#we'll see how i do until thursday when i can get a little more information perhaps
naamahdarling · 1 year
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ox1-lovesick · 2 years
★ — stargazer. kth
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pairing. astronomy major!kang taehyun x gn!reader genre. fluff, college au warnings. none (?) wc. 1.3k
synopsis. there are two things that taehyun loves most in this world. stargazing, and you. although stargazing with you, might just climb it's way to the top
a/n. HAPPY TAEHYUN DAY !??!! (ignore how late this is) in my solomon era. FIRST WORK OF 2023 WOOHOO (i forced myself to write this) she's not online rn but this is simultaneously for my day 1 @lsrfmxt i miss you sosososo much and i hope you enjoy this when you see it 😔 also mind you i am in no way an astronomy expert all information is from google and bing LMAO
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you've always been fascinated with the stars ever since you were younger.
the only way your parents could get you to calm down from a tantrum was to take you outside and sit you down in front of the sky, letting the stars soothe your worries. most kids your age would prefer dinosaurs, or hello kitty, finding your interest with the planets a bit much for their little heads. it was a bit much for anyone since you could go on about them for hours on end.
"i've seen it a thousand times but it's still just as breathtaking" taehyun said, making you hum in agreement. it took a while to find someone who was as enamored with the sky as you were, and it didn't help that your fascination only grew as you did. the highlight of your day was climbing up to the rooftop at night and watching them twinkle in all their glory, tracing constellations with your fingertips. for most of your life it was just you and the stars, not really having anyone to share your love for them with. but then you found him, in your second year of highschool
you were so similar to each other that it almost scared you. your professor had assigned you as partners for a research project and you bonded instantly. your love of the night sky stemming from childhood, being the only thing that kept little you entertained. the way you both would stay up until the early hours of the morning trying to find every constellation and zodiac you could, even forcing your parents to get a national geographic subscription to watch documentaries about the planets and other galaxies. you were practically the same person down to the T.
"we should get going soon, we have to be up early" you reminded him. it was 3 am on a thursday, meaning the two of you had an early morning of classes to get to "5 more minutes, i haven't seen it yet" his tired eyes still trained above you
it was promised (by earthsky.org) that venus would be most visible today. of course, you both are busy college students so you didn't sacrifice hours of sleep on a website alone. with some research of your own using stolen lab equipment, you and taehyun had figured out that it would in fact, be visible from earth throughout the course of this month. so here you were, sitting on your campus grounds staring at sky
the both of you had planned this morning for weeks. figuring out what day would have the most promise of you seeing the planet without the use of a telescope, how you were going to sneak out of your dorms and what you would do should you get caught, and most importantly what snacks you were bringing. although with no sight of venus for the past hour and a half, the whole thing was proving to be quite a bust.
"i don't think it's going to show, tae" you sighed.
"we'll see it, i promise. just have some patience" he asks, fingers tugging at your sleeve. "i've had patience, for 2 hours now. besides, venus isn't going to disappear, we can come back tomorrow"
"no, we can't" he breathed, almost soft enough that you didn't hear.
taehyun never liked staying up late, despite that being exactly what his major needed him to do. every time you went stargazing with him you were on a time limit. two in the morning was the most he could take before getting sleepy, so you'd usually head back to your dorms by now, but today he was adamant
"something up? you hate staying out late"
he sucked in a breath. squinting his eyes at the sky. why was it being so cruel to him the moment he needed it most "i wanted to impress you. so, if venus doesn't show in all it's bright red glory that would mean all the calculations i did were wrong. also, kai hates sleeping alone so i had to pay beomgyu to stay with him for the night."
he runs a hand through his hair, moving his fringe away from his eyes. it had completely slipped your mind until now, he'd been researching so diligently you'd almost forgotten just how much he hated doing things like this, despite how many nights he'd spent complaining to you.
his fingers still playing with the hem of your sleeve. "you wanted to impress me?" taehyun looked to you with wide eyes "no- i mean, you're the top of our class and always calling me useless so i had to prove myself or something..." you stifled your laugh to save him some face, but you couldn't help the smile tugging at your lips as he shied away from your gaze.
taehyun had always hated star tracking, because like most things within your major — at least right now without the proper equipment — you could never be on point. he craved precision, and that's what kept him ahead until now. you on the other hand loved it for that exact reason, knowing you could never guess 110% was the best part of it, and your professor agreed with you. he loved giving you assignments with no definite answer, seeing how far you were willing to go. it frustrated taehyun, and made his grades drop significantly, while you stayed at the top of your class
he spent hours- no, days doing something he hated just to impress you.
"you don't need to impress me" you chuckled. "it wasn't to impress you, i needed some practice in that field anyway.." he mumbled. "is that so?" "can we just keep looking for venus please" he cleared his throat, allowing his gaze to shift back to the sky. you chuckle, allowing yourself to do the same.
you sat in a comfortable silence for a little bit. lying under the stars. the sun would rise soon, and then you'd have to get ready for another day of endless work, there was a possibility beomgyu would tease the two of you for having 'alone time' together like he always did. but you weren't going to think about that for now, taking in the morning breeze against your skin, and basking in the feeling of taehyun's hand tightly wrapped in yours
"why work so hard, taehyun?"
his face scrunched in confusion. "what do you mean?" "it seems a bit useless, no? giving it your all when you'll never be able to see how far your research will go" he makes an 'o' shape with his mouth. you've talked about this before, whether it was all worth it or not in the end. he obviously had to work hard, he needed to get good grades, get his degree, and eventually get a good-paying job, that was the end goal, no matter what job you had
but that wasn't the answer you were looking for, it wasn't the answer he wanted to give you in any case.
