#tailor of monstadt
wri0thesley · 2 years
thinking about kaeya’s stupid tight pants and GOD if i were mondstat’s tailor i’d struggle so hard trying to keep my hands away from his hips and thighs… even though it’s just for fitting purposes..
it really shouldn't be your job to do this; you're only the apprentice tailor, after all. but your master's eyes are going, so he can no longer read the numbers on the tape measure - old bones creaking and cracking when he tries to kneel to get all of the measurements that one needs to create a perfect pair of trousers.
so it falls to you to kneel before captain kaeya. the cavalry captain looks down at you with a wry smile on his face, one visible eyebrow raised; so quietly you barely hear it, he says;
"well, that's a welcome view." he laughs afterwards, and winks, so you know he is simply teasing as he is so likely to do - captain kaeya is a notorious flirt - but you can't help how flustered it makes you, and you slip whilst you're trying to press the tape measure against his inseam.
inseam. crotch. hips. you're surprised by the measurement of the circumference of his thighs, and he clearly sees it on your face - gives you a slow, lazy smile.
"i'm no longer astride a horse every hour of every day," he says to you, "but that's no reason to let the muscle in there go to waste, is it? i try and make sure that i get plenty of - ahem - exercise in that department."
your master is on the other side of the room, picking out a material from one of the shelves heaving with fabric rolls, so he does not see the lascivious smirk that kaeya throws you. what he does see, though, is you fumble with the tape measure and drop it onto the floor.
"clumsy," he chides you. "apologise to sir kaeya--"
"oh," kaeya says, cheerful, as he leans down for you and picks it up - making sure that you get a particularly good view of how his hips curve, of how the immaculately tailored trousers that you made for him last time enhance the shape of his ass. "there's no need for that. here you are, sweet thing." he presses it into your hand, still with that insufferable smile on your face. "mm. there's a formal knight's banquet coming up soon. i trust i can return when i need formalwear measuring?"
"of course, captain," your master gushes, as kaeya heads for the door, languidly waving at you. "we are always honoured by the patronage of any of the knights--"
for the rest of the day, you spend far too much time thinking about exactly what exercise kaeya partakes in to maintain those thigh muscles.
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sanemislittledemon · 9 months
Genshin Impact male characters that would like a plus size partner
cw: Albedo's is a little suggestive. This is a small list of my opinions and that doesn't mean other characters wouldn't like you!
He is definitely at the top of my list! Diluc is so kind and caring. I personally don't think he really cares about the size for his partner as like as they are happy and archons help them if some idiot says a word about your body! The Dark Night Hero is going to have to deal with them personally!
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The same with Diluc, he is a kind and caring person and would care for what size you are. I don't know if this sounds weird, but I feel like he would be curious about your body especially in the bedroom ( how much you can take ) because their isn't a lot of people in monstadt with your body type but don't get me wrong had love you no matter what!
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OHHHH MAN! would he love a plus size partner. this man right here loves cuddling and it seems like you give the best cuddles in the world! he would be obsessed with you and your body but don't that him here you and anyone else say something negative about it or he's going to go through the roof
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This man is such a sweetheart to like come on he would love anyone! He would especially like to show you off, walking around Inazuma or Liyue making sure everyone knows you're his and no one can take him from you. he is devoted to you!
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my babyyyyy THIS man is worship every part of your body! He would be the best boyfriend for a plus size partner, it would make the over women in Inazuma jealous by how he would pamper you! he'll take you on cute little dates and treat you to anything your heart desires. i promise you will not be disappointed with him!
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Okay this may be me being a little biased here but I don't care. This man has been around for a very long time and he has seen a lot of different people but none would compare to you. I feel like he wouldn't care about appearances at much, he would care about the heart of the person most of all and if anyone says something about you, they'll find themselves in the Opera Epiclese being judged by the Chief Justice himself.
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This man would PAMPER you ( with the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor's ) mora of course, he will even have clothes specially tailored for you. Just like Neuvillette, he has been around for a long time and this is a man that knows what he wants and that is you no matter your size.
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chuusposts · 2 years
thorn princess
summary: diluc, zhongli, ayato with a shy/assassin/female! reader
warnings: violence, bombs idk, mentioned of hysteria(?)
notes: heavily inspired by mommy yor and her hot husband (/^ ་། ^)/
+ broken english (maybe)
more: a little information about you; you are either (fake) dating or married to them because apparently being a single woman at your age kinda sus. that and you are implied to have a brother (and a deceased parents ahuahahha) in all part :)
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diluc - secure a wife
darknight hero's operation. an operation given to him, as the darknight hero, to stop whatever the fatui was planning. he was starting to get worried, especially since the people of monstadt are getting more curious day by day about the identity of the darknight hero. how to keep the people of monstadt from any harm without revealing his identity? how to stay low and not get caught as the darknight hero? should he get a partner to avoid the people's suspicion?
"oh well..." the male sighed as he straightened his body to sit properly. "i guess i'll just secure a wife."
and that's how he obtained the 'secure a wife' mission. that's how he secured you.
when you met him at a tailor shop a few days ago, you asked him a favour to be your date for your friend's party. it's not like you must bring one, but you didn't want to worry your brother since you lied to him and told him that you have a boyfriend. of course, he accepted it but he asked you something in return; to be his wife in the meantime. whilst he didn't state the reason, you still agreed to it.
this whole mission is to keep his identity a secret, so how did both of you end up like this?
a fatui's car crashing onto yours and diluc having a hard time explaining to you why the fatui were following him. there're also a few fights here and there between him and the fatui hence why he didn't realize that someone was trying to ambush the both of you until you had to kick him and accidentally sent him flying.
you gasp upon realising what you just did and kept apologising to him saying that you're still amateur and shouldn't have involved with his matters when he suddenly chuckled.
you halt your sentence as he brought himself to stand up, "thank you, y/n. how amazing! you sent him flying!" he said, smiling. you silently thank the dark alley as blush slowly starts to form on your cheeks as well as your ears.
nonetheless, he swiftly grabbed your wrist and sprinted when he heard another voice searching for the both of you. "i'm sorry to bring this up at a time like this..." you ponder for a moment before asking him, "...but would you like to get married?"
