#well anyways to my knowledge the book isnt canon anyways bc it was written by someone else
pinkopalina · 2 years
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extremely rare shots of.... someone's? bedroom in beavis and butt-head's house
#this episode is weird because butt-head mentions having a relationship with his dad here#but then in the movie it's clear he doesn't recognize his dad#butt-head does passingly mention it's possible he and beavis have the same dad but i think its just a continuity error since#it's such an early epiosde and i don't think they were super fleshed out yet#plus the movie does say the boys are genetic matches for their dads so they do have different moms and dads#also butt-head could be. lying?#i just really hate how they keep implying beavis and butt-head mihht be related#like in this book sucks there is a family tree that implies they might be related but i really think it's just a silly joke#since beavis' mom looks like butt-head and butt-head's mom looks like beavis in that book#also the book says beavis' ''mom'' who looks like butt-head is also the child of the person she might have reproduced with#aka they're saying beavis' mom might have had beavis with her dad 🤮#sooooooooo uhhhhhh BLECH i think it's just a bad joke?#like something mike tossed in to be like this is really silly and i'm against giving them too much backstory so i'm gonna -#-throw out something really weird and obviously wrong#well anyways to my knowledge the book isnt canon anyways bc it was written by someone else#even if created by mike#and the movie - again which ill take over more canon than early unfleshed episodes and dubiously canon books -#confirmed they were genetic matches for their dads that we see and we know they have different moms#just by way of them talking about them#sorry for the tag essay but i thought itd be weird if i didnt acknowledge it#tl;dr old episodes don't count in terms of backstory that had been corrected later and b/bh are confirmed NOT RELATED!!!!#so annoying i wish mike judge would just say it but i dont think he'd have them go through all the gay shit they do#if he honestly intended for them to be interpretted as related#maybe thats why mike doesnt really wanna release the first like three seasons on dvd#it seems like it would just be opening a huge can of worms#especially since they were a lot more raunchy in the beginning LOL
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