#weevils wobble but they don't fall down
keplercryptids 1 year
a rough summary of SOME OF THE SHIT that happened in tonight's d&d session:
馃挜 in the capitol, a coup against the reigning emperor kicked off, headed by members of her inner circle. fighting broke out in the street between the navy and the regular city guards;
馃挜 the party rushed through the intervening chaos to the palace to rescue the princess (their friend's niece and Just A Kid, you know?);
馃挜 in the palace, while fighting guards and soldiers alike, the PCs saw a massive fog cloud rolling over the entire city. flying above it was a man they've met before of mysterious power, known simply as Authority. he's very powerful, probably evil, and he's Here, with his own army;
馃挜 fog cloud rolls over the PCs and they all fall asleep, where they embody figures of authority in the version of the city that's dreaming, talking to themselves (rped by me);
馃挜 except one of the PCs! who is immune to dream magic and has to go into her friends' dreams to rescue them;
馃挜 dream shenanigans include: fight between angels and a dragon; sad wizard tutor lore drop and a kraken; the troubling power of one of the PC's sisters is revealed (and it's some light, casual, horrifying garden necromancy, oops); the emperor has a complicated relationship with her sister and it's A Whole Thing;
馃挜 party successfully wakes up, goes to rescue the emperor (princess is safely out of town, turns out), and gets a message beamed into their heads that the empire belongs to Authority now. if you bow to him it'll be totally fine, he promises;
馃挜 the party fights some of Authority's soldiers on their way out of the palace, to discover they don't die. these weevils wobble but they do not go down;
馃挜 in the ensuing fight to reach their friends all over the city, two longterm npc allies die or accept their impending deaths (rip daro and ibis); all the government heads die (named npcs the players have known for YEARS); PC's sister continues doing Concerning Necromancy that turns one of her fingers to bone, aaa???;
馃挜 immediately after witnessing the bone finger, this PC gets a call from her long distance girlfriend. surprise, she's pregnant! oh is now a bad time??;
馃挜 every person who fell asleep during the attack and didn't get woken up (so. the whole city) is hypnotized to think everything is cool. greater restorations fix the most important npcs but that leaves a whole city of confused, vulnerable people;
馃挜 party teleports as many innocent people as they can out of the city, then begin a journey to escort a couple of royal kids and the emperor out of the country;
馃挜 on the way out, more npcs are dead, they learn! the city is covered with gray mist, zombies, and hypnotism, being ruled over by a dude who's just a little too tall to be normal. things have looked brighter.
and it was a shorter session than normal! i feel like i just ran 18 miles lmaooo.
anyway the end game times are truly here for the reforged gang~
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diannaagronscenes 4 years
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lillianliveblogs 11 years
"Weevils wobble but they don't fall down"
How long have the writers been waiting to use that one.
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wangjis-headband 13 years
watching torchwood...
there are weevils on the screen and i wish i was watching with someone so i could say, "that's what you look like!"
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