#we'll settle for a 'not stupid' answer :P
merge-conflict · 4 months
8 & 17 for the fic writer asks 🌟
sorry it took me so long to answer yours T-T something happened and now it's 4 days some time later. you know how it is. anyway thank you!! I did want to take some time to answer the second one properly.
questions here
8. if you had to write a sequel to a fic, you’d write one for…
tough question to answer because when do I ever leave anything I've written for more than a few months before feeling compelled to continue writing. I'm going to cheat slightly and say there are two things I'd love to continue:
One is the RP I did with @corpocyborg which I'm having trouble finding right now (why am I such a terrible tagger) where Valentine and Valerie did a gig together. It was just such a blast playing them off each other and they made a surprisingly great team. Hard to find a canon where they can both really shine but gosh. That was so much fun.
The second is also OC-related, the stuff I've written with Valentine and @another-corpo-rat 's Victoria Crane. Those two's dynamic is so funny I don't know what they are but it's toxic af. I wrote some smut about the two of them and now I've been thinking about what that meeting over coffee is like afterwards. (I've been watching a lot of killing eve)
Collabs are fun! I love getting the chance to reverse engineer what makes other people's OCs tick and then try to faithfully recreate them in a story.
17. talk about your writing and editing process
I think I answered this one once but I forget and I'm just going to wing it!
I'll be honest I haven't really figured out "plotting" in an advanced way, and am sticking within shouting distance of canon on the longfic, and have fleeting fits of reason which I don't plot longterm at all because it's kind of a cool-down mess-around kind of fic I add stuff to when it sounds fun.
I guess I'll start with considering the shape of what I'm writing –> what the boundaries are, if that makes sense? rough length, and I do mean *rough* like: <1k, 2-10k, nope we're going to have multiple chapters.
Then I take consider the chapter I want to write, as in: what do I want to accomplish? where do I need to go? taking for example indicators of compromise, my objectives are:
textually establish that Alex has a trained eye for detail and analysis
show the rapport (even if it's uneasy) that she has with Reed and how well she knows him
introduce their opinions on Valentine
Then from there the process is basically:
Think of ways to accomplish objectives in the chapter that sound like fun.
Write them down in *some* way, if it's a wip snippet of a scene, [describing what's going on in brackets] or just a barebones script dialog with no description.
Repeat steps 1-2 as many times as needed to get the raw material for the scene that feels fun and satisfying. This may take a fair amount of time.
Finish Draft 0 - where all the scenes are interconnected, and the text written (even if badly), with no remaining [placeholders] or highlights.
Edit. Edit. Edit. Read pieces aloud. Find a rhythm. Edit. Despair. Edit. Despair. Rest.
Optional Beta Step
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squidbiology · 2 years
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Hello, and welcome to Squidbiology!
This blog is run by a team of scientists and friends who's goal is to provide free, easy to understand access to information regarding other sapient species! Many schools don't offer biology and history courses on other species, which can create a gap between us... one that we aim to bridge!
Though the title of the blog is squidbiology, we welcome questions on any and all sapient species. If we don't know the answer, we'll find someone who will.
Now, let's introduce you to the team! Mod Bloom Sandworm | 24 | Xe/Xir
Hi besties!!! my name's Maya, and I'm an anthropologist! Though my original focus was on worms, I've recently taken a turn towards researching Inkfish of all types, as it's just fascinating stuff. I also hope to be able to educate inkfish on each other's history to hopefully help settle some of the recent animosity! But don't worry, I've dipped my whiskers into study of any species I can find courses on, so don't be afraid to ask :P
Mod Olive Leopard shark || 23 || They/she
Heyo, my name's Maeve or Olive, and I'm an Inkfish biologist! My interest started with Inklings, but octolings are inherently a close runner up, as you can't have one without the other! Their natural evolutionary history is absolutely fascinating to me, and I can't believe it's fallen out of common knowledge.
Mod Glaze Octoling | 28 | He/she/it
Greetings. My names are Aqueduct and Celadon (you can use either), and I'm an architect, with a particular fascination for architectural history and city planning. I love looking into how different species design their buildings and cities, and how to make structures and plans that accommodate a wide variety of species.
