#well then-enjoy before i get anxious about posting smth new even though that all is also primarily for me to enjoy
zkretchy · 2 years
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Pretty much a continuation of this from a year ago (holy shit)
also idk how to write so obviously have 1248 words of writing about the start of this whole of griffins and witchers mess or whatever you wanna call it under the cut; enjoy~
It was supposed to be simple; all of it.
Lambert was simply supposed to go forage for some food and hunt down a couple of critters for their dinner and simply supposed to scout the area for any monsters that were hidden away.
Aiden was simply supposed to go stay back at camp and start on a couple of potions they had used during their last contract and rest what was left of his healing wounds.
This forest however seems intend on making Lambert's life difficult.
He luckily hasn't come across any monsters or their nests but the whole place seems to be picked dry. A few squirrels could be heard skittering through the trees and every couple of minutes a bird chirped from far away. Fucking eerie but with the lack of anything dangerous looking him directly in the eye Lambert marched onward, intend to at least bring something home that was at least edible.
A pouch of mushrooms and berries and a young hare hanging from his belt later he decided it was time to give up and turn back. Not like these catches had made it easy for him either as hidden in the underbrush as they were. He had to literally stumble across them. Well, trip and fall into the berries at least but here he was, successful in his mission to obtain food that wasn't dried meat rationed away for actual hard times.
Leaving the denser forest set on annoying him he returned to camp where Aiden set, seemingly also set on annoying him today. He may be much fonder of the Cat than of a forest trying to hide anything that wasn't just trees but there had to be a limit somewhere of what he'd let the other Witcher get away with. He'd just have to find it.
Today may be the day as he found Aiden sitting cross-legged at camp huddled in his cloak. However he was not as alone as what couldn't have been more than an hour ago.
Hidden behind him was a long tail covered in light brown feathers and leaning on his shoulder and back was the unmistakable face of a griffin.
A small, baby griffin.
On Aiden.
Lambert took a deep breath, bracing himself for whatever he'd learn Aiden had gotten into by staying at camp.
„Welcome back Lambs!“
„What do you have there.“
Aiden cocked his head, smirking slightly. „Well a potion of course.“
The griffin on his shoulder moved slightly, nuzzling deeper into Aiden's coat.
„I can see that. What is with...the company?“
„Oh I am glad you asked! Aren't they adorable.“
Lambert moved closer and from his new vantage point he could see what were 3 baby griffins huddled around Aiden.
The first one he saw with the mostly light brown feathers was curled around him while a somewhat bigger, darker colored one was busy trying to burrow itself as close to Aiden as humanly....griffinly? possible.
However in the Cat's lap were 2 more. Well, one more that was covered in shaggy looking dark brown feathers, peeking curiously up out of Aiden's cloak covering it and the still intact egg.
„How did you even find them?“ Lambert asked as he looked around at the cuddle pile Aiden found himself in.
„I got bored waiting for you so I decided to explore wherever you haven't run off too. Got close to some rock formations and heard these 3 cooing softly. Difficult to pick out even with Witcher senses but as soon as they noticed I was there I was surrounded and they wouldn't stop following me.“
„Please tell me you checked for their parents.“
„I did!“ Aiden exclaimed almost offended.
„Only found a ruined nest, one egg still intact and general disarray and blood-splatter from at most a week ago. Guess we could have had a griffin-contract if we'd hurried up a little, huh?“
Well, a griffin family would certainly explain the lack of life in the surrounding area.
„So you picked up a couple of baby griffins-“ „I mean they did just follow me of their own volition...“
„Kidnapped a couple of baby griffins and brought them back here. What now?“
Lambert knew Aiden had a weakness for animals, especially babies and if they were living another life he was sure Aiden would end up adopting every stray they'd come across. But this was another league. This wasn't a dog or a cat that got thrown out; these were griffins. Orphaned griffins sure but still griffins. He only hoped Aiden didn't think about raising them.
„We'll keep them of course.“
Of course. He absentmindedly wondered if the cat mutagens aided in Aiden's ease of falling in love with any animal down on their luck or if he'd been the same without them.
