#we'll eventually see bonten again
reallyromealone · 2 years
Part 8 🌸 current 🌸 part 10
Warning: swearing, Bonten, Sanzu as a concept, avoiding kidnapping, shit gets boring then really wild
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(Name) couldn't sleep much, the nightmares waking him but that didn't matter much to him.
His body wasn't sore anymore so he might as we get a move on.
He was a sitting duck like this.
Getting up and getting his bearings he checked around the shrine before continuing his journey, if his memory was correct if he went east he would end up in Tottori, he heard it was secluded.
It was perfect.
It would take him six days if his math was correct.
It was worth freedom.
Leaving the shrine he stuck to the shadows and out of the sight of people, hiding at anyone who vaguely looked like they could be gang related.
So basically anyone to (name) at this point.
Everyone was a threat.
He managed to find change along the way, getting a water bottle from a vending machine, the journey would be long after all and he could survive without food for a week.
He couldn't survive long without water.
"...shit!" (Name) said ducking in an alleyway when he saw those familiar black cars stroll by.
It was a manhunt at this point.
And (name) knew they wouldn't stop till they found him.
And he couldn't let that happen.
God knows what they would do when they got him.
They were probably livid.
God his mom would have been so worried for him.
Naoto felt awful, he had barely gotten away from Bonten and he lost (name).
Hopefully he's hiding well.
Half of Tokyo was looking for him, both Bonten and the police and people were starting to notice.
"Don't worry, we'll find him" an officer said trying to calm down the angry detective but it fell to deaf ears.
What if they already found him?
Just pretending to look for him to throw the Tokyo police off their scent?
The possibilities were endless.
They were so close, but of course Bonten would have something up their sleeves.
(Name) was tired.
He had been walking for hours through the back streets of Tokyo and avoiding anything anyone and for once.
He wished he could see his own future.
Maybe then he could know what to avoid.
When to hide.
He couldn't even call anyone.
He hoped Naoto was alright, he felt bad dragging him into this.
Hopefully the detective would get to go to his sister's wedding, the dress looked lovely.
"I'm looking?! How hard is it to find one fucking person!" Sanzu yelled to Ran causing (name) to duck behind some trash cans, heart racing as he overhead the conversation.
"Well we better find him! Mikeys tantrums are only getting fucking worse!"
"We all want him back, but you bitching won't fix it!"
(Name) tried not to move a muscle as they got closet, still not aware he was just feet away as they argued.
"We have everyone hunting him down, a bounty on him it's only a matter of time before he shows up on our radar"
And at that moment (name) knew he needed to get the fuck out of Tokyo.
Eventually the Bonten men left and (name) took in a shaky breath before getting up and running.
"Are you alright?" A voice broke him from his thoughts and shakily he looked at a pretty man who looked at him worried "a-ah yes! Sorry" (name) said almost frantically as he stared at the golden eyed man with long blond and black hair put in a bun.
"Are you sure...?"
(Name) just nodded before bolting again, he's wasting daylight talking to someone who would just be in danger near him.
It was night time and he managed to end up in a park, the moon high as he planned his next course of action.
"You hear? Bonten put an 173 million yen on some guy, apparently it's the leaders lover or something" some thug said and (name) hid in a tree as he thought about what they said.
'lover...?' he thought, confused as he continued to eavesdrop on the conversation before him only to lose his balance a bit from the lack of food and exhaustion, catching their attention.
"Who the fuck is that?!" One of the men yelled out and (name) felt all his exhaustion leave him as he bolted.
"Get the fuck back here!"
(Name) felt his heart leap into his chest as he ran through the park and out into the streets, weaving past people.
"SHIT--- (name)?" A voice he wished he didn't hear as he locked eyes with Koko, the man exiting a club.
"Nononono!" (Name) said teary eyed as he looked at one of the men who haunt his nightmares.
"We been looking everywhere baby, come on don't you want to see the birds?" Mochis voice snapped his attention behind him as the tall bearded man rested his hand on (name)s trembling shoulder "we missed you, didn't you miss us?"
No absolutely not.
The concept of them made him want to throw up from fear.
"Now let's go home, Mikey's been missing you"
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nejiverse · 2 years
Bonten! Kakucho Hitto
In which Y/n and Kakucho are reunited again from childhood. Fem! Reader
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Approx. 1.8k words
Recommend listening after flashback
"KAKU you're crying again?!", Y/n whined to the 6 year old boy in front of her who was desperately trying to put a stop to his tears by wiping them away with his sleeve.
