#we're always being judge because we don't know much Spanish
silent-raven13 · 1 year
Why we need to prove our Latino side? Miles Morales’ B in Spanish...
One thing I’m annoyed with the fans watching Spiderman Across the Spider Verse, it's the way they make fun of Miles’ Spanish (I thought he spoke decent enough to understand, considering where he’s growing up)  How a lot of these Latinos (mostly older Spanish Speaking Latinos, I been seeing their asses on TikTok) calling Miles, a “No Sabo kid” because he got a B in Spanish. 
Like ya’ll never taken a Spanish class in America before? It’s not Latin American Spanish (or all types of Spanish in Latin America), it’s Castellano (Spain’s Spanish)! I don’t speak enough Spanish and went into a Spanish Speaker 1 class for my high school credit (and to get into College), and it makes up two credits (which is Spanish 1 and Spanish 2) I ended up with a B+ even when I barely spoke it, read, and write it (I bust my ass off for that B+). Even some of my classmates that knows fluid Spanish (Mexican and Salvadoran type of Spanish) were shookth by taking that class. Some of them even got low grades, or had to argue with our teacher because the Spanish we were learning wasn’t what we grew up with and the words we use wasn’t considered “proper”. So for those that never taken that class and start saying shit about Miles getting a B in Spanish, ya’ll are bitches and giving low vibration?? Like why ya’ll so badly wanna see young Latinos to prove their worth so bad?? 😒😒😒
The worst part is ya’ll love Evil Miles’ because his Spanish is so damn fluid, that you forget he lost his OWN DAD and was only around his mom more often to speak Spanish so well like ya’ll need to go to therapy. Read some articles about Latinos in America aren’t speaking Spanish as much as their native countries. Read articles about How part of Mexico becoming California, or Latino scholars talking about growing up during a time their own parents have to force themselves to speak English? Or how our American School system fucks us over! Once you learn why, you're gonna realize is a deeper than not wanting to.
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lara635kookie · 8 months
Ship Analysis pt.8:
I think this image summarizes my thoughts to why Red Crackle and Carmivy are better than Carulia(for me):
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Gray and Carmen are light and darkness, yin and yang, perfect balance, soulmates, opposites attract, different but same and I just have it in me as a headcanon the impression that Chief is a Red Crackle shipper. For me, she's the president of the Red Crackle fan club. She says Gray is a smitten sap for Carmen(In the Portuguese and Spanish dub she legit says he's a fool/idiot in love) and when talking about Carmen and Gray having coffee together she says Carmen and Calloway are, makes a pause, like she's thinking on what to say next, and says "friendly", in a different voice tone than before. I think she knows.
Carmivy while is not my favorite ship, it's almost as great as Red Crackle for me. They are just so good! Ivy is such a simp going "I will beat you up if you say anything to upset Carmen" to Zack or "We're here for Carmen" to Shadowsan. Or asking herself multiple times what would Carmen do. She's Carmen's biggest fan. In some things, Carmivy was even superior to Red Crackle. But doing the overall average, for me, Red Crackle just end up winning, but Carmivy got close. I think this shows what I'm talking about:
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They are such simps for her. They both knew her so well. Ivy always knew what Carmen would do and tried to do it and Gray in the train scene he says:"You've proven yourself, that's all you ever wanted, wasn't it?" it shows how well he understands her. While it wasn't ALL she ever wanted, it was definitely something she wanted a lot and Gray realized even before Carmen herself did. At the Lucky Cat Caper(I don't remember if that's really the name but okay) when Carmen has a nightmare about the coat exam she says to Player:"I guess I still feel like I have something to prove." Another thing it gets me is how Carmen and Gray prioritizes each other's safety and well being. Like, sure, Carmen prioritizes these two things of a lot of people, but the way it's with Gray, they prioritize those things from each other on top of pretty much almost EVERYTHING. In the episode Carmen goes to rescue Gray from the jail in Reykjavik, she had a choice:Go get the stolen crown or get to Gray. She chooses Gray first. Of course she also gets the crown but she still chose Gray first. She set an alarm for him if he ever got in trouble because she wants to get him out of trouble and have a good fresh start. Also, we know Maelstrom likes to melt gold. I just can picture perfectly Maelstrom convincing Countess Cleo to have only the crown's precious gemstones to do other jewelry and then Maelstrom would get the crown gold to melt and do whatever he wants with it. And then Carmen would have lost the crown forever and would have totally failed for the first time. Carmen isn't dumb. She knew the faculty members, she lived with them almost her whole entire life. Even with that risk, she STILL chose Gray without even hesitating or thinking more carefully about it. That's how much Gray matters to her. She stole for V.I.L.E. to save Zack and Ivy and she never did something like that, against her morals, for Julia. She threatened to throw that V.I.L.E. artifact in that hole but the artifact was something that would help V.I.L.E. to find more things and steal them and she knew if she threw it, one day someone would find it or it would be hidden forever. So she had absolutely nothing to lose throwing it. She actually had something to win. It wasn't a sacrifice she was willing to do for Julia, like it was the case for Gray, Zack and Ivy.