„Aiden...they are griffins.“
„Yes I can see that.“
„They'll grow up into big territorial...well, monsters.“
„You don't have to turn into what your parents were.“
„Don't try to use human wisdom on me when we are talking about griffins. You know, the things we are paid to hunt down.“
„They haven't harmed anyone! Yet. We have done worse than them at this point.“
Lambert pinched the bridge of his nose „Aiden.“
„I know this is stupid.“ Aiden said softly „but I can't just leave them now. I promise I haven't tried to make them follow me. I'd have left them to hunt on their own-“
Lambert looked at him, an eyebrow raised.
„...I'd have left them to hunt on their own and maybe have thrown a couple meat-scraps in their direction. But they are here now and how can you say no to this?“
Aiden picked up the griffin that was still on his shoulder, holding them up like underneath their wings.
The griffin for their part seemed unbothered by this change in position, contentedly dangling from the Cat's hands and yawning, eyes still closed.
Aiden however seemed fully intend to use his puppy dog eyes to convince Lambert.
„We can't keep them. It's hard enough to get into towns as Witchers, nevermind when we arrive with 3 to be 4 griffins.“
„Please? They are just babies...“
Lambert sighed.
„We'll move further out and take them with us. Away from people. Far away from people. If they decide to come back and cause trouble we will take care of it then but we are going to let them go. Somewhere where they can hunt because apparently their parents emptied this whole forest!“ he gesticulated to the meager gains of his hunt.
„And please don't name them and get even more attached.“ Lambert didn't think that was possible considering the current display and everything that made Aiden...Aiden but it was worth a try.
Ignoring the positively beaming Cat Witcher Lambert sat down and made to empty his pouched and prepare for skinning the meat.
He also was set on ignoring the curious set of eyes of the now awake griffins who were slowly edging closer and closer to greet their new companion.
If at the end of the day Lambert was setting aside extra meat to cut into portions for the babies and if he was going through his bags to find any extra blankets or clothing to keep them warm during the night; well he wasn't going to mention it and Aiden certainly wasn't either.
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winryofresembool · 4 years
Caleo one-shot: Only Us
Summary: Calypso tries to convince a jealous Leo that he doesn't have to worry about her and Percy.
a/n: Decided to post this here too! Like I said on AO3 (and have said here a few times), I’m still in the middle of reading ToA so this fic isn’t entirely canon compliant, but I still feel like jealous Leo is smth that would probably happen at some point of their relationship so that’s why I wanted to write this fic. Anyways, please enjoy and review! The comments motivate me /a lot/. 
words: 1865
genre: some floof, some hurt/comfort 
warnings: none
AO3 link: [x]
Leo was bored. He had already done everything he had planned for that day – finishing his newest mechanic project, oiling and flying with Festus, helping his siblings, coming up with a new bad joke – but he hadn’t had a chance to spend a lot of time with his girlfriend. He was on his way to the strawberry fields where he knew Calypso liked to spend her time because it reminded her of her home, when he noticed her on the beach. That alone didn’t surprise Leo. The sea was another place she considered home-y, after all. What did surprise him, though, was that she wasn’t alone. She was with Percy. And they seemed to be deep in a conversation.
“I’m sorry about what happened in Tartarus,” Leo heard Calypso saying. “I didn’t mean to curse you… it was a moment of whim and I didn’t think… I mean, it doesn’t excuse it but…”
“Hey, it’s OK,” Percy tried to reassure her, putting his hand on her shoulder for a moment. “You were mad because I forgot to make sure the gods had fulfilled their promise… So I’m sorry too.”
Leo didn’t hear more because as the words sunk in, his first instinct in that situation was to leave. Go and never let them know he had heard any of that. However, his mind was racing with possibilities of what that conversation could have meant, so Leo decided to try to distract himself with the best way he could.
His bunker had been a place that had brought him comfort ever since he had found it almost two years prior. However, soon he noticed that this time even that didn’t help; his hands were working on something he didn’t even recognize while his mind wandered elsewhere. When he stopped for a break, one of his hands started tapping that familiar rhythm he always tapped when anxious. He immediately stopped when realized what he was doing, very conscious of the meaning of the Morse code he had used. Love only hurt, it seemed. Leo had been occasionally thinking how lucky he was to have a girlfriend like Calypso, but he should have known it wouldn’t last. Not when he could offer nothing all the other boys couldn’t. Percy was handsome, strong, tall and funny, and he hadn’t broken Calypso’s table when they met (that was always a bonus). It was only natural she’d like him more.