"I work hard for you" he starts
"I work hard so that one day you can say "my husband is an astronomer""
he didn't dare to look at you just yet, afraid your silence was a rejection. he took a leap of faith, hoping that everything wasn't just in his head, and all the lingering gazes and touches did mean something.
"astronomy does seem like quite useless as a profession. but that's what makes it fun, isn't it? knowing there's so much out there that you couldn't possibly see it through to the end within your lifetime. it's intriguing. and besides, i can't be second best forever. i'll have to surpass you someday"
he catches the grin spreading across your face in the corner of his eye. breathing a shaky exhale in relief
"are you saying you want to marry me?" he feigned annoyance "out of everything i just said that's all you caught?" you didn't reply, looking at him expectantly. he shrugs in response "maybe"
"okay, deal. if we spot venus in the next 10 minutes, you have to take me on a date"
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loonysama · 3 years
You're the Boss
FFC 2022 Prompt 14 Character has your job
Kristanna, Modern AU - Office
Words: 1,479
Summary: Anna juggles the demands and expectations of several attorneys she works for, including Kristoff, a young associate who needs a plus one for a client's charity dinner.
Read below or at AO3.
Happy Valentine's Day!
And Rapunzel placed her foot on Eugene’s leg and rolled down her…
“Anna, what’s the status of those petitions you were supposed to draft?”
"They're in your in-box, Hans. They’re flagged and ready to go."
"Hmmm. Did you cancel my meeting this afternoon?"
"Moved it to Wednesday afternoon so you have time to finish the Wesselton closing that day. Anything else?"
"We'll see."
Whew, crisis averted! Now, on to the next one…
… rolled down her stockings to reveal her bare leg, which Eugene wasted not time in running his hands all over…
“Anna, I’m running late for my meeting. Is everything ready?”
I grab a red rope from behind my desk and hand it to Elsa.
“Thanks, Anna.” She rifles through it to make sure she has everything she needs.
“Oh, I almost forgot, do you have the access code to get into the apartment complex? I could call the client, but I thought if you had it already…”
I pull out the sheet in front of the file with all of the important information typed up.
“Thanks, Anna. What would I do without you?”
“I don’t know cause you’ll always have me!”
Elsa’s the coolest, and she looks like a model. Dresses like one, too. And she’s always so sweet and never yells. Except when she marches into Hans’ office and slams the door. Apparently they used to be quite the couple, until he cheated on her with someone from the mail room who no longer works here. I have to admit that I kind of had a small crush on Hans when I first started, before I knew he was Elsa’s ex. He’s so charming and well spoken. He knows a little about everything, it seems. But then he yelled at me for something so stupid that I don’t even remember what it was, and realized how horrible he really is.
Email alert
I have rules enabled on my Outlook so I only get notifications when one of my bosses email. One of my seven bosses. That way I don't have to stop everything I'm doing just to look at every new email that might be from one of them.
This time it’s Sven. He’s a little older and has trouble typing, plus he’s dyslexic, so he likes me to read through and edit almost everything he writes. I can’t help it if sometimes I add a little flourish here and there to make it sound better. He never says anything about it, but I know the real reason he asks me to edit his stuff for him is because he likes my improvements.
So, he needs that by Thursday… add it to the calendar with a pop-up reminder for the day before. Got it.
Now on to the next task… check my calendar… Oh, looks like Olaf’s got several cases set for court on Friday. He never tells me to, but I always get his documents started for him. Whereas Sven likes me to spruce things up after he’s written them, Olaf likes me to get all the basics down so he can spin it into art. He’s one of the best trial lawyers in Arendelle because of how persuasive he is to jurors. I’ve gone to court with him to help out in some of the bigger cases, when there was so much going on that he needed me to help keep him organized. He never gives anything short of a Broadway performance. The jury actually stood up when he finished speaking. Didn't take them long to side with our client.
Once I’m done with Olaf’s stuff, I go through my email to see if there’s anything urgent. There isn’t so I’m gonna get the worst part of my job over with. It helps when I think about how Pascal is going to torture Eugene this time, or what kind of crazy antics Rapunzel and Cassandra are going to get into.
I’m bent down underneath my desk looking through a box. I really do need to stay more on top of my filing…
Knock, knock
“Oh, Anna, are you ok?”
Kristoff instinctively reaches for the back of my head but withdraws his hand.
I lean back on my heels and rub my own head.
“Yeah, I’m ok. Thanks.”
Yeah, he’s my boss, technically, but I mean he’s just an associate. It’s not like he’s a partner or anything.
I start to stand, but it’s awkward because I’m wearing a pencil skirt and boots.
“Here,” Kristoff reaches for my hands and helps me up. “So, do you want some help with that box?”
Before I can even answer he grabs it and sets it against the wall instead.
Ok, I know I’m probably drooling. But I mean, come on. His shirt’s untucked and his sleeves are rolled up, his tie’s loose… His hair’s too long and his eyes are too dreamy. Yes, please to all of that! He looks like he should be working in the mail room, and not as an associate on the partner track.
“I’m sorry, did you need something? Or did you just come here to hurt my head and save my back?”
“Oh, um, yeah.” He’s so cute when he blushes. “I actually… oh, this is sort of embarrassing.”
“Well, now you have to tell me!” Usually he smiles when I tease him, but this seems important.
“So one of Hans’ clients is having like a charity dinner, and all of the associates are supposed to go, and we’re supposed to bring a plus-one, and you know… hmm…”
He’s about to ask me out and it’s so adorable. Eeehhh!!
