#well if everything goes to plan i'll graduate w my bachelors next fall and i can always try out a clown school before i start my masters
idk if ur fr. but like be a clown. i went to theater school so my adviser a full ass doctorate haver was a clown (people love this ill tell them this and theyll be like. ‘wow you really have beef w her?’ and i gotta be like. no shes a whole ass performance clown?) sf has a clown troupe that is historically notable and i gotta believe there are others PLUS ur more typical traveling stuff. and hey. birthday party gigs are always there when ur not traveling. the world needs more clowns. u could probably always get some sort of office job qhen ur done clowning, but getting into clown school young is probably best if you want to do physical stuff too
honestly i'd love to be a clown. but i do have a passion for psychology so i'd want to finish my bachelors at least before i start with anything more. but i also really do want to perform. i love dancing i love being funny i love making people laugh i think i'd like to be a clown. i would need to do some research on schools/classes and the costs but i think i really want to take a shot at it
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