#we're tagging the au now lads and pals
wri0thesley · 2 years
thinking about kaeya’s stupid tight pants and GOD if i were mondstat’s tailor i’d struggle so hard trying to keep my hands away from his hips and thighs… even though it’s just for fitting purposes..
it really shouldn't be your job to do this; you're only the apprentice tailor, after all. but your master's eyes are going, so he can no longer read the numbers on the tape measure - old bones creaking and cracking when he tries to kneel to get all of the measurements that one needs to create a perfect pair of trousers.
so it falls to you to kneel before captain kaeya. the cavalry captain looks down at you with a wry smile on his face, one visible eyebrow raised; so quietly you barely hear it, he says;
"well, that's a welcome view." he laughs afterwards, and winks, so you know he is simply teasing as he is so likely to do - captain kaeya is a notorious flirt - but you can't help how flustered it makes you, and you slip whilst you're trying to press the tape measure against his inseam.
inseam. crotch. hips. you're surprised by the measurement of the circumference of his thighs, and he clearly sees it on your face - gives you a slow, lazy smile.
"i'm no longer astride a horse every hour of every day," he says to you, "but that's no reason to let the muscle in there go to waste, is it? i try and make sure that i get plenty of - ahem - exercise in that department."
your master is on the other side of the room, picking out a material from one of the shelves heaving with fabric rolls, so he does not see the lascivious smirk that kaeya throws you. what he does see, though, is you fumble with the tape measure and drop it onto the floor.
"clumsy," he chides you. "apologise to sir kaeya--"
"oh," kaeya says, cheerful, as he leans down for you and picks it up - making sure that you get a particularly good view of how his hips curve, of how the immaculately tailored trousers that you made for him last time enhance the shape of his ass. "there's no need for that. here you are, sweet thing." he presses it into your hand, still with that insufferable smile on your face. "mm. there's a formal knight's banquet coming up soon. i trust i can return when i need formalwear measuring?"
"of course, captain," your master gushes, as kaeya heads for the door, languidly waving at you. "we are always honoured by the patronage of any of the knights--"
for the rest of the day, you spend far too much time thinking about exactly what exercise kaeya partakes in to maintain those thigh muscles.
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