"huh?" it seems like your question caught him off guard when he suddenly stumbled on his steps making him fall on his face, "what?" "just something like an extension of our terms..." he can clearly see how nervous you are when you start to fidget with your hands and fingers, "apparently single woman such as myself are found to be suspicious, so to blend in... in order to continue my job as an assassin as well."
"w-what i'm trying to say is... rather than just pretending to be your wife, what about making it official? for our mutual benefits!" you might be in a state like a tomato right now, but that's the only way. he's probably the only person who'll accept you for who you are.
but what you didn't expect was for him to immediately agree to your proposal when he suggests to stop by the city hall on the way home and get the process started, "oh, that's right." he stop mid sentence and searches for something in his pocket. his facade dropped when he realised that the ring he was supposed to give you was no longer there.
"bastards!!" he grabs your shoulders and quickly bring you behind a big steel box, "shoot 'em dead!" and a lot of gunshot sounds can be heard after that.
when he makes it there, he takes off a grenade's safety pin "y/n, in times of sickness..." and throws it to the fatui, "and in times of sorrow," it felt as if time stopped as he slid the safety pin in your ring finger and held your hands dearly, "whatever difficulties may come,"
"let us help each other."
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zhongli - fake boyfriend
'is there anyone special?'
'i guess it's odd that she's alone in that age.'
'of course, you're welcome to bring a date.'
you were thinking about your co-workers and brother's words that kept ringing in your head; your friend, had invited you to her party that will be hosted during the weekend and even though she knew you didn't have a date, she still asked you to bring one. you looked in the mirror, and then to your dress that was slightly covered with your victims' blood, "it's impossible... the only housework i'm good at is cleaning up."
at least that's what you thought, until...
"i was just thinking how beautiful you are."
lately, people has been really cautious of zhongli. not because they know he's a former god whatsoever, it's because he knows too much; whether it's about the history of liyue, the god of wealth, or what happened during the previous archon's war. normal people would think he's just a person that loves history, but apparently that's not the case. he has been really careless these days and his actions almost coused him to reveal his true identity.
so when you told him about the problem you were facing, a thought crossed his mind, 'maybe having a fake girlfriend would not be so bad...'
but never in a million years you thought he would ditch you on the day of the party. currently it's half past seven and you haven't even seen a single strand of his hair. you sigh, eventually give up and decide to go to the party by yourself.
you knocked on the door a few times before your friends invited you in and asked you where your boyfriend is. it looks like they don't believe you even after you explained that your date had some urgent business to attend to. of course they don't, it's not like you were saying the truth. they're slowly getting on your nerves especially when they had the audacity to talk bad in front of you about how you're just a girl who can't get a man.
'such a nuisance. if all adults here die, maybe my brother won't find out that i came here alone...'
you shake your head in denial. you can't just go killing people like that, that's not how your job works.
as you make your way to the chair in the corner of the room, you notice how everyone is either with their partner or children. they look so... happy, eyes shining brighter than those ores at the chasm. a family, something you thought that you will never have. 'it must be what it's like, to be normal...' maybe your brother wanted you to be like them.
guessing that you don't belong here (and probably never will), you pack your things and decide to leave, gathering your friends' attention, "i'm sorry... i'm going to excuse myself-"
'slam' you jolted and let out a small yelp when the door slammed open and there he was, standing at the door frame beside you with blood dripping from his forehead, "i apologize for being so late! i'm zhongli, y/n's boyfriend."
is he okay? he looks dizzy... why is there blood anyway? shocked by what just happened, you still hand your handkerchief to him. but it's not just you, every single guest in the room is alarmed. zhongli had to calm everyone down by lying that it was just some hilichurls that had ambushed him while he was on the way hence why he's late.
"you must be joking. you have a boyfriend, y/n? why didn't you say anything?" your friend asked.
you look away in embarrassment and murmur a "i- uh... but i did tell you..."
"mr. zhongli, did you know?" but it seems to you that your friend has no plan to back out as she brings her tipsy self closer to him, "i heard she had a shady job before she came to our workplace! what was it? men would call you and you'd go to hotels to give them massages! how scandalous! bla bla bla "
you close your eyes, too ashamed to look at your boyfriend. at this point, you might as well stop working at your workplace and give up being an assassin.
"it is admirable." ...huh? you look at him as if you're asking him for an explanation.
zhongli smiles, taking your hand in his and giving it a little squeeze, "i heard you lost your parents when you were young and had to work hard to look after your brother. it must be hard to continue working at a young age and taking care of your brother both at once. that's something you should be proud of."
it requires more than just determination to endure and continue hard work for the sake of someone or something, at the expense of oneself. he knows it very well, he knows it more than anyone else.
usually, it was always you alone. but when there's your boyfriend standing beside you right now, even if it's fake, surely you will feel a lot warmer tonight.
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ayato - royal chef
you're probably not aware of this but, ayato doesn't fail to notice how you have been coming home late recently. as this is only a marriage of convenience, he tries not to stick his nose into your business. but he's not the type of husband to ignore his wife at all. he also notices how you have a gloomy and sollen face, and numerous cuts on your hands every time you come home.
he wants to tell you how worried he is and how badly he wants to talk about it, but you're always exhausted and always in your own room, not even bothering to touch the food thoma prepared for the both of you. as the head of the yashiro commissioner, he has every right to be suspicious of you.
well, that's his point of view.
you, on the other hand, just finished buying groceries with a murderous look on your face and was on your way to your friend's house.
a few days ago, you had asked your friend to teach you cooking because your ability in cooking sucks and what kind of wife doesn't know how to cook? last time when you tried to take thoma's place and cook for ayato, he was in the bathroom all day. if this continue, your marriage (and your job as an assassin) will be in danger as he will get tired of you and rid you out of his life. it's a recipe for disaster if neither the wife nor the husband can cook.
so here you are, looking forward to learn cooking from her again. her husband even invited your brother to taste your dishes. but then again, maybe you should just give up...