With frustration, Leo started forming fireballs with his hands and shot the first one into an open water container where it wouldn’t cause dangerous situations. Festus, who had been resting outside the bunker, woke up at the sound of the fireball hitting its destination and when the second ball started flying, he threw himself between the ball and the container and swallowed it, then making a rare hissing sound at the person who had rebuilt him.
“What are you hissing me for?” Leo snapped at the metal dragon, another very rare occurrence. Often Festus was the only one who Leo felt understood him, and in general Hephaestus’ son was very calm and patient with him. That’s how the dragon knew something definitely was wrong with his master. He gave his answer by blowing smoke like a morse code from his nose, probably telling him to stop being stupid.
“Fine,” Leo sighed, sitting down on the stairs next to Festus. “It’s Calypso. I saw her with Percy and… I’m probably being paranoid but seeing them interact like that made me think… what if she falls in love with him again? I’m no match for that guy; you know water and fire are not a good combo…”
Festus made some ticking sounds this time, trying to convince Leo that she wouldn’t do such a thing.
“You seem very sure for something that I built… So, what do you say I should do about this?”
Festus pushed him with his huge snout, almost making him fall.
“Okay, okay! I’ll tell her what I saw. Happy?”
Festus made a sound that sounded a whole lot like a snort, reminding Leo that that was literally what his name meant. Happy.
“That was a bad joke, bud. I can still change your name to something that doesn’t mean happy, you know,” he sassed at the dragon but this time the metal creature made so clear a laughter sound that Leo couldn’t mistake it, challenging him to try. Knowing the dragon had won that battle, Leo decided to return back to the camp and face his girlfriend.
When the couple was finally alone later that evening, Leo didn’t have time to mention Percy before Calypso noted his weird behavior.
“Leo, you’ve been so quiet this evening. You didn’t even try to outjoke Apollo at the dinner and that has probably happened… well, never, so far. Is something troubling you?”
Leo supposed that this moment was as good as any to confess what he had seen.
“I saw… you and Percy talking at the beach.”
“Oh…” Calypso thought she knew what was coming but she decided to bite her lip and let Leo speak. If she had learned something about him during all those months they’d spent traveling, it was that if you didn’t give him the opportunity to speak out, he may bottle those emotions inside until near explosion point.
“You were looking pretty chummy out there,” Leo continued, staring at his hands awkwardly.
“I don’t know what that word means but we had a good talk,” Calypso replied, crossing her arms over her chest. “We realized that we both had made some mistakes and… while some scars heal slowly, we decided we’re past that point where we can just avoid each other and act like nothing happened.”
“Was that all?” Leo asked doubtfully.
Calypso didn’t know how she should have reacted to that question. She was torn between annoyed and amused because of Leo’s clear jealousy. She chose the latter.
“Leo Valdez. You really don’t have to worry about me and Percy. We've moved on a long time ago. The way he looks at Annabeth… it’s so obvious he loves her a lot.” Before he could argue something about ‘old salt’, she added: “And… even though he has his flaws… I have met a pretty special person as well.”
“Huh?” Leo finally raised his gaze from hands his with surprise. Calypso wasn’t usually that straightforward about her feelings with him, she preferred showing it with actions rather than drown Leo with sappy words.
Calypso smirked slightly. “You know the one. He broke my dining table the first time we met. Sometimes his jokes are very bad and he’s too sarcastic for his own good. He can be stubborn to the point of it getting frustrating.”
Her expression turned back to serious.
“Worst of all, he has a huge inferiority complex, which means he doesn't see himself the way he should and blames himself for things that are out of his control. He can also get pretty jealous because he doesn’t believe that someone could actually love him.”
Leo rolled his eyes. “Thanks. Just what I needed. Salt to my wounds and a reminder of my flaws.”
Calypso raised her voice to stop him, but there was softness in her eyes as he continued.
“Listen to how this story ends, OK? This guy… He's more smart and skilled he realizes. He's taught me so much about the modern world, even some embarrassing things.” She stopped for a moment, remembering a time when they had gone to a clothes store and she had seen modern underwear for the first time, asking about their use.
"Right,” Leo nodded, probably thinking about the same incident.
Calypso continued: “He even knows several languages and has taught me some too, although I’m not sure how useful the Spanish swear words will be to me. He also built an entire battle ship and a mechanical dragon that’s basically alive.” (Festus, who was also nearby, snorted, meaning: ‘basically?’) “Rumor has it he died for his friends so no one else would have to and outwitted the death. Those alone are some pretty cool things. But there’s more.”
