#wen zhou finally touch grass
iamnotmereally · 1 year
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so funny to me how they got so much closer. ik it was for filming purposes and continuity errors but i like to think one of them just scooted over to lie next to the other
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bizarrequazar · 2 years
I’m procrastinating work, so here’s a non-exhaustive list of some Really Gay details and bts-leaks in Word of Honor that newer fans might not be aware of 🌈🌈🌈 Some footage is not linked because they’re leaks that the ops asked to not be reposted and/or the footage has been taken down (or I’ve just lost it), but I promise all of these are confirmed.
The poetry Wen Kexing recites as Zhou Zishu rides away on the boat in ep.2 was written by a man about his favourite courtesan
The slutty little hand caress when Zhou Zishu takes the wine from Wen Kexing in ep.3 was Zhang Zhehan’s suggestion
Wen Kexing’s original line when he was telling Zhou Zishu what the Drunk Like a Dream made him see was that he had seen himself and “the person in his heart” having sex on their wedding night. Also Wen Kexing leaning in and covering them with the fan while saying this was Zhang Zhehan’s suggestion
The full cut of the poison-sucking scene includes lips touching skin
The original script included Wen Kexing trying to get Zhou Zishu to admit he’s attractive
A scene was filmed where Wen Kexing sings the “只愿君心似我心,定不负相思意” (“As long as your heart is as mine is, these feelings will not be in vain”) line from the novel to Zhou Zishu
In ep.18, Wen Kexing calls Zhou Zishu “Husband Zhou”. What’s more, the full quote is from a very erotic classic novel where it then leads into a sex scene
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Many people have commented that the rolling-in-the-grass scene in ep.18 can be read as a sex allegory. Note that this is also the scene where Zhou Zishu cuts Wen Kexing’s sleeve 😏
The hug scene in ep.20 also included Zhou Zishu pressing their foreheads together (we’ve had like five different leaks of this by now lol)
The original take of the “live or die together” scene (I hope everyone knows this one by now)
Ever notice the very sudden cut in ep.31? It seems the director called cut because it looked like Zhang Zhehan was about to go in for a kiss.
The full cut of the scene where Wen Kexing falls off the cliffs had Zhou Zishu smile before jumping after him
The original cut of the “there’s a light on you” scene had Zhou Zishu catch Wen Kexing’s hand
Some of the “random” seal script characters floating around during the dual cultivation scene are “cauldron” (used in some danmei wuxia as an allegory for bottoming, interchangable with furnace) and “birth”. Make of that what you will.
Wen Kexing mouths “爱你” to Zhou Zishu during the dual cultivation scene
The final scene in ep.36 was completely changed in the dubbing. The real dialogue (figured out through lipreading) had Chengling say that when two people “who fully recognize each other as zhiji and who truly love each other” practice the Combined Six Cultivations Art, they’ll be able to hold each other in balance and support each other through the hardest parts (aka how Wen Kexing survived)
A “bad end” version of the epilogue was filmed. It’s a bit devastating.
Bonus non-wenzhou one: Xie’er’s original line (figured out through lipreading) after he kills the disciple in the bamboo forest is “The one at his [Zhao Jing’s] pillow will be me.”
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eleanorfenyxwrites · 3 years
A Figure, A Mouth (Ao3)
[Wenzhou one-shot - WoH missing scene set around episode 25 - a bit NSFW]
“Come back to bed.”
Wen Kexing’s voice is low, soft in the dead of night. Zhou Zishu ignores him in favor of taking another sip of the wine he can barely taste anymore, though he knows that Wen Kexing splurged to buy him something nice the last time they were down in town. The gesture, at least, is appreciated even if the taste is beyond him now.
“Ah-Xu,” Wen Kexing tries again. Zhou Zishu at least tips his head in his direction, a silent invitation to keep trying even though his eyes never leave the moon overhead. Wen Kexing’s footsteps are nearly silent as he approaches, so quiet that Zhou Zishu automatically tracks his approach by listening to the soft rustling of his robe and noting the sensation of the air his movement displaces more so than by any sound of his footsteps. It used to make him uncomfortable to have someone at his back, especially someone as secretly dangerous as Wen Kexing, but now he finds it oddly comforting. Wen Kexing is always too upset by the reminders of Zhou Zishu’s rapidly diminishing lifespan for him to worry that the man is going to kill him, and if anyone is going to sneak up on them together it’s best to have a dangerous man he can trust at his back.