"I'm not! Something's in my eye and I can't get it out", he retorted as the girl in front of him folded her arms against her chest.
"Tell the truth Kaku", she threatened which made Kakucho sigh in defeat.
"There was a cat right here in this box yesterday but now it's gone", he showed her the cat food he was gonna feed the cat with a sulk on his face.
Y/n sweat dropped.
"That's not cat food idiot it's dog food", she said pointing to the bag in his hand. "See? D-O-G", she indicated the letters on the bag.
"Still, I was gonna keep it as a pet", he kept his head down and sniffled.
Seeing Kakucho distraught made her sad too. She tried to think of something to make him happy. She beamed at the idea that popped into her head.
"I promise when I grow up and finally become a model, i'll get you a new fluffy cat!", she said with a look of determination.
She noticed the ravenette's mood slightly change into one more joyous.
"But you're moving away. You won't be able to", he responded.
"Hmm", Y/n put her finger under her chin in thought before bringing two items from her pocket.
"Here", she smiled as she handed a silver plastic ring to the boy and kept the other golden one for herself.
"We'll make a promise with these rings since you always break your pinky promises", she pouted as Kaku gave her a goofy smile at her words.
"I'll come back when I grow up, but until then, quit being a crybaby!", she commanded.
"I promise i'll wait right here for you and stop calling me that!".
"But y'know Kaku", Y/n started. "These rings mean we have to get married", her words made a shiver drive down his spine. "I don't make the rules", she shrugged.
"Married? But I can't marry my best friend!", Kakucho was conflicted. Yes he loved Y/n but as his best friend.
"Tch, a crybaby and a wuss", she murmured earning a groan from Kaku which made her giggle slightly.
Unfortunately Y/n did end up moving the next day but auspiciously, she did pursue her hopes in becoming a model. Now at age 26, she had decided to visit her home town.
Every step she took was accompanied by a crunch of the snow beneath her feet. It was the type of cold that would freeze the blood of those who didn't take care to dress warm.
Each breath she took out left a vapour of condensation roam in the air before disappearing again.
With her hands stuffed in the pockets of her beige trench coat, she scanned around the area and to her surprise, she was able to recognise every single intricate detail of her surroundings even though it had been twenty years. The only thing that was missing were the people. It was awfully quiet but she assumed that was because most people were at work at this hour and there was also the fact that it was baltic outside.
She smiled to herself when she came across the spot where her and Kakucho used to play. They eventually stopped talking after a few years not because they wanted to but because they had to move on with their lives.
Adjusting to adulthood was hard for Y/n and she so desperately tried to cling onto that string which kept them in contact but to her dismay, long distance relationships were never the same, whether friend or lover.
Y/n's attention was redirected to the sound of a cat purring. She turned her head to the side to see a small stray grey cat.
She smiled at the cat and crouched down to pet it.
It reminded her of Kakucho, reason being that he promised to wait for her and she promised to buy him a new cat.
She reached the conclusion long ago that he had forgotten about her and their promise.
The smile on her lips faded as she slowly ceased rubbing the cat.
Would she even see him again? And if she did what would she say?
She heard her name being called out. Who could it have possibly been? She hadn't visited this placed for twenty years now.
She stood up and turned around.
In her mind, time stopped.
Before her was someone she never expected to see ever again.
She thought to herself: he'd matured so much. He wasn't the cute little boy she knew all those years ago but a handsome fully grown 26 year old man. His hair grew. It suited him so well.
"Kakucho...", Y/n uttered in bewilderment.
The ravenette mirrored the same expression.
He noticed that she had changed drastically. Her hair was longer and her body had matured. The slight pink tint on her nose and on the tips of her ears made her all the more attractive. She was beautiful and much different to the girl he knew twenty years ago.
Y/n felt her bottom lip tremble and tears bursted out of her eyes. She ran into him arms which took him aback.
"Kaku, I missed you so much", she cried into his chest as he looked down at her, furrowing his brows.
He missed her too.... but things have changed. Was it really ok for her to be associated with him anymore?
"Who's the crybaby now?", he voiced and she looked up at him with dilated black pupils.
He felt his heart skip a beat from the way she looked at him; with so much love, so much passion.
