#welcome to skenps mini essay i was really really affected by spamtons battle also whos mike. who was mike was he even anyone
skenpiel · 3 years
OKAY SO DO YOU GUYS REMEMBER THOSE THEORIES ABT KRIS FROM 3 YEARS AGO. the ones about them truly being a vessel, and YOU are not the first person to have controlled them? cause we basically got canon confirmation on that right. in the first chapter, the things ppl were taking note of is, first and foremost, “you cannot choose who you are in this world”, cut to kris in their room. immediately you notice that their side has, like, literally nothing in it whereas asriels side has tons of trophies and stickers and stuff, (also makes me think the almost identical room ralsei gave them would be even more emotional!) which could. very well indicate that someones thrown all their shit out while being possessed. the only thing they have in their inventory is the ball of junk, which, when attempted to toss away, basically has kris pleading for you to let them keep it. (are you sure? you really didnt want to throw it away” “you felt bitter.”) at the end when they tear their soul out, the bird cage has scuff marks on the wall which also makes it look like. theyve done this before. and when they got the knife out we were all like wooahh what kinda creepy edgy stuff are they gonna do (like, open a fountain, i guess?) and then just NOW we were all like oh heehee silly pie :] but clearly that wasnt all they did LMAO. but uhhh im not here to talk about chapter one, specifically what made me be like “oh so this is totally exactly what we thought then” was after beating spamton. the way he says he really will always just be a puppet, but that THEYRE strong, THEY could break free of their strings (paraphrasing lol) and then how susie comments on how affected kris was by that. that. hhrtgrnngn got me good. if you answer no when susie (i think, i got bad memory) goes “you have goosebumps. are you okay?” like i did, ralsei goes “youre yelling” which very clearly was not something WE had control over. we didnt even get like a second person line like “you started yelling” or whatever, they just Did It. that really really REALLY got to me i was like “ahahahah okay suddenly i want to turn my computer off out of courtesy for some reason LOL”. when they went in the bathroom to wash their hands, shortly followed by ripping their soul out again, we did get more proof that WE are a part of this game cause when theyre without a soul we really cant control them. they hop out of the window and (we are led to assume?) slash toriels tires, susie asks whats taking them so long and toriel says they do this a lot. which, again, vry vry easily could indicate that theyve been possessed long before we came along. this whole ordeal is something theyre used to, which REALLY fucking upsets me LOL. then we get to the uhhhhhhhhh tv part? they leave the house with their soul jammed between the sofa cushions where all the precious things can be found or whatever susie said, go to do something else (maybe this is when they slash the tires? but then, god, what were they doing before???) and i guess open a fountain again, or something. its 5am and im stunned by finishing the game so i honestly dont know what to make of the ending LOL (i assume theyre the knight that opens fountains, but fuck if i know anything really) but with just these two chapters i feel like. toby really gave us all the pieces to the “kris’ soul is a vessel an theyre fucking sick of it” puzzle and i thought that was really cool (and weird!)
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