#we will never get the timelines of meridian lmao
madonna-of-meridian · 4 years
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That means your mom Weira was over a thousand years old? That’s old, darlin’
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shimmershae · 3 years
My thoughts on Episode 7--Promises Broken
Placed behind a cut for those of you that would rather escape my babbling, lol.  You’re welcome.  
The episode opens with Maggie, Elijah, Father Gabe, and Negan.  
Right away I can’t help feeling disappointed because the emotional core of last episode (Kelly and Connie’s reunion and the aftermath) seems like it’s being ignored and punted further down the road so we can waste another hour getting piece meal progress on the Reaper front, but I’m going to try to push my misgivings away and enjoy this episode for what it is, so.  
“Daryl just told us to go home.”  
And save your hides and keep the rest of the community safe?  I can’t argue that Negan might have an actual point here, lol.  But Maggie sure can.  
Not gonna lie.  When Negan came back with “I think he was being subtle. He said they were armed with lookouts” I had to LOL.  
“We will never be even.”  I mean.  Maggie been frustrating me with her stubbornness in this suicide mission, true.  But she right.  They will never, ever be even.  
“Ya’ll know Blackbeard, too?”  I admit it.  I laughed.  A little.  
Okay.  I don’t know if this bodes well for this episode or not, but the cold opening in this episode?  Was the most underwhelming cold open of this season.  
At least the opening credits still give me that old familiar rush of the heyday of TWD.  
Fake Stephanie and Eugene are on Walker clean up duty.  Hmm.  I think I’m going to refer to Fake Stephanie as Fifi until she gets a real name for brevity’s sake.  
Fifi handles herself surprisingly well with the Walkers.  Is she one of Mercer’s stormtroopers working undercover maybe?  
Somehow I doubt it’s true that our friends can trust “Lance” but whatever, lol.  
I hate to admit it but I’m already kind of bored with this episode.  We’re barely over 6 minutes in.  
I didn’t recognize Princess without her fluffy pink coat!  
Zeke is definitely struggling.  
I do like that these two  have been paired up.  They have taken to each other quickly and already have a good rapport.  There’s something endearing about their scenes together.  
“Never been afraid of hard work.  Kinda anti-friends who die from stubbornness.”  Have I mentioned lately how much I love Princess?  Because I really, really do.  
So it’s been days.  Has it been days that Maggie and Negan and Co. have been outrunning the Reapers?  I’m talking since they left the safe house.  Does that mean that it’s also been days since Kelly and Connie’s reunion?  This timeline is so slow and yet they keep telling us it’s been days and making me think we’ve been missing time.  Like I can’t even.  
You know Carol’s “Pookie is in danger” senses have to be big-time tingling by now if it’s been DAYS.  
Also?  Alden almost certainly has to be dead.  
But I digress.  They obviously don’t want us getting hung up on the apparent time warp between ASZ, Meridian, and the Commonwealth.  It’s like the Bermuda Triangle of the ZA.  
“A person with your pedigree...”  
Okay then.  Commonwealth is full of uppity assholes.  Good to know.  
Yumiko looks classy!  I say that in my best Princess voice, lol.  
Well.  At least they’ve given Daryl Dog back.  Has Dog come to his senses though?  That is the question.  
Daryl sharing a smoke with the enemy to gain some intel.  Or maybe just the keys to food storage.  
So.  Another redshirt (Elijah’s sister’s friend) we don’t know bites the dust.  Meh.  Including that tidbit in the trailer was purposefully misleading, lol.  Not that I want people to die, but still.  
“But the one?  He’s mine.”  Let’s take bets.  Was it Carver Elijah has a beef with because it just seems like it was.  Could also be that his name is the only one I know, lol.  
Where is Maggie sending our hobbled Father G?  
“I kept my mask for practical and sentimental reasons.”  Negan?  You almost had me.  He really can’t help his inherent asshole-ishness can he?  
But seriously.  Yuck at what they about to do because I assume Alpha and Co. at least cured the nasty skins.  
I wish I could say I give a damn that they’re attempting to give Leah some more likeable layers but it’s a cheap cheat so naw.  
