#we'll see how far it takes me but i hope i can leave black shroud soon lol
neriyon · 7 months
I've finally taken the next pics for my scenery screenshot project. Now to just... come up with some writing to go with it.
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sezja · 2 years
A Different Sting, Part 2
Previously: Part 1
She'd been far too late in leaving Gridania, Tsimh knows; only half a bell earlier, and she might have been able to talk her way into traveling with some stablehands heading back to Bentbranch. But no, no, she'd left it far too late, reluctant to risk the danger of the Black Shroud at all, she'd left herself with no choice but to risk it alone. The forest has changed, of late. Oh, of course the Twelveswood has always been dangerous, but in a way she understood, as any forest-born child did: mind the hearers, stay to the safe paths, don't disrespect the forest, and no harm would come to you.
But the creeping approach of Dalamud has changed things.
Still, she finds it difficult to entirely regret her decision to set out alone. Had she been accompanied by others, the beasts might not have thought her such easy prey. And had they not attacked, perhaps she'd not have needed to be rescued.
They walk in silence, their feet crunching through fallen leaves. Tsimh steals covert glances at her savior from beneath her lashes, wondering what he must be thinking. She has never found elezen fellows particularly appealing - so tall! They look as though they've been pinched and stretched everywhere. But Martiallais, with his quiet, pensive demeanor, has her bewitched. From the moment he'd appeared seemingly out of nowhere, spear in hand, slaughtering the beasts like some sort of guardian spirit-
Her heart is racing again, remembering.
She'd feared him for all of a moment, only half a breath, before he'd knelt beside her. Such beautiful eyes, such a deep, dark green, the sort of color she's only seen in deepwood plants. And his voice, low and sweeter than honey, turning her fear into something else, something else entirely. She'd have let him take her there on the grass, if he'd have her, there by the beasts he'd killed to save her life.
Her face heats again. Menphina, save me! I'm not that sort of girl.
"Are you alright, miss?" He peers down at her, and she realizes she's stopped walking, lost in her own fantasies.
With a small squeak, she hastens to his side. "I... I must have twisted my ankle. W-when I fell," she stammers. "It's nothing. Nothing, truly."
He smiles - faintly, but she sees it, that little curl of his lips, a little lopsided with one of the scars that tugs at them. She wonders where he got those scars. She wonders how those scarred lips would feel against her own. She only barely hears him say, "We'll walk a little slower, aye?"
"Y... yes." Anything to spend a bit more time with you. Sure enough, his long strides become slower, matching her pace. Tsimh finds she cannot stop staring at his legs now, the way they move, the power in each stride.
"You're a botanist?"
Oh, gods, he's talking to her. Pay attention. "Oh, only... only an assistant, that is, I... I hope to become a botanist someday, but... but for now, I only, you know, water the plants, take some cuttings... and make deliveries."
He nods, listening. "Sounds like a botanist to me."
"I don't... plant things. I can't identify half the plants I'm tending," she admits, her grip tightening on the straps of her satchel. "And I don't gather in the field. Even an adventurer fresh from the wilds can harvest sap and lumber; I only..." She sighs. "Well. I like green, growing things, that's all, I suppose."
She expects to be teased, but when she glances up, he's smiling at her. That same little smile, with the scar tugging it. She wonders if it hurts him to smile more than that little bit.
Instead of teasing, he asks, "What's your favorite?"
"My... my favorite?"
"Plant, aye."
Oh, goodness. She laughs a little, surprised by the sweetness of the question; the innocence of it - how incongruous it is with his weathered leathers and ragged scars. "Have you heard of moongrass? It's a flower that only grows wild in the depths of the Sylphlands. I've never... well, I haven't seen it in person, of course, only drawings..." She's babbling. "It's blue, you see, and it emits its pollen in bubbles."
"Bubbles," he repeats, nonplussed.
"It's silly," she says, her face heating once more. "I know, but-"
"No," he says, gentle again. It makes her vision swim. "I just never heard of such a thing. Shroud's full of wonders. Any others you like?"