"how in the world does this happen with a peeler?! it's a pool of blood!"
"like i said, you're cutting it too small! just cut it normally!"
"hey! why did you cut the cutting board? that was my favorite!"
you're lucky that she's nice, only a little cynical.
anyway, your first dish is complete, time to taste the food! it looks uh... yes, very edible.
as soon as your brother put it in his mouth, he swore that he could see his ancestors waving at him asking him to go to the afterlife with them. you could say the same to your friend and her husband as you see their almost lifeless body lie down in front of you. maybe yakisoba was too advanced for you, so let's make something easier like omelette rice.
"it's delicious! it's so good that i'm breaking out in a cold sweat!"
but wait, something's weird. is he... eating and throwing up at the same time? his face is turning blue too.
"as i'm tasting this flavour, my childhood memories are rushing back to me. wait, i'm seeing someone... is that our deceased mother?"
"stop! stop for a second, my guy!"
your friend sighed, and suddenly an idea popped up in her head, "hey, don't you remember something delicious that your parents made for you? just as reference."
and that's how the real cooking lesson started.
the next night arrives and you're so excited to finally cook for your beloved husband. oh right, you even invited ayaka and thoma to eat together as a token of appreciation for everything they did to you. they had a little doubt when you said you're gonna cook for them, but they still let you. ayato's suspicions also died when you tell him that you were secretly learning how to cook.
"it's done! the fried egg kind of lost its shape, but... please enjoy!"
ayato smells it as he takes a spoonful of the stew soup you just made just to make sure they're safe to eat. with hesitation and his heart beating faster than the speed of light, he finally puts it in his mouth.
"it's delicious!"
they say simultaneously. their facial expressions says it all as they continue eating, "ayaka likes this!" and "it tastes very comforting." could be heard in the dining room.
seeing their faces look so happy while eating... it brings back so many memories, especially when your mother used to cook for you when you were still small. it touches your heart how such a little gesture can bring so much happiness to them.
you cover your face as tears start to dwell up in your eyes. you thought that you had to protect this life in order to continue as an assassin. but having all of them approve of you, and seeing their laughter, just simply makes you so happy, and it makes you want to continue seeing them like this.
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scarletooyoroi · 2 years
❝ do you wish to hear my opinion on the matter? ❞ / mona!
Opinions at this point could be considered genuine kindness. There was no easy way for this news to be laid upon Thoma after traveling far to seek her wisdom. Not that it was the only reason to delve into Mondstadt's great walls once again. The aged look upon the astrologist's features offered a hint of pity, at the very least, it seems to be the case after what her mystic arts divined for him. Simply put, his future holds the grim promises of having a veritable hell be his trials if he wants to pursue this instinct that shimmers and glows within his heart.
In short? There's an incredible chance that pursuing his current path will have him cut close with the idea of or just outright facing oblivion, many, many times.
Being met with bitter truth certainly has a way of dwindling down whatever slapped together hopes he was attempting to temper. To meet this call is to accept that longevity for his lifespan remains in constant risk, that losses in terms of prices and sorrows would be violently escalated compared to accepting a branch of life that requires him to accept the realms of safety. The distinct awareness that his actions within Inazuma has tailored together a band of infamy within darker circuits... Couldn't be surprising.
Leaning back upon the offered seat as he stares at the old age infrastructure of Monstadt's brickwork houses and cobblestone streets, for a fleeting moment it brings him back to earlier days that held nothing to do with this. Where his genuine, innocent laughter flocked alongside fairy tale dreams of being that beloved knight in shining armor.
Even then, that wasn't taken too seriously. Witnessing Jean's efforts were both an effort he supported.. but also couldn't help but envy, Mondstadt's style didn't awaken what was needed.
And the home that did, Inazuma, came with great prices to balance the scales of the great strengths he'd obtain.
A tension filled hand couldn't help but grunt in resignation, drifting a gloved touch along his blonde curls as stomach dropping ideas comes to mind involing what she possibly has to say.
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"An opinion to be tailored alongside a truth? Haha, can't help but feel like that's really unexpected.." Granted, for all the bitter reality of what's to come, he holds heart, that light within his eyes a stubborn forged flame that refuses to fade into obscurity. Glancing towards the Hydromancer, his features steel, prepared-ness set to receive suggestions he certainly may not be happy with.
"Come what may, Astrologist Mona. Tell me what runs within your mind."
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greenteaanon · 3 years
Storyteller Reader
In Genshin Impact SAGAU
Imposter AU
Warnings:Violence, Injuries, Blood, accidentally cutting, slight angst
Gender neutral but an Analogy of your backstory is a young girl
The method of making paint I think works, correct me if I'm wrong
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Getting transported into your favorite game was AMAZING the inspiration of all your performances of storytelling. Until Everyone came for your throat. Your arm was bloodied and injured with the attacks of Monstadt's residents and the Knights Running through forests and hiding in caves, you realized Hey Hillichurls never Bother you much why not stable over a camp to see if they attack you. Was the best idea you had ever had In a while, Hillichurls Welcomed you in open arms and they conveniently Understood you. You wondered what this world has in store for you...and you know it wasn't that bright
"Hey...Uhh....Can I have a spare Hillichurl mask and some bowls"
One of them nodded and gave you a spare one and the samachurl passed you 4 bowls
"Thank you very much" you beamed
You walked underneath a tree where you have an old basket filled with, dried Wolfhook berries, Valberries,Windwheel asters, Sweet flowers, Mint, and dried Unripe sunsettias then you crushing the paint. You put dried acacia sap in a pot you found in a adventurer's camp and let it boil. The time you finished gridning the sap has melted so you added a little bit of water to make Paint Binder. You started mixing it and once it's fine enough you put it in vials you found from treasure hoarder camps. And you repeated til you got every paint finished.
It was now night with no light but a camp fire and some torches you started to carve the mask to your liking cutting yourself on accident once or twice, painting the mask white as a primer, and adding details with the other paints.
