emklh-cpj-blog · 5 years
Week 11 (A)- Photography ( Minor )
Week 11 (A) Photography Minor
After we were given the brief - 
I wanted to choose LOVE as my initial idea for this project.
Since we have to use 3 different method to showcase our visual storytelling, I wanted to split it into 3 different way to show ‘LOVE’.
Love for water
Love for food
Love for  ----- ( which at this point, I was unsure of what ).
Using my free time - I went to try out this idea I had with the help of my boyfriend as the model / main subject. ( He was also kind enough to help me in the previous ‘Nike’ ).
So basically LOVE FOR WATER : I wanted to play around the idea with the swimming pool down my house.
For the LOVE for FOOD - I wanted to go around the idea of love for pizza, having to photography a belly getting bigger and bigger and when you zoom out, it’s actually the subject belly getting bigger not from pregnancy but from the consumption of pizza. I was planning to use STOP MOTION idea for this.
Here are some try out (that failed badly)
After all these sad attempt - I decide to change my entire idea and go against something that is out of the comfort zone for me.
Personally when it comes to photography, I love to focus on a main subject to tell my audience the story therefore things like buildings / sky / still life tend to be something I avoid doing so as I’m not good at it.
However since this is for school - it’s the only chance to venture and try something new ; it’s okay to make mistakes but at least you tried and see what you can improve on rather than not ever knowing if you’re able to achieve it.
I changed my choice of theme to : Still life / Architecture  
I head out and venture to a few places to capture buildings along with some people and the weather as my secondary elements. 
Instead of using the typical : Boomerang + Slow Motion - I choose to do 
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