writersrealmbts · 1 year
We Could Be: Part 32 (Shrunk)
Description: In a world of magic, mortals, and immortals; seven souls are brought together, blah blah blah, It was their desire to show Seokjin just what “We Could Be”. Now if only the government would stop trying to mess with them.
Posting Date: 09/02/2023
Wordcount: Shrunk (1,560)
Tags: Magic Au, Ot7 bts, werewolves, werecats, vampires, nymphs, magic users, etc.
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Yoongi felt uncomfortable in his own skin, and he was craving milk, and everything just felt weird. He also really, really wanted his mom.
He snuggled closer to the warmth, grumbling about waking up and how he wanted to sleep for another decade.
The warmth chuckled at him. “Could you stop kneading my chest? Feels weird.”
Yoongi stilled, about to object.
But no.
He had been.
Why had he been doing that?
He groaned and opened his eyes, blinking blearily.
Why did the world seem so big? Continue Reading on Ao3…
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writersrealmbts · 10 months
We Could Be: (Home) 34
Description: In a world of magic, mortals, and immortals; seven souls are brought together, blah blah blah, It was their desire to show Seokjin just what “We Could Be”. Now if only the government would stop trying to mess with them.
Posting Date: 11/20/2023
Wordcount: (1,491)
Tags: Magic Au, Ot7 bts, werewolves, werecats, vampires, nymphs, magic users, etc.
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Seokjin looked over the others with worry gnawing at his stomach.
Taehyung and Yoongi were still shifted, which meant they weren’t really ready to be human yet, which meant Seokjin hadn’t been able to explain what he had in mind yet.
Already the stone around them seemed to be vibrating with this idea of pleasing him. Of bending to his will.
This cave was old, and thrumming with magic. Magic older than most people.
“Hyung, you look nervous,” Namjoon whispered, sitting down beside him.
Seokjin sighed and reached out, rubbing Namjoon’s neck. “Just…trying not to get antsy while we wait for the other two to…get in better headspace.”
Namjoon nodded, leaning into the touch.
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writersrealmbts · 10 months
We Could Be: (Jealous) 35
Description: In a world of magic, mortals, and immortals; seven souls are brought together, blah blah blah, It was their desire to show Seokjin just what “We Could Be”. Now if only the government would stop trying to mess with them.
Posting Date: 12/08/2023
Wordcount: (1,758)
Tags: Magic Au, Ot7 bts, werewolves, werecats, vampires, nymphs, magic users, etc.
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The sunlight was heavenly, warming him through and helping him pursue that sleepiness that still lingered.
Taehyung mumbled in his sleep and rolled the opposite way.
Jimin smiled and laughed a bit to himself, then stretched and got up, staring outside even though it was all too bright.
But the view was amazing.
Their new home was amazing.
On the outside, it looked like an unassuming little stone house.
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writersrealmbts · 1 year
We Could Be: Parts 27, 28, and 29
Description: In a world of magic, mortals, and immortals; seven souls are brought together, blah blah blah, It was their desire to show Seokjin just what “We Could Be”. Now if only the government would stop trying to mess with them.
Posting Date: 07/12/2023
Wordcount: Scattered, 1,288; Found, 1,863; Possessive, 1,442
Tags: Magic Au, Ot7 bts, werewolves, werecats, vampires, nymphs, magic users, etc.
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“Joonie-hyung?” Jimin tried again, waving a hand in front of his hyung’s face in the hopes that his hyung would be coming out of the trance at any moment. He knew that he couldn’t force his hyung out of the memory-trance, but normally it was over in seconds.
This one had been going for close to ten minutes.
They’d just been exploring to see if there was an easier way out of the caves than climbing. They were supposed to follow their tunnel, go as straight as possible and then turn around after a certain amount of time and go straight back.
Jimin, still feeling a little…exposed to the world, had been eager to go back as soon as they reached the decided time-marker.
But then Namjoon had touched something, frowned and kept going. “Just a little further.”
He’d indulged at first, but then he’d insisted on turning back.
That’s where things got difficult.
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writersrealmbts · 1 year
We Could Be: 25 and 26 (Stuck and Disoriented)
Description: In a world of magic, mortals, and immortals; seven souls are brought together, blah blah blah, It was their desire to show Seokjin just what “We Could Be”. Now if only the government would stop trying to mess with them.