You fell asleep after just finishing the mask. You grabbed a bag you once again found in a abandoned Adventure's camp and some clothes you tailored to your liking as well, and placed your things in your bag including the mask and left over paints and the blanket gifted to you by the hillichurls. You waved them goodbye, and gave them all final hugs and set off to Liyue Harbor to earn Mora...cause that's how you would survive here apart from building camp right outside the harbor and forging.
You reach the harbor's gates the two Milleleth soldiers looked at you and simply adverted their gaze. You reach Chihu Rock, you had your guard up strong but you looked around in amazement. Wanmin restoraunt was to your right the adventures guild in the left, you were in awe you didn't even notice a man Infront of you.
You Bumped Infront of him you fell down on your arse you held your face and realized, your mask fell you quickly picked it up and fixed it on your face. "Ah Pardon Me I didn't see you there" a Tall man with a pony tail and Yellow eyes looked at you.....Fuck it was Zhongli you were scared your face was seen "Hello? Can you understand me?" He snapped you back to reality "Ah Yes I'm sorry I was just lost in thought..." You apologized sweating bullets underneath that mask. "Oh What would that though be?" A cocky voice spoke you looked next to zhongli to see a certain Ginger...It's Ed sheeran— no it's Childe. "Childe it's None of our Business—" Zhongli Retorted.
"Actually Mister...Do you actually know a place Hiring for Storytellers?" You sheepishly asked, you always kept the principle of 'you must enjoy what your doing so not force it when you hate it.'
"Oh your a Storyteller? Well I would know a couple of places, would you like to know?" Zhongli said with a gentle smile...of course walking to Heyu Tea House. You noticed a certain blonde traveller talking to the boss of the tea house Fan Er'ye. "Traveller please I need help Lui Si lost his voice and can't tell stories" he begged the Traveller."Excuse me Sir, Are you looking for a storyteller?" Zhongli said "Ah! Mister Zhongli Please would you know of someone?" Fan Er'ye replied to him. "I Conveniently enough have an acquaintance that was looking for a location to preform" Fan Er'ye beamed at that sentence as Zhongli pointed at you.
"Uhhhh.... H-hello I'm....A-arson..haha" you said sweating more bullets than a pyro skirmisher can produce them. "Hello! Hello! nice to meet you! feel free to perform whenever, I will provide the mora with extra Compensation for the bother" he said Gleaming with delight."Thank you very much for giving me with opportunity" you placed your bag at the side of the stage and cleared your throat to get everyone's attention
"Come one Come all for I shall tell the Story of A Overestimated challenged young girl—" you inhaled and sighed to remove the stage fright .
"A young girl of a family the middle sibling so creative so sweet, she loved painting they made the most amazing landscapes anyone in their village has seen, she also loved to write and recite the stories they wrote"
Alot more people sat down to listen from young to old.
"Her Eldest Brother The Heir of the Clan's name was a charming gentleman and her little sister so young and naive ready about fairytales of the night" you put more emotions and Movements for every character. Alot more people stood by to watch.
"and then the middle child, The perfect Modela of the Familia Hao, Alot of expectations were placed on her not just by her parent but also her brother" multitude of people put their hands on their mouth.
"And they said 'Be Nice, Be courteous, Be a Lady, Don't talk so Loud, Win this Competition, you must look perfect, you must reach the goal, your supposed to go get the 1st place' what she would always hear said to her, One night she was confronted by her little sister 'is something wrong?' her little sister asked asked 'No no nothing is wrong..do you have something wrong' is what she said she desperately wanted to say 'Yes There is, I don't like it this way, I don't like being Madame Perfecta' But she wouldn't want to be a burden especially to her little sister." A couple people started sobbing.
" 'Something is wrong please tell me' her sister begged her to her feelings out, she caved in—"
You breathed in ready to speak Alot of words
"Under me being perfect, I'm absolutely worthless if they find a flaw or a crack, I have pressure on me that drip drip drips that won't stop, a pressure that tip tip tippign me until I cry—" You stopped mid sentence to hear a young boy crying and you started speaking again "Enough of that, Give it to your big sister, it doesn't hurt, And see if I can handle every family burden" you heard more people start to breakdown "but I've seen you always fumble and Bend but never Break' her little sister said 'But dear sister I'm not supposed to make mistakes' You started to cry during this performance, not just you but a handful of people listening either just stood there or was already there.
"Under the surface, I really don't know my purpose, can I shake this crushing weight or expectations would that let me feel some Joy or relaxation, Just us together under the weather reading books together?" she asked Her sister her younger sister hugged her and said "Of course you can, your not some perfect doll, your my sister, a Human just like me and everyone else... well almost everyone else, I want you to do do what to enjoy what your doing and do what your passionate about" everyone started to clap as you bowed after saying the last line some people was wiping tears out of their eyes.
You recognize some of the people in the back, The Traveller crying, Ningguang, Zhongli, Childe who was tearing up all of them clapping. You walked over to them "Thank you Mr Zhongli for showing me this place" you thanked him fear of him calling an imposter in the back of your head again. "You are Welcome, May I ask where you got the story?" He asked "You smiled behind the mask and said "I wrote it myself...I don't really perform what other people wrote so I can get the story's message through directly and not get it twisted, and Plus I dont think I'm worthy of storey telling amazing Author's story, Ah I'm sorry i must be mumbling on" you apologized "Ah please don't apologize that's a valid reason" Ningguang said "Ah-hah thank you very much.
You've gotten to know some of the people in liyue , you and Childe were at a forest you were sitting on a rock as Childe looked at your mask then at your eyes behind it and asked, "Why do you wear a mask?", you tensed a little "Ah....It's nothing....I'm just really insecure about how I look...facial dysphoria and all"
"Ah I'm sorry I asked" "no no it's fine". When you heard sudden shouts "FINNALY IVE FOUND YOU, THE IMPOSTER" and you were pulled out of your sitting position on a rock with a strong grip on your arm. "LET ME GO IM NOT TRYING TO COPY ANYONE FOR FUCKS SAKE" you restarted back screaming at the person who tried to pull you away. It was Diluc with Venti and the Knights behind him looking really pissed in the back.
