#well hello my dearest wacem!!!!! i'm still basking in the quiet rain over here so i am THRIVING
queenofbaws · 5 months
Hello, dearest queenie! I hope this fine spring is treating you well! Could I trouble you for a fresh helping of Chris whump?
The lodge was already in sight - it was right there! - and all he had to do was...
A flash of movement, almost too fast for his eye to catch, and then it was leaping for him, the horrible thing, the unspeakable thing, the creature that had swooped on them from the roof of the shed; it was in the air, its fingers splayed and reaching, every inch of it made of muscle and steel and sinew and hate, and so he didn't even think, he just reacted.
The stranger's gun was awkward in his hands, but all that time at the range with Josh and his Dad must've actually paid off, because when he pulled the trigger, the bullet went where he'd meant for it to go. The stack of gas canisters by the old barbecue exploded, sending the creature screaming back into the shadows of the tree line...and sending him flat on his ass, his ears ringing and his face burning, the snow that caught his fall doing very little to alleviate the heat. The burning turned to stinging, the stinging to pain, the pain to crisping, and it occurred to him (distantly, softened only by the surreal nature of it all) that the smell choking the breath from him was some of his own hair being singed; his own skin being roasted.
But no sooner had the realization hit him than there were hands on him, yanking him back to his shaking legs with a strength he hadn't expected; "At least have enough dignity to die in the fucking house, wouldya?" the stranger snapped, dragging him as if he were nothing, and that was all Chris remembered before the pain overtook him completely and the world faded to a red-brown smear.
six sentence sat(or)sunday!!!
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