#well thank u for letting me talk about my blorbos jo. i'm ill in the head
theolddivorcedzukka · 2 years
society is always talking about amicably (yet heartbroken) divorced zukka but where’s the representation for bitches who would like just a taste of messy divorced zukka. what about zukka not speaking for years after the divorce, at first out of anger and hurt but then it’s because they’re afraid the other wouldn’t want to talk to them. what about zukka avoiding each other for ages and then when they finally see each other again it’s completely unexpected and neither are prepared in the slightest for it. what about zukka learning to be friends again before becoming lovers again even is a possibility and the whole process takes years and years. what about the occasional, tearful shouting match of an argument. what about them learning to forgive each other and heal together and fix any unresolved issues and work through all their problems in a way they couldn’t before their divorce
first of all, shakes u shakes u shakes u shakes u sh
second of all, i think that their breakup is so messy because they'd gone so long denying that there were things wrong with them and things that they could communicate about but they didn't because their relationship had started out as something happy and something that was their safe space from the world. but the world got to them and their safe place slowly began to feel dirty and it didn't have that innocence and hope that they walked in with. so when the breakup comes (which happens at the same time that i would think zuko tries to propose lmao zuko), all the bad things start to come out and things that were held back are said because they just couldn't handle them anymore. and it strains their friendship of course, it feels as if they will never be able to be "zuko and sokka" in any way ever again when every encounter has them either trying to ignore the other or arguing when everyone else is gone.
but also the anger is also very much directed at themselves because they didn't communicate, zuko didn't see the signs that they were hitting their limit and thought marriage could fix that, sokka acted without thinking (something that is so rare for him and winds up with him making bad choices) and left zuko right then and there because he was scared of what this meant for him if he couldn't keep zuko and the fire nation apart anymore. so the "ignoring the other" stops being less about "i'm angry at him i'm gonna go for the jugular" and more about them feeling guilty about what they didn't do and didn't say. and i feel like they would learn to be friends again around the time sokka comes back to help zuko when izumi starts being a target of the assassination attempts because the most important thing about their relationship is sokka is always going to be there to catch zuko and pull him back up and zuko will always keep sokka from slipping off the edge.
anyway the question is who gets the dragon during their divorce arc
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