“The moon looks beautiful tonight,” Wen Kexing murmurs, voice somehow even quieter now that he’s directly behind his shoulder. “You can admire it just as well from our room. We can move the bed beneath the window.
“You’ll catch a chill,” Zhou Zishu protests around the mouth of the jar. The next sip is cool as it slips down his throat.
“You will before I do, drinking cold wine out here by yourself. Come back to bed and let me warm you, at least.”
They’re silent for a long time as Zhou Zishu finishes the wine sip by careful sip, his eyes never leaving the glittering stars.
“Lao Wen.”
Zhou Zishu smiles ever so slightly, just a twitch at one corner of his lips that he knows won’t be visible to Wen Kexing. It feels like a lifetime ago when they had first spent an afternoon enjoying the sun and a drink together, when things were (relatively) simpler and the most important thing that was happening in his life was that Wen Kexing was calling for him, that he was saying Zhou Zishu was all he needed to be happy in this world.
“Lao Wen,” he calls again, low as the hum of the night insects in the grass and out in the orchards beyond the manor walls.
“Mm.” This time Wen Kexing’s answering hum is full of understanding and somehow Zhou Zishu can hear that he’s smiling. An arm slides around his waist the moment he’s ready for it, his shoulders relaxing in preparation to lean into his partner’s chest in the same breath as Wen Kexing gathers him close, precisely where he wants to be. His zhiji indeed.
“Lao Wen.”
Clever fingers trail up his back to curl around the front edge of his hair for the purpose of drawing it back behind his shoulder, and then there are warm lips pressed to the newly-exposed shell of his ear and Zhou Zishu closes his eyes against the sight of the night sky overhead to better focus on the sound of his lover’s voice as he answers.
Wen Kexing punctuates it with a kiss and Zhou Zishu tips his head slightly, his hair falling properly out of the way with the movement. Wen Kexing drops his hand then to wrap that arm around him as well, one hand splayed wide on his chest - though he manages not to touch any of the nails - and the other curled possessively around his hip.
Another tender kiss to his ear, this time paired with a nip and a soft exhale that both make him shiver as much as the sound of Wen Kexing’s voice, suddenly lower and slightly breathless as he says for a third time, “Ah-Xu.”
“Such a light touch,” Zhou Zishu can’t quite resist teasing as Wen Kexing crowds up tighter against his back and reaches down to take the wine jar from his slack fingers. He shakes it quickly to make sure it’s empty before he just tosses it aside into the grass - they’ll find it later. Tomorrow, or maybe the day after.
“Only for you. Come back to bed, Ah-Xu.”
“Hm? What for? Just what do you think we’ll do when we get there? Philanthropist Wen, so eager to take advantage of me.”
“I’m allowed to take what’s mine.”
Zhou Zishu sighs deeply in an attempt not to shiver in response to both the words and the tone they’re said in, though in the end he really doesn’t try all that hard to stop it and so he can tell the moment Wen Kexing feels it.
“And just what would you ask me to do if we hadn’t made Chengling find another room to sleep in?” he teases just to stall, just to frustrate. It’s a game they’ve played often, but it’s one that Zhou Zishu doesn’t think either of them will ever really tire of. “Would you take what’s yours right here out in the open instead?”
“Maybe. That’s for me to decide, isn’t it? I’ve had you out in the open often enough, and in much less private locations - are you not the master of this house? The grounds are yours to do with as you please. I could have you right here.”
“You’re so sure I would even agree to being taken on the cold hard ground.”
“Ah-Xu, let me take you to bed,” Wen Kexing sighs as he drops his head a bit to mouth at his jaw. “We have a proper bed now, and oil to ease the way, and the rest of the night together. The morning as well, if you want it. Don’t be difficult tonight.”
“Hm. Didn’t you just say I’m the master of this house? If anyone’s taking anyone to bed I am taking you, since everything in this house is mine - occupants included.”
