#well if the aphobes count then it was literally just a few months ago
boneless-mika · 11 months
If you ever have the instinct to make a useless addition to a post that you know will be received badly? Possibly because you're aware that you're about to say something nobody should or perhaps it would cause an argument with one of your closest friends?
Somebody said something incredibly foolish and inconsiderate in your favorite fandom tag and you just get an itching to tell them to stop it but you know it would not change their mind?
May I recommend this epic new technique called "pretend you never saw the post". I have been utilizing this technique for years and I truly believe that with enough practice you, too, can stop saying things you shouldn't
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keshetchai · 7 years
You're a fucking star for even bothering to compose a coherent reply to that antisemitic asexual "oppression" nonsense, thank you so much
Honestly at this point, I have nothing to lose, and too much frustration to keep letting this shit slide. I’ve already had other conversion students defending this kind of gentile nonsense (or acting foolish themselves) block me for being a big meanie “aphobe” to their friends/people they were encouraging when I said that continuing calling Jewish people paranoid or saying they were overreacting or must be bigots over the “dovecourse” was antisemitic.  And when I pointed out making a block list that combined actual nazis and predators with Jewish people was fucking evil and dangerous (and then someone said they felt objecting to this list of nazis alongside Jewish people was an abuser tactic, which like, alright…then. That’s between them and their converting rabbi, I guess.)
it’s not a secret or a surprise that much of the discourse that revolves around asexuality has had a whole lot of people being antisemitic as fuck, being racist as fuck, or being homophobic and transphobic as fuck. I think by a lot of definitions I count as “ace” but this shit has been on-going for years now, and hasn’t really improved an ounce. And all it does is hurt ace people by demonizing healthy ways of dealing with, approaching, or discussing sexual needs/wants/desires or lack thereof! and also…yanno…hurting people with all the racism/antisemitism/homophobia/transphobia. 
[Follow-up where the dovecourse people continue to mock people by implying a pokemon is a nazi eagle because haha upsetting Jewish people is hilarious!, and people try to claim the post was from “months ago” and not…literally four days before that post. ] 
Plus there was an article that concluded the issue was that Jewish people were just bigoted! That’s the real problem!
No really, here’s the text:
while few Jewish people have indeed expressed discomfort at the supposed similarity, they are generally, if not always, also aphobic.
And because in addition to being willing to write off all Jewish people, they’re also a complete dingus, they used the Coat of Arms of the Kingdom of Prussia as an example of one of a “number of other birds [reminiscent of the Reichsadler] I assumed aphobic tumblr would have focused its efforts on by now that have gone unnoticed.” 
Just like…did no one tell them Prussian empire preceded the Prussian Republic, which SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!! was overthrown by the Nazi party in Germany? Of course the Prussian coat of arms looks like the Nazi Reichsadler you mildewed pierce of toast, it is THE SAME GODDAMN BIRD!!!!!!!!!! No one argues that the Nazi Reichsadler is “reminiscent” of the Prussian coat of arms because it is literally the same exact thing except for sometimes it’s head is turned in a particular direction or it has a swastika holy shit. 
Or wait, even more follow up of the first person comparing people who might be uncomfortable being called q-eer (due to a history of dealing with homophobic abuse) is pretty much like using the Nazi playbook! (Awhile later they maybe claimed they were going to convert so….here’s hoping they realize how awful they were being for mocking Jewish people over this.) 
Making claims of antisemitism or concern about it was made into a complete joke - followed by a rapid increase of Godwin’s law over everything: here, here, Courteousmingler (who harasses rape survivors) claiming objecting to the dove is a fascist technique, also that “we’re just like the jews!!!” forgetting of the holocaust post, more on the accusing of jewish people of being paranoid, more, and more - it’s not as if they weren’t told nicely. These may be 10+ months old now, but don’t worry, peregeisisvoid is still using ill-thought out images, like this one placing Anne Frank alongside slaveowners. And also they made badly written tentacle porn kink fanfiction and then tried to claim that aphobes thought it was just as bad as the “perceived antisemitism” talked about in the dovecourse meaning the jewish people who complained were the REAL! antisemites!!! 
Or how about the person who tried to use the word “Goy” in order to prove some kind of point about….well, I don’t really know, the unrelated word allosexual? Because why not use Jewish people and ideas as your irrelevant prop?
i swear i don’t have the patience to accept this tripe. 
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