#we're loving ourselves in 2020 gays mark my words
karma-was-taken · 5 years
creator tag game
Tagged by @onlymorelove. Thanks Only <3
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2019. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
I honestly kind of hate everything I’ve ever written, but I want to learn to be more positive and self-loving so I’ll try my best to focus on what I do like!
1. a tale of love and lies (Earth-3490, fairy tale AU, SteveTony)
To start things off with a bang, this is without doubt my favorite thing I’ve ever written and one of the only stories I genuinely, wholeheartedly love... which is ironic, because it’s also one of my least popular works. It’s a fairy tale retelling that follows the adventures of Antonia, a princess who left her kingdom in search of honor and disguised herself as a knight along the way. 
Writing this story was a challenge in the most wonderful ways. It is easily the most “serious” fic I’ve ever written: I tried to write it in the style of the original fairy tale (which dates back to the 1550s lmao I like to suffer) and while I don’t know if I managed it perfectly I was really proud of the results I got! I love the concept, the characters, the plot, the style... idk, I’m just really happy with this fic. I don’t really know why it didn’t do as well as I was expecting, but it makes me kind of sad whenever I think about it, so if you feel like reading it and you end up liking it please let me know! It would make me really really happy :)
2. Coming Back and Coming Out: Richie Tozier’s 2019 (IT movies, Reddie)
On a completely different note, I LOVED writing this fic just because it allowed me to be as funny as I wanted without giving a single shit about the plot, and to be honest I love comedy more than I love anything else in life. This is number 2 on the list because I had a blast while writing it, and because I genuinely think it turned out pretty good! I love comedy, I love outsider POVs, I love interview fics, and guess what? This fic has it all! I just wrote whatever I wanted without a single care in the world -- there’s a comedy special bit in there, a bunch of tweets, Bickering As A Love Language, two grown men acting like teenagers in l o v e, sO many bad jokes... 
This fic is a mess, but it’s a funny mess, and I feel like that’s a very me thing to write.
3. A Mermaid’s Kiss (AU, Stuckony)
This one was written for a remix event, and boy oh boy did I struggle to write it, but I’m not too unhappy with how it turned out. It’s got the classic ‘mermaid falling in love with pirates’ trope that I adore, and I always enjoy an excuse to let myself work on a bit of world-building. I loved the challenge of figuring out all the little things Tony could do to communicate without being able to use his words, especially since most of the fic is just a conversation between a merman and two humans. Plus, I mean, Steve and Bucky as pirates... that’s a big hell yeah from me chief.
So yeah, this story is just 9k of Tony going from “these two humans are idiots that’s so fascinating” to “oh god oh god whY are they so HOT and NICE what the FUCK” which is honestly a mood and completely understandable.
4. Redemption (MCU, Winteriron)
This one is basically a big “canon? no thanks!” fic that starts at the beginning of AoU and tries to fix all the problems I had with Civil War. I tend to only write AUs, so writing a canon-divergent fic was interesting but kind of difficult for me. 
Bucky and the Soldier are two separate personalities, which is a concept I find really interesting and I had a lot of fun in getting to explore it. I also love the structure of the fic (the POV switches and the time jumps) and I’m super happy with Winter’s characterization, but I struggled a lot with the ending and I don’t really like how it turned out. Still, I think it’s a good story with a fun narrative structure, and it was fueled by pure spite so the catharsis it gave me... unparalleled.
5. Unposted WIP (MCU, RhodeyTony)
I know I’m breaking the rules but shhhhh!! I’m putting this last because it’s not technically a work I created in 2019 (since it’s still unfinished lol) but oh my god this one is my baby. It’s a rhodeytony fic told from the POV of Peggy Carter and Roberta Rhodes. I honestly started writing it because I adore the trope of Peggy being Tony’s godmother, but then I fell in love with the idea of exploring Peggy and Roberta’s reactions to their two boys falling in love... and I couldn’t resist writing it. Knowing myself, I’ll probably end up unhappy with it once i do get around to posting it, but right now I’m really proud of how it’s turning out. It’s the most character-heavy fic I’ve ever written (I teared up a couple of times while writing it because it’s so emotional for me) and I really hope I’ll get to share it in the future.
That’s it! Thank you Only for tagging me <3 I don’t know if you guys have already done this but imma tag my babes @tinyfuriouscloud @duckmoles @ionicirelia and @starxxreactor. No pressure of course!
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