For once Leo didn’t know what to say. Never had he heard anyone talk about him like that.
“There are moments when I can see the past coming to haunt him. But even though he hurts, he tries his best to make others smile with his – maybe not always bad - jokes, and it usually works. And…” Calypso brushed a lock of black, curly hair behind Leo’s ear gently, “he came back to get me from Ogygia even though it was supposed to be impossible, even though I admit that I probably didn't give you a lot of reasons to like me… But somehow you saw through my cover and knew that I still cared about you, even though I really strongly tried to fight against it because I had been hurt too many times. When you showed up again… I’m pretty good at concealing my feelings but I actually wanted to cry when I saw you that day. Because someone really cared enough to break through the curse.”
She swiped a couple of tears that had fallen on her cheeks, with her other hand lifting Leo’s chin so she knew he was looking at her. His eyes were burning with emotions he didn’t know how to express.
“Of course I care!” he exclaimed. “Was I supposed to just leave you there after everything you did for me?!”
“Leo… Do you know how many times I had to listen to men promising to come back to me and they never did? I had already lost my hope after Percy and that was why I got so mad when you showed up for the first time. But… when I got to know you better, I think I started sensing that there was something different about you. That you’d really go through enormous lengths for someone you loved. Of course, I didn’t think you’d fall for me because I was acting the way I was, but for once, I got lucky.”
“No, you didn’t get lucky. You deserved it,” Leo said quietly.
“Whatever you say.” Calypso smiled a bit sadly. “Anyway. There are some things we still need to work on. For example, you still have to learn to appreciate yourself more. I can't do that for you… but I can be by your side and support you, as long as you let me.”
“Cal… thanks. I feel pretty stupid for doubting your feelings. Lo siento, for reals. If I do something like that again, feel free to punch me, or whatever. And if someone’s lucky here, that’s me because you’re pretty damn amazing.” Suddenly his face got his usual mischievous expression. “Now, as for those bad jokes...”
Calypso couldn’t help but smirk as well. “Ha, I knew you'd get stuck on that. You idiot. But maybe they are a part of your charm,” she shrugged.
"Wait. You think my jokes are charming?" Leo asked, now sounding a lot more like himself.
"Hush. Or I may change my mind about that," Calypso noted and pulled him for a much needed kiss.
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allegedlytessa-blog · 7 years
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TESSA PEARSON, previously known as VICTORIA WINDSOR is a TWENTY ONE year old PRINCESS from ENGLAND that is being protected, along with ROYAL TWO FC, by SOPHIE COOKSON FC. SHE is often confused with SOPHIE TURNER and known to be AUSTERE and DUTIFUL.
hello there! i’m vivian and i’m so glad the rp is up and running!! i’ll be playing the older and cloudy to say the least bit of the england twins, and i’ll be babbling about victoria / tessa under the cut. i swear i’m not as difficult as my baby so pls give this post a like if you’re ok with be bumping your ims for some plotting!
victoria is the first born living child of england’s king henry and his wife alice, only twenty minutes before her twin, charlotte. those eventful twenty minutes, along with the death of her mother due to birth complications, have marked victoria’s life. little vic was set then to become the next queen of england, and that has never not been reminded her, which took a great tool on her upbringing.
the girl’s father, lost in his grief, didn’t really engage much with the girls (especially less with charlotte), thus the moments of joy and care in her childhood were mostly provided by others such as tutors and employees. victoria, though, did get plenty of her dad’s presence in her life, and that wasn’t all for good: there was a lot of unveiled pressure in her ever since she learned how to walk and speak, and she was always expected to be proper and conscious of her duties and position.
so while her sister went out to school, meet friends and do her heart’s desires, victoria was mostly stuck in the palace receiving a Very Traditional Princessy Education with etiquette, languages, politics and whatever you name it lessons; her life was much consisted of theories and politics that would supposedly be helpful for her future.
with a stiff environment, she too grew rather stiff. most of the things she says or acts are plotted beforehand, and she doesn’t know how to change that tbh. on the outside, she seems like the most certain and stoic little queen, but in the inside she’s a very anxious girl, with little to no experience in real life, making her a little naive / innocent. you know the kind of rich girl who spends not because she’s spoiled rotten, but because she doesn’t know how to do better?? that’s probably victoria tbh. she gives too much and asks for very little in return when it comes to personal relationships, perhaps because she was always very much her dad’s perfect puppet.