"Look. I'm so SICK and TIRED of being called a fake FOR HOW I LOOK LIKE, I'm not trying to be anymore BUT MYSELF" you shouted tears brimming your eyes. Diluc was shocked you said that and how you managed to pull away. Childe was just stunned.
Venti tired to grab your wrist but you pulled away again "THEN STOP TRYING TO STEAL THE CREATOR'S LOOKS" he retorted back...and something in you snapped "yknow what Barbatos—" the air became cold when you said his Godly name His face turning into shock "—You should really stop Being such a fucking hypocrite before you say that, OR DO I HAVE TO REMIND YOU WHO'S FACE YOU STOLE" was the last thing you shouted before you sprinted deeper to the woods. Venti was tearing up he knew he messed up, Childe Stood up and Ran to where you went, Venti Snapped back to reality and ran after the both of you.
They found you next to a stream just shouting profanities and criticism "THEY MAKE ME WANT TO CARVE MY OWN FACE" you hit a tree with a branch, "I went to this world to be my authentic self" you Hit the tree again "TURNS OUT I CANT" you turn to see the huge dendro slime you befriend while running "Can you believe that?" You Spoke to it voice cracking.
A/N: Omg not Tumblr just posting this IN THE MIDDLE OF WRITING IT OMFG I HAD LIKE 500 ADDITIONAL WORDS WTFFF it's 2am and I'm running out sour candy and a will to fight a God I'm going to do a follow up post
"Of course you won't be able to reply your a slime"
Follow up
Edit: It's posted
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asleep-and-afraid · 2 years
gonna ask this right back at'cha bitch!! got any silly-ass genshin hcs?? cause i wanna know em <333
ok i don’t have many on my mind rn but
-ningguang had her lantern rite dress specially tailored to look amazing on her to impress a certain pirate
-ningguang will very conveniently have errands to run and send her assistants on said errands whenever beidou visits the jade chamber
-“wanna play chess?” is beiguang’s codeword for “wanna fuck?”
-the first couple times ningguang and beidou played chess ningguang thought beidou only wanted a sexual relationship from her and not a romantic one as well (obvs she was wrong but-)
-the two had a hard time defining their relationship bc being romantically involved with another person is difficult logistically for the both of them.
-i’ve said this before but beidou finds it really hot when ningguang curses
-ningguang is lowkey a pillow princess,,
-they are both switches tho
-childe is a masochist
-eula went to talk to amber after the drink a-dreaming event and almost confessed her feelings. amber, sensing eula was drunk, stopped eula before she could confess because drunk people make amber uncomfortable and she didn’t want eula to do something she would regret
-in a genshin high school au diluc would most def play baseball
-in a modern au kazuha got beidou a little mother’s day gift 🥺
-xiao and ganyu have a sibling-like relationship
-this is obvious but itto is a himbo
-kaeya is a raging pansexual
-yanfei didn’t have many friends as a kid because the other kids thought she talked too much
-bennett didn’t have many friends either because kids would avoid him due to his bad luck. but bc luck is a human concept, razor doesn’t believe in it - reason 1 why I ship rannett lol
-kids in monstadt drink grape juice to try and imitate master diluc bc they think he is really cool
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shuttershocky · 3 years
If i may ask, why did u quit genshin?
Not even FGO disrespected my time like it.
Even as a complete F2P player who dodges all things monetization related, Genshin's FOMO design is fucking monstrous. It seeps into every gameplay aspect of the game. Every character coming out after the basic cast is limited. The new characters keep powercreeping the old ones with no buffs in sight for the old cast (unless you're Zhongli and get buffed into becoming God on this Earth) New artifact domains keep coming out for the express purpose of being tailor made to certain SSRs instead of for the whole class. Are you telling me that anyone can use Tenacity of the Millelith as well as Zhongli does? Is Pale Flame really made for anyone other than Eula when only Razor can really be a physical carry apart from her? And for that matter WHY are Artifacts (equipment) gacha upon gacha upon FUCKING gacha I need to farm domains to get artifacts for the right equipment slot, but they also need to have the right main stat, but they also need to have the right substats, BUT THE RIGHT SUBSTATS ALSO NEED TO BE UPGRADED WHEN THE ARTIFACT IS UPGRADED BECAUSE GROWTH IS RNG TOO, AND THIS IS ALL FOR RAISING ONE FUCKING CHARACTER. Why? Why so much work? Combat is already ass because the only thing that matters is DPS!!! You swap to your supports to pop a skill and then swap back to DPS to mash attack to ad infinitum unless you need to do fucking jump cancels and shit on Klee or Hu Tao to maximize damage except all you're doing is faster DPS with the same animations that don't have any oomph or weight to them!!!! Some elements are just flat out better than others! Geo was so bad they needed to buff the fuck out of geo resonance and geo shields and guess what the buffs were? Damage! On the shield element! Because Damage is the only thing that matters!!!! So you chase after the characters in the good elements who need specific artifact sets (by the way the only substats worth a damn are crit rate and crit damage because the only thing that matters is scaling damage into lategame unless you are Zhongli where building HP scales damage or cryo carries where cryo resonance and blizzard strayer provides so much crit rate you can all in on crit damage ) that take forever to farm with ultra repetitive combat because enemies only require different tactics than press all your buttons if they're Ruin Guard/Graders/Hunters and even then not if you have enough damage! It sucks! Everything sucks! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
it ESPECIALLY sucks because I actually like the world and the music and i feel like the map design of Liyue is really something special (we don't talk about Monstadt) Climbing the rock pillars of Jueyun Karst gave me the same satisfying exploration I've only ever gotten from Breath of the Wild before, and the Liyue OST is to fucking die for. I put in effort into learning the names of the locations and pronouncing them with the proper Chinese pronunciation since my friends come from Filipino-Chinese schools and they'd explain all the references to me. I love how they included so many elements of Chinese mythology and culture into the world of Liyue, and how their own in-world mythology tells its stories with real pathos and ideals that AREN'T based on Western values holy shit do you know how rare that is? Just look at all the work put into Zhongli's character. He's based off the ideal of the classic Chinese ideal gentleman, not outwardly aggressive and doesn't swing his weight around, yet firm and even stubborn. His morality is based on contracts and honoring them as opposed to ideals people should follow, but this isn't portrayed as an evil way to live. He's not even without compassion, despite being the winner of a battle royale between all the old gods he didn't attack anyone who didn't come looking for a fight, and he offered shelter to Havria and her people in Sal Terrae because she was a god that couldn't fight. The whole interlude showing her tragic end and the ending where he gives her a low-key, silent funeral with the parting words "If only [such a kind god] had lived in a gentler time" was truly heartbreaking. There's clearly a lot of love put into the world and I despise that it's impossible to enjoy it without interacting with all the worst parts of the game. I wish Genshin respected your fucking time instead of being designed to eat your entire life, even when there's no new content going on.
