#wear glasses would definitely cause issues w the healing right
zemnarihah · 2 years
i neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed a bridge piercing but im scawed
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Please don’t go!
 Hanzo x Reader SMUT/NSFW~
Quick summary: Hanzo and reader have been working together for a while now but he doesn’t seem to see her the same way. Could that change if they end up alone, under the influence of some alcohol?
You called out and rubbed your arm.
“It was just a small needle (Y/N)” Mercy said as she packed away the syringe, she just used on you.
“This should help you ease your pain, you sure got injured this time.”
You sighed. “You know some people seem to fear, that standing behind a shield could protect them so they like to run off alone and pant for healing....”
Angela rolled her eyes at the thought of a special someone and shook her head.
You hopped off the seat and asked for the time, while fixing your sleeve.
“It's half past twelve, you might want to take some rest before Jack's party begins.”
Answering with a nod, you thanked her and left her office. Limping slightly, you pulled yourself to the elevator cursing the painkillers, for taking so long, to take effect.
Your body entire was covered in injuries and every movement was painful.
The Doors of the elevator opened and you waited for the passengers to leave before entering. A few of the newer agents recognized you and nodded respectfully, granting you a quick “Good morning Mrs.(Y/L/N)” before walking off.
You were about to walk in but quickly took a step back again, as another passenger unexpectedly left the elevator. Your teammate Hanzo walked out, posture firm, pace fast, wasting no time for anything, just as always.
“Greetings (Y/L/N)” He stated, raising his palm, just to turn around in an instant and walk away from you, just as fast as he came.
“Hello Shimada...” you sighed and walked into the elevator, resting your back at it's wall.
You have been working together for three years now and he was still not calling you by your first name. You asked him to do so many times, wishing he would just treat you like he treated anyone else.
“It's disrespectful to call your partner by their first name.” Such nonsense... but you did not feel like arguing with him. The two of you got along very well but.. it always felt like everything was so natural for him, he didn't seem to get a throbbing heart beat whenever you two got very close during missions or people joked about you two being like a married couple. He didn't get that shock through his entire body, every time your skin met his, whether it was accidentally bumping into each other ,while sharing seats in the dropship or you handing him his weapons. It almost felt like, he didn't care or as if he doesn't feel at all.
Numerous times, he fought attackers off, saving your life and asked if you were okay afterwards but every time you answered positively, all he'd say was “Good”, if it wasn't just a simple nod he'd give in return. Vice versa, when you'd save his life he'd praise your work and your skill, which made you feel quite good but it never went past a professional level, which was slowly driving you to madness. You decided to quit grieving as your body hit the soft mattress.
Hours later.
“Gold or Silver?” Pharah held up two pairs of hoops, wondering what would go better with her long, navy gown.
“Definitely Gold.” You stated, curling the tips of your hair.
“It goes better with your eye colour. Silver is too cold. Gold makes you look like a goddess.”
Pharah's eyes lit up at your compliment and she eagerly unpacked the earrings.
Sighing, you looked into the mirror and eyed yourself. You were pretty and you knew it. Almost everyone at the base thought so aswell. You always remembered, how Reinhardt once said “Stay behind so your pretty face does not get blemished, Herzchen.”
Pharah brushed your shoulder and you got the hint, that it was time to leave. “If I'm really as irresistible as everyone says, why is HE still able to resist?” You thought as you grabbed your clutch and walked out of your room.
McCree and Brigitte warmly welcomed you and your friend, with a hug. Jesse bit his lip at the sight of you and you could feel a blush creeping onto your cheeks.
“God damn it, you look like an angel. I wish I could switch teams with Han-” “I heard that Jesse!” Angela yelled out from across the room.
“Take a wild guess , who can bandage himself next week.”
Most agents in the room fell into subtle laughter and you nudged Jesse aside softly, before making your way towards your table. Everyone sat down and you got so lost in a conversation about Talon, that you never noticed Hanzo entering the hall. As you took a sip of your champagne, you could feel someone taking the seat in front of you. The sight before you caused you to be damn close to choking on your drink. His black hair was open today, falling straight onto his shoulders.
The Midnight blue smoking framed his every muscle better, than any fabric you had seen on him before. Bringing your knuckles towards your lips, you tried to muffle your cough.
“Hello Shimada.” you tried to gain eye contact.
Your heart stood still for a moment as you noticed what looked like a slight blush on his cheek.
