#weeping internally fr fr you're so fucking sweet
Okay, SO
A really eye catching thing about your portrayal is the amount of research and attention to detail you put in your characters.
OC and Canon, you can immediately tell where you started putting pieces together and really dug deep on the time period and culture. Hell dude, you made whole ass structural world buildings for your OCs. Do you know how fuckin hardcore that is? I can give you a handful of AAA titles that slap a little plot here and there and go "oooOOOooo, it's a MYSTERY" as they continue to keep contradicting themselves.
Not only that, but the tag team between you and Egg bringing in a romantic relationships that deepens and changes y'all's character perspectives and priorities? (The WHOLE situation on why Tar has to say 'His Wife' as a form of protection, how now he would prefer to die peacefully instead of in battle, The out at Sea au, I JUST-)
Look, it's just very evident that you take a lot of time Screaming talking about your characters. And seeing that makes me excited for/about them, because now I go 'Huh, i never thought of it that way. Damn, they cookin' as I grab a snack and start reading.
(This was so long, im so sorry. TL;DR: I think your portrayal is Neat. )
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What sticks out about my portrayal? | Accepting
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This is so fucking sweet!!!! I'm honestly really happy that a lot of people seem to enjoy my ocs, it's honestly so refreshing coming from a rpc like L.eague where ocs were often overshadowed or treated as a burden / not to be interacted with and then coming to d.bd / horror in general where not only is the community a lot nicer I feel, there's so many wonderful ocs I get to read about and view from afar. It's nice to see people come together and be like "yeah if you don't interact with ocs you're really weird sorry", because I've never seen that??? Not that the l.eague rpc has been bad recently, it's come a long way, but it's been pretty dead since R.iot themselves said they don't care about their lore anymore and I can't blame people for leaving when the company that owns the game you enjoy doesn't care about it anymore.
But genuinely I'm just really happy that others can enjoy Tarhos as much as I do? I genuinely thing he's one of the more deep and complex d.bd has especially if you're willing to acknowledge the contractions in his lore and don't just take everything at face value. Things from his model obviously showing wounds and damage that his armor doesn't reflect and how that contradicts someone who would claim the fog is paradise to even within his lore itself there's a weird pull between him being described as this monstrous man who only wants to maim and kill vs him hating everyone around him for being cowards who lie to themselves about what they're doing.
It's really interesting and I think opens up a lot of doors to talk about how him being a slave and raised in this highly violent environment really shaped how he'd turn out and I still can't really tell how much of it was that upbringing vs how much of it was the entity. I tihnk about him a lot-
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