#we're like 99% sure that having him dance was an intentional joke what was cut from the game
hanarinhightown · 3 years
Can I please know more about groundskeeper/bartender?! Like deets or fic refs or HCs or anything. I want to know all the things about it.
Hello Anon! Welcome to hell!
So first off there are no fics (yet??) about these two but @bonksoundeffect and I are working very diligently to give our sons life and make things happen. So we have deets and HCs aplenty. And I will share some of them with you now!
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Okay, SO. These two. Look at them! Staring at each other wistfully across Dark Star Lounge (hard to tell here but they are staring at each other trust me or ask Bonk, I tracked their eye movements in-game sksksks)
Introducing Cassius Vayek and Nestor Savatrian:
They're best friends. They met not that long ago because the Groundskeeper (Nestor) just shipped in from Palaven, but he instantly fell in with a friend group that included the Bartender (Cassius). Nestor was instantly drawn to Cassius and kept going back to Dark Star hoping he'd strike up a conversation one-on-one.
They very quickly became an idiots-to-lovers style of oblivious pining, always sitting next to each other in the group, the whole group (including Rolan Quarn) is painfully aware of the tension, coming up with increasingly off-the-wall chaotic plans to try to force them into confronting their feelings, but they're always unsuccessful and everyone is just watching them flail helplessly bc they're both constantly just like "we're friends this is what friends do" and their friends have to be like "bro i don't see you looking at us like that."
One time they get so drunk Nestor and Cass start cuddling and nuzzling each other’s faces. The next morning both of them refuse to acknowledge it happening because having this friendship should be enough right? Friendship is enough? They don't need it to be more than that and risk it (except they're both pining fucking idiots)
Cassius is lost in lusty thought scrubbing the same spot on the bar for like 20 minutes straight while hungover just totally zoned out trying to convince himself that he didn't feel anything while Nestor had his face nuzzled up into his cowl. But Rolan took pictures of everyone that night, including those two cuddled on the couch and posted them in the group chat and both of them are just like.... o fuck
They're BOTH in denial but Cass is way more deliberate about it and is all like “Haha feelings what feelings?” while Nestor is just terrible at it and keeps catching himself humming and dancing around while misting the flowers and then getting all sad bc like "No u gotta stop that's ur friend bro :( "
More under the cut
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A lil about them both:
Cassius Vayek, 29
Born on Altakiril, an outer colony garden world (he knows fuck all about plants but he tries to pull out some random facts to impress our lil groundskeeper friend 🥰)
talks with his hands a lot 🤌
chronic Older Brother syndrome. pretty responsible in that bartender sort of way where he'll bail you out and not ask too many questions, mostly bc he can't be bothered to
has an irl lil bro named Keros. they grew up in a single parent family and
basically everything he does is for his little brother and it's never a conscious decision, he just does it. the one surefire way to make him break his cool manner is by bringing up his brother.