“Well, it’s just that I’m kind of new in town, and I really spend all my time at work, and…”
He never really asks me to do much for him. All the younger attorneys are so self-sufficient, but I do review his billing before it goes out and yeah, he spends a lot of time at this place!
“Well, you’re the only woman I really know here, and…”
I’m going to overlook how badly this is going for him because he’s just trying not to be the creepy boss asking his employee out on a date.
“I was wondering if you might…"
He’s looking down and, well, it’s a good thing he does real estate law, because he’d never be able to speak in front of a judge.
"...want to come with m-”
“Yes!” I say with no hesitation.
“Oh, great! So… maybe you could send me your address and I can pick you up?”
I jot it down on my steno pad for him with my green pen. It's what I always use for editing. Oh, who am I kidding, it's a green pen! I use it for everything! I add my phone number, even though he didn’t ask and I’m pretty sure he already has anyway, and a heart.
He smiles once he sees it and stuffs it in his breast pocket.
I turn my attention back to the file box he moved for me.
“Oh, Anna, um, Happy Valentine’s Day.”
“Aww, thanks! You, too!”
“Ok,” he smiles and leaves my office. I jump up and down a few times until another paralegal walks by and I pretend like nothing happened.
I lean towards my door, and he leans towards his, so we see each other and my email dings. I don’t want to move, but I do have other bosses that need my help from time to time.
It’s from Kristoff. A Tangled Valentine meme? I laugh into my hand, astonished. How does he even know?
I look around my office: Rapunzel and Eugene pez dispensers, magnets, mouse pad, lunch bag… Yeah, ok. I see it.
I respond with a cute reindeer Valentine and turn towards the box to finish filing. I think I'm going to start working on a new story.
Kristoff dances better than Anna thought he would, but she needed a break. They walked out to the balcony and she shivered. So he took his coat off to cover her bare shoulders. Anna pulled him down to…
… kiss me. I want more of him, but he’s my boss and I don’t want to be too pushy on our first of hopefully many dates.
But his eyes are so dreamy I can't let him leave just yet. “Do you want to come in?”
“You tell me," he teases.
I hold onto his tie and tug gently until he crosses the threshold to land on my lips again. Then I let go of his tie and he stands up straight.
"You’re the boss, Anna. Just tell me if there's anything you need me to do.”
"Oh, it's a pretty long list, actually..."
He smiles and drapes his jacket on the back of the couch and rolls up his sleeves.
"Well, I guess I better get started then."
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mindswriters · 4 years
Next Morning - jj maybank × reader
Summary: y/n and jj are friends with benefits for a couple months ago, in secret of course, but after a night where the blonde could not control himself, you guys have to chase after a next morning pill.
Pairing: jj maybank × reader
Warnings: a tiny bit of smut, unprotected sex [no glove no love my friends], swearing, pregnancy scare, probably typos.
Word count: 3.1K
A/N: this is "low" key inspired by otis and ruby from sex education, i thought they were cute.
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gif by @toesure :)
"Oh fuck Y/n, you're doing so good" JJ grunts as you speed your pace bouncing your hips against his shaft, riding him like your life depends on it.
Tonight was being just another boring Thursday night at the outer banks, at least until your best friend, JJ Maybank, calls you saying that he was alone at the chateau, and asked you to come over. A few months ago you guys updated your friendship with some benefits, and since then a day without your other Pogue friends means a huge opportunity to enjoy yourselves together, so why not.
"You fill me up so nice J" you moaned tugging his blonde locks while you sank yourself on his cock one more time.
Incredible as it sounds, this is the first time you're riding JJ's cock. After lots of tries, he finally left out his dominant side and let you take control of him, but obviously at some point he would buck his hips and meet your thrusts, making it feel even better. Honestly, he wasn't expecting it to be this good. He loves the way your breasts are pressed against his chest while you move your hips roughly, this position basically gives him a free pass to cover your neck with bites and hickies. And all of this plus your moans filling up the room are driving him insane.
"Fuck, I can't" he breathed out under your ear but you kept with your pace, looking for your high, and you could say it wasn't so far "Y/n, I think I'm gonna- oh fuck"
"What the actual fuck JJ?" you cursed panting when you felt the stick liquid scratching your inside walls and reached your high too.
At the beginning of this 'thing' you were still two good kids who always protected yourselves, but as deep as you dived in each others lusts, you discovered that neither you nor JJ were the biggest fans of condoms, so you made a deal, you can do it without them, as long as he don't release inside of you. And by the looks of it, he just broke the deal.
"Did you just came inside me?" you just aren't freaking out because you're still dizzy from your orgasm
"Shit I think I did" he said by passing his hands through his messy hair and heavy breathing.
"This is not a joke, JJ. Didn't you felt it coming?" you asked in a hard tone while reaching for his shirt to clean yourself up
"It was impossible not to feel it" the blonde answered with a smirk
"Then why don't you warned me, pulled off or whatever?" you now have a worried tone in your voice
"I tried! but come on Y/n, I'm mild high and you were having no mercy with me!" he exclaimed throwing his hands on the air
"Don't put this all on me" you ran your hands through your face and trying to stay calm, realizing the big problem you had just created.
"Hey, I'm sorry okay, even though you were riding me like a goddess, it was my dick who painted you so..." he said getting close to you and wrapping your naked body with his arms.
You softly giggled relaxing a bit with his touch, you know he's worried too, his brain is only a little slower than yours to process information, but you're sure that once he remember that one of the consequences of this "slide" could be an unexpected pregnancy and you becoming parents with 17 years, he'll freak out.
"So what do we do now?" he asked caressing your hair
"Since we're on the cut, without the twinkie and there's none 24-hour drug store in here, we'll go to sleep and wait until tomorrow morning to go buy a next morning pill." you explained what seemed to be the best option now.