His eyes moved down towards her plump lips. He tried ever so hard to stop himself from kissing her right then and there.
He found his thumb running over her bottom lip which made her quietly gasp at the cold feeling.
It was as if Y/n had read his mind as she leaned in and kissed him on the lips.
Her hands moved from his chest and around his neck as she tousled his hair between her fingers.
He found himself running his hands down her sides slowly--
He immediately pushed himself away from her.
What was he doing? He was affiliated with Bonten now. He couldn't drag her into it.
"I missed you too Y/n, but things changed and I think we should keep it that way.. we can't be together", he had a stern look on his face. He wanted her to see that he was serious. She should leave and pretend she never saw him today.
Her eyes widened and her shoulders began to shake. She looked at him in disbelief and shook her head.
"What are you talking about Kaku?! We made a promise, we even said we'd get married!", she whimpered as she repeatedly switched her gaze from his right eye to his left again and again in search of any emotion. That stern look was still on his face and it scared her.
"I can't marry my best friend".
These words made her walk closer to him instantly and hold his cheeks in her palms.
"You're lying to me, again! That's not the reason. There's something you're hiding from me", she was completely distressed and she felt her breathing speed up. She didn't want him to leave her.
"Look", she showed him her finger. "I still have it, the ring. You can even check my pictures online or in any magazine Kaku I never take it off, I love you so much", she cried out.
Kaku gritted his teeth and forcefully took the ring off her hand and did the same to his own. He threw the two rings deep into the snow.
Y/n gasped loudly and ran over to where he threw them, getting on her hands and knees and desperately searching for the rings.
"We shared a wonderful past and trust me I'll never forget those memories.... but our futures are meant to be separate", he said as he watched the woman look for the rings.
He noticed that she paused in her actions. "You kept the ring I gave you though, all this time. You knew we'd meet again", she said as she got up and walked over to him.
"What ever it is that you're hiding from me, let me help you. I promise I won't judge you for it because I love you", he was shocked at her words. After all this, he surely couldn't leave her, could he? The woman kissed him again and again. "I love you so fucking much".
"Stop this Y/n", Kakucho demanded as the woman stared at him with wide puffy eyes.
He grabbed her chin quite forcefully and stared right into her eyes, eyes that frightened her to the core. What did these twenty years do to him?
"Listen to me carefully 'cause i'm only saying this once", he uttered.
"I don't love you".
She felt her whole world collapse before her. Surely he was joking. Did her words really not have any effect on him? Or did he just not care?
"You don’t mean that Kakucho", she said in disbelief. She felt fresh tears building up in her eyes. "Do you know why I've remained single up to now? It's because of you! I loved you so much that every time I met someone new, I always found myself looking for your traits in them! My heart can't forget you, please just stay with me!", she pleaded.
Kakucho had no reaction to her tears and pleading. He still had that deadpan look on his face.
"Unrequited love...isn't love at all, Y/n", he gave it to her straight.
But there was a lie evident in his words. Their love wasn't unrequited at all. Kakucho knew he had feelings for Y/n, strong ones. He just didn't want her to get hurt. He'd never forgive himself.
He engulfed her in a hug and brought his lips close to her ear. "You're nothing to me. So now that i've cleared that up, i'm gonna leave and you're not to follow me or contact me. Or i'll kill you", he spat which made Y/n's eyes- if even possible- widen even more.
"Kaku..", she whispered.
He brought his lips below her ear on her neck and kissed it softly. She smelt so good.
"We were never meant to be".
masterlist :)
A/N: my baby🥹
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itoshit · 3 years
I didn't understand why Senju was acting like that. When we were together, she was fine, but the minute Vee was here, she behaved like a bitch.
Actually, Senju, we finished talking. You asked me to bring you guys back to Shibuya, and that's what I was going to do. So Vee, we're gonna give them a ride and will pick your car up after, alright? Oh also, please don't speak about Vee like that.
But Jiro I-
Stop Senju, Mikey is right. His girl is here with us now, and I'm sure she just wants to go home after her long day of work. Thank you Mikey.
The drive was silent, but not the silence that I liked. Everytime Vee and I were together, it was so comfortable. But right now..., it was quite tensed.
Eventually reaching our destination, I simply nodded at the two as a goodbye while Vee seemed deep in her thoughts. As Senju exited the car, I turned to her, smiling while patting the passenger seat.
