#werewolf!finan x witch!eadith
Note: requested by @sahanna! This is my first werewolf au, and I did some research, but please know I may have gotten some things wrong, or changed some details that may not be correct/make sense. As a vampire girlie; werewolves are not my thing, and I am not big with knowledge on them, beside the basics. But I do think this fic turned out cute! Hope you'll enjoy it :)
Warnings: suggestive/fluff. quick mention of blood. and, uh, yeah, werewolf things.
pairing: Werewolf!Sihtric x you (f)
summary: Being a werewolf and having a love life was not as easy as Sihtric hoped it would be.
wordcount: 4,6k
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'Sorry. I only wanted to play.'
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If Skade couldn't have Sihtric, then no one would, she thought. She had been in love with him since highschool, but he never shared the same feelings for her. Skade was always interested in witchcraft and the likes, and as she grew older, she became quite the powerful witch.
And one night, when a cold wind made the tree branches dance in the pale light of the full Moon, she saw the love of her life again, years after they graduated, at a party. He wasn't a boy anymore, he was a stunning man now, with short hair, the sides shaved, and a few tattoos on his skin. She had desperately tried to get his attention, but he wouldn't have any of it. 
Instead, he hung around with the people who used to be popular back in their highschool days; Uhtred, Finan, Gisela, Osferth, Eadith, Brida and Ragnar. Uhtred, Finan, Osferth and Sihtric were called the pretty boys, and when they were younger, everyone in their school either wanted to be them or be with them. And they all had grown up to be nice, gentle and good looking people. And as Skade couldn't get any attention from the short haired Dane, she decided to curse Sihtric. 
Without his knowledge, Sihtric had ruined Skade's life, as she never got over him, and she was about to ruin his.
When the next full Moon would appear, Sihtric would find out he was a werewolf.
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Naturally, it had been a shock to Sihtric. He knew the world was full of creatures of the night, but he never thought he'd become one of them. And it had been a struggle. Uhtred, Finan and Osferth had done everything in their power to reverse the curse, but there was no such thing. Sihtric simply had to learn how to live with it, and it hadn't been easy, but eventually he adapted. It took him years to figure out how to control himself, for the most part at least. 
During the full Moon, he'd change, which was simply inevitable. And each full Moon, Uhtred, Osferth and Finan helped him through it. They would lock Sihtric up in the shed behind his house, which was made werewolf proof. Sihtric would be chained up and kept in check for three days; one day before the full Moon, the day of the full Moon, and one day after, when she gradually started to wane. It had been rough at first, but now it was just a routine. 
Because Sihtric wasn't turned into a werewolf by another werewolf, but through a curse, Sihtric was an Alpha without a pack. It was just a glitch in the curse, he realised later, but he was glad he wasn't an Omega, a low in rank werewolf. At least he was respected by the few werewolves he'd come across sometimes.
Despite everything, Sihtric managed to enjoy his life, for the most part, as a regular person. Except… it wasn't that regular. His hearing had improved after he got cursed, as had his eyesight and his ability to pick up scents. Usually, Sihtric only turned during the full Moon, or if he was really angry, the latter he had learned to control. But another issue was that some of his wolf traits appeared when he'd get over excited. Which resulted in his love life being an absolute disaster. Ladies thought Sihtric was handsome, with his stylish haircuts, those mismatched puppy dog eyes, his smooth voice with the Danish accent and his loyal behaviour. But when things would get a little hot and heavy in bed, and Sihtric would suddenly snarl or his eyes would glow a bright red colour, they'd run and never call him again.
And so, Sihtric saw years of his life pass by without having a love interest, and it wasn't doing him any good.
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'I just really need someone,' Sihtric sulked, again, 'I feel lonely, Finan. You all got married, even have kids, and I'm… I'm still looking for my soulmate.' 
Sihtric raked his tattooed fingers through his long hair and let his head fall back onto his couch. He had so much love to give, but no one who could handle it or return the love to him.
'I understand being a werewolf and all isn't easy, but, Sihtric,' the Irish man said, 'you're not really a chick magnet either,' he gestured at the Dane.
'What is that supposed to mean,' Sihtric scoffed.
'Look at you!' Finan chuckled, 'the long, messy hair, those worn out sweatpants-'
'Long, messy hair is apparently in style,' Sihtric remarked.
'Also, is that toothpaste on your shirt?' Finan squinted his eyes.
Sihtric looked down at his shirt. 'Could be,' he said.