He's putting her at ease, she realizes as she answers; trying to talk her down from the shock of being attacked. Talking her through simple things. Things she likes, what she does every day. Keeping her mind going, so it doesn't cycle back to that awful moment when those creatures came surging out of the trees. She lets herself be led, physically and mentally; he could be taking her anywhere. Does she know this part of the forest? Yes, yes, she knows that patch of flowers, she knows that spindly vine.
He would never lead her astray. He would never harm her.
She notices, now, how he's keeping a careful distance from her, always perhaps a fulm apart, so they never touch. Probably for the best. Gods, any closer, and he'd feel the heat rolling off of her. She believes she wants him more now, knowing how kind he is under all that lack of polish. Any other man, coming upon a young woman alone in the woods, afraid and vulnerable...
I'm not that kind of girl, she reminds herself. And anyhow, she's hardly a vision of beauty and innocence ready to be debauched, in her grass-stained fieldwork gear with smudges of mud on her knees. Next time she's rescued by some handsome young rogue, she's going to be certain to wear a better gown. Gods, the way her sisters will laugh when they hear about this! Little Tsimh, unable to perform the most basic of seductions! They're going to laugh themselves hoarse.
But she finds she cannot care, because walking with Marty, talking with him, is the most enjoyable thing she has done in moons.
Gradually, she realizes her stammer is gone, her limbs have stopped shaking. She speaks endlessly about her work at the Growery, the many little odd jobs she does around Gridania, and even her family - he's keeping her talking, of course, asking little things, but she doesn't mind; cannot mind. She tries to ask him questions in turn, things about himself, yet every time, she finds herself answering yet another of his questions, none the wiser about him all the while. He remains carefully, deliberately out of reach, in every sense. It could drive her mad.
All too soon, they reach their destination.
"You're late, lass," the gamekeeper says, his concerned tone shifting immediately to suspicion as he takes in the sight of Marty standing just behind Tsimh. She knows what he must see: a ruffian using an innocent girl's naivete against her, for his own wicked ends.
Menphina, if only.
"Y-yes," she says, stammering again as she reaches into her satchel, fishing out the clippings and cuttings he'd requested. "I... I ran into some trouble on the road."
"I see that."
She frowns, stepping back and deliberately grasping Marty's arm. He tenses, but doesn't jerk free of her grasp. How strong his arm feels... but she can't be distracted, not now. "There were beasts," she says firmly, eyebrows knotting beneath her blue fringe. "Marty saved my life, and offered to escort me here and back to Gridania. He has been a perfect gentleman!" Unfortunately, she doesn't add.
The gamekeeper looks between the two of them, slow and thoughtful. "Is that so."
"It is!"
His keen-eyed gaze rests on Marty, eyes narrowing. "You'll see her safely home, then, lad?"
She hears the quiet breath leave him, a sigh he was holding back. "Aye, sir. On my life."
"You'd best believe it is. Marty, is it?"
"Martiallais," he clarifies, politely. He pats her hand, still gripping his arm, with his own free hand. "You gave the fellow everything he needed, miss?"
She nods primly, tightening her grip on his arm, an unspoken I'm not letting go. "I did, ser. We should get back to Gridania before it gets dark." She nods to the gamekeeper, still piqued. "Good evening."
"Aye, travel safe, lass." The man's voice rises. "And you, lad! If I hear aught's befallen her, I'll see you suffer for it!"
"Never mind him," she says, hastening Marty along with an iron grip. "He knows my father, that's all." Word of this will get back to my father, she realizes, and she cannot decide if the shiver that darts down her spine is fear... or the titillation of doing something she knows her father will never approve of. Traveling the Shroud with a strange man! A strange elezen man! What will people say, Tsimh?
"Can't hardly blame the man," Marty says, gesturing to himself with his free hand. "I ain't exactly a knight in shining armor."
She briefly imagines him in armor. Ooh... "You saved my life," she says, resolute. "I trust you. That ought to be good enough."
"Grand judge of character, are you?" That little smile again.
"Are you secretly a wicked man, Marty?" She teases, squeezing his arm, which she has not relinquished. "Are you planning to do awful things to me, after all?"
He looks at her, briefly stunned, and a pink flush rises in his cheeks. "I..."
