#well Akito is pops over there fell asleep
woundedheartwithin · 11 months
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The team
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potatoegirlart · 7 years
Little Devils
 Title: Little Devils
Summary: In which Inuchiyo finds out that his kids are probably much more troublesome than he thought before…
A/n: This was an older prompt I had written. I had paused in writing it, but since I seem to be writing alot of prompts lately, I just decided to edit, and write out a quick ending ^^;
“Holy Hells!” Was the first thing that altered Lady Madea that something wasn’t quiet alright, which made her worry considering that Inuchiyo had gone to check on their children.
Inuchiyo's wife, a woman named Izumi, was resting on her bedding in the guest room. They had gone out for only a few hours, doing a bit of shopping. They left their children in the care of a couple of wet-nurses while they were gone. When they came home, Izumi complained of dizziness, claiming the heat had been too much. Out of worry, Inuchiyo suggested she go rest while he go check on the children.
"The kids..." She realized, eyes open as her body went into panic mode.
There was no reason that she could think of for Inuchiyo to be yelling like that if he simply went to check on their children. Pausing for only a moment, she was quickly up, and down the hall to investigate what the hell was going on.
Lady Madea didn’t expect to see what she saw the moment she opened the door to the nursery, where their kids where supposed to be sleeping.
“Umm… Inuchiyo…” She wasn’t sure what to say, so the words dropped in her mouth.
There was pillows, blankets, and all sorts of clothes haphazardly thrown around, almost completely covering the floor. However, they formed a little point towards the top, almost looking like a little fort. The kids were nowhere in sight. She wasn’t sure whether to stand in fear or hurriedly look through the mess in case her kids had done this, and were hiding.
“Izumi, what the holy hells happened in here?!" He turned on her, as if expecting her to have any answers, which she didn’t have any at all. She was just as lost as he was.”And what are you doing out of bed anyways? I thought you were resting." He questioned, looking at her with a slight scowl, but she could see thee worry in his eyes.
"I heard you yelling. I knew if I didn't come check it out for myself, you would never tell me." She answered, crossing her arms for a moment.
"Our children are hidden somewhere in this mess. " Inuchiyo said simply, turning around with narrowed eyes as he scanned the room, looking for any sort of movement in the seemingly sea of clothes. Izumi took that opportunity to look around her husband’s broad shoulders the best she could, still worried about their children." They have to be." He said simply, leaning forward.
That’s when she saw something even more surprising. A movement just under the one fabric that was dyed a deep red. Almost a caterpillar type of movement before just stopping, and out popped a little wisp of black hair. Izumi stifled a laugh, a relief quickly washing over her body.
Inuchiyo glanced at his wife for a moment before he spotted the sprout of hair for himself. He smirked in victory, glancing at his wife for just a brief second. Izumi put a single finger to her lips, instructing her husband to be silent, before making another motion telling him to turn around since she spotted another movement in the sheets.
“I think our kids found a new way to entertain themselves.” She whispered, and then hung on to the fabric of his shirt as he looked around, eyebrows drawn together as he looked around.
It was when another movement was made, and another wisp of hair, only this one was a brownish-black color, did he sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Dammit.” He whispered, but there was a relief in his tone.
“Now, they’re just kids.” She said simply, squeezing his arm slightly, letting him know how relieved she was feeling at the moment. She wasn't quiet ready to give her children a lecture when she was just happy nobody had come to kidnap them.
“They’re gonna suffocate.” He looked at her with an eyebrow raised, and then sighed as he looked forward.“Aito, Akita, Aimi, Akio, minus well come out. We know you’re in there!” Inuchiyo called out, taking a step forward, and then stopped as he seemed to think better on it. He sighed, and then looked out at the mess again.
“You guys are busted. Minus well come out now.” Izumi said gently, waiting to see who would speak or show themselves first.
“Told you we’d get caught.” Came the voice of Akita as she popped up, scowling."It was Aito’s idea!” She quickly said, looking around for her two younger siblings.
