#welcome to dreamworld spoilers
corelex · 1 year
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glitched-overthinker · 10 months
screw it I am live-blogging my experience
currently solving the maze for the madhouse. This will be fun /s
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ever-ive-been · 3 months
heyyy- i got a surprise!
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made this lovely piece only 2 days after the trauma!
i've been gone a bit and i probably will be gone more, but hey i got a bunch or art i made while i was gone that will randomly trickle in so yippie ig?
also put an o7 in the chat for pen. like omfg wow.
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theitalianscribe · 4 months
Heavy lore questions I want to ask Rainbott and/or the Welcome to Dreamworld team:
1. At the point of season 2, ie as recent as Winnie backing out of the room in episode 2, what does Carlos/Winnie think his relation to Wiatt Nicholson is? Does he know he is his grandson? Does he think he is a construct of his grandchild and the "real" Wiatt died before he could transition? (So was he fed/does he believe the same story that Litho fed Owen in Interview 86? (Btw I intend to type up that interview so I can properly unpack everything, so stay tuned for that.))
2. How did Glory's human die?
3. (I'm pretty sure the team is gearing up the answer this in coming episodes) What was the incident at the old arcade that Lewis saw and took therapy for? Was Wiatt there when the incident happened?
4. How many properties do/did the Nicholson family own and where is each located?
5. Is reincarnation a thing in this universe? Is that why "SamSara" was the keyword in one of the arg's puzzles?
I'll probably come up with more, but that is all I've got for now.
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bordonfreeman · 1 year
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Some scenes i colored for episode 12 of Welcome to Dreamworld!!
More under the cut
[warning: slight horror in one image, scopophobia, spoilers (obviously)]
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ashethewitch · 8 months
I have a very angsty prediction for season 2
Litho is gonna convince Rex to kill people
Think about it, Rex lost all his memories and his life as a human were ✨shit✨ HECK before he lost his memories he preferred his animatronic body. Maybe litho will convince him that that’s the case for everyone and that he should kill more people to save them I can’t even blame him if he believes that
I’m sure he will be talked out of this by his friends but… oh boy
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derpygirl-draws · 9 months
@dreamnoteprincess and @myemyehere :)
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thedreamworldlibrary · 3 months
Do you have any fluffy moments from the Pokemon au you can share? This episode was rough.
Sure!! I am gonna add the Keep Reading Tab to avoid Spoilers!
Sara and Skiddo's backstory:
This is basically the backstory of Sara being bullied, but a wild Skiddo befriended her and kept her company. The whole incident with the bullies happen, but no fire and none of them die except Skiddo uses Razor Leaf and scares them off. Skiddo ends up giving Sara a ride back to her home and she ends up caring for it.
Since her bullies are alive and she has a Pokémon, they end up asking for battles and Sara doesn't know how to. Skiddo shows off her skills (yes, Skiddo is a girl) and the bullies stop picking on Sara because DAMN this girl is tough! Soon the two become friends and partners. When Sara gets enrolled to being a researcher, she leaves Skiddo behind to help Celio out.
However, this was a mistake as Sara and Skiddo miss each other. Celio decides to send Skiddo over, and...that's all because that's in Chapter 5.
Wiatt and Oddity's backstory:
Wiatt met Oddity a year prior to the series. Oddity was an Eevee who learned weird attacks like Shadow Ball and the attacks the Let's Go!Eevee learns. Oddity was shy and didn't want to be near humans, but Wiatt was curious about the Evolution Pokémon. At some point, Wiatt saw Oddity in a rough battle, and was able to help him escape and while he was hurt Oddity was injured pretty badly. He took him to the Pokemon Center and Oddity gave humans another chance.
Wiatt named him Oddity due to his weird move sets and how he can't evolve for whatever reason. The red scarf he wears was Wiatt's but gave it to him as a symbol of friendship.
Also random FUN FACT: Oddity does have a Pokeball, but prefers to be out of it.
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SPOILERS (obviously)
Alright everybody, how yall feeling about the new episode? (I'm fucking screaming from the new information.)
Personally I'm happy that Oliver resuming his "Sara's gonna fucking die" arc again.
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thetiredartist101 · 1 year
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Welcome To Dreamworld is pretty cool :]
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analog-cottage-gore · 8 months
Just a little something I noticed:
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I am ofc very happy that we're getting more non-white skin tones, and I think using Carly was a good decision, since we have like almost 0 drawings of her. But idk what do you all think?
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corelex · 1 year
Rex: Why you don't want to destroy the world? Winnie: 'Cause I'm one of the idiots that I lived in it!
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glitched-overthinker · 4 months
Hi, I’m Glitch, and you’re watching me completely lose my sanity <3
canon ages canon aGES CANON AGES
I’m sorry you were a what now Millie.
Also hm. I’ve been theorizing for a while that Nightlight, Lorenzo, and Millie and Gruff were posses by the second graders that got pushed off a cliff, with Millie and Gruff having one soul split between them. Obviously I’ve been requestioning this since the start of s2 but the new tape REALLY threw a wrench in that theory
Mushroom dance, mushroom dance, whatever could it mean? You’re living a life of sin, Marie
AGNUS!!! OMG he’s trying to help warn Alison and keep him safe I’m- 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
anyways those are just some of my thoughts on the new short have a good one y’all
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thenamessparkplug · 3 months
just so yall know (i dont want it to come completely outta nowhere) I've got a wiatt rant coming (just as soon as I can figure out how to formulate scentances lmao) and uh it's prolly gonna be a long one:3
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theitalianscribe · 5 months
Good news! Oliver doesn't need to worry about being scared at haunted houses and corn mazes anymore.
He's already going to be too scared of himself to notice.
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dreamnoteprincess · 2 months
Listening to music while putting in my fanfic ideas on a google doc, and I found the BEST song for a WTDW animatic!
Copycat by CircusP (Vocaloid)
This song would DEFENTELY FIT Sara and Litho.
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