Keros is studying medicine on Sur'Kesh, and when Cass gets to talking about him it tends to be in a vaguely self-deprecating way. Not to be MEAN to himself, he's just 100% certain he's the dumb sibling and his lil bro is gonna change the world :') he works extra shifts at Dark Star constantly to support his brother's studies
Nestor Savatrian, 27
born in the suburbs of Cipritine, Palaven
Extremely polite lil funky dude! He's very passionate about his interests and loves to talk to people about them and also hear about other people's interests
grew up spending time at the museum where his parents' worked, spent a lot of time staring out the window admiring the grounds (which were notable for their well-kept greenery as a sort of oasis in the city with its intense radiation)
during his service years on ships, he found he missed the foliage and began to become fascinated with how the quarian flotilla kept greenhouses and it became a sort of dream to move to the Citadel and develop and diversify vegetation access to folks away from their homeworlds
he calls his parents every day and has breakfast with them and they think that Cassius is a "handsome young man"
He's a lightweight, fluffy, happy, drunk-in-love drunk, frequently ends up hanging all over Cass when they're out
Okay so basically this started because the Presidium Groundskeeper explicitly says "turians don't dance" but in Thane's loyalty mission who do we see throwing it down on the dance floor at a different bar
So logically this led to the conclusion that he's playing coy in Dark Star because he's got a crush on the bartender, because A.) who doesn't? and B.) Cassius is a too-cool-for-school type and he wants to act nonchalant, loudly talking about "the best part of being on the citadel is the DRINKS!" so that Cass will hear him like aha plz pay attention to me i love ur little fruity cocktails
But then when he's had just enough of those fruity lil dextro cocktails he hightails it out of there to dance somewhere out of sight (Cassius knows exactly where Nestor goes when this happens and thinks it's adorable -- their friends send him vids of Nestor dancing and he is just SHOOK like 😳😳😳
Anyway. Their lil group consists of Kirhil Vizrak, Rolan Quarn (who vanishes and reappears constantly but none of them know to where or why), Cassius, Nestor, and Dexian "Dex" Sideris
(Dex is actually Sidonis's cover story, he arrived from "Palaven" at the same time as Nestor and they met in Customs -- this came about bc if you squint in that first photo above, the NPC turian standing at the bar is the Sid model kskksks cue panic when Shepard walks in with Garrus to ask about the presidium fish and pass out on the bathroom floor?????)
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Anyway that's just a lil intro to them as characters and their world but we are obsessed with our boys and will no doubt continue to post about them and reveal our secrets and drawings and maybe even some fic 👀
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fly-pow-bye · 5 years
DuckTales 2017 - “The Richest Duck In The World!”
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Story by: Francisco Angones, Madison Bateman, Colleen Evanson, Christian Magalhaes, Bob Snow
Written by: Madison Bateman
Storyboard by: Stephanie Gonzaga, Vaughn Tada, Brandon Warren
Directed by: Matthew Humphreys
The calm before the moon-related storm.
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Our episode begins with a flashback to the very day when Scrooge McDuck became the richest duck in the world. selling his entire mine of haveyouseenium to a man named Mr. Zee. Because of this deal, he became the richest duck in the world, and he gets surrounded by a pink aura that spreads across the land. No, not the kind of aura that would turn into a stapler, but an aura that will attract a certain "he" that Mr. Zee describes in a rhyming riddle.
Mr. Zee: He cannot be bought, he cannot be fought, though riches you've got, your life will be fraught, until you have earned the one thing you have not!
Scrooge: Who is "he"?
Mr. Zee: The Bombie! So long, no take backs!
I'd talk about who or what this Bombie is, but the episode makes us wait, too. All we see is Scrooge happily dancing, knowing very well that the threat of the Bombie should be nothing to him. He then looks at something that caused the earth to shake, and he makes a face that can only come before the theme song.
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After the theme song, we cut to the present day, where Scrooge gets to hear the good news about all the money he's going to get from Louie after his successful plan. That is, none of it! Turns out, the title is not referring to the Richest Duck in the World we all know, but his nephew, who, in the Louie Inc. plot's big payoff, has inherited the McDuck fortune against Scrooge's will! Many would expect, including Zan Owlson in the show itself, that this would lead to a "sea monster ate my ice cream"-level tantrum from Scrooge.
Somehow, that tantrum doesn't happen, as he just walks away laughing at this, telling Louie that he can call him anytime to give back his title. Is this really the same Scrooge that went insane over 87 cents? Sure, he knows where the money went, which is half of the reason why he went insane in that episode, but still, this is Scrooge. Maybe he's just that genre-savvy that this will not last.
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While all of this is happening, we finally get something that has some relation to the upcoming Moonvasion, which is still unknown to anyone on Earth. This even includes Della Duck, who is still making space-video-calls to her friend Captain Penumbra, who isn't calling back for some reason. However, nothing can stop Della Duck, so she decides to show off the children that aren't currently doing "complex business deals."
...and Dewey is dabbing. Unfortunately, Mark Beaks is not the only person who is willing to dab in public.
