#we’ll see how besotted I am by then lmao
psycho-slytherin · 6 years
Strangers ch. 27
Your dizzy spells have gotten worse, but it’s time for you and Yoongi to shine.
Pairing: Yoongi x (female) Reader
Word count: 1.6k
Genre: Floof
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Okay. Okay. It’s fine. Everything is fine. Fine fine fine fine. Fine. Fine–
A knock at your door interrupts your whirlwind of overthinking, and when you open it you see your downstairs neighbor tapping his foot impatiently.
“Oh, hi there, Soobin. What can I do for you?” You’re cautiously polite, reasonably sure that by this point your neighbor despises you– when you flooded your apartment, his was also damaged, and your obnoxious alarms at all hours have probably driven him crazy.
Soobin yawns. “It’s two in the morning, y/n. I understand if you’re stressed or something. However, your pacing is making it hard to sleep.”
“Oh.” Your cheeks turn red. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to keep you up.”
“Get some sleep,” your neighbor advises. “I’m not trying to pry, but it’s hard to ignore when you’ve been pacing for the better part of an hour.”
“Yes- I will.” You apologize again before saying goodnight, and once you close the door you sigh and lean your forehead against the smooth wood. You’ve never felt so nervous in your life– just thinking about tomorrow raises goosebumps on your arms and makes your heart stutter.
You’re going to kiss Yoongi.
You. Are going. To kiss. Min Yoongi.
Well, your character is going to kiss Yoongi’s character. But still.
The first time you saw Yoongi, back when he called himself Agust, you’d fainted. Just seeing him was enough to overwhelm you entirely and make you lose any semblance of dignity. And now, that man, your idol, your dream, is going to kiss you.
As you climb into bed, you pray that you’ll be able to at least keep your balance tomorrow. Today. Whatever. You need sleep.
“Fame, flashlight– gi-give it to me!”
You shoot upwards, jolted unpleasantly out of an equally unpleasant dream. “Son of a bitch,” You groan, rubbing your temples. Your head hurts terribly, and the comments you’ve been reading online followed you once again into sleep.
@captainkookie21: hey throwback to when @yourname was a no-name who didn’t sleep her way to the top, amirite? Our boys are too good for her lmao
@seventeengoingonseokjin: im so conflicted about #MoonOverTheSea like?? Do I stan because Yoongi? Do I hate because @yourname? What’s the protocol
@namjoonforpresident: Y’all there’s a rumor that there’ll be a #MoonOverTheSea footage leak lmfao didn’t they barely start filming
@bangtan-uwus: unpopular opinion but fuck @yourname and everything she stands for. I’d understand if she were actually famous but she aint and she doesn’t deserve yoongi
@captainkookie21: @bangtan-uwus lol you mean popular opinion
“Ugh.” You bury your face in your hands, squeezing your eyes shut tight, tight enough to keep everything out. There’s an emptiness in your chest so heavy that it hurts to breath, and you’re dizzy again– these spells have been happening more often lately.
Suddenly, your phone rings. The noise makes you jump and scramble to answer.
“Y/n~ how are you, darling?” Lisa sings in your ear.
You force yourself to relax, force your voice to lighten for your friend’s sake. “Yeah, I’m great. How ‘bout you?”
“Tut-tut. This isn’t about me, hon. Second day of filming! How are you feeling?”
“Yeah, um– you know, good. Fine.”
“Convincing,” Lisa replies dryly. “Well, I’m downstairs. I can give you a lift to the set if you want?”
“Thanks, I’ll be right down.” You rush to gather your things and join Lisa in her car.
"We’re not going to film in the studio today,” you tell her. “We’re going to some outdoor location.”
“Ah, tell me the address?”
You read it to her off your phone and spend the rest of the car ride anxiously tapping as Lisa chatters. Yoongi. Yoongi. You’re going to kiss him, just like in your dream, the one you can’t even force yourself to forget.
“By the way, I’ve been noticing some mean stuff on Twitter lately...” Lisa says cautiously, and you freeze.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Lisa scoffs. “You need to tell me if it’s getting out of hand.”
“I’m fine, Lisa.”
“I’m feeling just fine, fine, fine,” Lisa sings as she parks. “If you say so, girl. Have a good day, yeah? Tell me everything!”
“You know I will.”
Lisa’s eyes narrow. “Do I know that? I’m just kidding. See ya!”
You turn and walk to where the film crew has set up tents and trailers. You spot Avery, and judging by her frazzled expression she’s clearly somehow slept less than you.
“Oh, thank god, y/n. Please tell me you’re the one decent member of this cast,” Avery exclaims when you approach.
“Uh... what?”