Mod Beetle Inkling | 26 | He/they
Hi guys! My name's Connor, and I'm a linguist, though I'm also studying general sociology and biology of non-inkfish as a minor. I love learning about how different species developed language, especially based on their evolutionary history and biology! I also find it fascinating how different species can communicate back and forth even if physically incapable of speaking each other's languages... it's crazy stuff.
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So... what is this blog?
This is a Splatoon based askblog that takes place during the setting of Splatoon 3, and follows my headcanons of splatoon biology! It’s is designed so you can send in questions, which will be answered ‘in character’ by one of the members of the team that "runs" this blog. If you’re familiar with Professor Peach, it’s something sort of like that. Basically, you’re allowed to send in questions that are responded to by either , as if you were a character in the setting. You’re also welcome to send in ‘ooc’ questions as well though! I also just reblog a bunch of art and posts revolving around splatoon, as well as some memes and such. This blog is intended to be 16+ because it might contain some upsetting or potentially NSFW content, but all in a biological format (Discussions of racism and wars, art of meat/dissections, discussion of breeding behavior and anatomy, etc). Everything will be tagged generously. There won’t be any condoning of mentioned behavior, and no explicit porn or heavily NSFW images without ample tagging and warnings. If you need anything tagged that I didn’t, please let me know.
So is this a roleplay blog?
Er... not exactly. It’s more of an in-character ask blog. But if you have a similar blog, I wouldn’t be opposed to interacting.
Am I allowed to use these headcanons?
Yes, go ahead! I would be thrilled to see anyone using any of these, or even something based off of these. You’re allowed to mix and match and change anything you want for your own personal use. You’re free to make OCs or characters based on any of this stuff too! Go crazy go stupid!
Am I allowed to do fanart / fanworks of _____?
Yes!!!! You’re 100% welcome to draw (or write about, or.. whatever) any of the characters featured here, your own takes on anything or any biology, or just. Anything from or inspired by this blog! I would love to see it! If you do, please DM it to me- I don’t check my email often, and don’t see @’s! I don’t mind at all!
Who’s the mod?
Hello! My name is Rhi / Toad, and I’m the mod here behind Squidbiology! My pronouns are they/them, please. I’m 22, neurodivergent, nonbinary, and have a degree in Zoo Animal Technology, and am employed at an invertebrate zoo!
I run this blog because I think speculative biology is neat, and I love to worldbuild, especially when it comes to biology! You might recognize some of my art and ideas from my other blogs, listed below.
Main || @toadsong​ Splatoon Sideblog || @lesbian-octoling Art Sideblog || @bees-draws
If you have any questions for me, feel free to send in an ask! Please specify that it’s either directly to me or OOC however, so I know not to answer in character!
Where’s Callie/Marina/Agent 3/etc?
Unfortunately, the characters running this blog are a bunch of random college students. They're not affiliated with any of the canon characters, except maybe some of the shopkeepers in passing.
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Do not interact with this blog if you’re a bigot. This means do not interact if you’re LGBT+phobic of any kind, antisemetic, a nazi, anti-blm, pro-cop/’blue lives matter’, racist, ‘pro-ship’/pedo/MAP, etc. This includes transphobia, biphobia, and panphobia. If you’re nasty you know who you are. Get outta here!
On that note- despite the warning above, this blog will not particpiate in any political discussion or drama. I simply do not want nasty people interacting with this blog. If you want to discuss anything, at the very least, go to my main/sideblogs. The exception of this is if I reblog something from a nasty person/source- I try to do a brief check of who I reblog from, but sometimes I’m tired or lazy. If you notice content come from a questionable blog, let me know, and I’ll remove it!
Please try not to send in overly explicit or horny questions. Though this blog may discuss mature themes, such as discussions of breeding behavior and anatomy, it’s not going to be horny in nature.
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torikawa · 4 years
Tōru Oikawa FanFiction Part #1
'Mixed Realities' a love story between [F/N] [L/N] and Tōru Oikawa.