talking about her dad: victoria is very dependent on the king. even if he wasn’t a perfect father (far from it), he was her inspirational figure, and she is very blind and obedient when it comes to him -- even now she refuses to talk about his decision on war, even if sometimes she finds herself disagreeing deeply or angry (not that she will ever talk it out loud)
both victoria and charlotte have been in town since the beginning, for about a year now. even though it’s been a good while, victoria -- now called tessa -- is far from being used to her life, but she tries to make the best out of it anyways. she is slowly breaking out of her shell and involving herself: she is studying at the local university (regularly, which is a first) and has a job at the museum/planetarium; supposedly, she’s doing all that she hasn’t been able to do before, and enjoying hobbies she wasn’t allowed to have, but old habits die hard and she’s very hesitant on everything she does, always with her father’s voice in her head saying how this is right and doesn’t fit what is expected of her / proper for a future queen.
tidbits i’ve thought of so far:
she has a bit of a sweet tooth, and loves glace / fruit cakes
a bad drinker. horrible. gets super whiney and overly cute, gives hugs and tosses money around. likely recites shakespeare.
she has a really hard time not acting so according to the rules in every part of her life, so it’s likely she may be a little too formal, even with people her age.
tbh it’s likely she fluctuates between a grandfather (nagging, judging) and a toddler (excited/surprised at little things) personality wise, most of the times too out of touch with everything, especially in this “new world”
she’s trying to improve herself and have “a normal life” these days tho, and has taken to better her education: she always liked stars, and things that are certain, plus she’s good at math, so she’s going for a physics major and a history minor, because she still gotta have “something useful” in life. to make her a “normal” struggling student, she’s also taken a job to fill her hours so it’s not unusual to see her at the museum
despite her attempts to fit in as tessa, she still finds it very difficult to deal with how over self conscious and paranoid she is, so she doesn’t like being out all that much bc she keeps thinking how that may give her away or smth
charlotte/thea is her life. they may be very different but vic brings the older sister to a very strong level -- especially when considering they’re not even half an hour apart. their time in town has rekindled their relationship and victoria has turned a lot of her dependency to her sister
her father is probably not very approving of the above. victoria still exchanges often correspondence with him, and he visits a couple times a year to make sure things are going well
i’m looking for someone with whom victoria has written ever since her youth. they were pen pals due to an assignment at school, and may have or not stopped the correspondence and have met at town
besides a pen pal, i’ll be needing all sorts of relationships tbh. give me neighbors, fellow students, patrons at the museum, people from her past, romantic relationships, hateful relationships, family relations, anything. this baby just needs love tbh
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gh0stpkmn · 7 years
Yooran AU/scenario where yoosung has a popular gaming channel & streams his gameplay 
(under the read more)
yoosung is #2 in his server soooo... he’s probably well-known among other players?? 
(fuck idk how league of legends and world of warcraft work because ive never played either but. anyways.)
i dunno if its common for people with a really high ranking to be like mini-celebrities in the community but.. for the purposes of this whole shebang, yoosung is really well known 
and very popular especially because he goes out of his way to help out less experienced players even though he’s one of the big guys at the top, you know? very humble and very kind which only makes him stand out more
eventually people suggest that he try streaming on twitch (or “afreeca” which a lot of south korean gamers use i think?) and make a gaming channel. and he’s all for it!!!! 
yoosung’s channel gets popular pretty quickly?? he starts out at a solid point because his LOLOL buddies that he usually plays with and his guild members support his channel/streams a lot and spread the word (when they’re not playing w/ him while he streams ofc)... it doesn’t take long at all for it to rlly take off, and he gains a decently big following!!
he’s already been dating saeran for quite a while when he starts his channel but saeran is very shy so yoosung is careful to respect saeran’s privacy. when saeran is over while yoosung is streaming, he stays out of sight of the facecam and keeps quiet
yoosung’s LOLOL friends know him though bc he talks about his boyfriend every now and then in voice chat w/ them,  but also bc saeran is at his place a lot and they hear him in the background, or hear yoosung talking to him occasionally.
i guess at some point during one of his streams, his buddies casually ask where saeran is and they ask how he’s doing and all that... because he’s never in the streams at all and they haven’t heard from him in a while. 