'Look, I told you this a million times already,' Finan sighed, 'try one of those-'
'Dating apps, yeah, yeah,' Sihtric huffed, 'I tried them, and it never worked. I only attract those vampire girls. And everyone knows werewolves and vampires do not match! Look,' he sighed, 'you don't understand how much it hurts when I'm in… in heat, okay? It literally hurts, it aches through my entire body.'
'Okay,' Finan said, calmly, 'just… try again. One more time, right now. Get your phone out.'
Sihtric groaned, but he was desperate, so he gave in without much objection. Besides, it had been years since he tried a dating app. Finan took his phone and searched through the app store, and then smiled.
'They have one for werewolves now!' 
'What?' Sihtric asked, 'really?'
'Yeah!' Finan gave Sihtric his phone back.
A lot had changed over the years, Sihtric thought, and he wasn't suddenly all too hopeless about it anymore. A dating app just for werewolves? Maybe he'd finally find someone. 
Finan helped Sihtric look a bit more presentable and took a few photos of the Dane for his dating profile. Finan captured Sihtric with his messy, wild hair, then with his hair tied back in a bun, and a few shots after Sihtric had quickly braided his hair, all with different outfits too.
'You gotta show them you can pull off any look,' Finan had said after Sihtric grumbled when he unbraided his hair again.
'Okay, and now one more photo without a shirt,' Finan said at last.
'What? Why?'
'Jesus Christ, Sihtric, the ladies want to know what they can expect.'
Sihtric muttered under his breath and took off his shirt, and Finan whistled, riling him up.
'Stop that!' Sihtric snarled.
'Hey! I only meant well,' Finan rolled his eyes, 'at least you've been working out,' he said and took a quick picture when Sihtric didn't expect it, which turned out to be a good one.
When Sihtric had uploaded the recent photos, he sighed with frustration again.
'I never know what to put in the bio,' he said, staring at his phone.
'How about…' Finan thought, 'good boy is looking for his soulmate.'
'Good boy?' Sihtric glared at his friend.
'Okay, guess not,' Finan grimaced, 'what about; handsome werewolf wants to make his own pack.'
Sihtric became more agitated, his nose slightly twitching as his breathing became heavier.
'Okay, okay, sorry,' Finan said quickly, 'just write something that explains your personality, here, give me your phone.
Without awaiting Sihtric's answer, Finan snatched the phone out of Sihtric's hands and started typing. Without Sihtric's permission he launched the dating profile, and so Sihtric was officially on the werewolf market.
'What did you write?'
'Loyal, caring and passionate lone wolf, looking for his soulmate who wants to go out on play dates and eventually settle down with pups,' Finan smiled.
And then Finan got up, slapped Sihtric on his shoulder and wished him luck before he left out the door.
At first Sihtric wanted to delete the bio Finan had written, but as he didn't expect any reaction anyway, he quickly forgot about it and went to bed.
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Sihtric's phone buzzed early in the morning, waking him up, and he almost jumped out of bed when he saw someone had sent him a so-called wolf whistle on the dating app. Sending a wolf whistle meant that someone really liked your profile, and wanted to get in contact. He rubbed his eyes and checked the profile of his admirer, and he saw; you.
'This has to be a scam,' Sihtric mumbled as his eyes scanned your profile.
Your pictures were simply breathtaking, and your personality seemed to match his. Sihtric couldn't believe it, and even though he expected you to never actually write to him, he accepted your request. And only minutes later another message popped up on his screen.
You: hi!
You: thank you for accepting me :) 
You: I really liked your profile… we have a lot of things in common it seems and I think you're cute. I'd love to meet up.
Sihtric stared at his phone, suddenly feeling nervous. He typed and deleted several messages, and then finally hit send.
Sihtric: hi yourself, thank you for your message. I'd be more than happy to meet a cute wolfie such as yourself :) 
'Wolfie?' Sihtric groaned after he had replied.
He thought he already fucked up and expected you to block him, so he was surprised when he received a blushing emoji from you, as well as a suggestion to meet up on saturday.
And Sihtric anxiously, and a little desperately, counted down the days until the weekend.
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'Is this alright?' Sihtric asked, a little nervous, as he video called Finan before he had to leave the house, showing his outfit in the mirror.
Sihtric was wearing a black, ripped skinny jeans with black boots underneath, he had on a comfy, crimson coloured hoodie and a black beanie to top it off, with his shoulder length hair sticking out underneath. He had trimmed his facial hair into a well kept goatee and a hint of eyeliner accentuated his mismatched eyes.
'Yes, mate!' Finan smiled proudly, 'you look handsome, go get that lass.'
