrow then back to my original spot. He immediately has another arrow pointed at me.  He's almost as good as Oliver. Almost.
Caitlin's P.O.V.
I notice Isabelle is calling someone, is it Y/N? "We just want Y/N" Iris says and the guy named Alec points the arrow at her. Now I'm starting to get nervous. Suddenly there's some type of portal and 3 guys walk out with a redhead. "Heard you're here for Y/N/N" the palest guy asked, he had some latino features but he was extremely pale. Barry grabs the Isabelle girl and holds her tight. "Let go of her" Alec says and grabs Iris, this is getting extremely dangerous. Suddenly someone walks in and says, "You let her go or I swear to god!" I turn around and it's..
Y/N's P.O.V.
"You let her go or I swear to god!" I say walking in and notice Bartholomew had grabbed my parabati. "You heard her" Barry says to Alec, Raphael starts to laugh. "Y/N-" Caitlin starts as she steps closer to me. "I meant you Bartholomew Henry Allen, don't you dare lay your hands on my best friend" I say ignoring Caitlin, I am furious with her. She promised she wouldn't tell them. "What? Y/n I love you, let's go home, to Central City" Barry says, I sigh and take out my seraph blade, "let go of my best friend" I say getting into a stance, that's when I notice everyone had gotten into their own fighting stance. "Ok, let's just talk this out" Cisco says getting in between me and Barry. "Francisco move before something happens to you." I say looking straight at Barry. "We won't repeat ourselves, let go of Izzy and you can have your mundane back" Alec says, his grip on Iris tightening, she winces but I don't even care. Barry lets go of Izzy, knowing that he may be the fastest man alive but he won't be able to save his entire team. Once Izzy gets to me safely Alec throws Iris back at Barry. Immediately Izzy is standing with her snake out. "What the fuck are you doing here? Couldn't you just stay in Central?" I ask pissed but slightly more calm when Jace stands next to me and holds my hand. "Y/N I love you" Barry says and I can't help but laugh. "You sure didn't love me when you looked into my killer's eyes and told him to spare Iris and not me. You could've saved us both but no, you wanted me dead" I tell him, knowing it was easy to find us because he had made us all get tracking rings so he'd be able to find us. "I didn't know where you were" he said crying trying to get close to me. Jace gets in front of me and Izzy gets ready in case he gets too close, "What about the rings? You gave us rings so you'd find us, you could've saved us both but you wanted to be the hero in her story, not our stories" I say knowing he wanted to save her so she'd fall in love with him. "I made a mistake" is all he whispers. "Y/N-" Caitlin starts. "Don't even speak bitch" Is all I tell her and begin walking away. "Go home Flash. You're not needed here. I see you again and I will kill you, that's a promise" Is all I say and walk into the Portal that Magnus had created, I needed a movie night at the Bane apartment with all my friends, they quickly follow behind, understanding what I wanted.
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