yoosung’s like  “yeah he’s here! he’s doing alright! just hanging out watching tv.” 
and his fans who don’t know abt saeran are just like. “?????? who is saeran” yoosuung tells them that he’s a friend that hangs out his place a lot and that he’s just sort of shy (2 respect saeran’s privacy and also bc they haven’t decided if they wanna be so publicly out yet??)
and naturally, his viewers are kinda curious and it makes them more curious when yoosung and his friends bring him up briefly but saeran is Never seen or heard in any streams or videos. the boy is a goddamn Mystery to yoosung’s viewers.
tbh saeran probably like.. watches the streams a lot when he’s not at his boyfriend’s house but he uses some random fake name or some shit so no one in the chat can tell he’s there.
eventually like. he gets less shy, more comfortable and he can be heard in the background making a noise or smth. asking yoosung a question. that kind of thing.
the first time it’s an accident and everyone is like “!??! who is that???” and yoosung tells them and they get So Excited and respond with “!!! THERE HE IS!!!! the elusive saeran!!” yoosung and his friends just laugh bc its funny n cute?
but ye he steadily makes more casual background appearances and it pretty much becomes one big meme with yoosung’s friends and viewers. they say stuff like 
“new cryptid discovered”
and “he’s a legend.... a myth... no one has ever seen his face”  
(shitty harry potter quote) “it’s like trying to catch smoke... like trying to catch smoke with your bare hands.”
“some say he can wipe your memories so you forget that you ever met him”
its. so good... Every Time they hear the fridge closing or a voice in the background or they catch a lil flash of red hair behind yoosung on the face cam, the chat Explodes like “THERE HE IS!!! there he is! he really does exist!!”
they both find it rlly hilarious omg. saeran says it’s stupid and dumb at first but he obviously loves it... he laughs out loud a few times watching what people are saying abt him while he’s at yoosung’s and ppl hear it and are like “!!!! what is he laughing at??” 
yoosung: “ oh haha he’s lookin at the chat right now”
the chat: “omg he sees us!!!!” 
“saeran! reply if you’re real! we need proof!!!”
“there he is. the absolute madman”
“hi, saeran!” 
“you should sit by yoosung so we can see you!!” 
“saeran!! hello!! have you eaten?”
its so sweET and cute!! and i feel like maybe around this time as stuff like this continues happening.. a lot of viewers kinda assume or are starting to suspect that they’re dating? idk. 
maybe yoosung doesn’t outright say anything or confirm their relationship but there are a lot of clear signs like...yoosung moves away from his mic t talk to saeran more often (stuff like asking him what he wants for dinner, laughing abt some offhand comment he made)... the fact that saeran is at yoosung’s so often, too. it’s obvious that they’re very comfortable with each other and they seem close
and a biggest indicator is probably the way yoosung talks abt saeran when the chat notices he’s there in the bg? like:
“Aw, you guys, you’re making him embarrassed.”  or  “...Huh? Oh, don’t worry! He’s not replying because he’s really shy.”  or   “Haha, I think I can see him blushing!” 
this probably goes on for a pretty long time? a few months. gradually saeran appears more, comes over to comment on the game or how yoosung is playing, maybe cheer him on a little? while mostly staying out of sight... tho sometimes when he feels less anxious he’ll be directly behind or beside yoosung in the facecam feed. 
his viewers think he’s super cute when they see his face for the first time, and they say so in the chat. yoosung agrees w them like 
“Yeah. He really is, isn’t he?” 
and the chat Explodes again bc
that’s probably the first official confirmation in a stream that they’re in a relationship. saeran is embarrassed and flustered and annoyed but also kind of happy and he says “Shut the fuck up.” and covers his face w his hands and he’s Bright red but also smiling just a teeeny tiny bit behind his hands.
yoosung’s LOLOL friends are so relieved that they don’t have to keep it a secret anymore and they start teasing yoosung in streams almost as much they do when they’re just playin together casually
after that, ppl start suggesting/requesting that saeran and yoosung play games together on the stream!!!
 and at first theyre a lil hesitant for a few reasons? like, saeran still has a lot of issues and gets vvvvvery Anxious so it might be a bit stressful for him. and also that content would be so different than yoosung’s usual stuff.  