Oh, she realizes, heart leaping into her throat all over again, heat pooling at her core. Oh, he does want me too. Boldly, Tsimh leans a little closer, letting her breasts rest against his arm (if only she wasn't wearing this heavy botanists' vest!). She doesn't let her gaze stray from his.
"Perhaps," she begins, but her mouth is dry. She licks her lips, swallows, cannot believe what she is saying, what she is asking. "Perhaps, just to be safe, you ought to walk me all the way home?"
She fears he'll refuse. She fears he'll push her away, resume his careful distance, and it'll shatter her heart into a thousand pieces.
Instead, he smiles.
She is learning to love that smile.
"It's dangerous these days," he says, quiet and soft, but she sees the flicker of heat in his eyes, like a banked flame. "Mayhap you're right. Just to be safe."
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wornoutmouse · 4 years
I'm doing a Haikyuu male reader next of my own devising since hoes don't want to request 🙄.Fyi i write smut, angst, and fluff just tell me yeah charcter, category and plot of you want.
Sukuna x Gojo x femReader
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Don't ask the time period i don't even know man😓😭 I'd like to say it's set in Africa during like the era when Japan still had emperor's.
Once again sorry I'm working so slow sometimes plots don't work and i have to restart.
But reciving the news of my teacher/second father's death this morning has urged me to bury myself in work.
Yokai Gojo and Sukuna
When they speak japanese it will be bold
Warnings: manipulation, behind the scenes murder, hidden angst
You were a fool for venturing out in the wilderness by yourself. Have you learned nothing from your grandmother?!
The sound of crows and cicadas vibrated around you as you walked through the forest. You were only out here for some berries, so how on earth did you get lost?
Your feet were bare and sore, and the sky was only getting darker as the sun lowered. Finally deciding that continuing to walk wouldn't help, you opt to climb a tree.
As you climbed further, you prayed that you wouldn't fall as numerous species of insects crawled throughout the tree and unfortunately on your hands and back.
Reaching a height great enough that you could see over the trees, you spot water in the distance. It was the river just east from your village and that was a promising sign that you weren't a complete idiot.
Climbing down the tree with less grace than you came, you head in the direction of the river, and soon the forest floor is shrouded in shadows as the sun finally sets. You hug yourself and press your arms close to your shaking body.
As you walked, you noticed warm light peeking through shrubbery ahead. You slowed your steps and walked with your feet at an angle. By some miracle, you avoided the sticks below you. "Wait till I tell father about this he'll have to let me hunt with him"
You grimace, "Assuming he'll let me leave home ever again after this" Thinking of your father put a sour taste in your mouth. The man loved you, truly, but the only way he deemed you safe is if you are at home all the time or if you are with your future husband at all times. One of which you were not ready for, and the other you'd rather not.
You got as close to the light as you could without being noticed, and crouched. Two men stood next to each other facing a fire in the opposite direction of you. Good, you could stay down wind. A rough voice spoke, but you were not able to understand the strange language he spoke.
They were tall and pale and the clothes they wore, was not of your region. The closest you could compare it to was the robes worn by the elders once they reached a certain age.
Their hair color was strange as well. The tallest one had hair the color of winter snow meanwhile the other's hair was pink like your mother's roses. They spoke more but you still couldn't understand what they were saying.
The one with white hair seemed familiar to you yet you couldn't quite place it. Either way, you didn't feel safe approaching them on your own so you decided to walk around.
You shift from one foot to the other and fall back on your bottom as something flies over your head. Looking behind, you saw a knife in a tree behind you.
"Screw this!" You whispered to yourself, taking off. You run blindly through the forest, jumping over fallen trees and on many occasions running on all fours when you fell down.
Fear should have been on your mind but all you could think of was how your mother would kill you when she saw the tears that were most likely forming on your clothes.
After you get a good distance, you stop and take in your surroundings. To your left, you gaze with wide eyes, at the reflection of the moon on the lake. Hopefulness filled your heart as you saw twinkling fire coming from your village in the distance.
You were finally home, is all you thought as you took a step forward. You freeze as a shiver goes down your spine and moments later, something wraps itself around your ankles, dragging you back into the dark forest.
You cover your face as you're dragged across the floor. It was a long while till you stopped and when you did, you found yourself back to the two men as they towered over you.