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Unfortunately, Dewey ruins the moment, in an intentional-by-the-plot way, not a "why are they doing this" way, even more by knocking into the camera after trying way too hard to do a backflip. Oh, Dewey. This distresses Della, as she really needs to find someone with a camera! Huey and Webby get distressed as well, as Dewey is getting really excited at his own idea...
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...a special moon-focused episode of Dewey Dew-Night, with special guest "Mom"! Even in-universe, it doesn’t exactly bring that much excitement to anyone, as her stories of being lonely on the moon for a significant chunk of her life are more downers than knee-slappers.
They go back and forth between this show and the main plot, and all that really happens is that Della is led to wonder if Penumbra is really her friend. Also, Webby tries to bring in a real raccoon. There's a running gag with that.
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As the talk show of the century is happening, Zan Owlson gets to learn that going from a manchild to a literal child is not an upgrade. Louie is completely uninterested in her strategies to grow and maintain his newly-gained company. In his new suit made entirely of emeralds, he sits on his giant chair, and trying to find a comfortable position to put his legs.
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Suddenly, Johnny and Randy of the Ottoman Empire show up, still mad at each other. That plotline with the Ottoman Empire's breakup does come up once in a blue moon in this season, and while I wasn't expecting a whole episode on the resolution to that, I was wondering if they would resolve it in this season. Turns out, they will, thanks to Louie convincing them to reunite with a heartwarming speech about comradery.
Just kidding, he offers them 100 million dollars, and they just can't refuse that kind of money even if they hate each other. Plotline over!
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He then turns on his phone to play a song he definitely invested money into: Mo Money, No Problems! This song doesn't appear to have lyrics. I'd say that might be for the best, but that's still some missed potential.
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The vulture capitalists aren't too happy about this recent $100 million dollar investment into the "Bring Back The Ottoman Empire, And Not That One, Djinn" business. Just like they were in the very first episode of this reboot, they suggest cutting funds to the "magical defense" in the unknown-because-Scrooge-struck-it-off-the-maps island in the Herod Sea. Louie agrees, probably just to get these old guys to hush about their nagging.
The very minute they press that button, Owlson shows up to tell Louie that something terrible has happened in the island in the Herod Sea. Louie eventually agrees.
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As for the former richest duck in the world, he's going to try to be lazy like Louie. This potential for a plot lasts about a few seconds. As he's watching the fully funded return of the Ottoman Empire, just like Louie would do, he notices that Johnny and Randy are talking about the importance of work. They technically worked for that 100 million plus whatever else they made from being celebrities, as they did have to make that emerald-studded footstool, though they certainly wouldn't tell the audience that most of that is from one little rich kid.
With that speech about work, he almost immediately gives up the laziness, and sets out to remake his fortune. How? By shoe-shining, just like he did to get his Number One Dime. However, he's going to do this in a modern world where few people wear shoes. Even he realizes the problem with this eventually.
Back to Louie's first big adventure as a gajillionaire, he goes to the island with Owlson and Manny, with Launchpad as his pilot. He even convinced Launchpad to color the Sunchaser green. As Louie sits on his specially made footstool, ordering his headless horse to turn the pages on his magazine, they eventually make it onto the island, where Louie makes a big discovery...
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...Scrooge was hiding yet another bin! It's the other, other bin of Scrooge McDuck, and Louie assumes Scrooge was hiding yet another fortune. Unfortunately, that bin has a big hole, and there's no money to be found. Launchpad suggests they should ask the green guy what happened to it.
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Turns out, that "magical defense" that I thought was a reference to Magica in the first episode wasn't to keep her out, but to keep this guy in! Makes me wonder if that was always the intention for that; considering this show's knack for continuity, I would not be surprised if it was.
This episode introduces Bombie the Zombie to the DuckTales 2017 universe, and to animation in general. The Bombie, as he is called here, originated in the Scrooge McDuck comics as a zombie that gets sent after Scrooge. In this show, his origins are left unknown; he gets treated more like a force of nature that goes against the richest duck in the world.