Posting Date: 06/08/2023
Wordcount: Stuck, 1,448; Disoriented, 1,511
Tags: Magic Au, Ot7 bts, werewolves, werecats, vampires, nymphs, magic users, etc.
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“This…isn’t the careful that I had in mind,” Hoseok groaned somewhere to Yoongi’s right.
Yoongi was shaking as he tried to push himself up, almost choking on the vanilla scent. “Namjoon? Tae? Jungkook? Jimin? Jin-hyung?”
A soft growl emanated from his left, followed by a whine.
“Tae or Jungkook?”
A noise that sounded suspiciously like a dog saying, “Tae” in the quietest way it could.
“Whine if you managed to catch Jin, growl if you aren’t sure where he is.”
There was a soft whine.
“I’m okay, I think, just…a little winded,” Namjoon groaned. “Well…might have broken something.”
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writersrealmbts · 9 months
We Could Be: Chapters 36-Chapter 40
Description: In a world of magic, mortals, and immortals; seven souls are brought together, blah blah blah, It was their desire to show Seokjin just what “We Could Be”. Now if only the government would stop trying to mess with them.
Posting Date: 12/22/2023
Tags: Magic Au, Ot7 bts, werewolves, werecats, vampires, nymphs, magic users, witches, fae, etc.
AN: Merry Christmas
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36. (Incognito)
As a nymph, Hoseok was hard to track using magic.
Yay him.
It made him a prime candidate for an excursion into the nearby city, with Jimin and Taehyung.
He was so honored.
So thrilled.
Taehyung scratched at the collar, looking sort of miserable as they waited to cross the street.
Jimin had the leash in a death grip.
Hoseok couldn’t figure out how he’d lived in Seoul for as long as he had, because everything about the city was just…overwhelming now. The smells, the sounds, even the sights seemed harsh to him, and he was longing to be back in the forest, heading back to their new sentient home.
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writersrealmbts · 1 year
We Could Be: (Stretched)
Description: In a world of magic, mortals, and immortals; seven souls are brought together, blah blah blah, It was their desire to show Seokjin just what “We Could Be”. Now if only the government would stop trying to mess with them.
Posting Date: 09/26/2023
Wordcount: Shrunk (1,423)
Tags: Magic Au, Ot7 bts, werewolves, werecats, vampires, nymphs, magic users, etc.
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It was an unspoken rule that Taehyung was supposed to pretend that he didn’t hear some conversations when he was shifted. It was a rule for Yoongi, too, but again, an unspoken one.
So Taehyung had to pretend that he didn’t hear Jimin kissing Namjoon while they were getting bedding (glorious, soft, warm bedding) from the magical storage unit.
And he had to pretend he didn’t hear Seokjin whisper that he loved his babies.
And he had to pretend that he hadn’t heard Seokjin’s entire conversation with Yoongi about his heritage and abilities. That he hadn’t heard Yoongi speaking, clearly back in human form and apparently naked (something Taehyung was itching to sneak a peek at). That he hadn’t heard that Yoongi chose to stay in cat form for a little longer.
It was a lot of pretending and Taehyung was feeling a little pouty about it.
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writersrealmbts · 1 year
We Could Be: (Hidden) 24
Description: In a world of magic, mortals, and immortals; seven souls are brought together, blah blah blah, It was their desire to show Seokjin just what “We Could Be”. Now if only the government would stop trying to mess with them.
Posting Date: 05/011/2023
Wordcount: 1,107
Tags: Magic Au, Ot7 bts, werewolves, werecats, vampires, nymphs, magic users, etc.
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Hoseok hated bugs. Always had. They terrified him.
They were creepy.
Right now, though, they didn’t exist.
He had to find the right path and they were whispering which way was safest and telling him that danger was following but if they went just a little further, the trees would start helping.
This way, nymph.
Hurry, nymph.
Hoseok had never paid much attention to his nymph blood, aside from the fact that it would keep him alive. He liked seeing flowers in spring, or blooming where life was unlikely. In cracks of cement or well-worn soccer fields.
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writersrealmbts · 1 year
We Could Be: (Alone) 17
Description: In a world of magic, mortals, and immortals; six souls are brought together to navigate the world. Namjoon had become immortal by accident. Hoseok was born into immortality. Jimin was pursuing immortality. Yoongi had immortality thrust upon him. Taehyung isn’t sure how or when he became immortal. Jungkook showed no interest whatsoever in immortality. It’s Seokjin’s job to help them all learn to live, immortal or not. His job to keep them safe and teach them how to live life while losing people they loved to mortality. It was their desire to teach him how much they loved him. It was their desire to show him just what “We Could Be”. Now if only the government would stop trying to mess with them.