They looked down at you, well one did, the others eyes were covered and that scared you more than the man grinning sinisterly above you.
"Would you look at that, you got pretty far,, my vine couldn't even reach you till you stopped." The vine releases you and you quickly crawl back. "You should have kept running I love a good chase." The man with white hair grinned down at you, hands in the sleeves of his robe.
The pink haired man crouched in front of you, and you flinch as your see fangs flash in the fun light. "Demon." You whimper as you look at the smaller eyes surrounding his normal ones.
Black markings surrounded his face and down his chest that was strangely bare despite the cool air. "You like what you see?" While you couldn't understand him verbally, it was obvious that he was gloating.
You turn your face haughtily, "She doesn't speak Japanese." Gojo finally spoke up, looking at you with subtle interest. He recognized you from his visit to your village. Well it wasn't necessarily a 'visit' more like he watched from afar.
You had seen him before though, whether you knew it or not.
Gojo cleared his throat, "Can you tell us what you were doing in the bushes?" Your eyes widened at his ability to speak your language. While it was comforting, it was even more suspicious.
"I was going home, and your light caught my attention." You said calmly. It's best that they don't know you were lost. Your eyes darted to the pink haired man who stayed crouched in front of you.
He raises his hand towards you, and you swallow as his sharp nails come into view. "You're a pretty little thing aren't you?" You resist the urge to slap his hands away as he uses the back of his finger to caress your cheek.
These men are dangerous, one clearly more reckless than the other. All it took was one wrong move and you'd be on the receiving end of that danger. "I would like to be on my way, sorry for bothering you."
You stand up and take a few steps back. A warm chest stops your retreat and you look up to see the white haired man standing behind you. "What's the rush, can't we have a little fun? Look, if you entertain us a bit, we'll walk you home." The pink haired man said in a singsong voice.
You shook your head and walked around the white haired man. "No thank you, it's not that far." The white haired man shrugged and watched you walk away. "We really gonna let a good piece of ass like that go?" Sukuna grumbled as he watched the darkness swallow your form.
Gojo placed his hands behind his head, "She'll be back don't worry."
You walked in the direction you had before, but it seemed as if you were no closer to leaving the forest like before. You climbed a tree and saw the river once again and walked towards it. But it seemed as if you were truly making no moves towards it whatsoever.
After a while of sitting in the nerve racking darkness, you walk back in the direction of the men, hoping they haven't left yet. It was against your better judgement, but they were the only option you had left.
To your luck, they hadn't left and were tending to their own flames. When you came back into view, they looked up at you. And you tried to ignore the rose haired man's knowing smirk.
The white hair man, that you have come to trust more than the other, waved at you slightly as you got closer to the fire. "I thought you were going home?" You shrugged your shoulders embarrassed.
"I got lost." Both men humed with mock concern. The pink haired man walked towards you loosely. "That's not good, I'm sure your family is worried sick." You nodded absent-mindedly. An arm is slung around your shoulder and you lean into it, basking in the warmth.
"Well we can't have that now can we Gojo?" The pink haired man looked at the man next to you, Gojo. "No I don't think I'd be able to sleep easily if I left you alone, how about you Sukuna."
If one were to have looked up. One would have noticed a strangeness to the sky above. Almost as if being covered by a bubble the sky closed and got considerably darker.
A barrier. After all, wouldn't want anyone to hear you scream.
"So do you promise to entertain?" Sukuna held out his hand and you looked at it. The black lines wrapping around his arms seemed to move but you summed it up to being a truck of the light. "What kind of entertainment?"
Gojo squeezed your shoulders and you shivered as his warm breath brushed against your ear. "Nothing you won't enjoy as well, we're all adults here aren't we?" You could feel your face warm at the implications. "I-I don't think I can do that."
You go to stand and the barrier above stops. "Aw what a shame." Sukuna turns back around as if heading to sit down but stopping. "But how will you get home!?" You furrow your berries, weren't they still going to take you?
Gojo noticed your face, "Ah, my dear this is a world of give and take. So I'm afraid we can't do things without a price. But if you feel better off on your own figuring your way through the dark woods, then we respect your decision."
You didn't want to do that and they both knew it.