Come here, Vee.
Switching the seats, Vee was finally by my side.
I feel like I apologise a lot, but know it's honest. Senju called me an hour before our meeting, telling me she was with Takemitchi. He's actually one of the guys that I used to know when I was younger. Hm..., I still don't really know what he wanted with me, but he kept saying that he would save me, that Bonten and my men were dubious and stuff.
Really? Your executives?
Yeah. Starting the engine again, I drove through Tokyo after Vee gave me the address of the club. I didn't really understand, and I still don't. Guess we'll have to wait a bit. He invited me to his wedding too.
What are you going to do?
... I still don't know. Listen, Vee, I'm lost right now. These guys... I hate them.
First lie.
I don't want to have anything to do with them, if I could, I would shoot them dead.
Second lie.
So why are you saying you're lost?
Because... Senju fucked with my mind, telling me that Sanzu was the worst of all. I trust him, I really do. But I trust her too. Less than him, obviously. But she showed me on multiple occasions her will to save me.
We were near the club now, and I knew the discussion would soon be over. There wasn't anything to say, really. Vee wasn't very familiar with all that stuff, and I didn't want to bring her back to it.
Nevermind that, we're here. So... you're coming back to your place yeah? I mean, you can stay at mine, but from what I understood, you prefer finishing this month at your apartment?
Smiling at me, Vee nodded. Her hand was about to open the car door, but I reached for her before she could.
Interwining our fingers, I brought her hand to my lips, kissing it gently.
What I said to you yesterday, I wasn't lying. I love you. It's so weird to say it because it's just not me, but I think the least I can do now is being completely honest with you, Vee. So just tell me if anything is wrong, and I'll try to make it right okay?  I'm not letting you go back home alone, I'll be behind you alright? One last thing before you leave, can I kiss you?
I'm happy to write for him again 😌 sorry I took so long to answer 🥺 I'm going to sleep now, so goodnight, sleep well Vee <33
If you’re right behind me, who’s going to go to the store? You really do need groceries…
I’m smiling like an idiot while his lips graze the surface of my hand, teasing the warmth he’d give if he would just press. He pulls away at my question, looking as if he forgot about the store entirely. It’s like he has no thoughts in his head for anything but murder and menace. Oh, and me apparently.
Don’t worry, we’ll go tomorrow. Can just eat something at my place because you know, I shop, I tease, lifting one of his cheeks upward with my fingers. Huh. Even cute with a forced smile.
I can’t truly put a finger on the feeling the thought of Mikey coming to my house brings. Not quite sure whether to feel insecure of the state of my home (although I know it’s clean) or not care at all. I eventually settle on the latter. Everybody in the world can’t be wealthy crime bosses.
Remembering his request and leaning in a bit closer to his face, I study him for a bit, taking in his eyes and nose, lips. He’s handsome, devilishly so, and he’s…mine. I’m so dizzied by the thought of that that I don’t even realize I’m nodding to his question until he’s closing the small gap, pressing on my lips with his. My mouth opens on instinct and his tongue takes residence in it, tangling with mine. The kiss starts soft but gradually gets more heated the longer we go at it. I could feel Mikey reigning himself in just by the way his grip on my face alternates from tight to loose and then back again. I pull away first, only because I need air, face heating as the thin chord of spit between us breaks at the separation.
Expert at playing off how I really feel, I bite my lip. So… yeah. I’ll see you later? My place?
He nods, eyes hooded as he regards me, and I hop out the car before I’m tempted to stay, waiting for him to drive off but he doesn’t. I shoot him a questioning state and he just gestures to the car— he wants me to get in it first before he leaves. The regard for my safety makes my face hot, and honestly, even turns me on a bit. So this is what we’re going to be like now?
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itoshit · 3 years
Opening the door, I was met with Vee, laying on the bed. None of us talked, and as I noticed tears running down her face, I couldn't prevent the tight smile from showing up.
Hey Venus
I knew what I was doing. I knew Vee would be mad, but I also knew that I hadn't have any choice.
Your hair... you did it for me?
Yes I did
No I didn't. I just thought that I would be able to attract more chicks that way
You're funny Manji'
She cracked a smile at my reply, but I didn't reflect her expression.
Manjiro will do yeah? Look Venus.
Approaching her and sitting by her side, I turned to her, resuming my talk.
