#we’re back on the weird adviceposts
anddreadful · 1 year
look. look. you have to honor what you want and what you feel you need, even if it’s cringey. you have to. if you don’t, if you ignore your weird animal desires and your petty hungers because you feel shame about them, or because they’re not practical, or they’re not what you “should” want, you starve your soul. and one day, you’ll meet people who don’t starve their souls, who give themselves the things you denied yourself and are happier than you for it, and it will hollow you out further with resentment and rage.
the good news is that it’s never too late to start. you can always ask yourself what you want, and maybe if what you want lives at the heart of your disdain. do you know what it feels like to have a well fed soul? would you like to?
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