"What do you want in return?" Gojo and Sukuna shared a look with each other. Your eyes widened as Gojo's hand trailed down your back, drawing circles when it got just above your butt. "Just a little pleasure…mixed with a little pain." Sukuna's teeth shined in the fire's light.
"Pain?! Out here?!? No, anyone could see!" You stood up, Gojo following suit. He had yet to say anything but knew Sukuna could handle it.
Like a snake, the tatted man came close to you and held your chin as one arm wrapped around your waist. "Oh calm down sweet cheeks, a little pain never hurt anybody." He leaned forward closer to your neck and you suck in a breath as you feel him nibble on your earlobe. "I'll make sure of it."
Gojo pressed against your back, "Don't worry about being seen." He clicked his fingers and suddenly you found yourself shrouded in darkness. In the middle of said darkness, was a large bed with a bright sourceless light glaring down at it.
Hands are on you in an instant, and you are pulled into the bed with Sukuna behind you and Gojo in front.
Because you were only wearing short bottoms, your legs were easily accessible. Hot wet kisses are layed on your caves as Gojo travels up your body.
Sukuna was less attentive. Taking your face in a harsh grip and kissing you roughly. You squeaked as his thumb nail pierced your cheek. A red red stream of blood falls down your cheek and Sukuna laps it up like a starved animal.
"Be gentle with her." Gojo tutted at his rude counterpart who only scoffed. "Why should I when breaking them is the best part?!" Your neck was gripped tightly and forced you to watch Gojo nip at your clothed thighs. "You like that don't you?" You shook your head embarrassed as Gojo's hands went behind you, cupping your ass.
He skillfully massages them before tugging your pants down. "You're moving too damn slow Satoru."
Sukuna's rough voice made you turn as it vibrates against the shell of your ear. "Patience, wouldn't want to hurt them." "That's the point as far as I'm concerned."
Sukuna puts his hands under your shirt and goes to cup your small chest. "I usually prefer mine with a little more here but I guess you'll have to do." Your body twitches as Sukuna mercilessly pinches and pulls at your nipples till they became puffy.
You close your eyes as you feel Gojo's warm mouth cover your pussy. His tongue played with your lips before pushing farther. You were beyond wet at this point and his tongue was simply sinful.
Sukuna was starting to feel ignored, so it was no surprise when he made it known. He pushes at Gojo's head with his foot before turning you around to face him on your knees. Fingers swipe over your lips before trailing up to your head.
You wince as his fingers curl into your fro, pulling your face to his crotch. "Why don't you put that pretty mouth of yours to use?" You fumble clumsily with the soft cloth of his robes before finally finding the prize. You lost all nerve when you saw how thick it was.
Forget going inside of you, you doubt it could even fit in your mouth. Sukuna pressed your face closer, urging you to start. You stick your tongue out hesitantly and collect the salty fluids dripping out of the tip. Just from that small simulation, Sukuna groans lowly.
Gojo had long since resumed his meal, and the sounds leaving his mouth was obscene. You couldn't see it but Sukuna watched with curious eyes as Gojo's face developed into a bit of a red color as he pressed his mouth against you.
Faint whimpers could be heard from him and the vibrations shook your core the louder he got. "Hey Satoru what's with that face, you're moaning like a bitch." Gojo doesn't respond as he grips your thighs harder. Sukuna pressed your face closer to his dick and you have no choice but to take him in your mouth.
You bobbed your head as his hand guided you relentlessly. With his other hand, Sukuna leaned forward and tugged at Gojo's blindfold.
Gojo's face was just as lewd as the noises he made. His sky blue eyes were shining with unshed tears and Sukuna had never seen a man look as content. You stop sucking when something wet hits your lower leg.
Looking in between your thighs, Sukuna laughs as he sees Gojo helplessly humping the air as warm ropes of cum spurted from his exposed cock. Sakuna gripped Gojo's now limp hair and the snow blond man glared at him through his dazed eyes. "You really are a bitch aren't you?"
Gojo reached forward and gripped Sukuna's face just as harshly, "Yes but this bitch knows how to please a woman." With that, he kisses Sukuna, forcing his tongue past his lips and exploring his mouth.