"It means you're staying over?" he asked and you nodded smirking "Sounds good to me then"
After that, you guys took a quick shower just to free your bodies from the sweat and other things even more disgusting, and didn't even bothered in putting back your clothes, you just cuddled and fell asleep naked under a thin blanket, because above all, his body's heat still makes you feel safe.
You can't say that you slept like an angel this night, you were too worried for it. So as soon as you saw the bright light from outside trespass the room, you carefully reached your phone on the nightstand and checked the time, it was almost 8 in the morning. Considering you don't want to be naked with your best friend in the spare room when John B arrives, and that the sooner you take the pill the better, you decided it was time to get up. You slowly pulled JJ's arm away from your waist and stood up without waking him up. You picked your underwear from the floor and put them on, along with your jeans shorts from the day before and lent one of JJ's shirts, the one with a Kildare Marina print. The boy only woke up when you got back from the bathroom, and opened the curtains, basically torturing him.
"Oh come on, what time is it?" he grunted scratching his eyes with the back of his hands.
"Time to fix the previous night, sweetheart" you answered picking up some clothes that were still on the floor.
"Can't we just wait a little more?" he yawned.
"No, we can't, unless you want to increase the chances of me having a mini you on my uterus" you stared him cocking your eyebrows.
"Okay, right, I'm up" he stood up quickly, but he wasn't 100% awake yet.
"Uh, try to put some clothes on, I'll be in the kitchen" you faked a disgusted face pointing to his not too little exposed friend.
While JJ was doing his morning routine, you started looking for something you could eat, but the old pizza slices, mold breads and cereal wastes didn't seem at all attractive to you and your lack of hunger. At that moment the feelings that consume you most are those of concern and guilt, concern because you know that the next morning pill isn't 100% effective, and you definitely can't handle having a baby now, you are too irresponsible for this, and that's why you also feel guilty, because if you wouldn't had accepted that goddamn "no condom" deal, nothing of this will be happening. But suddenly you were dragged away from your thoughts by the sound of the Chateau's front door opening, you could say that John B was trying to be quiet, but it didn't work very well, since the doors of the house are old and creak with any movement.
"Shit!" the brunette whisper-shouted placing a hand on his chest when he entered the kitchen "Wow Y/n, you scared the shit out of me, what are you doing?"
"Uh.... breakfast?" you quirked your eyebrows showing him the cereal box in your hands
"Yeah I can see you're doing your breakfast, 'what are you doing here?' is what I meant" he said placing his keys on the counter.
"I'm waiting for JJ, we have some important things to do" you said staring your cereal bowl, avoiding to meet eyes with your friend.
"JJ? Doing important things this early in the morning?" you pursed your lips in a suggestive smile and nodded your head "And why are you wearing his shirt?"
You almost chocked with milk at the question, stuttering to find a plausible answer "Because... I- spilled toothpaste on mine?" it definitely sounded more like a question.
John B was about to question you again but thank God JJ finally joined you, now wearing his classic boots and cargo shorts, and some random shirt.
"Oh hi Jombie" he said scratching his eyes with the back of his hand.
Before your friend could even answer, you stood up and made your way towards JJ "Finally sleeping beauty, can we go now?" you said linking your arms.
"I was actually craving for some breakfast first" he pointed to the table, where John B was putting some cereal for himself.
"You know what might happen if we get late, don't you?" you whispered quirking your eyebrows and giving the blonde a serious look and heading to the front porch.
"Ok, breakfast can wait, see you later JB, oh and we're taking the twinkie" he grabbed the keys John B had previously dropped on the counter and hushed to meet you outside.
"See ya weirdos" John B shook his head and rolled his eyes seeing the antics of his two best friends.
The drive to the drugstore was silent, but not an awkward silent, more like a reflexing silence. The more you tried to stay calm and shrug off all the "what ifs" in your head, the more the anxiety took hold of you. For JJ, you were going to take the pill and everything would work out, but you know it's not like that, these emergency methods don't always work, and if it doesn't work this time, you have no idea how to deal with a possible pregnancy at 17. What your friends will think when you come clean and tell them about your escapades and that they resulted in your pregnancy? How would you explain this to your parents? How would they react? How JJ's father would react? All this thoughts were zoning out in your brain when a gentle touch stopped you from freaking out. You moved your gaze from the window to JJ's hand rubbing your tight, and then you looked at his face to see a reassuring smile, like saying "it's going to be ok" but without words. You smiled back, feeling the anxious feeling leave your body and mind. It didn't take long for you guys to be parking the van a few meters from the drugstore.
You were about to enter the store when something clicked on your mind "Wait!" you said grabbing JJ's arm, making him stumble on his feet.
"What's wrong?" he frowned staring at you.
"JJ we live on an island. What if someone sees me buying next morning pills? I don't want the whole obx gossiping about me and my sexual slides" you said crossing your arms and looking away from him.
"Okay, I'll do it then" he said and you immediately stared at him, surprised and trying to figure out if he was being serious, just when you were about to complain, he gently squeezed your shoulders "Wait here, I'll be right back"
And just like that you were left alone in front the small store, you looked around, thankfully the street was pretty empty, so you decided to sit down on the curb and wait for him to come back. Which was faster than you expected. As soon as you heard the bell, you got up and waited for him to give you the box that he had in his hands.
"These are just bubble gums" he shrugged rolling his eyes.
"Bubble gums? What the hell JJ?" you laughed in disbelief.
"She said she couldn't sell it for me because I don't have a fucking vagina" JJ protested trying to not be so loud.