Zhou Zishu can’t quite resist smirking as Wen Kexing groans theatrically and plunks his head down onto his shoulder, squeezing him tighter in his arms and swaying back and forth with him a bit.
“Ah-Xu,” he whines, dragging it out. “Fine,” he adds in a huff. “Take me to bed, then, and I’ll even let you pretend we’re not going to end up as we always do with you spread out beneath me begging for more.”
Zhou Zishu breaks out of his hold then with an offended hiss. He stretches his arms and turns his head to look at his partner over his shoulder, a brow raised in admonishment even as his lips curve into a playful smirk.
“Of the two of us I don’t think you have any room to tease me about begging, Lao Wen. Who’s pleading with me to come to bed in the first place?”
“You shouldn’t be out here dressed in so little when it’s getting cold,” Wen Kexing prods and Zhou Zishu graciously allows him to blame his begging on simple worry for his health. He lets Wen Kexing reach out for his hand to reel him in and tuck him back into his arms, bundling him up against his chest where Zhou Zishu lays his head down on his zhiji’s shoulder and closes his eyes. He’s not normally so easy to catch, nor so complacent so quickly, and he can tell the instant Wen Kexing notices the same as he curls around him a little more tightly and ducks his head enough to press their cheeks together. “Ah-Xu?”
“I’m alright,” he reassures gently. “I’ve just spent too many hours deep in thought lately, I think. You haven’t been around enough to distract me.”
Wen Kexing huffs a resigned sigh and drops his head down further to press his face into the side of his neck. “I’ve been busy tidying your manner, Ah-Xu. I’m here now, am I not? Are you not distracted enough by me trying to coax such a lovely beauty as you into my bed?”
“Hmm...Whose bed?” Zhou Zishu asks just to be difficult, which Wen Kexing instantly rewards him for with a light swat to his backside.
“Our bed, your bed, whatever. The point stands that you can’t complain I haven’t been around enough to distract you while you’re also preventing me from whisking you away back to our room for a lovely evening.”
“I’ll come back to bed on one condition.”
Zhou Zishu makes the mistake of leaning back a bit to look up at Wen Kexing and nearly loses his resolve to make any sort of demand when he meets those wide, dark eyes, so disarmingly innocent for such a dangerous man - doubly so as they shine in the cool moonlight. There’s just something about his Lao Wen that makes him want to give in in a way he never has for anyone else, but he’s determined to finally ask Wen Kexing for answers.
Or at least he is right up until Wen Kexing pairs those wide, curious eyes with a slight uptick of his eyebrows right in the middle and he’s so unfairly handsome that Zhou Zishu heaves a sigh as the last of his resolve slips out of his grasp.
“Take a bath with me afterwards,” he mutters and he can tell by the crooked tilt of his zhiji’s smirk that Wen Kexing instantly understands he’s won a battle of wills he hadn’t even known was taking place until the moment of victory.
“Of course, anything to keep my Ah-Xu happy,” he concedes with a laugh and a sweeping gesture of his arm back in the direction of the main section of the manor.
Zhou Zishu allows himself to be herded inside and back into their bed where Wen Kexing lays him down and takes his sweet time with him.
After a while of warming each other up Wen Kexing urges him back up to push the bed under the window just as he’d said he would. Zhou Zishu takes the opportunity to blow out the candles before he rejoins Wen Kexing in their bed, the sudden darkness leaving them free to admire each other clothed in nothing but broad swathes of cool, sweet blue light bisected by deep black lattices of shadow from the trees out in the yard, the shadows from the contours of the wall and decorations around the window blocking and revealing them in turns. Lao Wen is, of course, as beautiful like this as he has been in every way Zhou Zishu has ever seen him, and he takes the time to savor it, to indulge in the decadence that Wen Kexing presents for each of his remaining senses.
He’s a feast for the eyes, all hard muscle and skin glistening with glittering diamonds of sweat along his shoulders and the soft curve of his cheek.
He’s a symphony for the ears, breathless desire and tender calls of his name that Zhou Zishu never lets go unanswered when they’re like this.
By now Wen Kexing is an expert at drawing pleasure from him in every unlikely way there is to make sure that the effects of the nails don’t keep him from reaching his peak at least once, occasionally more in spite of his fading sense of touch.