You watched, mouth agape as the men showed such an intimate display of dominance. Sukuna's fingers trailed down your back as he tongue fucked Gojo. Gaining more dominance, Sukuna fluidly pushes Gojo back far enough that he could slip two of his fingers inside of you.
While it was uncomfortable due to his sharp nails, you couldn't help but get a thrill as they scraped against your walls. Sukuna jerks his head away, his ruby eyes flared with lust and confidence. "Let's see about that."
You find yourself on your back with your head hanging off of the bed as Sukuna takes place over you and Gojo stands above you. The white haired man was beyond red and his dick was fairing no better.
It was long and an angry purple, dripping with so much pre cum that it had made his dick slick and shiny.
As if under a spell you open your mouth and Gojo quickly slides inside, gripping the sheets next to your head tightly as he face fucks you. You gag profusely as the head relentlessly slides down your throat without stopping.
You bring your hands to grip his thighs to try and gain some bearing but that only spurs him on as his thrust became rougher, and the sound of you choking becomes rhythmic as drool collects in the corner of your mouth.
"What happened to treating her gently?" Sukuna smirks as he watches the skin around your neck bulge with each thrust. "S-Sorry, young lady, but your mouth is so fucking warm and tight." Gojo slows himself into a slow grind, tapping his fingers against the bulge in your neck. You finally get a chance to breathe through your nose.
Sukuna finger fucks you a little bit more, scraping his nails uncomfortably against the walls of your cunt. When he pulls them out, they are soaked and he licks his fingers clean, humming at the taste.
He positions himself at your entrance and pushes in without stopping. Your pained moan is muffled by the sound of Gojo's balls hitting your forehead but Sukuna still hears it and mutters out a quick apology as he goes slower. "Fu-ah~, what happened to breaking them?" Gojo said mockingly.
Sukuna glares before snapping his hips forward, sheathing himself completely inside of you. Your nails dug into Gojo's skin, and his hips stutterd as he moaned. Sukuna grips your chests and uses them for momentum as he opens you up on his dick. "For someone that was so reluctant, you sure are fucking wet down here."
Sukuna uses his thumb to circle your clit and your hips raised unapologetically from the shocks of pleasure. "Filthy little human." Sukuna laughed as he continued to play with your swollen clit.
Mixed with your lack of property oxygen, the boys running to your head, and the two sources of pleasure, your thighs shake and you cum around Sukuna's dick. He laughs darkly, speeding up his thrusts as he holds your limp legs in the air. "Yes, cum again. I want to feel your pathetic pussy squeeze my dick."
Gojo had stilled and was breathing heavily as he watched Sukuna disappear inside of you. "My turn." His still hard cock slips out of your mouth and you find yourself thrown into a coughing fit.
Sukuna begrudgingly switches spots with Gojo but takes joy in holding your head as he uses your mouth like a fleshlight. "Fuuuuuck. Perfect little mouth for me. I want you to swallow my cum wench!" You whined as Gojo pushes his cock inside of you.
It was longer than Sukuna's and you could already feel the soreness as the tip grazed against your cervix. Gojo adjusts your legs to rest on his shoulders as he folds you over.
The sensations are entirely too much as air is pushed out of you from the restricting position. The sensitive walls of your cunt both sucked and pushed Gojo's cock as he delivered deliberately slow strokes. "So messy down here." Gojo uses the palm of his hand to quickly swish at your clit.
Your brown legs tremble around your head and Sukuna uses this chance to grab your feet as leverage.
By now, your mouth had completely gone slack as he abused your throat, completely ignoring the scrape of your teeth around his shaft. "Fuck I'm gonna cum." Sukuna groans, speeding up. Gojo speeds up as well, "Shit me too, you better cum with me you two-faced bastard.!"
You grip the sheets for dear life and between you and me, you blacked out as the two filled your holes with milky cum. The tangling of body's unraveled and rested together as you all came down from your highs.
Well the boys did, you fell asleep.
They tuck you into the bed after Gojo changed the sheets. "So you said you can keep her in your zone?" Gojo nodded as he did his best to put your 4c hair into braids.
"Yeah, but what are we gonna do if she asks to go home." Sukuna smiled as he looked at his nails. Sinister later fills the empty abyss of Gojo's zone and the man looked boredly as Sukuna laughed.