You sighed licking your lips. But is better to deal with buying the pill in person, to deal with having a baby. You opened your purse, looking for your sunglasses and when you found them you tapped JJ's shoulder "stay at the door, you'll be my look out"
"At your disposal, boss" he said holding the door while you two entered the store, you put on your glasses trying to disguise a little smirk in your lips.
You slowly walked between the hallways, pretending to be some random costumer, not that you weren't, you just don't want to seem so desperate. When you finally reached the cash counter, you looked over your shoulder to see JJ nodding and giving you tumbs up.
"Hey, can I have a next morning pill?" you mumbled twitching your nose.
"Sorry, I couldn't hear you" the woman on the cashier said.
"A next morning pill, please" this time you were clearer, masking the awkwardness with an even more awkward smirk.
"When did you last have sex?" the cashier asked.
"Last night" you stated, isn't it obvious? you thought to yourself.
"Did you use contraception?" the question made you stomach turn. Why did you have to be so irresponsible? Stupid deal.
"No" your whisper could barely be heard by you, let alone the woman behind the counter.
"Miss, did you use contraception?" she repeated the question after your lack of response.
"No, we didn't" your eyes widened when you heard JJ's voice coming from a few meters away.
Both you and the cashier stared at him, who immediately regretted the previous words "Sorry, I'm just the look out" he scratched the back of his neck.
Returning the attention just between you and the mild-age woman, she made a few more questions and after finishing to fill up your form, she finally gave you the little box with all the prescriptions to take the pill. You also asked for two Pepsi cans for you and JJ, you were about to pay the woman when you felt an around your waist.
"What do you think you're doing, lady?" JJ asked taking your wallet from your hands.
"Well, if you please give my wallet back, I was going to pay for those things" you stared at him trying to reach his other hand behind his back.
"No way, I'll pay for it" he returned the wallet for you and grabbed his own one on his pocket.
"J, you don't have to, it takes two to tango remember?" you protested biting your inner lip and giving him non-intentional puppy eyes.
"Then we should at least split it" he definitely has a point now.
"Okay, fine, you win" you rolled your eyes giving up and earning a grin from your best friend.
After you and JJ have paid for the pill and your sodas, he said he wanted to go somewhere else, so he drove the twinkie to the old forts on Battery Jasper, some kind of cliff or mountain where we could almost see the entire Outer Banks. You guys sat on some old big rocks and while you struggled against the wind to try to read the pill bull, JJ decided to break the silence.
"Do you think we should break the deal?" he hesitantly asked.
"You mean the 'condom free' deal or all the friends with benefits deal?" you chuckled looking at the paper in your hands.
"Do you want to stop what we've been doing? 'Cause if you do I'm not stopping you, it's just- I really enjoy spending time with you and..." he started rumbling but you soon interupted him.
"Hey! chill out blondie!" you giggled cupping his face with your right hand "We don't need to stop it, even because I like messing around with you too, a lot. We just need to be more careful" you explained.
"Okay..." he relaxed with your touch and you two shared a smile and stared at each other for a few seconds.
You cleared your throat when you remembered that you were the one hurrying him up and now you almost forgot that you have a pill to take asap. You opened your Pepsi and medicine, putting the pill on your tongue and taking a sip of the drink to help you swallow. JJ watched you and while you were drinking again you heard little laughter coming from him.
"What?" you gave him a suspicious look.
"Nothing" he giggled making you narrow your eyes at him "I just imagined us being arrested for killing a poor little baby"
"So would you prefer waking up at 3am to changing diapers?" you laughed arching you eyebrows.
"Ew, no" you both erupted in laughter, you love the way you and JJ never feel awkward, not even in scary moments like these.
When you recovered from your crisis of laughter, you took a deep breath and felt a grip on your tight, you looked up to see JJ staring at the horizon, and you could say that he was thinking about something.
"You know, I would like to have a baby with you" he said with a shy grin.
"Oh come on J, give it a rest" you shook your head chuckling and taking another sip of your drink.
"No, I meant it! Of course not right now, but if we reach our thirties without meeting our perfect pairs, we could marry each other and just maybe have a little bit of kids" he said nonchantly.
"A little bit of kids?" you smiled and stared at him, trying to figure if he was being serious or not "I can't believe you're real Maybank" you giggled.
"What? Have you never heard that people are happier when they marry their best friends?" he suggested.
"Maybe" you shrugged looking away.
"So what? Do we have a deal?" he bit his lip quirking his eyebrows in your direction.
"I'm not making anymore deals with you, blondie" you said, immediately seeing his happy face fall to a sad one "But maybe, just maybe, I liked your idea" you smirked turning your face to look at him.
"I knew it!" he cheered with a kiss on your cheek and clicking your cans he said "To our future possible marriage"
"Cheers" you gave a little laugh, which was interrupted by your phone ringing.
As soon as you unlocked your screens, you were surprised with dozens of notifications on your twitter, and also 2 messages from John B, you opened them first.
Jombie 🏄‍♂‍: so is that the "important things" you guys had to do? am i missing something?
Jombie 🏄‍♂‍: 📷 Photo
When you downloaded the file, you came across a screenshot, it was from Topper's last tweet: a picture taken from outside the drugstore, through the glass wall, you and JJ standing in front of the cash counter, his arm on your waist, and thanks god, only the two Pepsi cans could be seen on the counter. Your eyes widened even more when you read the caption "Looks like Maybank and Y/l/n finally assumed their shit! What would those lovebirds be doing on a drugstore this early in the morning?"
"What happened?" JJ asked seeing how your expression went blank looking at your phone.
