#we've chosen the nuclear option
coopzine · 10 months
an FAQ(uack)
Q: What's going on? Ducks???
A: We here at COOPzine have been overrun by ducks!
Q: Oh no! That's terrible! Why are they taking over?
A: They're peeved that it's taking so long for the special edition of COOP devoted to ducks, geese, and all other "chicken friends" to come out.
Q: Why is it taking so long?
A: We are still too low on submissions to make a full zine.
Q: How can I help stop the duckpocalypse?
A: By submitting any art or poetry that fits into the criteria for Duck Duck Goose (the name of our special edition)
Q: What are the criteria?
A: Submit art or poetry that you made that involves a "chicken friend"
Q: What's a chicken friend?
A: Any animal that you think would be the friend of a chicken! Most fitting of course are ducks and geese, but any other poultry or farmyard fowl would work! At this point I'd be willing to say we'd take pretty much any bird or farm animal.
Q: I don't have any art or poetry that fits into those criteria!
A: Why not make some?
Q: It won't be very good...
A: That's ok! We here at COOP have a radical acceptance policy! We legitimately love "bad" art! Even if it's a 1 minute doodle, we want to see it! :)
Q: Where do I submit?
A: On the special duck duck goose google form linked on the submissions page on our website.
Stay safe out there. 🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆
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infinitethree · 18 days
Given the nature of the information they're dealing with, the decision was made to drag Vio and Lucid into the mix as well.
Aster is relieved that Daz agreed to do so. He’s even more relieved that because Lucid is involved, they can't meet in the secluded bunker of the Council HQ.
It's a dual-purpose meeting. Firstly and most importantly, they need to share the information they learned about the Showrunner. 
Not just the new stuff– though those bombshells are, of course, the driving force of this. The older information that the Council is aware of will have to be shared, too.
Secondly, though…they need to figure out how to free Innit.
Regardless of Daz’s stance on the matter, leaving Innit trapped isn't an option.
For one, it's unimaginably inhumane. Innit clearly just wants to be able to do basic things. Its willing to be enchanted with loyalty to be able to do something as simple as look where it wants to and read books.
Daz and Innit being forced to stay together like that is a recipe for disaster, too. Innit can't get therapy when it doesn't have a voice, after all.
Plus its already proven willing to punish Daz. If it decided to go nuclear…what could they really do to stop it, bar putting Daz in a coma?
So, yeah. Innit deserves to be free, and Daz deserves to have his head to himself again.
…Even if that’s a bit hypocritical for Aster to want for him.
Their chosen gathering place is the Welcome Wagon. It's meant for discussions, there aren't currently any people in the rooms upstairs, and all four employees are a part of the meeting.
The first matter of business is to give Vio a brief rundown of Daz, the Council, and associated information.
Daz is the one who starts the main topic, and he does so by projecting a drawing of the Showrunner on the screen.
Raine’s style is immediately obvious, at least to Aster.
Deadly serious, Daz says, “This is the Showrunner. What we knew as the Scribe– that entity is someone else entirely. Their name was just…borrowed. Aster and I– we met the Showrunner.”
Aster adds, “Innit, too.” “Are you seriously still– this is fucking important!”
He snaps back, “Can you stop being petty for like five seconds? Its presence there was kind of a big deal! The Showrunner likes your admin half, asshole! We can't ignore that fact!”
Daz glares at him a moment, then turns to the others. “The bigger piece of info is that Time isn't real.”
Day, Vio, and Theo all look incredulous. “They’re very fuckin’ real, don't say shit like that,” Theo tells them. It’s a warning, because to Theo that kind of disrespect is liable to earn the wrath of a god.
Since Theo is not only a mythology buff but has met several gods…if anyone has reason to be twitchy about that sort of thing, it's him.
He is the that started the knock-on-wood trend of assuring Time that any potentially negative thing is said without any negativity, too.
“I'll humor this if you can explain who the fuck we've done– everything for. If you can't, I'm walking out right now,” Day warns. 
