randowolfwriter · 2 years
When you get this you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers
Thank you so much for the ask! I rarely get things in my inbox so sorry for the delay answering this.
My cat (yes this isn't about me, but I feel like Bridget defines most of my personality to my irl friends. Literally one cannot think about me without thinking about the fuzzy potato.)
My funky candle collection, it has been growing ever steadily. I mostly use them when I write, so in a way, it's helped me develop a routine to light one before I sit down and churn some words on a page.
As of right now I'm enjoying the writing buzz I have going on. Just the fact that I've been motivated to write whenever I'm sitting bored instead of doom-scrolling has been nice. Been working on a Wakko's Wish au that I'm dying to show off, but still planning it out so might be a while before that happens. Also been working on updates for fics that sadly have been left to rot in the last year so hopefully they can come out of editing hell to say hi.
We're talking about physical attributes? uh, my hair is looking pretty nice today.
My weird sense of humor, granted it's scared off some friends. I was a terror with Shrek memes back in my high school group chats. Like if I see something funny that makes me think of you, you know I'm spamming you with it.
I feel like I did one of these before so hopefully, I didn't end up repeating myself a lot. Again thank you so much for the ask, I truly appreciate it!
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pinkcandycat · 2 years
Rest in Peace, Queen Elizabeth II. You'll be missed but people will remember you.
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@wafflez-wmv @wanderfan2000 @pencakesstuff @a-little-ray-of-fantasy @wendylover2008 @emichan @puccafangirl @4suitedplayingcard @sunshinecookie109 @jillyb2004 @mymelodyfan02 @my-wander-galaxy-drtc @stephen0503 @welcometothewayne-moment @jetgreguar @jetix @musisophi-devil @ultimatenutshackfangirl @animationgirl89 @carlycmarathecat @femalesonicexe2 @thefluffyfurret
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