He nodded and greeted you, quickly looking away from you. That was so typical of him. He'd always do that, whenever you were wearing something pretty. You decided to drink your anger away, ordering your next glass of champagne, earning a puzzled look from your crush, as you've never been one to drink more than a glass.
The night continued and it was time for cake. Jesse presented his special creation, a whiskey cream cake with edible golden bullets on the side, decorated just like his hat.
It was an inside joke between the members of his Group and Jack wasn't able to hold his laughter back. He had drunk quiet a lot already and his laugh echoed through the entire base. Angela and Brigitte cut a piece for every participant of the bash, while Pharah rubbed her hands together in excitement.
“I can't wait to try it, Jesse's baking skills are godly.” Reinhardt rubbed his stomach, humming along with his best friends daughter.
Angela brought everyone a piece but hesitated before she handed you a plate.
“Ah (Y/N) you already had two glasses of champagne right? The medication I gave you before is best not to mix with alcoholic beverages. You might not want to have any of this.”
“Sorry?” Brigitte yelled. “You can't just keep her from having this tasty sensation, Angie!”
She threw an arm around your shoulders.
“(Y/N) is the strongest girl I know, she will survive a piece of cake with a drop of whiskey!”
Mercy opened her mouth to say something but remained silent, as she felt Ana's hand on hers, who winked at her and led her hand towards you. Brigitte pulled the cake out of her hand and placed it before you. Everyone began munching the heavily topped cream cake , moaning in unison, praising Jesse under their breaths. The alcohol was taking it's toll on you and you became more cheerful, literally forgetting about your agony and all your worries.
A few guests started to bring out their presents and suddenly you remembered, that you forgot yours in your room. You told Pharah your issue and got up quickly to get it, hurrying towards the main hall.
As you left the elevator,  your mind went blank. You had started walking way too fast and your head was spinning. Your attempt to grab something failed as your nails only scraped at the wall unable to find something to hold onto. Seconds before your balance was about to give in, two strong arms found a grip on your waist. A shiver of joy ran through your every bone, as a familiar voice called out your last name. Hanzo, who seemingly just returned from the restroom, held you by your lower back and asked if you were okay. You could only see his silhouette and blurred features of his face.
“(Y/N) can you hear me?”
You mumbled a vague yes before your head tilted forward and your forehead hit his shoulder. “Damn... Angela was right about the cake. “
He hesitated for mere seconds, before he threw your arm around his shoulder, as he took a hold of your legs and carried you towards your room, avoiding eye contact at all cost.
Your heart was beating very fast and you could only feel the warmth between you two.
Struggling not to drop you, he typed in the emergency passcode, the two of you chose, to open your room's door. He gently laid your body on your bed, switching where he looked so his eyes wouldn't linger at one part of your body for too long. Holding the back of his hand against your forehead, he tried to read your body temperature, after noticing the slight pearls of sweat on your chest, which caused him to swallow hard.
“You're not well. I'll go get Angela an-”
“N-No” you stifled.
“Excuse me?” He raised a brow at your words, sure, that  he misheard your words.
“Don't go away.” You didn't want him to walk away again. The two of you never shared intimate moments
and even if your view was blurry and your consciousness cloudy, you could still feel enough to know, that you didn't want this moment of togetherness be over any time soon.
“But you are in need of medical attention. I'll be right back.”
He gave your wrist and lower arm a gentle rub and got up from his half kneeling position when you suddenly grabbed his little finger and locked eye contact. Your sudden reach for skin contact and stare startled him, causing him to sharply breathe in.
“Don't leave me Hanzo. Please stay.”
You stared into his deep brown eyes for a  few minutes longer, before your consciousness left your body.
A light pain woke your body back up, although it took a few seconds before you were able to open your eyes. Your sight was still blurry for a brief moment before you could detect your hand, fingers intertwined with longer, stronger ones. Your teeth began gripping onto your bottom lip as your sight wandered to the man, who was sitting next to you, head tilted upwards, dozing. Firming the grip at his hands, you interrupted his peaceful nap. He turned towards you then quickly looked away.
“I see you're awake again, do you feel any better?”
“Yes. I feel way better” your hand softly tightened around his, leading his eyes back to yours.
“Thank you.” you smiled at him. His lips parted briefly and he tried to stand up.
“We shall go back then, the others must be worried.”
He turned away from you and tried to free himself of your grip.