And this was the final part of my ship analysis. The next thing related to ship will be a ship ranking, where I get all the Carmen Sandiego romantic ships and judge them from first to last place. Bye and see you soon!
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yayninjabob · 1 year
What do you think of the upcoming Powerpuff Girls reboot? (The one that Craig McCracken is currently making, NOT the 2016 one)
Well there's not much to judge lol, it's still being developed. We don't even know at this point if we're talking about a new series or movie that will ultimately (hopefully) be made.
I can say though that I am super excited for whatever Craig comes up with though! Like things in particular that's been shared about the project that make me particularly hyped are:
1. It's going to be created by Craig McCracken. Reason enough.
2. Craig said big plans for Mojo! Omg YES. But also especially yes because the next point...
3. Craig expressed developing a larger story he wants to tell. Ohmyfreakinggosh YESSSS!! I absolutely adored Kid Cosmic and I feel like he's going to give the PpG a similar treatment and that's just like a dream come true for my little PpG-obssessed inner child. As a kid, when I watched the series, I just loved watching the details come together as the series played out. Learning that the 3 girls were sisters- WHAT didnt know that during What a Cartoon! Then learning they all had special powers- Bubbles speaks Spanish- wait now Squirrel?!- wait now like everything?!- what the heck about Buttercup's special power?!!! Then Ohmyfreakinggoshhhh WHAT MOJO CREATED THE PPG??! GAME CHANGER. Lol. So while the og series was episodic and there weren't technically overarching plots- the series to me stood apart because of these gradual reveals that happened throughout the course of the show. I looked forward to each week's new adventure but when the episode gave me new character reveals like those I listed- it made it all the more special to the fans like me who watched the show all the time. I always wished all that stuff would get revisited/ expanded upon...and now... ohmigosh... I am just sooooo excited about all the possibilities!!
I am scared about the fans reactions though lol. The Puffs are so nostalgic for so many- some fans I think project a lot onto the Puffs personalities that I don't think Craig quite vibes with... lol I dunno that for sure. But it's a feeling I have. But they're his babies so... I have faith he knows what to do with them better than anyone.
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tealenko · 1 year
Rules: Using this picrew, design yourself and your OCs! Or just your OCs if that’s what you’re comfy with - it’s up to you!! :D
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Me on the left, my Ryder on the right.
Got tagged to do this by @acciokaidanalenko (thaaaaaaaanksss!!!)
tagging: @sillyliterature @ficbrish @halesshepardn7 @kat-hikari
Decided to do my Ryder, because I always do my Shep and poor Sofía needs some attention too ehehehehe
And now that we're here... I'll tell you a bit about her:
Sofía Ryder
Half English / Half Spanish (Born in Catania - Italy)
*Proud Bi Icon* who cannot remember how many people she's been with
Loves drinking and parties
Hates politicians
Drop dead gorgeous
Short tempered
Tons of daddy issues, which may explain the next.
Wants to bang Reyes Vidal at any given time of the day (who can blame her, though)
I think I should do me now... Just so you can see how little I have in common with my Ryder lol
Tea (That's what I use online)
I'd say I'm pansexual (because 1. I like and feel atracted to people in general, idgaf about their gender 2. pan means "bread" in Spanish... and it always makes me laugh XDD) but I don't actually know, because knowing what to call your sexuality in 2023 is soooo complicated lol Let's just say I feel atracted to some people in every gender... But I would never fuck them unless I felt attracted to them as a person too, after knowing them for some time... If that has a name, sign me in.
I LOVE being alone, hate parties with tones of people. I got anxiaty just by going into a Primark.
I do hate politicians (I mean... who doesn't at this point lol) but not as much as my Ryder
Ermm... I'm not an objective judge for this one lol (But I'd say I'm fiiiiiiiiiineeeeee) Not as fine as my Ryder though... Like, I know she's a videogame character.... But she's too hot for me not to say it lol
I'm a very chill person. My motto is: if I can't fix it, I shouldn't stress about it.
Love my family, no issues there.
And I'm in a serious relationship for almost 9 years now, currently living together, and making plans to get marry in a couple of years.
As you can see... The only thing we have in common is: queer ladies who speak Spanish and English (and that want to bang Reyes Vidal to the moon and back XDDDDDDDDD)
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mikarenea · 4 years
Nobody asked for this, here it is nonetheless.
Some fluff/angst. TW: reference to sex
English is not my first language so the grammar and vocab is far from perfect lol. im sorry tho.
They were staying at the safe-house they had in the North of Spain. It was rather small, but comfortable enough and practically isolated, which was perfect to begin with Nile's training with the sword and axe. Even if it was quite close from a big town, it was far enough to be free of walking-by locals and other people who may be surprised to find two women fighting with swords in the middle of the countryside.