“The two leads aren’t cooperating because they’re jealous you and Yoongi have been in front of the camera most,” an assistant supplies. “And since the schedule changed and we have to film your outdoor kiss first, they’re both refusing to be onset today.”
Right. The kiss. Almost on cue, Yoongi shows up, moving through the star-struck crew.
“Are we getting started?” He asks Avery, not looking you in the eye.
“Yes. Yes! We are. Hair and makeup, both of you. I want you onset next to those trees in half an hour. If we have to do more than ten takes for any scene, I might go crazy. It’s fine. Everything is fine.” Avery says in a very not-fine way. Unwilling to provoke your director, you scurry off to hair and makeup, only relaxing when Yoongi is out of sight.
But you’re friends. And you’re only acting. This tension isn’t normal. You’re just friends. Why are you so damn nervous?
The period clothing is heavy, and too warm in the noon sun. Because your clothes and makeup are simpler, you trundle onset before Yoongi arrives, and spend the extra few minutes reviewing your lines.
Avery stands next to the camera along with the cinematographer and several assistants. At last, Yoongi walks up to you. You want to tease him about how dashing he looks, but for once the words fail you: how can you joke when it’s the truth? Yoongi is undeniably handsome, but now... he looks royal. He looks perfect.
Avery quickly walks you and Yoongi through the scene, including where you’ll move and when. “Y/n, we’ll start with your line, okay? Take one. Ready, and... action!”
“Isn’t the sunshine lovely today, Mr. Moon?” you sing sweetly as you walk with Yoongi across the field, cameras surrounding you.
“Not half as lovely as you, Miss Kim– though I do wish you would call me Sung-Min.” Yoongi looks at you for the first time today and you feel your cheeks heat up.
You laugh off the sudden rush of affection. “Then I am Ji-Woo. Even though it is hardly appropriate–”
Yoongi grasps your hands in his, and you nearly gasp. This wasn’t in the script.
“I no longer care what is appropriate, Ji-Woo. After all...” he pauses, the corners of his catlike eyes crinkling. “I fell in love with you, didn’t I?”
You giggle modestly, but the intensity of his gaze combined with your intertwined fingers makes you feel like something inside you is falling apart.
“I suppose you did,” you reply, keeping your voice level as Yoongi leads you to the large flat rock Avery pointed out earlier. With a swish of your skirts you settle yourself upon the rock, spine straight, hands folded in your lap. Yoongi stands in front of you.
“Won’t you sit down, Sung-Min?”
“What? Oh, yes.” Yoongi becomes more agitated, and begins pacing in front of you. Much like, you think bemusedly, your own behavior last night. “Y/n, I–”
“Cut!” Avery hollers, and you’re brought back to reality. “Yoongi, she’s Ji-Woo, remember?”
“Ah, yes. Sorry.” Yoongi nods quickly, looking embarrassed.
Your director sighs. “It’s fine– it’s going great so far. Why don’t we keep going from Yoongi’s line? Ready, and... action!”
“Ji-Woo, I’ve been meaning to ask you...”
“Yes?” You’re only supposed to look nervous, so why do you feel your heartbeat quickening?
“I love you, Kim Ji-Woo. I love you truly, fervently, and with every part of myself.” Yoongi takes a breath and with a start you realize you’ve been holding yours. “I think I was besotted from the moment I met you, and every day since has done nothing but intensify my affection. And so, I must ask you– will you do me the honor and privilege, on this day and all days hence, of becoming my wife?”
The tears are there before you have to summon them: Yoongi is kneeling before you, his eyes wide, pleading, hopeful, beautiful. You press your lips together and nod happily and Yoongi’s face lights up with euphoric disbelief and he rises, and he hugs you tightly, so tightly, and when he at last pulls away you’re left looking at each other, eyes wide, mouths inches apart, and you don’t dare breathe.
It’s for the drama. Just friends. Just–
And you have no more time to think because he’s kissing you, Min Yoongi is kissing you and he’s kissing you gently, lovingly, his lips are so soft against yours and he tastes like mangoes for some reason and you reach up to rest your hands on his shoulders and he cups your cheek as though protecting a flower and all this goes through your head in about two seconds because he’s kissing you and there’s nothing more distracting in the world.
After perhaps an eternity you break apart, and Avery once more yells “Cut! Great, we should do another take just in case.”
But you can’t hear her too well: your head hurts again, and you feel another dizzy spell about to hit you, but this one much stronger than the ones you’ve been experiencing lately, and your balance feels off and you’re tired, so tired–
Yoongi must notice. “Y/n, are you oka–”
“I am going to faint,” you announce, before your eyes flutter shut and the world turns to black.
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