“We should at least tell them where we a-”
“Why do you always want to run away from me?”
You tightened the grip of your hand softly, brushing your thumb across the back of his hand.
“I-It's not that! I just don't want to be rude and leave a party without telling … uh.”
You had gotten up from your lying position and your other hand framed his cheeks.
“Yes? I'm listening!”
He breathed in. “I think it's not good to leave for a longer period, without telling the others. They might be worried.”
Your gaze wandered from his eyes to his lips which noticeably made him uncomfortable.
His hand slowly reached out for yours, in order to take it off his face.
Your smile turned into a frown.
“Am I disgusting to you?” You asked boldly.
He gasped out loud. “(Y/L/N) that's nonsense! You're an admirable agent.”
“Is that all I am to you? An agent ? A colleague?” You began to stutter, your words carrying a tone, audibly filled with a lot of pain.
Hanzo couldn't look you in the eyes, view embed to the floor. Slowly your hands lightened their hold and were about to slide off his skin but before they fell onto your side, he grabbed both of them.
His deep voice caused your heartbeat to go from a strong, to an unbearable pace in seconds and your ears could not believe, what they just sensed.
“Then let me hold you,.... and call you by your first name.”
Your hands freed themselves from his, and slid up calmly, striping up the length of his arms, to his neck and jaw. His breath became louder with every passing second. You pulled him closer towards you and slid his coat off his shoulders.
He looked away, and kept his eyes off you. You placed your slender fingers around his defined jaw and guided his gaze back to you.
“Is my appearance not to your liking Hanzo?”
He tried his best to keep his eyes at the height of yours but something guided them lower.
“No, I mean ...you are.”
You knew what he meant but teasing him felt way too nice, to leave it at that. Too much time has passed for you to accept his answer as it is.
“I am ...what?” Your thumb ran across his lower lip and he felt himself almost lose it.
An annoyed grunt escaped his mouth, he felt toyed with.
“You are …gorgeous.”
Your lips parted into a huge smile and your hands wandered down his neck, attempting to undo his tie.
Your touches suddenly made him flinch. He felt his body temperature rise, as the fabric of the tie brushed against his neck.
“(Y/L/N)- uh...(Y/N)”
“Yes Hanzo?”
His hands slid behind you and rested on your lower back. You tried to catch a last look into his eyes before the gap between you closed, way faster than you could cope with. You closed your eyes and felt his face right before yours. You breathed in his strong cologne and the both of you just stayed like this for a moment, before you became impatient.
With a voice, as light as a feather, you whispered his first name, the sensational feel of his lips touching yours cutting you off before you could say more. The first kiss only lingered for a couple of seconds, he already tried to quit after a short momentum but you pulled him in for another kiss in an instant, turning the sweet vanilla experience he just had into a wild mix of kissing and exchanging eager touches during a short time. His hands explored every part of your back, his thumb playing with the straps of your dress. You interrupted the kiss, in order to unbutton his shirt, leaving him panting. You weren't finished opening half of them, before he pushed you onto the mattress and laid on top of you, holding you down by kissing you eagerly. You were more than surprised by his sudden burst of affection. You just couldn't understand, if he wanted you so badly, why did he wait for so long?
You pushed his chest away from you and bit your lower lip.
“Are we growing impatient? I wasn't done yet!”
After you opened the remaining buttons, he threw the shirt aside, revealing his toned chest.
Your hands brushed over it and you felt him shiver at your touch.
“You are so god damn handsome, do you know that? I can't believe, I had to wait this long to get to touch this.”
Hanzo looked away, embarrassed by your words.
You pulled him closer to you and placed a soft kiss on his neck, causing him to blush.
Planting soft kisses from there to his lips, you did not know how much impact your words and actions really had on him. While your lips were locked, he slowly pushed your body back down to the mattress, fingers trailing along your arms, taking the straps of your dress with them. Cautiously he cupped your face with one, and your breast with the other hand.
He began massaging your breast  slowly, earning a muffled moan from you. He stroked your soft skin and slowly pulled the fabric of the dress lower, revealing your pink coloured nipples. Your entire body was trembling out of joy, this was all you ever asked for and even more. Wandering along his waist, your hand stopped at the opening of his pants, quickly undoing his belt and button, your touch meeting his impatient hard on. You decided to go slow on him, to test his patience and simply because there is nothing sweeter, than teasing. Your finger brushed over the fabric of his pants, making him groan into the kiss. The bulge increased and he felt your lips part into a smile. He decided, that two could play this game, slightly tugging at your nipple. “Mhhm Hanzo.” You moaned his name out, knowing how your voice affected him by now. Your thumb and index finger freed his manhood out of both layers of fabric and stroked along it's length. His patience was coming to an end. He ended the kiss and his finger ran across your cheek. “(Y/N)..”
