#we've got eachother. and that's a lot for love || πŸ’™
voided-selfships Β· 6 months
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Missed my weed smoking boyfriends;;
@mashyaoi @comfycozycirrus @ghost--girlfriend @kylars-princess @fireborns @lovebandit42069 @lovebandit42069 @faerie-circle-ships
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jaarijani Β· 3 months
Beest and Boost: what are the dinamics? who's the one taking the lead?
very good questions indeed!! I think to answer them we need to explore bojere and jeest dynamics a bit first
with our beloved bojere the question "who is the top" is still up for debate, but I think most of us agree that these boys are bottoms and they just switch all the time, because they are both needy and both love attention
I think Bojan likes to fight and push his partner's buttons until they decide to put him in his place, and similarly Jere likes to be a brat and annoy the shit out of his partner until they physically have to shut him up
when jere tops he adopts his more agressive, dominant kÀÀrijÀ persona, he's rougher and more degrading and bojan absolutely loves it.
when bojan tops he has an intense, oppressing focus to him, he can be rough but he is very gentle and caring afterwards.
i have not delved very far into Jeest dynamics much, but here's what I've gotten so far: Jere both admires and looks out for Joost, I feel like he both looks up to him (not just because joost is freakishly tall and jere is a short king) and wants to take him under his wing, he adopts the tougher KÀÀrijÀ persona around him but not to him, I feel like jere is very protective of him.
joost on the other hand has this amazingly high energy and obvious admiration for jere, he manages to catch jere off-guard with his antics and jokes and they bounce off eachother very well.
i feel like joost would prefer to top, to be in control, but he would let jere take care of him every once in a while
Bojan and Joost is a very interesting combination to me as they both have very strong feelings towards jere (be it platonic or not) and wouldn't have been brought together without him, I can imagine Bojan being jealous and protective over Jere, being annoyed by Joost and very competetive
I can very easily see their dynamic as an enemies to lovers/enemies AND lovers, and i feel like their dynamic would be a constant stream of playful/sarcastic jabs, harsh comments and fights for dominance
I feel like neither of their prides would allow them to willingly bottom for the other, so they constantly switch as well but where bojere fights for who gets to bottom boost fights for who gets to top
i do feel like joost would take it a lot less seriously and he'd in general be more jokey about it where bojan would be very intense and get frustrated when joost doesn't take him all that seriously
i can also imagine joost making fun of how short bojan is and bojan getting frustrated because "Jere is shorter than me why don't you act like this to him??" "Because it's funnier when it's with you :)"
what do you get when you put three idiots together? the crossover of a lifetime πŸ’šπŸ’™β€οΈ
we've got bojan and joost fighting for jere's attention, we've got bojan and jere taking care of their younger friend, we've got jere and joost annoying the shit out of bojan, there is so much potential with these three
most importantly i think these three would have so much fun together, i think their dynamic would switch up a lot depending on who needs what for the day but in general I think it's probably like this:
Jere - prefers bottom, prefers brat/dominant
Bojan - prefers bottom, prefers submissive
Joost - prefers top, no preference
this got so long but thanks for bearing with me πŸ˜πŸ‘ this maybe might inspire me do write some Beest myself, we'll see πŸ’šπŸ’™β€οΈ
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khaleesiofalicante Β· 1 year
Everytime you write something knew I think this is my favorite thing that you've ever written.
I did not expect Selena to do what she did. But I love her so much for it. One of the things that I loved the most is the way she thought about her body and how she was so aware of it. There a lot of days when I hate myself and my body and reading something like this soothed me in a way I cannot explain.
Also I liked that we got to see Gabriel being so vulnerable because they were scared for their partner. The only other time we've seen them fall apart is when Selena was taken by Mallory.
One of my favorite things was the fact that Selena still adores Magnus so much. Their relationship is kinda underrated but it makes me so so happy. I love the way Magnus did not tell her what to do. I'm sure he was concerned about her health too. But I love that he just reminded her that she'd have to face the consequences of her choices. I love the way they both respect eachother. Thankyou for writing them the way you have. They have a bond that is just based on love and admiration and understanding. It was truly beautiful.
β€œThere is someone, isn’t it?” the woman chuckled, looking smug about it. β€œIt’s not your fault. It’s in your nature. The nephilim nature. You people don’t feel powerful unless you have someone to look down on. A monster for you to hunt.”
This was so so interesting. I know shadowhunters are predators but I've never thought about them this way. It made me look back on a lot of people and it's so incredibly sad. I think a really good example of this is Annabel Blackthorn. I mean I know it's not the same but the way she was treated was horrible.
Baby Lance was fudging adorable. And Gwen is his demon friend! That's so cute. I cannot wait to see him interact with baby Arthur.