Posting Date: 03/30/2023
Wordcount: 1,408
Tags: Magic Au, Ot7 bts, werewolves, werecats, vampires, nymphs, magic users, etc.
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Hoseok was exhausted. Bone-tired. Brain turned to goo long ago.
It was taking too long to get Jungkook stabilized and nobody was helping. It'd been four months. The summer solstice was coming quickly.
He knew it would be like this. He’d argued so hard and it was all for naught.
Now he was desperate.
Now he really needed a nap.
But he couldn’t face his empty bed.
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writersrealmbts · 1 year
We Could Be: Part 30 and 31
Description: In a world of magic, mortals, and immortals; seven souls are brought together, blah blah blah, It was their desire to show Seokjin just what “We Could Be”. Now if only the government would stop trying to mess with them.
Posting Date: 08/06/2023
Wordcount: Scattered, 1,288; Found, 1,863; Possessive, 1,442
Tags: Magic Au, Ot7 bts, werewolves, werecats, vampires, nymphs, magic users, etc.
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Hoseok hated insects.
 He also hated the dark.
 He also hated being the only one awake when something was moving in the dark.
 “Uh, is anyone else awake?” He whispered, scared of whatever it was that was moving around on the other side of the cave. It sounded like it was pacing back and forth. 
 Yoongi had placed a sort of alert, hadn’t he? So they couldn’t be in danger, right?
 Yoongi wasn’t curled against his back anymore.
 Yoongi wasn’t anywhere Hoseok could see.
 Hoseok pinched Jimin’s side.
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writersrealmbts · 2 years
We Could Be: (Forgetting) 14, (Lost) 15, and (Normal) 16
Description: In a world of magic, mortals, and immortals; six souls are brought together to navigate the world. Namjoon had become immortal by accident. Hoseok was born into immortality. Jimin was pursuing immortality. Yoongi had immortality thrust upon him. Taehyung isn’t sure how or when he became immortal. Jungkook showed no interest whatsoever in immortality. It’s Seokjin’s job to help them all learn to live, immortal or not. His job to keep them safe and teach them how to live life while losing people they loved to mortality. It was their desire to teach him how much they loved him. It was their desire to show him just what “We Could Be”. Now if only the government would stop trying to mess with them.
Posting Date: 03/15/2023 and 3/18/2023
Wordcount: (14) 1,376, (15) 1,448, (16) 2,084
Tags: Magic Au, Ot7 bts, werewolves, werecats, vampires, nymphs, magic users, etc.
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For Taehyung, it was never a question of if the others would be compatible mates for him, but when they would become his mates.
He knew the moment he met them that they would be with him the rest of his life, if he got what he wanted.
It was just a matter of them choosing that as well.
He was elated to initiate mating with Jimin, with everyone’s approval.
And he was elated at the way Hoseok just sort of watched over it, smiling now and then and playing with Taehyung’s hair after Jimin was fast asleep, smelling like mate and curled in Taehyung’s arms.
But he wasn’t elated about that nagging feeling in his stomach.
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writersrealmbts · 1 year
We Could Be: 18, 19, 20
Description: In a world of magic, mortals, and immortals; six souls are brought together to navigate the world. Namjoon had become immortal by accident. Hoseok was born into immortality. Jimin was pursuing immortality. Yoongi had immortality thrust upon him. Taehyung isn’t sure how or when he became immortal. Jungkook showed no interest whatsoever in immortality. It’s Seokjin’s job to help them all learn to live, immortal or not. His job to keep them safe and teach them how to live life while losing people they loved to mortality. It was their desire to teach him how much they loved him. It was their desire to show him just what “We Could Be”. Now if only the government would stop trying to mess with them.
Posting Date: 04/14/2023
Wordcount: 18 (Remembering) 1,186; 19 (Distracted) 1,577; 20 (Confused) 1,636
Tags: Magic Au, Ot7 bts, werewolves, werecats, vampires, nymphs, magic users, etc.
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Yoongi wasn’t sure if he should be more worried about Hoseok losing his mind, or Jungkook.
Hoseok was taking naps every other hour and Jungkook kept claiming that they could draw more blood to transfuse to Seokjin.
And now, Hoseok was babbling about magic and blood and drawing some of his own blood.