"Weren't you supposed to be the look out?" you said turning your phone to him and pointing to the screen blowing with notifications, but still showing the picture on Topper's tweet.
They have some things to explain now, or maybe some good excuses to came up with.
taglist: @blueflame2778 @outerbongs @maybebanks @k-k0129 @dani-c20 @jjsmaybcnk @wicked-laugh @wallflowercal @obx-pouges @alwaysasadaesthetic @marvel-ousnesss
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First Impressions - YangYang
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Warnings: drug usage, cursing, and violence
Credit to the original owners of the images.
GN "Bad Kid" Reader x "Good Kid" YangYang
Soulmate Au: First words to each other
"Y/N, are you paying attention?" Mrs. Song questioned from her position in front of the board.
"Yes ma'am", you said, trying your hardest not to roll your eyes. She looked at you for another moment before her eyes turned back to the notes written on the board, which you had already copied all of them down. You felt a poke in your ribs, your eyes moved over to your right where your friend Andy sat. Before she could speak the bell rang. You instantly moved to put your binder in your bag and waited for Andy to do the same. The two of you quickly walked out and waited in the back of the parking lot for the rest of your friends.
"I swear that woman has it out for you", she says pulling a bag out of her backpack.
"So help me you get us caught-"
"Don't worry", she cut you off, "I'll be careful."
"You better be sharing", Darren said as he walked over motioning for Andy to hurry up. She rolled her eyes and passed him the pipe. He instantly took it and inhaled, handing it to you who did the same.
"How dare you start without us?" Ryder said as he and Bridget joined your group, stealing the pipe from your hands.
"Hey no smoking, you have to drive your cousin home and your aunt will kill you if she finds out your high", Bridget said as she took the pipe from him.
"Speaking of which, where is the little shit?" He said, his eyes moving around the parking lot.
"That reminds me, anybody wanna gimme a ride? My sister has to work so she can't pick me up", you asked the group.
"Yeah sure. I'll need someone to keep me sane after I take Bridget home", Ryder said.
"Trust me. I'm not too happy about riding with you either", a voice said from behind him.
"We'll leave in a few. First, lemme introduce you to the gang. The blue-haired girl is Andy. The one with all of the piercings is Y/N. Green haired dude is Darren and you know Bridget. Guys this is YangYang."
"Sup", Darren told him as he took the pipe from Bridget. YangYang just nodded, it was obvious he was uncomfortable. You felt a bit bad for him, but that didn't stop you from taking another hit before leaving. Bridget got in the passenger seat, leaving you and YangYang in the back. It didn't take long for the two of you to arrive at Bridget's. She kissed Ryder and told you all bye before getting out.
"I need gas and snacks, so we're making a pit stop", he said as he pulled back onto the road. He was in and out of the gas station passing you a bag of chips and YangYang a candy bar.
"So I gotta ask. Why do you guys smoke?" YangYang inquired to his cousin after a bit of silence.
"Numbs things a bit. And with it, things hurt less. Y/N is better at describing it", Ryder replied. YangYang turned to you.
"Let it hurt until it can't hurt anymore. That's what it's like without it", you said. He nodded and turned back to look out the window.
"That answer your question?" Ryder glanced in the rearview mirror to look at YangYang, who nodded. The moment the car arrived at his house YangYang thanked his cousin and jumped out of the car.
"Hopefully I don't have to give him a ride again", he said as he backed into the road.
"Eh, he didn't seem that bad."
"Let's just hope he doesn't tell my aunt I'm a stoner", he whispered. You let out a little laugh and continued to talk until you got back home.
It became a tradition for Ryder to take you home, and for him to drive YangYang home on Thursdays. It had been a month since the first time you had met him, and he still hadn't talked to you. But you couldn't really blame him, you were the classic "bad kid" that literally got stoned in the school parking lot, and he was the "good kid" that had the perfect record. It still amazed you that he and Ryder were even related at all. Just like the first time you rode together, Ryder had to make a pit stop at the gas station, though this time he was taking much longer. You found yourself growing more and more tired as you waited. It didn't help that you were unable to sleep last night and had smoked some with the group before leaving. You forced yourself to stay awake and pulled out your phone, hoping to distract yourself from the temptations of falling asleep.
"Awake and unafraid", YangYang whispered, so low that you almost didn't hear him. Your eyes widened and they moved to your wrist, which was covered by your sleeve. The exact same words were etched into your skin. The words that had been there since your birth and would be the first words your soulmate told you.
"Talk about a plot twist", you mumbled, causing YangYang to laugh.
"I wasn't expecting it either", he admitted
"Wait a second", you said upon realization, "I talked to you the first time we rode with Ryder. You've known for a month that we're soulmates and didn't say anything?"
"Admittedly I was a bit concerned when I figured out that we're mates. But then I realized, things aren't that simple, that I know nothing about you and have no reason to have concerns. But I wasn't sure what to say, so I waited for the right time."
"I hate the fact that is reasonable. Second off, what the heck did you mean by unafraid?" Your torso moving to face him.
"You're unafraid of what others think. And to say what's on your mind. I've noticed that after learning we shared some classes."
"We have classes together?" You asked, your face twisting in surprise.
"Several", he answered with a laugh.
"Dang I'm blind."
"To be fair most times you're stuck in your head. And most likely stoned during class", he responded.
"Okay, you're not wrong on that. But lemme guess, you don't want people to know we're soulmates?" As you asked the question the driver's door opened.
"Hold the phone. Y'all are soulmates?" Ryder asked as he entered the car. Tossing candy at you two. The two of you nodding in response.
"And to answer your question. I'd much rather people know we're soulmates."
"Why though? You're the golden boy and I'm one of the resident stoners", you inquired as you opened up the chocolate.