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genshinconfessions · 2 years
honestly in regards to your rant it's really annoying for some of the newer people who are playing. i'm ar 55 so i wasn't worried but a new friend started playing and they got kokomi and they said 'they're pretty cool but she's only lvl 40 cause I can't get the ascension mats'. and while it's alright because you don't really need someone above lvl 40 for most of very beginner game it is kinda impactful. It would be nice if there was a boss domain for people below a certain ar for the duration of the banner or maybe more material drops for the trial run.
yeah its really rude because even if early players don’t need a higher leveled character they may want to if its their favorite character or just if they enjoy building characters. its also really annoying that there are character specific artifact domains randomly now in different regions. like you could get xiao and level him entirely if youve unlocked liyue, but now you have to wait to get to inazuma to get the artifact set tailored for him. it takes the fun out of the game if you have to do all these things just to use a character. i guess it depends on whether other regions are gated like inazuma was. for liyue you could freely wander around it from monstadt without a story prerequisite, so if other regions are like that in the future then i think its fine, but if all the other regions are gated like inazuma it will really drag the game down ://
- keith
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Dashboard Bio- Nettle Reed(Genshin OC)
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Full Name: Nettle Reed
Nicknames/Aliases: Ned, Neddy
Age: early/mid 20s (defaults to 24 if exact age is called for)
Birthday: exact date undecided- late spring, probably
Gender/Pronouns: trans man; he/him
Height: 5'5"/165cm
Build: narrow structure, roughly average weight with only a little muscle, mostly in the shoulders and arms. A touch more fat around the stomach(loves sweets)
Hair: Bright, springy yellow-green. Often wears clips or puts small flowers in it.
Eyes: A vivid orange
Orientation: Bisexual(tends to lean a little more towards men)
Combat: Polearm user with a Dendro Vision. Focuses mainly on speed/evasion and has superb control, power and versatility with his elemental abilities. Has surprising ferocity considering his size and physical build.
Health: Has a somewhat volatile chronic respiratory condition, managed with daily and as-needed medications prescribed by his sister-in-law. Prone to frequent illness during colder months but is able to push through when determined to accomplish something.
Family: Older Sister(Thistle, early 30s), Sister-in-law(Amaranth, mid 30s), Nephew(Briarly, 5-7)
Hobbies/Interests: Avid reader(fiction, academic, nonfiction, anything at all), Writes poetry/keeps a journal, self-taught musician(voice, piano, guitar, some violin)
[character history and personality summary under cut- they are a bit long, sorry!]
SUMMARIZED HISTORY -Born eleven years after his sister- their mother had been gravely ill already and passed away in childbirth. In the following years their father became a drunken, violent layabout and his sister's apprenticeship with a tailor supported the family until she finished her studies. At that point she took Nettle and they moved as far away as they could. -In their next hometown Thistle opened a small tailor's shop. Nettle was befriended by an older boy, Arashi, who was struggling to raise his own younger brothers after their parents' death. He acted as Nettle's tutor/instructor with polearms and basic hand to hand. -Nettle fell ill around his mid-teens with little success in treatment from initial healers, spending a very long time housebound and often bedridden, during which time he began teaching himself music and reading more. -When he was fourteen, Amaranth Reed- a trans woman and a doctor- moved into town. With diligence, patience, and some trial and error she was able to get a handle on Nettle's chronic illness and find some relatively effective treatments. During this time he also started to assert/ID as male and socially transition. Eventually Amaranth and his sister became a couple and married, having a son named Briarly. A few years later the family relocated to Monstadt.
PERSONALITY Generally comes off as very quiet and is usually softspoken. He's had little socialization in the course of his life so he has a hard time approaching or befriending anybody. He does well enough when another person initiates conversation, though, and is both well mannered and sweet(not at all without a bit of sharp wit, though, if he's comfortable enough with someone!) At his core he is very gentle, loyal and protective. And though socially he's still got a lot of growing to do, his emotional maturity and general insightfulness can be very surprising. He has a very poor opinion of himself in almost every regard and very little attachment to his own life. This in combination with his strong desire to keep people(especially loved ones) safe has led to a lot of injuries and close calls on his part- as well as an ability to push himself well beyond the physical limits people expect of him. While not entirely secretive about his troubled past and upbringing, he tends to keep walls up and bottle things up through deflection and omission because he hates feeling like a burden.
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Merry Christmas
Qingxins – though they’re hard to find at times, she’s managed to grab a few during the mission. The stems gently twirl against her fingers as he approaches the man she’s been looking for. Or, rather, who’s been waiting outside of the inn for her. Their usual ritual, it seems. “Before we go,” Lumine begins, beckoning him to come down to her level. There’s a bit of impatience as she quickly slides the flowers against his ear before he’s all the way down, much like the orchids against hers. Hands shuffle to bring out a rather large package wrapped in paper and twain as soon as he halts from behind her back. And he thought he could keep so many secrets from her. Did he know about this secret of hers?