There’s that damn river that symbolizes the great divide between Daryl and his love and his family.  At least it’s pretty.  
I’m with Daryl.  Is Pope just looking to cleanse the earth of those he doesn’t feel belong or what?  Wheedle the truth out of her, Daryl.  
“You never needed anyone to make you strong.”  
Think our guy has ever said this to his real girl?  
It’s kinda funny that the Whisperer flunkie is now the herding Whisperer tutor.  
Is that the Reaper’s version of a priest?  Sorry.  I swear.  I’ve been trying to pay attention during their scenes.  But my mind wanders because it feels like Woodbury and the Sanctuary all over again.  The Whisperers at least were elevated by Samantha Morton, Ryan Hurst, Thora Birch, and yes, Jeffrey Dean Morgan.  Like I love Norman Reedus and the character he’s crafted in Daryl but he’s not enough to have me enthralled with Leah and these dudes.  I don’t care if they were all Calendar pinups before the ZA.  
Truly.  A+ casting with Yumiko’s brother.  
Yeah.  Something’s definitely fishy about Tomi’s reluctance to go back to his old life in the Commonwealth, but the desire for a slower, less stressful existence is definitely relatable so I’m not going to hold that part against him at all.  
What did Maggie say after Elijah asked if Negan had changed?  Because I replayed it a handful of times and still don’t know.  
This Lancy Hornsby dude reeks of slimy politician.  
Too much one on one Daryl and Leah in this episode.  Without any kind of chemistry at least these two drag each other and their parts of the episode down.  Leah’s character is a fail for me and it has nothing to do with shipping reasons.  She’s just not believable or authentic to her role as a mercenary.  
“If I could do it all over again, I’d have killed every single one of you.”  Damn.  Well.  He’s being true to himself, I guess.  Unapologetically Negan.  
Again.  I can’t say Negan’s wrong exactly but shit does he deliver some uncomfortable truths.  
Princess’s childlike delight over treats is <3.  
Look at Eugene running toward danger!  OG Eugene would never.  Abe would be so proud.  
Eugene and Fifi actually work pretty good together but it all feels so staged.  I feel sorry for our guy.  
“This guy was being, well, an asshole.”  LMAO @ Josh’s delivery. The asshole definitely deserved that punch and his date deserved to be eaten.  
Real Stephanie is so pretty.  
Aww.  She’s concerned about Eugene.  
Oh shit.  Eugene punched Pamela Milton’s little entitled prick of a son.  This feels like the ASZ Monroes all over again.  Sorry.  I can’t remember their names.  
Poor Eugene.  Have I said that already?  
Is this Lance Hornsby guy the lesser of two evils or...”  
All the chances you’ve gotten, hmm?  Seems to me they’ve been set up for some failure too, though.  
Maggie and Negan leading a herd where?  Meridian?  
That poor woman.  Just wanting her family safe and spared of seeing her meet her maker.  
So Leah’s not completely cold.  Okay.  Doesn’t mean she’s able to be saved though.  
At this point, Kang is just  yanking Daryl’s chain and ours in the process.  
Even hidden behind that skin mask, Elijah made me tear up when he saw his sister.  
No previews?  What a copout.  
Not Kang correlating Maggie and Negan to child and coach, lol.  
The narrative they keep pushing about the villains having families and FEELINGS doesn’t change much for me, Angela.  Gracie was the only innocent in that outpost Team Family attacked.  I’m not saying they should have done it but stop trying to make the bad guys sympathetic.  It isn’t earned.  
Interesting how she mentions Gabe is trying so very hard to hold onto faith.  
If Leah’s the frog boiling in that pot?  They better be serving frog legs to the starving community she’s hunting.  Just saying.  
Overall impression of this episode?  
It was boring.  No seriously.  
I wish I could say I liked it better but it was just meh.  I can’t even muster up any words because I just feel blah about it and that’s not a good feeling to have going into the first final (mid?  half?  tri?  I don’t know what to call it) episode of the season.  
Withholding the previews further adds to the doldrums because what is there to actually be excited about here after that episode?  At least try to pique our interest, Angela.  
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