It was dumb of me. Everything really. I think... how could I put it. You're a nice girl, but I don't think you're a good match for me. I need my woman to be more courageous and less of a crybaby you know? So yeah, it was fun while it lasted, but I kinda grew tired of you. Not to be mean though, it happens every day. I don't want to waist more time on you, so as soon as you're healed, you can start your life again alright? Koko could help you with money, we'll buy you a new apartment.
Vee didn't seem to listen anymore, her eyes were on me, but she didn't look as if she was believing me.
You're lying
Guess I will have to be more convincing them. Passing a hand through my hair, I grinned at her.
Look Venus, the sex was good, but you're getting too attached. You even said to Kakucho that you liked me! Really? Baby I was keeping you around because I pitied you. To be honest, I wanna fuck other girls now.
I needed to hurt her. To make her let go of me.
Senju wanted to see me tonight so... yeah.
Vee started being more aggressive with me, explaining it by the request that I had for her to be mine and me to be hers. I knew all that, and of course I wanted us to be together. But it wouldn't work. Not with an angel like her.
Look Venus, don't be a bore yeah? Don't act like we were together or anything. I don't like you, I stayed because your pussy was good. End of the story! I need to get ready for my little date, so I'm gonna go now. So huh... have some rest yeah?
Patting her uninjured leg, I didn't wait for her to answer and I winked at her, exiting the room.
As the door was closing, I closed my eyes, breathing deeply.
I was used to all that, but this time, I would make sure that the person I held close to my heart would stay alive, regardless of my feelings.
Sacrificing my happiness didn't look that bad if that meant for Vee to stay alive. Would I be able to see her with someone else? No. Did I even have a say in the matter? No.
I- I feel so bad rn??😭😭
And I hope you ate after !
I don’t like you. I pitied you. I don’t want to waste anymore time on you.
I knew he was lying. I knew every word he said to me was nothing more than fabricated bullshit he probably came up with on the drive here. There wasn’t any way somebody could fake the things we said to each other, the things we did. I knew that. So why was there a small part of me that was hurt? Who was contemplating the possibility that they were true. Of course it wasn’t… right?
I waited in that bed, saving my forgiveness for when he’d burst through the door five minutes later groveling at my feet, begging for mercy. I waited, despite the tears on my face that somehow knew he wasn’t. I waited and waited and waited. He never showed. That’s when I sobbed, big, heaving, blubbering ones. I sat there crying for what felt like forever, until I couldn’t even produce tears anymore. And then I got angry.
Pressing my nurse’s button, I ripped the IV out of my wrist and the other machines checking my vitals, watching blood trickle all along the sheets. I didn’t care about it. I couldn’t stay another second in this fucking place. If Mikey wanted nothing to do with me after I healed, then I’ll do him something better. The nurse ran in panicked, eyes wide. I watched her gape at the sheets, at the flatlining monitors and then at me. I didn’t even give her time to speak. I had already begun to stand.
I need to get out of here, I told her, lifting myself up from the bed.
She charged at me, trying to push my shoulders back down but I wouldn’t budge. What are you doing? Your wounds haven’t healed yet!
I repeated myself, but she was still panicking, going off about something I refused to care about. Irritated, I take the collar of her scrubs and yank, bringing her close to me. Listen to me, I need to get the fuck out of this building and if you don’t help me, I’m going to find a fire escape and do it that way. Or maybe I’ll jump out of the window, break my fucking neck. Can you live with knowing somebody died on your watch because you wouldn’t help them? Would you be able to stomach it?
The words coming out of my mouth were unrecognizable to me. I got petty with my friends and said shit I didn’t mean, but this was cruel and excessive. I guess this what Mikey was turning me into.
I let her go only after she nods her agreement, looking ready to burst into tears by the second. First, I’ll need a disguise. No matter what Mikey had just told me, I knew he wouldn’t let me out of his sight if he caught me doing this. And being trapped around Mikey was not going to fly. Fuck no. Where’s the clothes you came in wearing?
I-In my bag in our locker rooms, she stammered.
Bring them. I need to change.
She went out of the room and came back, bag in trembling hand. I dressed quickly and keeping my head down, I allowed her to sneak me straight out of the building and around the back where her car was parked. Then I asked her to drive me somewhere.