(also even tho they’re never that affectionate in streams bc saeran is iffy about pda, theyyyy... still worry a little about people bein’ dickbags bc its a mlm relationship and the internet can be a mean place... idk i also dont know how widely accepted same-gender couples are in south korea?? but ye) 
BUT a lot of ppl seem to want it!! 
so when saeran gains enough confidence, they do it!! they maybe make a separate channel for streaming that stuff. they just post recorded videos on his regular channel tho under a specific title and it’s its own little series.
and it turns out it’s almost as popular as his other content and does rlly well! 
occasionally they play LOLOL casually together but saeran isn’t rlly into it as much as yoosung is so mostly they play a bunch of different multiplayer games. they also play a lot single-player ones that are very story-driven or just. interesting in general.
a couple times they play horror games and those ones are really popular bc yoosung gets So Scared. he Hates horror games he’s so jumpy at everything and screams so loud. 
meanwhile saeran barely reacts. he might occasionally get surprised by a jump scare on his more anxious days but most of the time he’s like....... so.. calm. so unfazed by everything that viewers are like “what the fuck dude” “how is he so chill right now”
however... even tho the horror game streams/videos are rlly popular, they don’t do them that often bc yoosung gets legitimately scared often to a point where he doesn’t enjoy them lol ... its ok tho bc saeran snuggles him afterwords but. YyYYyeeah. yeah.
saeran and yoosung have a lot of fun and their viewers love them and it’s a very good fun pure thing n everyone is happy. 
the end
( really Unlikely but cute bonus for a few years later:  yoosung fucks up on the stream talkin w his buddies and accidentally mentions smth abt proposing to saeran before he actually does it and bc he’s streaming to a fuckton of ppl, it gets around so fast and saeran finds out right away. yoosung is so embarrassed and frustrated that he ruined the surprise )
god pleas e... talk to me about yooran. i need people to talk to about this ship so i can stop posting long things like this like a loser lol
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GRAPHIC DESIGN IS MY PASSION   ▬   ok but jokes aside. i reached 300+ followers last week ( what r u doing here ) and i thought i’d spend some time crying about people who’ve been nice to me. bless you people. this will be the second and ( I PROMISE ) last readmore you’ll ever see on my blog. hate those things.
idk lemme throw in a few lines of my fave ( english ofc i don’t wanna be an asshole ) song and whoever guesses it gets a horrible doodle of their muse or smth.      //clears throat// keep it real for the people working overtime. they can't stay livin’ off the government's dime. stand tall for the people of america. stand tall for the man next door .
AY welcome to the readmore. a rare thing on my blog, yeah i know. but here’s the structure. i’ll say at LEAST one sentence to every url i will be posting here so this is gonna be a long ride. pack lunch we’re going on a trip. BTW !!! ALL OF THESE ARE IN N O ORDER WHATSOEVER
 @northernblade // cAMI i swear to god you’re in every single one of these i can’t even start to tell you how much i love you IN EVERY SINGLE OF THESE MY GOD. WOM A N. i honestly can’t decide if i want to hate or love you considering our thread but let it be known !! that i’d get your name tattooed on my forehead if you asked me to. honestly we’ve known eachother for almost a year now ( would u believe it ) and eventhough we haven’t been writing ic wise for almost half of that time you’ve helped me through so much hardship and you’re so ?? lovable tbh. also where did those family drama updates go. we gotta keep our soap opera running. eventhough i’ll probably never see your 12/10 face in person we’ve been through some weird shit ic-wise. i mean birdboy and dogson and now the two bros who can’t seem to be happy. can’t we for once choose happy muses ? i love u. i hate u. i hate that i love u. ya feel.
@mokutcki // bruh. berfie. would you believe if i told you you’re the first person i ever had same muse interactions with ? would you believe me if i told you that you’re the first person with the same muse i wasn’t anxious around ? you’re //sticks leggy up// a gift from the heavens. i love you with all my dead, cold, rotting heart. but just to be clear ; i hate onryo. with a PASSION. okami hates him too. don’t even start with me about the shit we discussed JUST TODAY. he hates onryo. i hate onryo. it’s a love-hate relationship. but aside from that you’re !!!!!!! so friendly i want to cry. i’m crying right now. you have no idea how much i adore you. you’re so cool and chill ( or you pretend to be idk bites me ) and i love you so much i just really want to wrap u up in a blanket and steal you. but in a friendly way not a kidnapping way. please stay awesome.