Taehyung was waltzing in and out of consciousness in the corner with a blanket over his head to prevent the sight of blood from causing him to black out again.
“It’s not the blood, it’s the needles,” Jimin whispered, following Yoongi’s gaze.
“Why is Hoseok drawing his own blood now?”
“Something about ancient magic?” Namjoon whispered.
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writersrealmbts · 1 year
We Could Be: (Running) 23
Description: In a world of magic, mortals, and immortals; six souls are brought together to navigate the world. Namjoon had become immortal by accident. Hoseok was born into immortality. Jimin was pursuing immortality. Yoongi had immortality thrust upon him. Taehyung isn’t sure how or when he became immortal. Jungkook showed no interest whatsoever in immortality. It’s Seokjin’s job to help them all learn to live, immortal or not. His job to keep them safe and teach them how to live life while losing people they loved to mortality. It was their desire to teach him how much they loved him. It was their desire to show him just what “We Could Be”. Now if only the government would stop trying to mess with them.
Posting Date: 05/04/2023
Wordcount: 1,177
Tags: Magic Au, Ot7 bts, werewolves, werecats, vampires, nymphs, magic users, etc.
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Namjoon had had worse days.
He was certain.
He must have.
His boss was staring at him and his library like he was crazy. “Namjoon…what are you doing?”
Namjoon knew he was shaking a bit. “Sir…I apologize, but the rightful owner of these items has come to claim them.”
His boss looked over Namjoon, then his library with the same confused expression. “How did you get in?”
Namjoon glanced toward Yoongi, who waved.
“But…we’re warded against vampires?”
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writersrealmbts · 1 year
We Could Be: (Sorry) 22
Description: In a world of magic, mortals, and immortals; six souls are brought together to navigate the world. Namjoon had become immortal by accident. Hoseok was born into immortality. Jimin was pursuing immortality. Yoongi had immortality thrust upon him. Taehyung isn’t sure how or when he became immortal. Jungkook showed no interest whatsoever in immortality. It’s Seokjin’s job to help them all learn to live, immortal or not. His job to keep them safe and teach them how to live life while losing people they loved to mortality. It was their desire to teach him how much they loved him. It was their desire to show him just what “We Could Be”. Now if only the government would stop trying to mess with them.
Posting Date: 04/29/2023
Wordcount: 1,650
Tags: Magic Au, Ot7 bts, werewolves, werecats, vampires, nymphs, magic users, etc.
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It was the only choice Jungkook had.
The only tangible form of magic that Jungkook could break.
That he could cut the ties his hyung had to.
He choked on his own pained wail as the flowers turned to dust in his hyung’s hands.
But he swore he saw Seokjin’s family smiling at him in the shadows, swore he heard Seokjin’s mother whisper a thank-you.
He didn’t want to be thanked for breaking his hyung.
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writersrealmbts · 1 year
We Could Be: (Awake) 21
Description: In a world of magic, mortals, and immortals; six souls are brought together to navigate the world. Namjoon had become immortal by accident. Hoseok was born into immortality. Jimin was pursuing immortality. Yoongi had immortality thrust upon him. Taehyung isn’t sure how or when he became immortal. Jungkook showed no interest whatsoever in immortality. It’s Seokjin’s job to help them all learn to live, immortal or not. His job to keep them safe and teach them how to live life while losing people they loved to mortality. It was their desire to teach him how much they loved him. It was their desire to show him just what “We Could Be”. Now if only the government would stop trying to mess with them.
Posting Date: 04/22/2023
Wordcount: 706
Tags: Magic Au, Ot7 bts, werewolves, werecats, vampires, nymphs, magic users, etc.
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In all of his years of living, Seokjin had never had so hard a time as deciding what to do, than when Jungkook was drinking his blood.
On one hand, extreme panic over what this could do to Jungkook and what had happened to cause Jungkook to do this. Someone had turned Jungkook, Jungkook was a vampire. Jungkook was feverish and sick and drinking his blood--ancient blood full of ancient magic. Also, Jungkook had kissed him and that had definitely fried some of the ancient circuitry in his brain.
Jungkook was in love with him.
On the other hand, Jin was tired. He was tired, and his family was tired, and it had all gone on for so long. He'd lacked the courage to free his family, so how could he take away this opportunity to put their suffering to an end without having to suffer himself? Too many years, stretched far too thin. Suppressing too many memories.
So why? Why, why, why?
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