#we're clearly super capable and attuned to the paracausal forces and save the universe every 3 months
thefirstknife · 1 year
thoughts on the lore seeming to imply the young wolf might be one of, if not the most powerful active guardian? (example: old farm ambient dialogue indicating that between rise of iron and the red war, the guardian defeated shaxx in the crucible 3-2 https://youtu.be/S1r4wOUFR-4, the only guardian aside from ikora to do so). i personally don't mind it and actually think it's kinda cool, but a lot of people seem really opposed to the idea so im just wondering what your opinion is
Oh that's a cool line, haven't heard it before.
Yeah, I think the Young Wolf is for sure among the stronger Guardians. We are, first and foremost, some sort of an outlier, almost like an anomaly, that affects timelines. In all previous timelines that Elsie knows about, there was never a Young Wolf and we never killed the Black Heart and that one single divergence doomed all other timelines. It's the sole reason why Elsie popped up in D1 to help us with the Black Heart, as it was one of the possible options she hadn't tried yet.
And ever since, we've definitely fulfilled the role of this outlier figure. Obviously, it's hard to say, like, which specific parametres to use to determine how strong a Guardian is and all, but I definitely think that we should count as some of the strongest ever, especially with how well we're capable of commanding both Light and Darkness. There's a reason why Osiris considers us his equal and expects a lot from us.
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