#weird info dump update hardly justifies that vanishing act and i feel increasingly more stupid as i type this
visibun · 2 years
in this chapter of "what the fuck is going on with visi today this time":
i found skunk, racoon, and red/gray fox tails at the metaphysical store near my home this morning, and seeing as how i was drawn straight to specifically one gray fox tail out of the several others that i couldn't stop focusing on or thinking about no matter what (and haven't been able to keep away from myself for longer than a few minutes at a time ever since i got back home with it this afternoon, on top of... "reflexively" apologizing to it, hoping that it died peacefully, and promising to take care of it as if it were still a living, complete animal), i think that i might have a fox familiar of sorts on my hands now. i'm still looking into that, but i'm almost completely certain that that's what's going on here.
more details on that: after i spotted this tail and tried to resist buying it because of my budget, i started checking something on my phone while standing in front of the rotating rack displaying all of the tails. after a full minute of silence passed, without me moving anything on the display to any notable extent beforehand, without any ambient breezes being present in the room, and without me touching the stand itself at all in that time frame, one of the skunk tails sitting at the top just nonchalantly fell off down to the floor. it had no reason to do that; it wasn't even the one that i touched at first, so it was probably like that all day until then. i literally couldn't stop myself from looking at the fox tail after that happened. i'm actually fully certain that there's a familiar hiding somewhere in this tail, and it chose to grab my attention by startling me with that tail drop before i could walk away.
here... i think "she," is:
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i finally had a blissful moment today upon catching wind of some particular news that was very good (to only myself at least, lmfao)
as a comical twist of fate, on top of being a witch serving under tyche for the past six and a half years... i might also be a satanist to some extent now. very long and touchy/personal story behind that one. i received what feels like a loud and clear sign that he's accepted me earlier today after i did a certain "ritual" for something personal a few nights ago, and i offered myself to him in exchange for his help at the same time as a key part of the process. i sure as hell never anticipated the combo of "vaguely hellenistic witch and budding satanist" being my setup after growing up in a christian household, but here it is now, with my black ring linking me to tyche on my right middle finger... and the still-stinging cut on the tip of my left thumb linking me to satan (visible in the fox tail shot, actually). more permanent mark still pending, but it's like i'm now walking with both of them holding my hands, and it feels... pretty nice, honestly. again, long fucking story, and i don't think that i can get into its details just yet, but... yeah, there that is.
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