If there’s any lingering savor of their evening wine on his lips Zhou Zishu can’t taste it, but that doesn’t stop him from appreciating the hunger with which Wen Kexing kisses him, the way his teeth are sharp on his lips and his tongue demanding every single time Zhou Zishu parts his lips enough to allow him to lick his way behind his teeth.
His sense of smell is too far gone to be of much use for anything, but here, like this, his memory supplies him with the ghosts of the flowers out in the orchards and the crisp of the oncoming winter carried on the night breeze, and he likes to think that it clings in Wen Kexing’s hair falling around them in dark curtains. A sign that he’s just as much of the manor as Zhou Zishu himself is.
“You’re going easy on me lately,” Zhou Zishu remarks breathlessly when they’ve finished for the time being, after the moon has dipped low enough that they’re no longer awash in the light of it but rather lying together in their overheated blankets panting softly in the darkest part of the night, nothing but vague shapes that are better explored with wandering hands or lazy mouths than with the eye.
“Hm? Complaining already, Ah-Xu?” Wen Kexing teases, his perpetual smile in his voice. “At least finish catching your breath before you use it to critique my performance.”
“Not a criticism, just an observation,” Zhou Zishu retorts with a blind flick in the general vicinity of Wen Kexing’s ear. “I’m not going to break, Lao Wen. You don’t have to be so gentle.”
“I know. Maybe I just think you deserve to be treated gently sometimes.”
Zhou Zishu takes a deep breath in and lets it out slowly, relaxing as Wen Kexing leans in to start kissing and nipping at his ear, his mouth lazy and sloppy in just the way Zhou Zishu likes to tease him for (but that he also happens to like best). “You’re getting sentimental,” he mutters.
“An interesting accusation from the man who spends his nights drinking sweet wine and gazing at the moon before he comes in to me full of desire and begging to be made to feel good.”
“Mm, don’t hit me just because I’m right, Ah-Xu. I’m finding that sentiment doesn’t seem to be such a bad thing.”
“Be rough with me next time anyway,” Zhou Zishu murmurs against the too-warm curve of Wen Kexing’s cheek.
“Alright, Ah-Xu.” Wen Kexing’s voice is full of such warmth and affection for such a simple reply that Zhou Zishu has to close his eyes and just bask in it for a moment, this impossible man who, for some reason, loves him like this. “Do you still want to take a bath tonight?”
“Hm?” Zhou Zishu frowns in confusion for a moment before he remembers his contrived condition for coming back to bed and he sighs gustily with a little shake of his head. “Just stay, I don’t want to get up. We’ll draw one in the morning.”
“You give up on your own conditions so easily,” Wen Kexing teases with a nip to his earlobe, sharp enough for him to feel it properly, that makes him chuckle sleepily. “I see what it really is - you just want me to spend all my time taking care of you, hm? Cooking for you, drawing you a bath, bringing you in out of the cold, making you feel good..”
Zhou Zishu runs a hand slowly over Wen Kexing’s hair fanned out over his back, his skin beneath it slightly cool in the night air now that his sweat has dried. “Quite possibly,” he hums with a little smile. “You should have pretended to be as incompetent as our silly disciple if you didn’t want to spend your time taking care of me, you shouldn’t have shown off so much when you were trying to get my attention.”
Wen Kexing laughs at that and drags his lips down the line of his jaw and up from his chin to capture his mouth in a kiss that quickly has him shivering and going pliant under the renewed press of Wen Kexing’s broader frame.
“You shouldn’t have been so perfect as to deserve my attention in the first place,” Wen Kexing says into his lips with a smirk, his voice low and dark.
Perhaps one day soon Zhou Zishu will finally manage to confront his lover about the suspicions that are only growing stronger in his heart that Wen Kexing has something to do with Ghost Valley. The evidence is stacking up quicker than he can explain it away, and he can’t help but draw particular conclusions.
But for now Wen Kexing is biting him just right to get them both ready for another round of pleasure - rougher this time, as per his request - and Zhou Zishu selfishly wants to ignore the rest of the world for as long as they reasonably can. He just wants his zhiji for a little longer, before whatever danger he can feel looming on the horizon threatens to engulf them, or his own mortality fails him.
Is that really too much to ask?
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