"She can't go somewhere that no longer exists."
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winrystan · 4 years
We'll Get Out Safely
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Angst
Words: 1529
Rating: G
Side note! This is dedicated to @wrongnote for helping me make the Ib AU! Thanks for all the help and betaing! I can't wait to see what you write :)
Find a way out. That was the goal. 
The paintings came alive and writhed on the ground as they tore themselves from the walls, making a terrifyingly abrupt dash at Ed and Roy as they passed. Before being transported to the atrocious art gallery, being sought after by art  seemed to be something only seen in nightmares.
    After obtaining the gray key, the two made a dash to the gray room, with Roy slamming the door behind them. 
    “That should hold them off,” he muttered breathlessly, holding his chest in relief. That was far too close for comfort. 
    “How are we going to get out now, then? We have paintings and statues after us, probably waiting for us at the door,” Ed furrowed his brow at the man, sighing as he plopped on the couch to catch his breath for a moment. Glancing around, he noticed a window. It was too high for any of them to reach and climb through, and they had no tools to break it. Standing up, he clutched onto Roy’s sleeve, pointing to the window. A bookshelf sat right beside it.
    “Hey, Roy. Move that bookshelf over to the right.”
    “This one? Alright. Stand back a bit, Ed.”
Ed continued to look around the room, spotting a familiar painting. He hadn’t seen it in the gallery before… Taking a glance upwards, he stumbled back, falling to the floor. 
“N-no…” Ed’s words shuddered in fear, eyes widening with dismay. 
    “Ed? What is it?”
“That painting… it’s my brother. Alphonse. We came here together. I don’t… how did he get here?!”
“Ed, calm down! We’ll get out of here, and you’ll see your brother again. I promise. It‘s probably just a painting that happens to look like your brother.” Roy kneeled down beside Ed, looking at him with concern. 
Roy knew Ed was too clever to believe that. This was the first time he’d seen the boy lose his cool, but it was worth a shot to calm him down.
“Y-yeah, you’re right. I haven’t seen him here yet, maybe… maybe he got out. Yeah, that’s it. He got out.” 
Ed didn’t even seem to believe himself, but the thought that his younger brother was safe calmed him. 
“Let’s just focus on getting out of here. Okay, Ed?”
“Yeah… and don’t treat me like some kid.”
Roy gave a small nod and stood up, helping Ed up as well. 
I thought he was a tough kid, but this is even getting to him… he mused internally, before hearing a fervent banging on the wall that startled both of them out of their thoughts. 
Despite Ed’s quip earlier, Roy tried to open the door, which failed. It was locked. 
“Wh… are you kidding me? The door wasn’t locked before!”
The banging grew in intensity and volume, their anxiety becoming more agonizing by each passing moment. 
“That sound… is it coming from outside?”
More pounding thuds rained down. 
“Something’s at the door… Be careful, Ed.”
Frantically, the two rushed around the small room, looking for some sort of exit. Before they could find one, the bust portrait of a woman in yellow burst through a hole it had made in the wall, dragging herself around looking for the two. Before she spotted them, they slipped through the hole, finding themselves surrounded by the living art.
“Come on, Ed, quickly,” Roy whispered, grabbing the boy by the hand to lead him. Headless mannequins straggled around, arms flailing in an attempt to grab them. Stark white mannequin heads with blacked out eyes and red lips sobbed dark tears, following the pair with their eyes. Bust portraits of varying colors dragged themselves towards them, a menacing grin formed upon their lips. Ed could feel his heart beat out off his chest at the sight, feeling all the fear he’d repressed rise to his throat like bile. 
“The exit!” Roy looked back at the boy, who grew more pale by the second. That had to wait, though. They had to get out alive before they could worry about themselves. 
Upon crossing into the threshold of safety, Roy slammed the door behind them, his hands on his knees as he leaned and panted.
“Th… that should be… far enough… I think…” A tired smile formed upon his lips as relief flooded his body. 
“We certainly showed them! Well then…” Roy turned on his heel, looking to his companion for a moment. 
“Let’s keep go… Ed?” Ed stared quietly at the floor, his face still pale and his mouth formed into a thin line. Wiping his eyes, he covered his face with his hands, hiding his expression. Only then did Roy notice his hands were trembling violently. 