What? I can’t d—
Why not? I asked without caring to consider her feelings. The poor woman probably didn’t get paid enough for this. Is there anybody else Bonten gives a fuck about that requires you giving them medical attention?
Good. I grinned. That means you’re off for the day. Now drive. You don’t have to worry about Mikey, this is what he wanted. A half truth considering he certainly wouldn’t have wanted me to be out of his life this quickly, but I skipped a few steps for my sanity and his life. If I had to be in his vicinity I probably would have killed him.
We got in the car and sped off, me giving her directions as soon as she started driving. I watched the building grow smaller and smaller in the rearview, doing my best to ignore the thudding in my heart. The pain. The stress of everything I had been through on top of this bullshit. My thigh throbbed dully in reminder beneath the bandage. Eventually, we arrived at the destination of my choice, and I was sure to thank her for everything she did. I couldn’t give her anything but gratitude. I didn’t have any money. My phone was still in that torture room where I left it, and all the shit Mikey bought me most likely didn’t survive in that collision that got me kidnapped in the first place. I was grateful for that last one. I needed no reminders of him.
I quickly hopped out of the car, hobbling toward the door of the place I had requested to go. The nurse, who’s name I realized I never asked for, pulled out of the yard before I even entered the door. Couldn’t say I blamed her. I pressed the ringer on the door, pushing on it when it buzzed open. Immediately the stench of animal hit me full force. The sound of dogs barking and cats meowing brought a smile to my face.
Then I heard him. Who’s at the d- His words got caught in his throat, most likely at the sight of me.
Hey, Dee. I had cried all my tears out for the day in that bed. I could only express my emotions in humor. The boss hasn’t fired me yet, right?
Then I started to fall, but he caught me just in time, sobbing my name into my neck. I hugged him back tightly, heart bursting for an entirely different reason now. I was safe. I was home.
Six months came and went in a blur. I spent most of it being interrogated by police and interviewers alike. I kept my stories the same. I didn’t know my kidnappers. I never saw their faces. I never knew why I was kidnapped. Despite the fact that I could draw a detailed picture of Mikey’s face in my sleep, I didn’t sell out Bonten. I had gotten into the last predicament by them thinking I was an enemy, I didn’t want to prove that I actually was one. And besides, I wanted nothing to do with him or atleast that was the story I was feeding myself.
I never saw Natalie again. I didn’t know what Mikey did with her, and I didn’t have it in me to care. My conversations with Angel and Tati stopped a bit after they realized that too. I was glad. I was starting to grow tired of pretending I missed the traitor, and they were tired of pretending like they didn’t resent me for being the one who made it out.
Darren and I were practically inseparable. He had become my right hand, driving me around to physical therapy, helping me assimilate back into society, and still managed to keep the last bit of normalcy I had before I left during work, cracking jokes as if nothing happened. From the outside looking in, it almost was as if nothing did happen, but you had to look closer. I couldn’t sleep at night. Nightmares plagued my dreams every waking day, either of Koda, Mikey’s men who had groped me, or Mikey himself. The only time I managed to sleep was on my lunch breaks, much to Darren’s dismay. But other than that? I was okay, doing what I loved again and surrounded by genuine people.
Now Darren was convinced that what I was missing was a social life. Just come out with me, Vee. It’s just drinks at a bar with a few of my friends. We’ll even leave before 11pm.
Because your bedtime is 10, I teased, laughing when he nudged me.
I’m serious, he whined. It won’t be awkward I promise they already know- He cut himself off.
Perhaps that was the most awkward part of all of this. Everybody knew me now as the girl who survived her ‘kidnapper’. Imagine what they’d think if I told them that technically he wasn’t my kidnapper. They’d probably faint if they found out I fucked him too.
It’s okay, Dee. I was all over the news. They’re bound to know.
Still, they’re not assholes. They won’t treat you any differently. I promise. And if you’re still uncomfortable we could leave and I’ll never bother you about this again for the rest of my life. Pretty please?
I mentally groaned. Darren could get annoying when he was pleading, and it wasn’t like I had anything else to do. My routine consisted of home, work, school, occasional grocery store, gym and repeat. Nothing else exciting.
Fine, I relented, trying not to smile at his loud whoops. But I’m leaving at 10 alright?
Alright, he cheered, hugging me. Let me text the guys right now! This is going to be awesome! You won’t regret this , Vee.
I sure hoped so.
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