#we'll see what i think of it tomorrow jksldjfkldsjflks
citrinesparkles · 3 years
pinched nerves and bruised eyes.
jason todd x gender neutral reader. 703 words. notes: i know nothing about how the red hood uniform actually works, and i have a shaky-at-best understanding of how much a pinched nerve actually limits motion. do me a favor and ignore inaccuracies? please? have some mercy on your local writer? warnings: mild medical talk? maybe?
you sat peacefully on the couch, light from the muted tv dancing across the room as you listened to jason's post-patrol routine.
familiar rustling and clinking carried quietly through the apartment, and you relished the sound of him being home.
the knowledge that he was safe.
until quiet swearing broke your tranquility.
you hesitated a moment, not wanting to insert yourself into the situation before he was recovered from the night and ready to share his space- but another muttered curse carried through the apartment, pulling you off the couch and into the bathroom.
"hey, gorgeous," jason's resigned, frustrated voice met you in the doorway. "what's- ugh, ow, shit- whatcha need?"
he was leaning heavily against the counter, his furrowed brow and tired eyes- and the bruises around them- visible in the mirror, where he gave you a weak smile.
"i think i should be asking you that, mister."
"i don't need anything. don't worry about it."
you raised an eyebrow, dubious, holding his gaze firmly.
"i think i pinched a nerve in my shoulder," he finally admitted, sheepish and tired. "it really, really sucks trying to get my armor off."
"want me to do it?"
he dropped his eyes towards the sink, a frown tugging at his lips. "no, go back to your show, baby. i'll be out soon, okay?"
"jason," your voice was gentle, warm. it was like talking to a horse and trying not to spook it. "are you sure i can't help you? i don't want you to be in pain."
"i don't want-" he started sharply, before cutting himself off with a huff. "you shouldn't have to touch this part."
"you shouldn't have to hurt because you're, what, afraid of me knowing that my boyfriend wears armor and beats people up every night? i'm so glad you're protecting me from that, because i totally had no idea." he scoffed, and you dropped the light sarcasm. "jason, i'm here, and i'd much rather touch this part than have you do it all yourself and be in pain."
"i'm asking you to let me help. you're not dragging me into anything i don't want, handsome, i promise."
"...clasps. mainly by my ribs and behind my shoulder blades."
you stepped forward quickly, hands finding that there were, in fact, clasps lining the chest plate. you moved gently, undoing them one by one as he used his good arm to hold the piece to his chest. "okay, last one."
he caught it smoothly as it slipped down his torso, laying it down on the counter. "thanks."
"anything else i can do?"
he shook his head, hesitant and tense as he turned to face you. his back found the counter, and his eyes found your own.
there was a purple, blue, green bruise taking up his left cheek, much brighter than it had seemed in the mirror, but not anywhere near as painful as the shadows in his eyes themselves.
"hey." you hovered your hand by the right side of his face, a silent question. he answered by tenderly lowering his head into your grasp. "i wouldn't be here if i couldn't handle this, okay? i know you want to protect me, but you don't have to protect me from yourself."
he screwed his eyes shut, sinking further into your touch and inhaling deeply.
"i love you, jay. that includes the pinched nerves and bruised eyes, alright? all of you."
you felt his hum (noncommittal at best) under your fingers and sighed.
"i can keep going, if you want. i haven't seen you all day, so i have a lot of lovey dovey pent up."
green-blue eyes finally cracked back open, traces of amusement peaking through the exhaustion pooling in them. "i do not want, thank you."
"alright then. we have an understanding?"
"yeah," he mumbled, studying your face fondly. "we do."
you smiled softly, leaning forward to kiss his nose. "then go get changed and come sit with me for a bit. they're running reruns of the twilight zone."
he laughed quietly. "oh, good, that'll put me right to sleep."
"you have no taste, todd."
"i dunno," a small smile crept onto his face, "my taste in company is pretty good."
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