It’s clear he’s not kidding about that.
Aster takes a deep breath and says, “The Scribe, apparently. The Showrunner claimed that Time was just a ‘sockpuppet’ to be used as the Scribe needed.”
He grimaces. “Which, I mean…if the two of them are working together, and the Showrunner is the one behind the questions and Observers…”
Theo suddenly straightens up in a way that Aster realizes means he’s actually using his head. When he wants to, Theo can be smart…he just generally doesn’t bother to want that.
“Are you fuckin’ sure the one who was chatting with us was the Showrunner? Not the Observers, but the fuckin’-- the other shit. You two must know what I mean, yeah?”
Daz’s expression is grim. “There’s no doubt in my mind.”
A soft hiss escapes from Theo as he slumps backwards. He scrubs a hand down his face and looks to Day.
“They fuckin’-- first time we heard them, you remember what they said? We fuckin’ pointed out that Time would be pissed, n’--”
Realization visibly washes over Day as he finishes, “And they laughed. That we ‘weren’t supposed to know’, but it was still funny that we’d try to get Time involved.”
“Fuckin’ shit.”
That’s a sentiment that Aster can fully get behind. None of this is remotely fun to learn, and in fact radically alters what they assumed were core facets of their lives.
Lucid looks stricken. “What are we even supposed to do with this info, anyway?”
Rolling his eyes, Daz tells him, “You? Nothing. But given your position and how big of a deal this is, I can’t justify keeping you out of the loop.”
There’s a long beat, and then Daz adds, “And I wasn’t going to bring anyone else to the Council rooms. If it’s not a full secret from you, it’s pointless to shut you out.”
Aster sighs. “Yeahhhh. The Council HQ is kind of special to us.” “You’ve always hated how it looks,” Daz scoffs. Aster rolls his eyes and tells him, “Yeah, well, it’s grown on me. Kind of hard for it not to, with how much time I spend there.”
“This is so fucking weird,” Lucid mumbles.
Raine pats his shoulder and tells him, “You’ll get used to it. They fight constantly.”
“For fucked up reasons, apparently,” Khons reminds them.
“Do I want to–” “It’s literally none of your business,” Daz hisses at the admin.
Lucid shrinks down in his seat, hands raised defensively. “Okay, not asking then!”
Daz scrubs a hand through his hair as he swipes the screen to show the next image. “This is the Showrunner’s domain. I have no fucking idea how useful knowing this will be, but I’m not leaving something like that on the table.”
Aster studies the art piece for a moment. It’s very close to what he remembers– Daz’s memory and Raine’s skill are an excellent combo.
He says, “The seats seemed like they stretched forever. A few were occupied, but only two were clearly taken. The figures had different levels of definition and the Showrunner called them ‘representations of the audience’. I’m…guessing those are Observers.”
With a nod, Daz confirms, “If I had to make a theory…the more clear they are, the more frequently they show up.”
He reaches up and smacks a hand on one of the solid ones in what seemed like the VIP section.
“One of these two is probably the new one who’s been an asshole.”
Aster grimaces. “Speaking of Observers…” “There’s no need to bring up–”
Ignoring the bastard, Aster continues, “Innit needs to be given a body. Keeping it there goes beyond caution and into inhumane. It fucked up, yes, but– shit, didn’t all of us do that, too? Half of Sanctuary are war criminals in some capacity!”
Theo immediately argues, “It’d fuckin’ attack Lee, wouldn’t it?”
Aster shakes his head. “No. It– Theo, I spoke to it. I saw a– a timelapse of its entire life. Before the Observers came, the only people who knew about it were Dream and Daz. Both of them hurt it deeply.”
He gestures at Daz, continuing, “You’re asking a fully sentient and sapient person to be trapped with someone who tortured it for three years. Daz didn’t just ignore it, Theo– he shut it out entirely. He trapped it in a room and left it to rot.”
“It put me in a coma because I refused to kill a child,” Daz snaps. “A child it still hates!”
