#weirdly enough some archetypal bad boys used to have actual redeeming qualities too lmao
the-hype-dragon · 1 year
everyone knows harmful media is HARMFUL until we're talking about media aimed at women and girls lmao then it's "UM don't you know women can tell the DIFFERENCE between FICTION and REALITY" yeah grown women can but can girls in their formative years, with no life experience, be expected to know that a lot of this shit is the fantasy of GROWN WOMEN who do know better lmao I am skeptical. I don't think girls are stupid but it's not like they just Know everything as soon as they hit a certain age either. how do you think abusers get into their victims' confidence. perhaps it has to do with all these books and TV shows and movies showing bad behavior in a romantic light? this "I can fix him" attitude didn't just spring up out of nowhere. there are so many women who don't think this way that it simply can't be Default Female Behavior. this is learned shit
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