As they didn't have any weapons to stop this beast, Louie and his employees run away with the help of Louie's plan to fake him out with Manny's fake Louie head. It's just like what he did in the last episode; some tricks are immortal, just like the Bombie is. Speaking of which, Louie decides to do some drastic measures against the Bombie: he calls up Bradford Buzzard, one of the vulture capitalists, to cut funding to the satellites.
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This causes a whole bunch of satellites to fall on the island, causing a dramatic explosion. Hopefully those satellites aren't important, I say fully knowing that it will be a plot point in the next mega-episode.
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Also, it doesn't work, as he ends up on the wing just like that Twilight Zone episode. Unlike that Twilight Zone episode, the Bombie is not willing to just drive some guy bananas, as he breaks in.
This is the last straw for Zan Owlson, who decides to quit her job just as dramatically as that explosion. She decides she’s going to become a better billionaire herself, and she starts with a plan to get this Bombie off of the plane. She tells everyone to grab a hold of something while he opens the Sunchaser's hatch. This causes the Bombie to fall into the ocean.
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Unfortunately, Louie didn’t get the plan in time, as he ends up falling into the water, too. Even though she quit, she still has the heart to try to grab Louie from his watery and/or zombie-caused grave. That’s a neat touch to her character, in the last time we see her in the episode.
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Good news: Louie does ends up living, and he even gets to keep his emerald ottoman. Louie is glad to know that the Bombie is probably stuck in the seaweed, leaving him to be to enjoy it.
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Well, he is stuck in the seaweed, but that's not going to stop him.
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As this threat looms over Louie, Scrooge finally gets one customer. Unfortunately, the customer is the Tenderfeet, who is just as much of a jerk to Scrooge as he was with Louie in that one episode I don't really want to think about.
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Eventually, Louie shows up, running away from the Bombie and converging the two plots. Honestly, not much happened with the Scrooge plot anyway. He indirectly gets Scrooge into situations of harm, as he's getting in the way of the Bombie's undying journey to...murder the richest duck in the world? Come to think of it, if he murders the richest duck in the world, wouldn't that mean he would then go after the second richest, the third richest, and so on? Yeah, maybe this curse doesn't make a lot of sense from the viewpoint of the Bombie himself. Maybe whoever made this Bombie never thought of that.
Scrooge tells Louie all about this Bombie, including his name and that riddle he couldn't figure out. He doesn't really question why the Bombie was able to get out of his magical defenses, because he doesn't get the time to think about that.
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Eventually, Louie's own billboard advertising the new owner of McDuck Enterprises gets broken off, with the giant Louie picture getting his arm broken in a way that suggests pointing to him. Somehow, this gets Louie to figure out that riddle: he just needs to admit that he can't do something.
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Also, Louie offers the Bombie a shoe-shine, which he really needed. That might have been the solution, too. No richest person in the world has figured this riddle out since this "curse" began. Honestly, that is actually believable.
It doesn’t take a genius to realize this means Louie doesn’t want to be the richest duck in the world anymore, and he gives the money back. The aura even transfers over to Scrooge, as if this aura represents more than just the curse of the Bombie. This is a cool bit of symbolism.
The Louie Inc. plot finally reaches its merciful end. I'm not exactly mad, I'm just a little disappointed. I mean, we get a Doofus Drake plot, and a plot where Scrooge loses his money and just kind of accepts it. We did get a good Goldie story out of it, at least.
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Oh yeah, and they give us a cliffhanger for the next episode, kind of undoing any drama that happened in the Dewey Dew-Night plot by revealing that Penumbra actually is friendly enough to let Della know that a Moonvasion is going to happen. One of the plots turned out to be pointless, but hey, we got a Moonvasion to get to!
How does it stack up?
Eh, it's okay. This is another case where I considered giving this a neutral. Unfortunately, I'm still considering it right now, as there's no real reason for me not to give it.
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Next, the season finale.
← GlomTales! 🦆 Moonvasion! →
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