( Paimon was against getting him anything for Christmas. Then again, when did Lumine really listen to her about this? )
However, within the package ‘twas not just a weapon. Though the new bow’s shape could be easily seen. It’s hard to hide something so recognizable. It’s the one he’s been talking about for a while, and wanted – the Skyward Harp, with a twist in its design. Instead of it being green, as if blessed by the Anemo Archon, it’s blue. Much like the Hydro Archon’s power. When the strings are pulled, a cooling sensation can be felt. Instead of it being white, it’s black, with some gold details on the grip. Also within the package is a smaller box containing a keychain. Something he can hook wherever he wished. Its shape resembling a diamond, familiar wings to her sprouting from the back. Strange letters, though small, run around the outline. In Teyvat’s common tongue is written “Persist the Dawn”. Perhaps she went a little overboard. “Merry Christmas, A– Childe.” A soft smile comes her normally neutral face. She had to stop herself from saying his true name, for they’re in public. Even if no one seems to be paying attention to them, she doesn’t want to break their agreement. 
There’s a sweet scent of Qingxins in the air, and it can’t possibly be from Ying’er’s shop. Turning on his heel, he smiles upon realizing just where the source of the aroma originates from. He rests his hand on one hip, offering the Traveler a lopsided smile before leaning down as he’s requested after a momentary blink. 
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A present? Oh dear, she’s gone and beaten him to the punch. Well, he can always wait till afterwards to take her to that high class restaurant booked solely for the couple in the center of LIyue Harbor, his treat of course. The finest dishes, rare wines from Monstadt and some fire water from Snezhaya, and a custom-made dress tailored from silk flowers and dyed a vibrant blue trimmed with gold--He’d gone all out. He even set aside a small buffet for her little friend so that the two of them can have some time alone, it’s hard to berate him and yell when one’s mouth is full, no? 
“For me? You’re going to spoil me, ojou-chan.”
Unwrapping the present, swiftly catching the small box that came along with it before it hits the ground–The smile is wiped off his face in surprise upon realizing just what it is he’s holding. Though its appearance differed, the weapon was unmistakably the infamously hard to get a hold of Skyward Harp. The power that rippled within it was unmistakable, and though he knew that Lumine was a hard person to fool–He can’t help but wonder just what she did to actually manage to procure this.
Experimentally, he twirled the bow between his fingers the way he always has with his given weapons. He can swear that as his gloved fingertips pass over the string that he’s touching water, and unsurprisingly–The bow fits perfectly in his hand, the grip arguably tailored to his preferences. Good grief, for as beautiful as it appeared–The price tag must have been the blaring opposite. No wonder the girl has been running around doing more jobs than usual around Teyvat. 
He can’t help the soft chuckle that leaves his lips as the bow dissipates in a flourish of water droplets and azure light, stowed away for the time being until he needs it most. The Fatui’s indigo gaze, dull as it is, has softened by quite a few degrees and does not hold that sharp quality they normally possess. His eyes only soften further as he opens the box up to glance over the keychain within, tracing over the fancy Teyvat script that composes the simple message.
Childe wasted no time in attaching it to his belt, the metal clinking delicately before he shakes his head, running his fingers through his hair with a soft, laugh-like sigh.
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“….Aaaah, this is bad. How am I meant to outdo something this well thought out?”
There is some amusement in his voice after hearing her quickly correct herself, before he leans down to brush his lips across his beloved’s forehead, whilst he tucks several stray strands of blonde behind her ear, careful not to disturb the pure white blossoms that decorate the golden tresses.
“Thank you, Lumine.”
Childe’s voice was quieter than usual, lacking the competitive and cocky edge it was generally known for. How can he behave otherwise, when she’s clearly gone through so much trouble for his sake? He knows he isn’t an easy person to deal with, and yet.... 
Gradually, his fingers trail down her arm, before moving to lace with her fingers as a playful grin grows on his lips.
“--Come on. I have a present or two of of my own to give to you.”
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wri0thesley · 2 years
I could just imagine the absolute PANDEMONIUM that would ensue if Diluc and Kaeya ended up at the tailors at the same damn time because reception accidentally double booked. When the old man forces his apprentice to honor both the bookings - ofc Kaeya takes the opportunity to be the menace to society that he is, and Diluc gets even more gruff than usual... not to mention that the poor poor apprentice has to deal with their crush on both men.
oh, that is certainly recipe for a very difficult and frosty day for poor tailor reader!
kaeya cannot resist flirting at the best of times; but here and now, he wants to prove (both to diluc, and to himself, for kaeya is much more insecure than his reputation would have one believe) that reader obviously cares for him more; that, if this were a competition, he would be winning. so when reader comes to him with the tape measure and the pins, he turns on the charm threefold; winking and laughing and making double-entendres all the while to see if he can fluster them. all the while, sneaking a glance to diluc - and, oh, the other man probably has steam coming out of his ears.
diluc is aware that kaeya is a little better with people than he is. once, such things came naturally to him; but now diluc cannot help being a little gruff and awkward. crepus's death and his years wandering changed him fundamentally, and he cannot flirt in the way kaeya is doing - only attempt to smile when reader catches his eye and hope they do not notice that the flush on his cheeks is even deeper than usual.
and as for your part . . . your master is still in the room, and it does not escape his notice that you fumble measurements, that you jab poor captain kaeya in the ankle with a pin when hemming his new trousers, that when you ask about fabrics you babble and trip over your words. and he thinks that it is kind to be honest; and so, he makes you wish for the abyss to swallow you up as he harshly tells you to stop fawning over the two eligible bachelors in the shop and get on with your damn job.
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wri0thesley · 2 years
Oh no... If I was in tailor!reader's shoes and my boss scolded me like that in from of them I would simply Burst Into Tears and have Kaeya and Diluc deal with the aftermath. It's their fault I'm being scolded in the first place! But mostly Kaeya's. Awkward headpats from Diluc as he glares at Kaeya who is flustered enough to genuinely apologize for teasing and interfering with the process
My brain isn't fully working rn but smt smt putting your hand on Diluc's thigh to stabilize yourself as you pick up the pincushion and a few spools of thread that fell to the floor. Still a little sniffle-y and teary-eyed as you finshish up your work before excusing yourself. Both brothers worried and wanting to make it up to you
in my head, tailor!reader is an orphan and their master took them in in the hopes of them taking over their business; unfortunately, he's a little blunt with them just by virtue of not really knowing how to deal with people! ahh. but YES. i would also Burst Into Tears.
diluc does NOT know how to deal with someone pretty crying in front of him; he doesn't know how to deal with much emotion at all, but this . . . oh. and you're trying so hard not to let it show, mouth pressed together and fingers trembling as you fight back the tears. his warm palm on your shoulder, more physical than he usually is, as you apologise to him quietly and dryly for using him as leverage . . . as he stares DAGGERS at kaeya.
kaeya APOLOGISING? truly he is wrapped around poor unknowing reader's fingers. kaeya trying to insist to your master that it's his fault . . . both trying desperately to win your affection by different ways. kaeya's chivalrous acceptance of the blame versus diluc's comfort--
and you are just too flustered and upset to even realise how hard they're trying!