“I believe it wants freedom more than it wants revenge,” Aster argues.
Day’s arms fold across his chest. “How can we trust that? How can we trust it won’t try anything?”
Aster stares him in the eyes. “It said it would willingly be enchanted with loyalty, as long as I was the one it was bound to.”
The room is quiet.
“Day– you know how bad Daz’s enchantment was. The fact that it wants freedom so badly that it would be the one to suggest that…”
Daz tells them, “It couldn’t feel it. It’s never had any senses beyond sound and sight.”
Hands thrown wide for emphasis, Aster snaps, “And you think that isn’t fucking horrifying?! It wants to choose where to look, Daz! To be able to listen to the music it wants or eat or walk outside!”
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Aster huffs at that.
“The reason I got on this topic is because Innit has at least three Observers it considers friends. I saw them as animals with a silvery-lavender swirly color–”
Vio sighs softly. “Same as the portals. No wonder you realized the connection.”
Sneering, Daz corrects, “No, this dipshit didn’t put the pieces together himself.”
Choosing to ignore that particular jab, Aster continues, “And, again; the Showrunner likes Innit. They sure as fuck don’t like Daz, but they– literally gave his admin half headpats. And squished its cheeks.”
He points out, “As cynical as it sounds? We have a person who the omnipotent ruler of time and reality is fond of. That same person is, as most of this room just heard–”
“I fuckin’ heard it too,” Theo tells him. “Fuckin’ Observers love it back. Enough to ask for it to be treated fuckin’ nice.”
Aster nods. “Either we have someone with all that weight behind them on our side, or we make an enemy out of all of them.”
“Innit wants to see Sanctuary burn,” Daz tries to tell them. “It fucking hates every single person here, and none more than Lee.”
Eyes narrowing, Aster argues, “Pretty sure it hates you the most, actually.” “Yeah, well– I’m used to dealing with it.” “It’s proven willing to make you suffer, and forgive me for not wanting to see what a full mental break looks like from you.”
Daz opens his mouth, but Aster cuts him off by turning back to the others. “One way or another, Innit will be freed. I haven’t just been seeing Daz’s past– I’ve been seeing the future, too. And Innit was sure as fuck walking around there!”
The bastard looks alarmed. “What? When the– why the fuck didn’t you say anything?!”
He folds his arms over his chest. “I didn’t exactly want to get into it.” “You know full goddamned well that’s not good enough. Answer the fucking question, Aster.”
Uhg, there’s no way he’ll let this go.
Reluctantly, he admits, “...At some point in the future, Daz and I get together. And, uh– I saw Innit at the wedding. It…handed Daz over to me, actually.”
Daz takes a deep breath, and guessing what he’ll say, Aster rolls his eyes and adds, “And Day handed me over to you, before you get pissy.”
“Excuse me?”
He shrugs helplessly at Day’s bafflement. “I desperately wish I were making it up. The idea of getting together with Daz, of all fucking people–” “Says the one who apparently gets fucked by me.” “Really? Really?”
Like a lightswitch, Daz flips his personality to a much warmer one. Unfortunately, Aster can tell the difference– there’s too much of an edge of malice in the way he smiles as he drapes his arms over his shoulders.
Cooing, Daz asks, “What’s the matter, baby? Worried you’ll think too hard about it here?”
He feels his face heat up despite himself. “First of all– I haven’t actually seen anything, just enough to know that– that happens. Second of all, get your hands off of me before I break your arms.”
Pouting at him, the fucking sociopath he apparently marries says, “But, Star…despite claiming you hate it, you’re getting all flustered.”
Aster gets a split-second flash of a warm giggle from Future-Daz of, “My sweet, snuggly Star!”
He grimaces. “I’m pretty sure I suffer a psychotic break to actually be interested in you.”
And he sees himself yet again, this time sitting in the Swords and Shields training hall. He’s next to Future-Theo, who seems like he’s really looking at Future-Aster for the first time in a long time. “...If it’s not too weird n’ personal, uh…how did you know? That you, y’know– fuckin’ liked him.”