 @burysong // K I E L OH MY G O D. i have never gone from ‘oh man i’ve been lowkey stalking your blog’ to ‘LOOK AT OUR KI D S’ in LESS than 48 hours ok. that’s like a new record. it kinda bums me out that we live past eachother. when you’re up, i’m asleep and vice versa. but ! the few times we do get to talk i love hearing about your day. talking with you is one of my favourite activities i swear to god. i love talking to you ooc and i love talking to you about hana and the grumpy perfectionist. your writing is the creme de la creme don’t even try to deny it i could bathe in your writing and that would be all i need to survive. i hope your day treats you well and you had some sweet dreams, because i just assume you’re alseep right now.
@tacticalviscr // i haven’t heared from you in a few days and that mAKES ME SAD BECAUSE !! you’re so precious marina. i die a little everytime i hear you aren’t doing too well. you honestly only deserve good things coming your way. dealing with snappy customers isn’t one of those things. i WOULD HAVE BAILED YOU OUT if you punched one of them over christmas tho. like i’m not kidding i would have bailed you out. but aside from that i !! love the sad grandpas. well ok one could be a grandpa. han is still young in comparison. i MEAN ok i’m joking. or am i. ANYWAYS ! i hope you’re doing way better soon ! please be happy. i have pictures of otters for you if you wanna.
@ladyshiimada &&. @silvcrbullets // ALEXANDER YOUR FACE IS K I L L I N G ME but it’s also curing my flu so never stop sending me selfies. don’t tell anyone i said this but you’re such a handsome person i’m jealous. AND !! i’m SO SAD we barely write ic-wise. i mean we talk frequently but i really enjoy writing with you ! as long as we keep writing ooc i’m happy though because you ! brighten my day so much and i’d love to send you all the dancing spider videos but you can’t watch videos in class. i just really hope life’s treating you well and class is not too straining ! i LOVE U V MUCH BBY.
@bladeofthesparrow // where did he come from where did he go. where did he come from cottoneye flint. uhm have i ever told you that ?? i’m adopting you. you’re mine now say hello to your new dad. ( i’M KIDDING DEAR ) but !! you’re such a precious bean i can’t even sTART SOMEWHERE because there is sO MUCH. I MEAN there was this one time where you disappeared and i got worried but ASIDE FROM THAT it’s just been !! so much fun and such a good time talking to you. and i love !! the things we talked about for han and gengu. especially the roadt trip like lbr that’s the one thing they both need in their lives. but aside from ic stuff you’re such ! a cheery person and that always rubs off on me and i get so happy when i talk to you. thanks a bunch. 
BIG ROUND OF APPLAUSE TO THE OTHER HANDSOAPS ON MY DASH sorry berfie u ain’t gettin tagged twice.
@koueii // we never //really// talked but your replies to my ooc posts make me laugh and brighten my day. thanks a bunch ! your han is g r e a t tbh. i love seeing you on my dash ! @wolfarrows // your blog isn’t even that old but i’m already !!! so invested into your portrayal, lev. i AM SO greatful that we’re gonna have some same muse interactions ! sorry i take so long uff. @meiyoisan // i assume we haven’t seen much of eachother on our dashboards but i’ve kinda scavanged through your blog and i’M !! HIGHLY in love mkay. 
  @honorpledged // y O ! we talked a bit about my okami verse and it’s been !! such a good time honestly. your rein is pu r e gold ! @warpledged // I’VE TOLD YOU before and i’m telling you again ! I’ll smother you in love until i dig myself 6ft under. you’re so precious and such !! a good writier. keep being a cool cat @pcrdner // my scandinavian buddy ! idk if i’m allowed to call you buddy. probably not. sorry. but either you brighten my day with your writing OR your memes. 12/10 overall package. @etrevide // we talked like once and only very briefly but i’M SO STOKED to hear more of you ! i hope you’re feeling better soon thought ! @boundvigilante // oh man oh man oh man. your jesse is so well rounded and you’re such ! a good ! writer holy moly. somebody hold me. i feel like i’ve been bothering you so excuse that. i’ll try to cut down on it. @maidfaire // I’m sorry i never !! talk to you ! i have been missing gerome for some time but i ..... uh idk. please just know that i still love you very much dearie ! you’re wonderful @pistolslang // I STILL have your ask in my inbox and i’m super sorry i take so long but i’m v shy and you’re super great so haha .... excuse that. but ! let it be known that i breathe for you on my dash.
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