Placing a knee between your legs, his posture forced you to sit up. Quickly, he pulled your dress up and gently tossed it aside. You ran your fingers through your hair in order to fix it before he pulled you back into a short kiss.
“I really didn't expect you to be this hungry for my lips Hanzo” you purred.
“I didn't know how irresistible they felt...” he answered, as he eyed your exposed skin.
His bulge poked your thigh, pointing his impatience out, the wetness between your legs exposing yours.
“The second drawer.”
It took Hanzo a moment to register what you meant, before he reached out, to open the cabinet. He took a pack of condoms out, baby pink with a bow on top.
He huffed.
“Was this supposed to be a gift?”
You pressed your lips together and nodded.
“Read the tag.” you pointed out.
“Save a horse, ride a …(Y/N)”
Hanzo's face turned into a frown. He was clearly not getting the point.
“It was for Jack.”
You could see his frown melt away the moment you said that. Did he really think, you wanted to use them on Jesse?
He decided not to waste any more time and opened the pack, taking a single one out, tearing it open by biting the corner of it and pulling it open. That sight made you grow more impatient and more eager to feel him.
He took his pants off and his member now fully exposed while he placed the condom at the tip of it.
He put it on in a swift easy movement, leaving you wonder if it was his first time to do something like this. He kissed your cheek and nose while sliding a hand from your belly down to the place between your thighs, which you firmly pressed together. He interlaced his fingers with the strap of your panties, slowly pulling them down.
“Hanzo.” your hands held onto his face and you kissed him again, before he placed himself on top of you, your legs curling around him.
He took your fingers into his hands and kissed every single of them, before he guided them towards his neck. You wrapped your arm around him and he let his member slide along your entrance.
“Hanzo, stop teasing me like this.”
He kissed your neck softly and his lips formed a smirk, your heartbeat skyrocketing.
“Now who's impatient?”
While he showered your neck in soft kisses, his dick found it's way inside you, making you moan in return.
He began with a slow pace but quickly increased it, looking for his own pleasure.
Pumping into you at a steady rhythm, he tried to keep his noises at a minimum, much to your displeasure. You called his name out, in order for him to open his eyes, sending chills down his body, when he saw your half closed eyes, look at him, with nothing but pleasure written onto them.
He tilted your bodies a little so he could go in deeper and his pace quickened, breaths fastened and your moans became louder, your soft voice repeatedly calling his name, making it harder for him to remain quiet.
“Do I feel good Hanzo?”
He rammed into you unforgivingly fast and deep, keeping the line between pain and pleasure at a minimum. Your moans echoed through your room, in Synch with his huffs and groans.
You could tell by his face, that he wasn't going to last much longer, you dug your nails into his skin and kissed him. His voice went deeper and he just couldn't hold his eyes closed any longer. He needed to see you. You looked at him with hungry eyes , moaning his Name and he couldn't hold back any longer.
His lips parted and a deep sound of lust escaped him, revealing how good you felt. He thrusted into you strongly, holding onto your body painfully sturdy, causing you to let out a small sound of pain, which got him off even more.  
“Hanzo please, I can't hold it back any more.”
He moaned as he grabbed your wrists, pushed them down and sunk his cock deep inside you, your moan transforming into a scream of pleasure. He groaned , thrusting inside you a few more times, releasing himself into you.
The two of you were a huffing mess, chests rising and falling in synch, with your tired moans.
Your high was slowly drawing off, your eyes opened and pierced through his. Hanzo's face came down and met yours, kissing you tenderly before letting go and giving you the most loving heartache, you had ever felt.
“(Y/N) … I love you. I'm sorry that I've never showed you.”
“I love you too, Hanzo.”
He kissed you again before he pulled out of you and laid next to you. Your fingers automatically found their way to each other.
“Hanzo?” you looked at him with puppy eyes.
“Please stay with me forever.”
He smiled at your words and brought your hand to his lips, kissing your knuckles with closed eyes, before giving you a soft look.
“Of course.”
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