Future-Aster seems to need a while to gather his thoughts. “Once I got closer to him, I started seeing all the things that were…really good. His quirks stopped being annoying and started being charming. I would get excited to come home, not because we did anything all that interesting but just because…I liked spending time with him.”
There’s a soft, fond smile as Future-Aster absently runs a thumb over what looks disturbingly like a bite mark on his shoulder. “I don’t really even remember what it’s like not to love him. He’s…he’s everything to me. The world feels brighter and happier now that I wake up next to him every morning.”
Future-Theo opens his mouth, but is interrupted by Future-Daz coming into the room.
The moment he clocks Aster’s lack of a shirt– which is how he usually works out, it’s annoying to have them get soaked with sweat– Future-Daz turns bright pink and demands, “Star, why are you– where is your shirt?!
Instead of a normal, reasonable answer, Future-Aster just grins and leans back. “I forgot you bit me, sorry.” “You don’t look sorry at all.” “And you don’t like you hate seeing me like this, soooo–”
Future-Daz huffs, hands going to his hips. “You’re– you’re the worst.” “Mm-hmm.” “Awful. Just, just terrible.” “Indeed.” “A jerk who likes making fun of me and making me embarrassed.”
Future-Aster reaches out and tugs his significant other into his lap. “And yet you still like me.”
Despite another, somewhat sullen huff, Future-Daz doesn’t argue that point.
When Aster is back in the present, Daz is staring intently at him. That faux-flirting is gone, though he’s still got his arms over his shoulders. “What did you see?”
Though he could answer this in a dozen ways, he chooses the pettiest he can think of. “You being easily embarrassed and down bad for me.”
Ignoring the way Daz splutters, he shoves his arms off and turns to face the others again. “Anyway. It doesn’t actually matter if you agree or not. Either you cooperate, or I use the wish I’ve earned via seeing Daz’s bullshit and grant it a body myself.”
Lee finally speaks up. “Ignoring all of– that? I think we should do it. It’s fucked up to keep it locked up like that. If I’m the one supposedly in danger, I should be the one to decide if it’s worth it or not. I think it is. Innit doesn’t have to like me– the server is plenty big for both of us.”
Breathing a sigh of relief, Aster smiles fondly at his charge.
Then Lee continues, “And I don’t think it’s fair to make it be enchanted, too. It sets a really nasty precedent and would erode trust in not just Lucid, but everyone who had a part in that. Myself included.”
It’s an extremely good point. Aster nods, brow furrowed. “It– the idea of doing that makes me really uncomfortable.”
He gestures at Theo, who seems unsure. “You’ve got oceans of blood on your hands. I don’t think Innit was right, but I think it felt it was justified.”
“Lee was fuckin’ six,” Theo tells him. “It felt a baby admin, one who could control them because he’s a Dream. Unlike with Day and Lucid, who Daz did not trust–”
“Wait, you didn’t trust us? Then why did you let us undo the loyalty? Especially if you knew about code already,” Lucid interrupts.
Daz, visibly annoyed, snaps, “We could track your coding. If you had done anything we didn’t like, I’d have ruined you.”
Despite the admin’s doubt, Lee nods. “He can do that. He’ll correct my work when I’m not even showing him my console and when I didn’t even think he was paying attention. It’s freaky.”
That little side path resolved, Aster continues, “Daz was way less willing to hurt Lee. Innit, freshly betrayed, deeply traumatized, and desperate to die, went on high alert because it saw Lee as a threat.”
Theo repeats, “He was six!”
Aster responds, “And when Daz was six, he decided to rip out the parts of him that were ‘bad and wrong’ because his brother is a fucking monster. Again, I’m not saying Innit was right! It was a fucked up thing to do! But it was also a trauma response. For trauma that has only festered in the meantime, because unlike Daz, Innit has been alone.”