The sun was setting on the horizon. Nile was having her first lesson with the axe, listening carefully to Andy's instructions on the grass field in front of the house, when Nicky and Joe walked out the front door.
“We are going to the market to buy some stuff...” Yusuf said with a smirk. “We're taking the car. See you later!”
“Wait, can I go?” the three of them turned to Nile and Andy chuckled but said nothing, waiting for the couple's reaction.
“I don't really think you would want to” Nicolo began, fidgeting nervously, followed by Yusuf “Yeah, you gotta finish with today's training. Also, is quite late already so...”
“Alright, but come back for dinner...” Andy said dismissively, laughing at Nicky's expression of sarcastic discrepancy with which he answered her.
And babbling a thousand made-up excuses, the two of them ran into the car, parked next to the house, and left before Nile could argue.
“I think I could have helped them... They don't speak contemporary Spanish, and I still remember what I learnt at high school...” she spoke, thoughtful. But before she went on, questioning herself, Andy placed a hand on her shoulder.
“You know that they are not going to the market, right?” she said. ‘How can she be so wise and innocent at the same time.’ Andy thought.
“Where are they going, then?”
“To a Motel, probably” she said with a grin.
Nile stopped a second and felt like her cheeks burned in embarrassment. “Oh.” Nile mumbled and Andy chuckled again. “Well yes, I think we gotta thank them that because the four of us sleep in the same room...”
Andromache sat down on the grass and put the axe aside. “Let's rest a bit. Turns out that being mortal is way more tiring that I expected.” Nile sat next to her, embarrassment still obvious in her face.
While Andy caught her breath, they stared up at the mountains and clouds on the horizon, still lighted by the warm colours of the setting sun, while the landscape around them darkened gradually.
"They are quite distant from each other." Nile broke the silence and Andy turned to her. "I mean, they are practically married, but despite the fact that they sleep tangled on each other, they always keep distance from each. It's not like they are supposed to display their love every second, and I understand that, through the centuries, they have learned to keep it secret to avoid getting into trouble. I don't even want to know what you all have suffered because of intolerance throughout history. But even when it is only the four of us, or Booker... when they know that they wont be judged by anyone...”
Andy smiled to herself and stared into the distance again. “Trust me, there was a time, centuries ago when there wasn't a single fucking day in which they wouldn't demonstrate their undying love for each other in front of us. You couldn't keep them away from each other, and had little problem with kissing or teasing each other around us. All over each other all the time, They were like teenagers...” a nostalgic smile was drawn on her lips, as she recalled times long way gone. “But they fit together so perfectly... it was like watching a perfect composition. It is also true that we were something similar, Quynh and I..."
“And it all changed when you lost Quynh, right?” Nile observed and Andy turned to meet her eyes 'This girl is too smart for her own good' she thought.
“Yes...” she admitted, her gaze going back to the darkening landscape “When they got me out of that damned cell and I told them what had happened... crying like I hadn’t done in millennia... they didn’t say a word and held me like the desperate child I felt I was. I had never felt as desperate, as powerless as I did in that moment. I didn’t want to eat or sleep. I just wanted to get her out of the terrible prison she was in. And while we looked for her they took care of me. When we finally had to give up and continue with our lives, returning to our missions and trying to make the world a better place, something had already changed and I hadn’t noticed until then." she sighed, thinking bitterly of those days, carved so deeply and painfully in her memory. “They didn’t seem to be so close, so clingy to each other as they used to be. The loud praising words, for everyone to hear, were replaced by subtle smiles and gazes. They would stop immediately and turn their attention to me if I happened to walk into them kissing or cuddling, which they didn’t before. And above it all, they spent as much time as they could with me. They didn’t want me to be alone and they didn’t want me to remember the time when it was the four of us against everything else. They knew that if I was left alone, my own regrets and guilt would end me, but if they acted as they had done until then, memories would drag me to an bottomless pit of grief. I was so frail then and they did exactly what they had to do to keep me right.” and then she muttered something under her breath.
‘Gods, I love them so much.’ Nile managed to understand.
Suddenly Andy stood up and took hold of the axe again. “They would leave me on my own for longer periods of time, but never over a year. When we found Booker, we were already used to that dynamic. Nowadays, as you can see, this kind of distance they keep is like a joke between us.” she looked at Nile, staring thoughtfully at her, eyes torn between pity and deep comprehension. “Don’t look at me like that, stand up and lets continue with your training.”
They didn’t come back until dawn, when they walked into Andy and Nile having breakfast in the kitchen.
“We brought bread.” Nicky said, placing the carton on the counter.
“And you’ve been waiting for the wheat to grow?” Andy snorted.
"Perhaps you went to buy it all the way to France." Nile commented sarcastically. Yusuf looked at her and later to Andromache ‘Honestly boss,” he said “I think that you two are spending too much time together.”
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