"Because we're soulmates? The differences will definitely cause some trouble, but we'll be able to get through them", he told you.
"I still can't believe you two are mates", Ryder said as he started the car. The conversation was then put on hold, you assumed it would most likely be continued tomorrow.
It was lunchtime when you finally met up with YangYang.
"Sorry I'm late", he said. He dropped his bag onto the floor and sat next to you. He kept his head down and eyes trained on the table.
"You good?" You asked.
"Uh yeah, fine."
"YangYang, you do realize that I can tell your lying, right?" You said as you leaned closer to him. He finally peeked up at you, his eyes were a bit red.
"I hate the fact that I can't lie to you", he said with a slight pout.
"What happened?" You questioned.
His shoulders sagged as he mumbled something incoherently. You raised your eyebrows at him.
"Just Blake and Liam being their usual selves." That's when you noticed the scratch on his cheek.
"Woah hold up. They did that?" You could already feel the anger rising in you. YangYang must've seen it in your eyes and began rambling about how it usually is worse, but as your fists clenched in anger he knew he messed up. Instead, he started backtracking, but it was too late, you were already storming out of the cafeteria to behind the gym. You knew the two boys hung out there during lunch, as cliche as it was. You could hear YangYang trailing close behind and begging you not to do anything.
"Y/N, what's up?" Blake greeted upon seeing you. Before you would've returned the greeting, but now you just grabbed him by the collar.
"Hey what fu-" Liam started, as he moved to you. But you glare turned to him, he immediately paused.
"Wanna tell me what you did to YangYang?" You asked, backing Blake up until he hit the wall.
"Why do you care?" Liam asked.
"One chance to tell me. I might not hit as hard if you answer", your grip tightening.
"Okay we roughhoused a bit, so what?"
"Is this the first time?"
"Yes?" Your right knee jerked up to hit I'm in the stomach. He groaned in pain and would've doubled over had it not been for your hold on him.
"What the hell Y/N?" Liam asked, his eyes widened in shock.
"Shit, fine. We've done it before", Blake panted.
"Oh so now you wanna tell the truth?" You asked rhetorically as your left fist reeled back and connected with his jaw. You dropped him from your hold as you heard Liam rush over to you. His knee made contact with your ribs, but you lunged at him and tackled him to the ground. As his back hit the concrete he let out a huff. You wasted no time on landing the punches. You rolled off of him when Blake attempted to yank you off. Your right foot landed on his chest and he stumbled back after the kick. You stood up, as he hobbled back towards you, and you grabbed onto his hair. He yelped at the pain of you pulling him up by it. You landed a final punch on his cheek and let go before shoving him to the ground where he sputtered up the smallest amount of blood.
"Bully anyone else and you probably won't make it out of the hospital next time. Understand?" You informed them as you moved to stand in front of them. Blake nodded and Liam groaned.
"And tell anyone that if they touch YangYang they're dead. Spread the word that if they mess with my soulmate, I will find them", you told them before grabbing YangYang's hand and walking back to the cafeteria.
"Where were you guys?" Darren asked when you sat back down.
"Had to take care of some assholes. And Andy blacklist Blake and Liam from your selling list." She nodded.
"So what'd they do?" Bridget asked.
"They messed with my mate", you told her as you pulled a blushing YangYang into your arms. Everyone at the table was surprised to say the least, well besides Ryder who was dying of laughter.
YangYang had decided to ride with Ryder again, he had asked his cousin to drop the two of you off at a local park. You waved Ryder off as he and Bridget backed out of the parking lot and walked with YangYang to a nearby bench. The two of you didn't get to talk after getting back to the cafeteria and you knew he had something to say about the whole situation.
"Alright, go ahead and say it", you told him. He gave you a confused look.
"That you don't wanna date me after the whole lunch fiasco."
"That's not at all what I was gonna say. I was gonna say that A) next time please give me a warning if you're gonna kick someone's ass. B) that was awesome. And C) let's go on an official date and actually start dating." It was your turn to be confused.
You could feel your eyebrows pull together as you asked him, "You still wanna date me?"
"Uh yeah?"
"Why?" You blurted out, prompting the boy next to you to laugh.
"Well I know you'll always protect me. And you're fun. And my soulmate."
"Well, I didn't expect that." He laughed again and stood up, pulling you with him as he walked to a nearby bakery.
"Now let's go on our first date, soulmate", he winked. You smiled, thinking about how it was definitely gonna be interesting to see everyone's reactions on Monday morning. And how the two of your story plays out, but you're looking forward to it.
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austinpanda · 3 years
Dad Letter 071821
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18 July, 2021
Dear Dad--
I shall tell you an epic tale of internet loss! Here's what happened: When we went to bed last Monday night, we had no internet. No big deal, it just goes out sometimes. Still didn't have internet when we woke up on Tuesday, and we continued to be without it all day Tuesday. Then I got off work, and called them, and spent about two and a half hours dealing with them, before the call mysteriously dropped, and I decided not to deal with it any more on Tuesday.
In the two and a half hours I spent failing to reestablish my internet connection on Tuesday, a lot of the problem was explained to me. Firstly, whenever they access my information by my phone number, my Austin, Texas Time Warner shit comes up, and they immediately feel lost in the twilight zone, because I'm in Maine, and have been for some time. Once we get through that shit, and they find our current account, then we have to verify our address. Here's where the stupidity awakens and begins doing yoga to loosen up for the arduous work ahead.