This Fanfiction includes the following~
Happy Ending
Sexual Themes
Explicit Words
Friends to Lovers
Strangers to Lovers
Sad scenarios in the Middle
[F/N] = First Name
[L/N] = Last Name
[N/O/S] = Name Of School
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[F/N] [L/N], a girl who attends to [N/O/S] was known to be a Huge Otaku and the newest Manager of the Boys Volleyball Team. She's a huge fan of the Anime Haikyuu! Looking up to the Characters especially Oikawa. She thought of him as such an amazing character who deserved the world! She basically Simped for him whenever she could.
"Did you see the new Episode?! Oikawa showed up for less than a second but I think I fell for him all over again" [F/N] said with a grin spreading across her face, her eyes glued onto the Screen Shot she took of him.
"Here she goes again." Julien muttered under his breath, glaring daggers into [F/N]'s smaller figure.
"Oh come on! Hearing her rant about her 2D Boyfriend is honestly funny-" Ace laughed in.
"No wonder she's still single, too busy SIMPING for guys who don't exi-" Interrupted by a sharp smack on the shoulder, Leon choked on his food.
"Oh come on! You can't deny that he's the hottest Character in Haikyuu!!" [F/N] chimed in between the boys Laughter.
"You say that about every guy in Haikyuu." Julien dead panned.
"You're just salty that I don't talk about Sakusa as much!"
"Tch." He looked away, his nose scrunching up along with his mask.
"Pfft, don't be mad Juju!" [F/N] squeezed Julien's cheek through his mask, pink scattering across his cheeks as he swats her hand away.
He muttered a small 'whatever' before he got up and walked away.
"Mmm, I think our own little Sakusa likes you [F/N]" Ace said with a snicker.
"He has a point. Julien's a huge Germaphobe yet he treat you as if you're the only pure/clean thing that exists" Leo added, his words mumbled from him chewing on his food.
[F/N] stared at her 2 Friends, dumbfounded. She slowly looked away before moving a strand of her hair behind her ear. She couldn't bring herself to see Julien looking at her as someone more than just a friend.
He was tall, handsome, smart, and above all the boy who the girls swoon over in the School. But there aren't any proof of him liking her, atleast not yet?
"I still can't believe that, but anyways! It's almost practice, we should probably get going or we'll be late" She got up slowly, slinging her bag over her shoulder right shoulder.
Ace and Leo sighed in anticipation, upset about how stupid their little manager was when it came to romance.
It didn't take long for them to arrive at the Gym, Julien and the rest of the Team were already practicing their serves.
"You guys are a bit late" The coach said with a sympathetic smile.
"Sorry we wer-"
"[F/N] ate so much, we had to wait for our little manager to be finished because we didn't want her left alone" Ace said with a snort. Causing Leo to burst out of laughter as he jogged towards the rest of the team.
[F/N] gave Ace a smack on the arm, her face beat red. It caused most of the boys who were practicing their serves to snicker.
Meanwhile, Julien kept his stone cold face. Simply not bothered by the fact the others were basically dying of laughter by now. Though as his eyes landed on his dear Friend, a teasing smile spread across his face.
[F/N] looked away embarrassed, trying her best to avoid Julien's teasing gaze.
After 2 hours of practicing, it finally came to an end. With [F/N] handing out each of the Players water bottles.
For Julien, she had to rub the shit out of his bottle. It was something she had to do before handing it to him. Of course at first, she was kind of offended. But now that she was one of the few people who were actually able to touch him, it made her feel special.
"Here" [F/N] said with a smile on her face, slowly handing Julien his Bottle. He stared down at her, nodding before giving a small 'thanks'
She ended up walking home alone today, Julien had to get home fast to take care of his Nephew, Ace had to go out with his Girlfriend, and Leon as usual walked on a different path since he lived in the opposite direction.
It didn't take long for her to reach her front door. She reached into her pockets and pulled out her keys, professionally sticked it into the keyhole with a turn, causing the door to open.
"I'm home!" [F/N] screamed out, but then a sudden shock hit her. Her parents were off on a vacation, so she'd have to live alone for a few weeks. "Oops- Forgot"
Slowly, she took her shoes off. Placing them ever so gently against the shoe rack before ascending the stairs of her house. But then, that's when she realized. Something felt so off about her surroundings, but why?