“You created the mess!” Aito popped up, holding on to the arm of his two year old brother.
"Yeah!" Akio replied, looking at his brother, who held him more firmly, if somewhat awkwardly.
“With your help!” She called, turning to look at him with a scowl that matched her brother’s own unhappy face.
Aimi popped up, a guilty expression on her face before giving her parents her best, beaming smile, hoping to lessen the trouble with cuteness. It didn't work.
“It doesn’t matter. Clearly you all are in this together.” Izumi said, stepping forward, and helping her children out of the mess they had created the best that she could. She knelt carefully, picking up a handful of clothes.
“And you two are gonna clean all this up by yourselves.” Inuchiyo added on, taking the few clothes Izumi had in her arms into one arm, and helping her up with the other hand.
“What?!” They shouted in unison, their eyes equally as wide, before looking at each other, and turning on each other.
Or at least the older three were.
The youngest, Akio, was left confused, and clumsily walked to his father, looking at him with pleading, dark brown eyes. Inuchiyo gave in, sighing as he shook his head. He bent down, picking up his youngest son.
“Akita started the mess!” Akito said, turning to look at his parents, stepping onto the clothes.
“It was your idea!” Akita yelled, turnign to look at him with her hands balled at her hips, glaring at her brother, who turned to look at her with another glare.
“Aimi wanted the fort!" He yelled one last time, looking at Aimi, whose mouth became agap before glaring.
She was staying out of it until that moment when Akito brought her into it.
"You wanted to play war, so we built you a fort!" She said simply, crossing her arms in defense.
"And then you suggested we hide when father came home!" Akita yelled out, crossing her arms over her chest. All three were glaring at each other at this point.
"I don't care what happened or why. Just get this mess cleaned up." Inuchiyo said simply, looking at the three oldest with a stern expression.
"We're coming back in an hour. Better have most of this cleaned up." Izumi said, looking at them with a equally stern look.
"Why doesn't Akio help?" Aimi asked, huffing.
"He's only two. I'm sure he didn't create any of this mess." Izumi replied, ruffling Akio's black hair. The three began to grumble, but began to pick up the mess.
"Good. That's what we like to see." Inuchiyo teased slightly." Remember, one hour, and most of this better be picked up." He added on, quickly becoming serious again.
"Yes, Father." They grumbled together.
Inuchiyo nodded, closing the door the best he could before walking down the hall with his son in arm, and wife beside him.
"Remind me why we thought it was such a good idea to have this many kids?" Inuchiyo said with a sigh.
They had just sat their children to bed, since they fell asleep half way through cleaning, before making their way to their shared room. where they were currently laying on their sides, facing one another.
"Because they're adorable." Izumi chirped, smiling at her husband before rolling over on his back.
"Yeah, but then they get older, and our kids seem to like giving us hell." He sighed, turning to lay on his back.
Izumi moved herself up, placing her hands on in his hair, and gently winding her fingers through them. Inuchiyo sighed in relaxation, maneuvering his body so that he was now laying his head on her lap as she continued.
"But remember how soft they are when they're first born. How they smell after their first bath. Or they way they sound when they first laugh, or how they look when they first smile. The way they just look at everything with such excitement." She was beginning to become nostalgic.
 Being a mother felt like the most natural thing to her. All things considered, she enjoyed being a mother, and considered it her most fulfilling thing she had accomplished in her life so far.
"Or the way they pop their eyes open for the first time, and look at you like they got a bad deal." He joked, opening his eyes with a little grin on his face. Izumi smiled, nodding.
"Even with all the bad stuff, it's a pretty neat deal, don't you think?" She questioned, looking back at him. He smiled a bit wider, and nodded, sighing as he closed his eyes. Izumi paused before smiling once more." Let's have another." She whispered into his ears, making him pop his eyes open in surprise as he looked at his wife. He then just smiled, sitting up as he kissed her. She returned the kiss.
"Alright, but this time, let's not teach this one to talk." He joked, making her laugh.
"Alright." She replied jokingly, kissing him back....
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