I don't know what exactly happened during Selena's birth but I was pacing very fast while reading it. It was almost like... Arthur was immune to magic? Is that what it was? Also the whole dream thing was very creepy. Does Selena know about the Crimson King?
Another think that I found very interesting was the way people perceive Lance. It was very hurtful to see the hesitance Gabriel and Lexi showed with letting their kids be alone with Lance. It's weird how even the best people cannot forego their biases when it comes down to themselves and their family. I'm very curious about how the kids will interact with eachother when they're older.
Thankyou for this beautiful chapter Dani. Every single word was so amazing to me.
Love, Yana
Oh, Yana, this made me very emo 😭
I don't think anyone other than Selena would've done something like that. She is one of a kind.
I adoooooore her relationship with Magnus and I'm also soft about the idea of Magnus looking out for generations of Fairchilds - starting from Matthew πŸ₯Ί
Shadowhunters are predators by nature indeed. I mean...they are hunters after all. We will explore this a little more and learn our nephilim history further - especially about Mikkel Knightstorm, our infamous witch hunter from the middle ages (I've been reading the codex and the info on witch trials is very fascinating/scary)
A reminder that shadowhunters (or the Clave rather) once killed the wife of Tobias Herondale because they couldn't 'find' him. The Clave has always been fucked up and I don't think it would ever not be (i find it unrealistic if it finally becomes 'good')
I made the pacing fast intentionally for the birthing scene because i didn't want to get too detailed hehe but also Selena kept losing focus and consciousness during the whole thing. She does know about the Crimson King (but she hasn't seen the mural herself - because it's hidden as we know) so she hasn't made the connection yet. She will soon.
Thank you for all the love πŸ’™
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voided-selfships Β· 11 months
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The fuck is wrong with you?
@comfycozycirrus @ghost--girlfriend @wanderers-wife @fireborns @lovebandit42069
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voided-selfships Β· 5 months
Happy weed day to my three weed smoking boyfriends!!!
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voided-selfships Β· 11 months
Hey bayou boys! Haha, 🌸🌺🍁 ^_^? @ghost--girlfriend
🌸 - How did you meet your s/o?
🌺 - What first caught your eye when it came to s/o?
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🚬: We've been friends for ages, honestly. Childhood friends- we all are but...me n' Warren especially.
🚬: Our parents were friends- well...still are really. They did the whole playdate thing with us- so that's where we first met. It was a barbeque I think.
🚬: I remember thinking he was weird. It didn't last long once I realized we could rough house though, even if my mom said I shouldn't- he seemed like he was having fun.
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πŸ’Ό: I'm pretty sure it was the same day I met Rand. We just moved in and I saw them both across the street.
πŸ’Ό: It's a bit fuzzy honestly, I remember crying. I think Rand hit me with a stick too hard.
πŸ’Ό: I uhm...was kinda star-struck on eye contact, honestly. I was really worried about making friends but Warren was just so nice to me.
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🎸: Oh dude we met at Rand's house! I was invited to a D&D session- it was pretty sick. That was- pshh...that was back in middle school.
🎸: I had fun, Warren seemed a little shy at the time but I think it was just 'cause we didn't know each other. He seemed to chill out as the session continued though.
🎸: I thought he was cute, he got so flustered when I talked to him too haha, it was adorable.
🍁 - What’s your favorite outfit your s/o has worn?
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🚬: ...my Led Zeppelin shirt.
πŸ’Ό: I like a lot of outfits on him- he looks cute in sweaters.
🎸: Less clothes the better! I like seein' all his tattoos too.
@mashyaoi @comfycozycirrus @wanderers-wife @fireborns @lovebandit42069 @love-birds-stuff @l3mon-flavored-selfships @faerie-circle-ships
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voided-selfships Β· 11 months
🌷 and πŸ¦‡ for the bayou boys! (or just one in particular since I know that can be a lot to have to write for lmao)
🌷 - Are you a sweet talker? How do you speak to your s/o when trying to be flirty/romantic?
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🎸: Course man, no one can resist all of this, y'know.
🎸: Honestly, just giving Warren a look tends to get his attention. Lowering my voice also has the same affect, but that applies to everyone so it ain't that special.
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🚬: Psh, obviously. It's not hard to get Warren swooning over me. Lower my voice, get a little touchy, he's basically putty.
πŸ’Ό: You guys talk like it's difficult to get him blushing, come on be real.
🚬: (Dude shut up!)
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πŸ’Ό: I don't flirt much- I can't say I'm much of a sweet talker either. I'm good in court, not so much with romance.
🚬: It's cause you're a nerd!