[F/N] continued her way towards her bedroom slowly, her legs shaking with each step she took.
Her hand pressed against the door as she pushed it open, revealing her bedroom. She stepped inside cautiously, her eyes scanning her room.
A minute passed with her standing still. And yet nothing happened. 'Huh, I guess it was just my imagination-' Though before she could step forward to enter her room fully, a large hand grasped her mouth, forcefully pinning her against the wall.
"Who the fuck are you and where the Hell am I?" The dark figure yelled out, his hand still dangerously close to choking her. She couldn't tell who this was, and she couldn't have known why the Hell this person was here in the first place!
[F/N] felt a surge of fear flow through her body as she whimpered against the touch.
"Are you gonna talk or stay quiet?"
"P-Please..- I have no idea why you're here just please let me go!"
The boy eventually let go of her neck, stepping back while letting out a sigh.
[F/N] didn't hesitate to flick the lights on, snapping her head back to the boy. Only to have her eyes widen and her mouth open. 'N-No way..-' she thought in her head.
The Boy infront of her stood at over (6'0"), chocolate brown hair, and eyes. The features of his body were all so familiar with her.
"Oi..Oikawa..-?" [F/N] muttered, loud enough for the boy to hear.
"How do you know my name" Oikawa deadpanned, his cold eyes staring down at her smaller figure.
"I...no w-way- this can't be happening I.. this is a d-dream I..-" She stepped forward, causing him to step back in confusion and fear.
He wasn't used to his surroundings, nor was he used to having to look at a mirror with his different yet similar face.
"Stay back, I don't know who you are." Tōru kept his distance from her, he didn't show any fear whatsoever. But deep down he was panicking. Where was he? How did he get here? And why was he here?
[F/N] sighed, calming down a bit to hold herself back from bursting out into tears. She looked into Oikawa's half lidded eyes and began to explain how he was a Fictional character she looked up to, a character who wasn't supposed to exist but yet still ended up being in her room PHYSICALLY. Was this a way of God giving her a Gift? A gift of someone she treasured and looked up to the most? Perhaps.
Tōru's eyes softened, he scanned her room only to look at the merch [F/N] baught of himself. It's crazy to believe, but it's the only logical explanation; How he ended up transferring into a different reality, a different dimension. It all made sense in his head but it was hard to believe. How could this girl look so calm? Was she expecting this? Though, she was caught off guard when she realized who he was. So Oikawa shook off the thought, and eventually let out a smile.
"Is it alright if I stay here until I figure out a way to head back..?" He questioned, his head tilting to the side as his usual yet none genuine smile spread across his cheeks. He wanted to deal with this situation without having to face it alone.
"O-Ofcourse..!" [F/N] quickly looked around, before settling her bag on her [F/C] bean bag.
"Do you live alone?"
"Oh, actually I live with my Parents but they're off on a vacation for 3 weeks"
"I see~" Oikawa hummed, before plopping himself on her bed. He may look and act calm and collected. But inside he was worrying about how his friends and family would act with his sudden disappearance from his own reality.
"Are you okay? Do you feel hungry? I could cook for you if you want" [F/N] said as she sat beside him.
Tōru was caught off guard from her sudden approach, but he paid no mind. He didn't get any harmful nor dangerous vibes from the stranger.
"Actually, I'm not hungry at all. But I do have a question or two that I would like for you to answer"
"Ask awayyyy!" [F/N] said with a huge goofy grin her face, causing the setter to let out a chuckle. She couldn't keep in her excitement with having her idol infront of her.
"Pfft, now, what's your name Stranger?"
"Stra- ah right- I'm [F/N] [L/N]"
"Ah~ what a cute name [F/N]-chan! Is it alright if I call you that or are you uncomfortable with it?" Tōru asked with a tilt of his head.
"A-Actually I don't mind you calling me by my first name.. But, that means I get to call you Tōru-kun then!"
"Tōru, just call me Tōru." He replied softly.
[F/N] could practically feel her heart flutter. Was she really falling for Oikawa for real? Was he really THE Oikawa Tōru..
Little did she know, this was the start of an unbreakable bond. A bond that will soon blossom into romance.
[Original Idea, do not steal]
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