#weirdly enough the combo of the AS and the condensed resume has shot my responses up by 100%
henpeckedho · 2 years
Boring Life Update:
I'm bad at follow through so I expect none of these interview and job offers to work out but I turned down three interviews (I wasn't looking at locations and it's a long, dangerous drive to get to the next city over) and have an in person tomorrow in the afternoon.
I was supposed to have a phone interview with yet another place but they never called me, which is a bummer but it happens.
All the interest is giving me a lot of comfort to know I don't suck. I'm still working on separating my self worth from my productivity, honestly, but the mood boost is nice in the meantime.
And in far more interesting news, I'm less than 3 hours away from completing the last Banished achievement which takes a minimum of 33.3 real life hours to finish.
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