#well I guess it should be FuseFushi since y'know
ridiasfangirlings · 1 year
Fuse and fushimi get forced to go to an undercover mission together
Imagine this happens like shortly after Fushimi was made third in command and it's why Fuse eventually accepts him, he doesn't necessarily like Fushimi still but he at least respects Fushimi and understands him a little better (and possibly has a secret crush that he refuses to admit is a crush). Like there's some Strain issue happening and Fushimi and Fuse have to dress up as a couple and sneak into a casino together. Munakata chooses Fuse because he thinks he needs someone who can be 'a little bit of a troublemaker,' like someone who is not as pure hearted as the rest of the alphabet squad. Fuse doesn't take that as an insult, he understands that what Munakata means is Fuse might be a bit better at subterfuge than his coworkers – or at least a little better at not being painfully honest – and he appreciates that his King is giving him such an important task. He assumes that when Munakata says he'll need Fuse to go undercover 'as a couple' that Awashima will be going with him, he's less happy when he's confronted by a very irritated Fushimi in a fancy evening gown.
The Strain is holding some manner of high-end party at the casino and Munakata needs Fuse and Fushimi to break in together, the idea being Fushimi will use his skills to win at a few games and then hack into their systems and Fuse will be acting as support. Neither one is pleased by this, though Fushimi's more annoyed about the evening gown and heels rather than caring who he's partnered with (however he does complain about that too, that he 'doesn't need a partner,' and Fuse snorts that he isn't pleased with this either). Imagine they infiltrate the casino and Fuse basically has to escort Fushimi around, Fushimi's in full work mode so he's busy looking for weaknesses in their security while Fuse has this whole running monologue in his head about how annoying this is and why did he have to be paired with this upstart brat. He's also not impressed when they start playing a card game and Fushimi cheats his way to a couple wins, like at first Fuse is surprised that Fushimi's so good at this until he notices Fushimi adjusting his fur stole and realizes that Fushimi has cards hidden all over his body along with his knives. While Fuse isn't necessarily against cheating people who are criminals already he thinks Fushimi should have at least tried to play fair and Fushimi scoffs, playing 'fair' is for idiots and children.
Eventually maybe their cover gets blown, like they sneak off so Fushimi can hack the security system and get caught. Fuse immediately draws the sword he had hidden, intending to protect Fushimi as he was told, only for Fushimi to use his knives to take down the bad guys. Fuse's surprised and kinda annoyed, like is there even a point for him to be here, but then imagine Fushimi actually does get into a spot at some point due to trying so hard to do everything himself. Fuse jumps in and saves him, Fushimi looks momentarily surprised and Fuse scoffs like guess you aren't so amazing after all. Fushimi clicks his tongue and then gives this quiet '...never said I was,' which Fuse wasn't expecting at all – he assumed that Fushimi was the sort of guy who thought highly of himself but instead Fushimi's just very matter of fact about everything. When the mission is complete Munakata praises them both, afterward Fuse admits that Fushimi was pretty skilled. Fushimi shrugs and then mumbles out a 'for before, helping me...thanks.' Fuse's eyes widen and Fushimi just quickly walks away, Fuse takes a minute to collect himself and then scoffs but at the same time he finds himself thinking that maybe Fushimi isn't a total brat.
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