As much as he hates to do this, he appeals to the one who will hold ultimate authority in this matter.
“You know damn fucking well what isolation does to a person. You’re debating condemning someone to a fate very literally worse than death because you don’t like that they fucked up. Let me remind you that you fucked up pretty damn bad, too. And, again– if all of you refuse, I’ll use the wish on this. Having the memories of its life in my head is bad enough, but knowing I’ve abandoned someone in those conditions…I’d never be able to live with myself.”
He can tell Daz is seething, but for once he doesn’t care.
The bastard is wrong about this. Whatever punishment Innit may have deserved– what its gotten has far outstripped that.
Vio says, “Aster has a point. I know this is a touchy matter, but leaving Innit in there…that’s not acceptable. Not only would we incur the wrath of the Observers and likely the Showrunner, but we have no guarantee that it wouldn’t find another way to escape. We can extend a hand, or risk Innit being free with no reason not to raze the server to the ground.”
Day scrubs a hand down his face, which has a sour expression. “...If we’re doing this, its getting put into therapy with Iatros, too. And I want it nowhere near Summer Hills.”
There’s a sudden, bitter laugh from Daz. “Oh, wow. That’s actually– actually an interesting idea.”
The bastard grips his shoulder with more force than Aster was aware he was capable of.
“It proposes that it could live with Aster. If its so fucking attached to him, and Aster is so goddamned determined to go forward with this stupid fucking plan– surely he can open his shitty little house to that thing, huh?”
He considers where would even work. “I– there’s literally nowhere for it to go. I’m willing to have an extension or something, I guess?”
Daz’s fingers dig into his shoulder. Voice a low, dangerous hiss, he warns, “If you can’t keep it in line, I’ll personally make your life a living hell.”
A shudder goes down his spine. Daz’s wrath is not a small thing, as proven by him killing his ex-mentor in cold blood and destroying him the worst way he could.
“And you should try group counseling with it. Maybe you’ll be less of a fucking sociopath when you learn to at least tolerate a fundamental part of you.”
Flippantly, and forcibly removing Daz’s hand from his shoulder, he adds, “If you want to do the whole song and dance about me getting on your good side? Maybe be less of an insufferable bastard, first. Your trauma is valid but your responses to it sure as fuck aren’t.”
Getting into his space, he growls, “I should be at your throat for the fact that you’ve spent three fucking years conditioning me to hate you. I should be furious you’ve actively abused my trauma to make sure you never had to deal with yours! You’ve refused to actually let yourself heal because you’re a coward, Daz.”
Daz’s eyes thin into slits as he snaps back, “I don’t need your preaching, considering you–” “I’ve fucking told you, I had no idea it would be like this! I also, shockingly, didn’t realize exactly how broken you actually are! I was sure you’d hate me for not taking the offer. It’s a wish that can bend the laws of reality, and I thought you would be mature enough to recognize that even though it sucks to have someone know more than you wanted…that you’d agree it’s worth it.”
He takes a step back and scoffs, “Fuck, at times like these, I can see why the Showrunner hates you. You’re a selfish asshole who only seems to do good things when it’s convenient for you.”
As he turns on his heel and stalks out, he finishes off with, “Lately, I wonder if I was right to take your hand at all.”
Aster knows he’ll regret those words later, in one form or another.
But he’s also sick and tired of Daz kicking him in the dick because he’s pissed that he’s lost control.
At no point did Aster ask for any of this! He hates having to be the one to drag Daz kicking and screaming into a better place! He hates seeing his past and the trauma that have shaped him into the paranoid bastard that he is today!
A lot of the time, he kind of hates seeing the future, too. It only makes their current relationship feel worse, because Aster can see that Daz is capable of being good to him.
Even something as simple as the two of them watching a movie together feels so fucking bittersweet, because it’s clear they do eventually come to love each other.
Yet, right now, Daz hates him. Whatever his actual feelings before, right now they’re at the lowest they’ve ever been.