πŸ’Ό: No-
🎸: You are a bit of a nerd, man. But it's not a bad thing, it has it's own charm y'know?
🚬: Has to, if Warren's interested.
πŸ’Ό: We're all dating- You're interested in me too dumbass!
πŸ¦‡ - Are you easily spooked? How does your s/o help you (or) how do you help your s/o in scary situations?
🚬/🎸: No.
πŸ’Ό: Rand why are you lying? We all have our moments.
🎸: (Ahem) Some less than others.
🚬: (Shut up.)
πŸ’Ό: But it's fine. We've had some fucked up shit happened before.
🎸: I usually play some music to chill the vibes- I know Warren likes to talk about stuff to calm us down too.
🚬: Weed.
🎸: Oh, that always helps.
πŸ’Ό: (Jesus christ.)
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voided-selfships Β· 11 months
Time to move the nightmare blunt rotation to my main f/o list
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voided-selfships Β· 11 months
Guys I wanna talk about my weed smoking boyfriends
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voided-selfships Β· 11 months
What's your favorite body part on your f/o to leave kisses on? Which body part of yours do they like to kiss? ~whomever reads this first >:33
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🚬: I like kissin' him in general- but probably his wrists. He gets all flustered about it, it's cute.
♠️: Dude I fucking- love kissin' his tummy. And cheek kisses are always good.
πŸ’Ό: Uh...cheek kisses, mostly but uhm...chest kisses are nice too- I mean...above the heart specifically.
♠️: Cheek kisses. But uhm...jaw kisses and wrist kisses too. Very good.
🎸: Everywhere.
♠️: ...Chest kisses- and cheek kisses- I just like kissin' their cheeks.
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voided-selfships Β· 11 months
What places are special to you guys? Is it because of a memory or is it somewhere you want to go? with whomever has the braincell!! :DD
I'm answering this with Rand, Rolan, and Kian >:] [They deserve the attention! /silly]
This is gonna sound. So fuckin'bad but for Rand n'me it's the space behind the bleachers in the football field. That was the first time we kissed. So yeah! The bleachers. And uh, probably the library- I helped him plan a D&D session there.
For Kian- well our first kiss was in the back of his car- so not that. Maybe the cemetery? I think that was the first time he played a song for me- like an actual song and not just random strumming. And it was for me, so it felt pretty special.
With Rolan its actually back in Chicago? When I stayed with him- it was nice. I'd hate to call it domestic but its not like I'm not head over heels for them. It was domestic. I felt safe. It's his place and the tree. But that's only important to me 'cause it's important to him.
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voided-selfships Β· 11 months
What things in daily life remind you of each other? wiiith whomever needs more attention lately :)
[Okay this got long as HELL lmao, my b, under the cut time!]
[Also I JUST realized this said daily life. Ig some of these still apply so its fine!!]
For one, weed. I mean that's a given I think. Like if I had to have my "yeah obviously that reminds me of them." It would be weed and cigarettes and d&d.
But, if I were being more specific. I get reminded of Rand a lot by Led Zeppelin- music, merch- stuff like that. And cars! The smell, the sounds- Kian and him are really weird about cars. I think I'm meant to understand it but I don't no matter how many times they explain it to me. Which funny, because Rand has told me that whenever he sees a car he thinks of me- I think it's sweet.
Kian...I always get reminded of him by this really specific type of cologne- I don't know what shit he puts on but it smells a certain way. I certainly don't love it, but it's a him thing, so it's okay. What else- flowers, flowers and rock music! Which I think it a given, but also I see a guitar and I think of when he tried to teach us how to play. (I'm not good with stringed instrument, I learned.)
Rolan- there's a lot I think. The smell of old books and rainy days. Bugs. When we were younger we were outside a lot, he was so...weird. Just snatching fireflies from the air like it was nothing. He's not like that anymore- but it's not in a bad way. I stayed with him in Chicago for a bit after I dropped out, so he also reminds me of the bustling noise in the city. And dropping out- but I liked staying with him, so it's not all bad.
I already said I remind Rand of cars- and Bon Jovi. I fucking LOVE their music dude- and Queen? Ugh, good shit. I remind all of them of music, but I think that's because I was always blasting music when they came over during highschool. Music is definitely more Kian's thing though, I just like what I like.
I know for Kian it's the smell of paint, I used to paint a lot when he was over- when any of them were over really- but it was nice when it was Kian because he always played his own music. It was relaxing.
Rolan always said I reminded him of baseball- he always came to my games though, so that's definitely a reason why. (And ramen, but it's not my fault I never learned how to cook. I told my dad I was a boy and he was exceptionally cool with it- but also he thought getting me in sports and hunting was more important than...cooking.)
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