“Oh my, what is it? Are you okay?” Roy reached out for Ed, kneeling in front of the boy. In that moment, he collapsed to the floor. 
“E-Ed?! Stay with me, now!” 
Ed remained unresponsive, his breathing becoming shallow. 
“Ed! EDWARD!” Roy called his name over and over again, gently shaking the boy. Finding this not to be enough, he scooped Ed into his arms, muttering curses to himself as panic surged throughout his body. 
“I’ll keep you safe, Ed, don’t you worry. God, oh god, please wake up!” Roy’s reassurance fell on deaf ears, as it was more for himself than Ed. It wasn’t like Ed could hear Roy, anyways. 
The sound of a lock clicking filled Ed’s ears. “W… where am I?” The boy mused, looking around. Before him stood a gray door, similar to the one he and Roy had used to escape. That’s right… Roy… Where is he?
Before he could finish the thought, and properly think through what was happening, loud bangs echoed through his ears, startling him out of any thoughts. He backed away from the door behind him, the source of the banging just behind that door. Fumbling with the door handle, he twisted it open, escaping to another small room, identical to the previous room. The banging followed him, which grew louder and louder with each step he took. Ed felt his heartbeat quicken, eyebrows furrowing in panic as he, once again, fumbled with the handle of the door.
What welcomed him in the next room was the sound of a ticking clock, a mannequin head to his left, a headless mannequin to his right, and the bust portrait of a woman in red. Surrounding him, they stepped closer to him as he whipped around and attempted to open the door, to no avail. 
“C-c’mon, door! Budge! Please!” Pleading with the door, he threw his head over his shoulder to monitor what was behind him, only to find that they’d gotten closer. Closer, and closer, and closer. They kept moving towards him.
“PLEASE! OPEN THE DOOR!” He screeched and pleaded with whatever he could, feeling his whole body quake in terror. 
Closer, closer, and closer. The closer they came, the more the door wouldn’t budge. Ed, now shrouded in the black of their shadows, felt tears build in his eyes and stream down his cheeks. This was the end for him. Squeezing his eyes shut tight, he hoped his death would at least be quick. 
And suddenly, he wasn’t there anymore. 
Ed’s eyes snapped open as he shot up, looking around. He didn’t recognize where he was, but he did recognize the coat that was placed upon him. It was Roy’s coat. He was safe. 
“Ah,” Ed heard a familiar voice say, the sound of footsteps growing louder. Roy smiled at Ed, with the tinge of concern in his eyes. 
“‘Morning, Ed. How are you feeling?”
Ed, stubborn as he was, looked down at his hands as he fumbled with the jacket. 
“‘M fine,” Ed avoided his gaze, his hands still shuddering from the nightmare. 
“Are you sure? You passed out after we were chased by those works of art… I was really worried about you, Edward.”
Ah. Roy never used his whole name, unless he felt it was urgent. Ed let out a small sigh, meeting Roy’s gaze. He bit his lip 
“Actually… I had a nightmare.” 
Roy pursed his lips, letting out a small sigh. 
“I see… you poor thing, I can’t say that I’m surprised. Being exposed to such frightful sights… y'know? I suppose its good that you woke up when you did. I’m sorry that I didn’t notice sooner… I would have woken you.” 
Ed, too tired to feign his usual strength and fearlessness, looked own to his hands once more. He felt guilty and weak, feeling that he couldn’t- no, shouldn’t be having such nightmares if Al was potentially in danger. Roy, noticing this, paused for a moment and offered Ed a polite smile. 
“Ed, would you take a look in the pocket of that coat?”
“Huh…? Oh, its… a piece of candy.”
“It’s a lemon candy,” Roy smiled, hoping that it would cheer him up. “You can have that. Feel free to eat it.” 
Ed stared at the lemon candy in his palm and felt himself grow more at ease. 
“Let’s rest here a while longer before we set out again.”
He looked to Roy for a moment, giving a small nod. 
“Okay.” Ed returned Roy’s smile, feeling his terror melting away. He felt like they could maybe, just maybe, leave safely. No, he thought, we will get out safely.
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