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wri0thesley · 2 years
Okay so I'm all for tormenting Thoma or him tormenting us but!! Imagining him being a sweetie and a reprieve for tailor!reader from the Menaces (Kaeya, Ayato, and yes Diluc) is rolling around in my brain. Them exchanging sewing tips!! Thoma's clothes are already Mond/Inazuma fusion so maybe he can help with the design process! Just smt v soft and hard to look at bc the pure-ness shines so bright.
ah! obivously ayato is putting them up in the kamisato estate as honoured cultural guests, and obviously he ought to take kaeya and diluc out for some traditional inazuman alcohol and delicacies . . . though they do try and drape themselves over tailor reader, cajole them into coming on this little jaunt - reader stays firm. they have things to be doing! there are outfits to be made and to be carefully assembled and embroidered, and they need all the time they can get--
they're quiet and grateful for the solitude when the knock comes on the door - and there thoma is, a smile on his face, a tray of tea in his hands as he offers to keep reader company. reader doesn't initially want it, but thoma's face is so earnest and immediately praise is pouring out of his mouth and so is a little suggestion, here and there (that one's for ayato; oh, he likes to hide things in his sleeves, just open the pattern up a little more--) and before either of them know it, they're chattering and laughing easily and comfortably like old friends.
naturally, the other men won't be happy to see that when they come back - but for now, there's just thoma's warm eyes and honeyed voice and his insistence that he keep pouring them tea.
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wri0thesley · 2 years
ok but cupcakers idea?? with double booked diluc and kaeya?? imagine if the tailor decided "ok lets just split the work, you do one customer, i do the other" and they just petty compete over who gets attended to by you
tailor is just??? she's just the apprentice,, im the maester,, fight over me 😠😠😠
VFKJNFDVJNK. god. and reader is apologising to whoever gets stuck with them, aware they have less experience, all hot and bothered and pins falling from their fingers and shaking hands using measuring tapes - meanwhile, whoever was lucky enough to 'win' reader is looking at the other with the most smug look on his face . . .
it's kaeya. actual tailor probably wants to keep diluc's business more than kaeya's, but alas kaeya is definitely more of a Bastard when he wins dfkgjnvnjfg.
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wri0thesley · 2 years
i CANNOT stop thinking about kaeya’s tight fucking pants. king i am so sorry but if you were real i would not stop staring at the outline of your hard cock. i need him to grind it against me holy fuck.
i can't stop thinking of that one camera angle they gave us in the event that was just kaeya's ass. like. they know why we're here.
his pants are SO tight. poor monstadt tailor reader is probably constantly asking him if he's sure he doesn't want just a little give, there's probably a fabric a little more forgiving (thinking of how they let out albedo's shorts in the crotch for such reasons) - but kaeya is all cocked hip and cockier grin and 'oh? the tighter the better, i think'.
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Starter for @tcyvct's Zhongli || Requested muse: Nettle Reed
Of course when his guild work takes him abroad, Nettle always makes sure to prioritize finishing his assignment before doing any sightseeing.
Luckily, the business that brought him to Liyue Harbor this time around was fairly mundane and simple- at least for someone with a Dendro vision like him.
The local guild branch had asked for someone to help them assess and hopefully fix whatever problem was causing rot in their greenhouse. They grow not only medicinal herbs there, but vegetables to help cut down on general food expenses. Cyrus had decided Nettle was the clear choice to help with such a task.
In the end it's taken him only a day or so of analysis and work to get the gardens on the mend again. The main problem had been with the layer of loose mulch that had been recently laid down- a small parasite living in the wood. Nettle made sure to point out the signs so that the staff could better monitor the quality in the future. He helped them clear away a good chunk of the diseased wood, and while they worked on procuring a fresh supply he set to work with his Dendro vision, working it through every plant bed to revitalize the plants and soil- his creative control over his element also allowed him to essentially 'sour the taste' of everything in the greenhouse and make it inedible to the bugs. After helping inspect and lay down the fresh mulch, he found himself with plenty of free time and a few days to simply rest and explore the area before returning home to Monstadt.
Of course he's gotten input from local adventurers on notable locations- a bookstore, several restaurants, some scenic viewpoints.
And as always, it's the local flora that captures his attention the most. He's always had an affinity for flowers, after all. So as he wanders the streets he spends quite a bit of time simply admiring or sketching the greenery. It's his first time seeing glaze lilies and silk flowers that aren't imported or dried, and there are different varieties of tree here than he usually sees in the Monstadt area.
...Another thing he is prone to doing is losing any awareness of his surroundings when he's really focused on something. Of course he's much more careful about keeping his guard up in the field, but in the middle of a populated city...
Well, suffice to say it isn't long before he manages to bump right into somebody because he's too busy gawking at something.
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Snapped out of his fascinated daze, Nettle lets out a tiny yelp and a frantic apology before he even finishes looking forward to see who it is he's collided with.
There's a tall(at least, tall in comparison to him) man standing in front of him. Very handsome, and seemingly unperturbed- Nettle takes additional note of the clothes he's wearing. Tailored exactly to his size, well made, and from high quality fabrics. All his years helping in his sister's shop have given him a good eye for this sort of thing. Is he perhaps local nobility or a reputable business owner...?
Regardless, Nettle offers another apology. “I should have been looking where I was going,” he offers sincerely, “I'm sorry for bumping into you, sir.”
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