When we moved here, we couldn't get them to give us internet service. We tried so hard, in so many long phone calls, to give them our money, but they refused, because our address doesn't exist. There CAN'T be a trailer 1A, there can only be numbers. If you include a letter, the way 1-A includes a letter, it breaks the whole fucking internet. The guy who represents the leasing company that owns the trailer we're renting even went down to the local Spectrum office and talked to them in person, and it still didn't work, until this one time when we called and got that one guy, the One Right Guy, who knew how to make it work.
The way he made it work was by taking note of the fact that trailer 2 appeared empty (It was not.) and he could just put "Trailer 2" in the address, which made it work, and he could give instructions to the installation pukes that it was actually 1A who needed the connection, not trailer 2. And I was there when the pukes showed up, so I was able to make sure they ran the cable to the proper physical location. And after that, all the mail we got from them said we were trailer 2, and had pissy notes written on it by the mailman asking us to correct it.
But we couldn't correct it, because that breaks the whole internet, if you'll recall, so we found a solution: We went with paperless billing! No more mail from Spectrum, our internet providers.
Then, few days ago, someone associated with trailer 2 requested a termination of service, and sure enough, Spectrum came and shut off the cable/internet to us in trailer 1A, because of the intentionally obfuscated trailer number bullshit.
And they can't just turn us back on, because trailer 2 now has service going with Spectrum, and 1A still doesn't exist! Never fear, they assured me, in the most recent phone call. They can create my address in their system, update everything so that it all has the correct trailer number (1A) on it, and even give us a new, cheaper deal on our next 12 months of internet, EXCEPT!!! When they're creating a new address, they have to physically send someone out to do a required thing, and there's no way around that. The guy still tried to upsell me on a complete cable/internet/phone package, and asked me lots of questions about what I watch, and how much, and what I pay for my phone each month, etc. I found a genuinely sweet and non-sarcastic way of telling him, "We ain't gonna talk about that."
That last phone conversation was yesterday, Wednesday, and now it's Thursday, and they'll be coming by to hook us up between 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. There's a chance I may be charged a couple of fees for the installation, but the Spectrum puke on the phone said he'd make sure we either (a) didn't get charged for it, or (b) get immediately reimbursed for all of it. We'll see how THAT goes, and it's almost time for the installation person to show up.
Okay, the installation person has come and gone. His reaction when I explained why he was there was priceless! He couldn't believe that our internet had been working fine until they switched it off by mistake and he STILL had to come out here and physically do stuff? Crazy talk! They should have fixed it over the phone! Zach and I both assured him that the nice phone pukes at Spectrum tried that many, many times, but since we were a whole new address being created, someone had to come survey the blah blah blah, and he basically said, "Yeah, that's bullshit."
Having said that, he DID have to take our combination cable modem/router away, and replace it with two devices, a cable modem, and a router. We had one combined device, a single black rectangular thing, and now we have two: a black rectangular thing, and a WiFi router that looks like it dispenses febreeze into the air, but it actually dispenses the internet. They really should make it dispense both; I know we have the technology to make that possible.
Now a couple of days have passed, and we continue to have speedy, reliable internet. I’ve been bemoaning our lack of adventure lately, but when it comes time for adventure to happen, we tend to want to stay indoors instead. I am working on fixing this! I’ve determined that a lot of my recent depression has been the result of all the isolation over the past year and a half, so I’m now attempting to do more stuff with other people. I have a goal here, too: to be able to have a New Year’s Eve party at our trailer with at least 5 or 6 fun people in attendance. So far I’m up to about 3 fun people, but I’ve got a few months to go, still.
Here’s something I’ve been experiencing some dread about: tomorrow I begin working at the casino full time. I haven’t worked full time since Progressive, years ago, and I’m worried that it’ll rob me of my sanity. I think I’m going to be okay, however! Because, as I predicted, nine hours at the casino doing audits isn’t the same as nine hours at the call center being shat upon by anxious car accident victims. Now the only person who poops on me is my boss, and then, only if I mess up something in a particularly regrettable fashion. Otherwise, my work is free from anyone giving me poop. It’s a refreshing change.
Also I’ve got a hearing aid-type thingy. Getting hearing aids is expensive, even with insurance, and I found a sort of middle ground option. They make a thing called an Olive Smart Ear. Basically, it’s a hearing aid that you can set up at home, and because (I assume) no doctor is involved in the process, they can’t legally call it a hearing aid. It’s called a conversation enhancing ear bud. Woo!
Anyway, the Olive Smart Ear isn’t really intended to be used in pairs. But when you get it, and charge it up, and stick it in  your ear, and you install the phone app, you can give yourself a hearing test. It shoots tones to your ear, and you press a button on your phone when you hear the tone. Then it adjusts the gizmo to suit your particular areas of hearing loss, and bam, something resembling a hearing aid but cheaper, with no doctor visit. You can also switch between three modes: normal living mode, conversation mode (background shit is muted) and television mode (TV shit is amplified).
I’ve spent some time wearing it and noticed a few things. First of all, I can hear all my S sounds really loud now, and I hit those Ss too hard, and it makes me sound lispy. I don’t wish to sound lispy any more than I ever wished to sound southern, so I shall work on that. Also, everything makes sounds. The remote to the projector TV makes little clicky sounds I never heard until now. Everything we own makes little clicky sounds. The air conditioner in the living room makes deafening jet engine sounds. But the hearing aid gizmo itself is kind of cool, all black with a couple of glowing lights. The whole thing is a button! You jam it in your ear, and tap and hold to turn it on, tap and hold longer to pair it with your cell phone app, tap and hold longer to turn it off. Quick tape to lower volume, quick double-tap to increase volume. It’s very futuristic. Plus, now I can hear a mouse get a hard-on.
More next week. All my love to you both!
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