…There aren’t many times that Aster has seriously considered the benefits of getting drunk. The idea of losing control of himself gives him hives.
But, honestly, the chance of shutting off his own heavily leashed anger and resentment for the night sounds amazing.
This’ll be fun to discuss with his therapist. The poor Puffy has no goddamned idea the shit he’s kept bottled up until now, but it’s beyond time that he start doing so.
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my-mt-heart · 2 years
Wardrobe choices for main cast are definitely not random. There's a bunch of discussions about costumes and props during pre-production when these departments plan for the season. Then, when cast members come in for fittings, photos will be taken of each outfit for point of reference, so there's virtually no chance that costume, showrunner and actor would all overlook a random ring on the married lady finger.
Particularly as there was a cut to a sequence of frames that specifically featured Carol's hands and Melissa was wearing the ring in all her scenes for that episode. Not to mention that the stone looked like a turquoise. (For international fans, the turquoise is basically synonymous with New Mexico and frequently used in artisan jewelry in the Southwest.)
To clarify, 'bookend' means we get the beginning of the relationship and we get the end of it with a time jump in between. We'd get a new marriage onscreen, with minimal PDAs, so some kind of acknowledgment, but then they'd break-up at the end of the show, after said time jump. This theory is the Nuclear Downer Ending™. It would contradict the characters' entire emotional arc because Caryl carry the theme of hope/resilience in the midst of human despair and breaking them apart would state that there is no light at the end of the tunnel.
It would also close the window on the possibility of a Caryl reunion and AMC probably wants to keep their options open. There's too much money in Caryl to walk away.
I'm going to disagree with MT on something while I'm at it. :)
I think it's important for Carol's emotional arc that she gets public acknowledgment on how vital she is for the well-being of her community. Daryl, Ezekiel and Kelly have verbally told her how important she is, but we've had numerous other characters take note (Magna, Rosita, Aaron) and not speak up. Carol has no self-worth and thinks that Pamela Milton and Connie are classy because they've achieved something quantifiable. She needs the affirmation. Having her take over Maggie's arc from the comics to become the leader of the CW makes sense because she will finally be seen and getting elected means people chose her.
Oh, wow. I agree the framing of her hands makes it even more intentional, but I did not consider the reference to New Mexico. I really hope it’s symbolic of what’s to come and the show’s not going to try to convince us that Daryl and Carol took a trip to New Mexico offscreen and/or got married offscreen in the middle of an arc. Not ideal in the slightest, but I’d find it more believable if New Mexico/engagement happened during the time jump so we can at least get the build up to it in 11C. 
Completely agree that a break up would contradict their entire arc, so I’m praying that doesn’t happen. If they’re going to get together, they should stay together. 
I totally hear you on Carol getting affirmation and being chosen, but the way I understand her arc, her admiration for Connie and Pamela Milton stems from a misunderstanding of what makes someone worthy. I think she’s supposed to come to the realization that she doesn’t need to stand in their shoes. People like Ezekiel and Kelly and most importantly Daryl value her for who she already is, and yes she needs the words, but she doesn’t need the spotlight. She also doesn’t need to be the one who takes care of everybody. Like Daryl, it seems as though what she really craves is freedom from such heavy responsibilities. If Carol takes over Maggie’s comic arc, to me it seems repetitive of her arc in S9. It just feels like she’s putting on another mask and it’s also putting her and Daryl on different pages again when they’re supposed to be syncing up emotionally and realizing they want the same things. I would hate to see them continuing that loop instead of reaching a resolution for their shared arc. But that’s just me. 
Also, I feel like Mercer would be best suited to run the CW as he’s most familiar with it, he definitely cares about all the people there whereas Carol’s concern is for her core group. And unlike Pamela, he wouldn’t be corrupted by status and wealth and can promote equality. Not to mention, him being in charge would give Princess the opportunity to be a real princess (first lady) if only by title hahaha 
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We're going burn it down mode
We've chosen the nuclear option
For some dude from Detroit
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