And after Sihtric got all hyped up by Finan, he left for his date, to meet you. You had agreed to meet at the park, around noon, and Sihtric made sure to be a little early, so he could monitor the surroundings already. 
He waited for about fifteen minutes, and then he suddenly laid eyes on you, as you walked over to him from across the park. Sihtric perked up as he sat on the wooden bench, his back completely straight, his chin slightly tilted upwards, and his eyes were locked with yours. Sihtric thought you looked ravishing in your white hoodie, those black hot pants with the fishnet tights underneath and your knee high black boots. You both felt a smile tug at your lips, a light blush settled on your faces, and Sihtric softly whined when he caught your scent. 
He jumped up, impatiently, wanting to get closer to you as fast as he could, and you felt an overwhelming excitement grow inside you when the handsome man closed in on you. You both speeded up your walking pace, and when you finally stood in front of each other, you stared up at each other, not entirely sure what to do now that you were finally in close.
'I- I'm Sihtric,' he said, his big eyes darting over your face.
'I know,' you giggled, and you felt a little lightheaded at the pleasant sight and smell of your date.
Without saying another word, you fell into an embrace. Sihtric held you tightly in his strong arms, and he struggled to contain himself. As did you; you felt the pressure inside you growing stronger, and you desperately fought your claws coming out when Sihtric let out a soft, sweet whine as he breathed in your scent, which you heard all too well. And your heart simply melted when you saw Sihtric's shy face, while holding your hands after you had both pulled away.
You looked up at him, and both your eyes showed a sudden, quick glow, his red, yours golden, making you both chuckle shyly. Sihtric carefully took your chin and pressed a soft kiss to your cheek, after which he gave your jaw a sweet and quick rub with his own. You heard how he breathed in your scent again and you saw how he smiled. Then he pulled you in for another hug, and you nuzzled his neck gently, breathing in Sihtric's scent, which simply made you feel at home.
'So,' you said after a moment, 'you want to take a walk around the park?'
'I will gladly go for a walk with you,' Sihtric smiled.
And ever since that first embrace, Sihtric kept your hand in his, fingers intertwined.
'Do you mind telling me why a stunning she-wolf like you is single?' Sihtric asked as you strolled around.
'Oh,' you chuckled, 'well, I… I'm not part of a pack,' you admitted shyly, 'I really am a lone wolf, so to speak. I was turned when I was young, the Alpha died quite some time ago. I used to be in a pack, but when I refused to date the new Alpha male, because he was an ass, I was more or less driven away.'
Sihtric looked at you with his big eyes. 'I'm sorry that happened,' he said.
'It's okay, it's been a long time ago,' you smiled, 'I don't even care about those ranks anymore. I just want someone who understands me and accepts me. Sure, I like Alpha males,' you shrugged, 'but I can be a little dominant too sometimes, and not all Alphas like that.'
Sihtric hummed thoughtfully and smiled.
'But what about you, handsome?' you asked.
'Eh,' Sihtric sighed, 'well, I wasn't turned by another werewolf. I was cursed.'
'Oh, goodness,' you stopped walking and stared at your date, 'h-how long?'
'Quite a lot of years now,' he said, 'I have fully adapted. But… I've only dated humans, to be honest. And that never worked out,' he chuckled, 'only earlier this week I found out about that dating app.'
'I also only recently found out,' you grinned, 'I guess that was just meant to be.'
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After a nice, long walk in the park, you and Sihtric grabbed a drink and sat down near the river. Ever since Sihtric had laid eyes on you, he couldn't keep them off you, occasionally having his mismatched eyes glow up at you, and you thought he was to die for.
Sihtric was so handsome, you thought. He looked a little rough, with his lean body and the scars on his face, but you quickly learned he was a sweetheart who just really wanted to find a mate to settle down with.
'How do you deal with the full Moon?' Sihtric asked as he opened your drink for you.
'Oh, I turn,' you laughed, 'fully. It's not a good look,' you snorted, 'but, eh, when I was young I was taught early on how to restrain myself. So I just lock myself up in my bathroom. You?'
'I have to restrain myself too,' Sihtric said, 'and I also fully turn. I have some human friends who always chain me up in my shed,' he laughed softly.
'Really? That's so nice of them. Great friends you have,' you smiled, 'but, hey, maybe we can chain each other up sometime.'
'Yeah, maybe,' Sihtric chuckled, then bit down on his lip as he smiled at you, his eyes glowing again.
'Do you turn when there's no full Moon?' you asked when you saw his red eyes appear, indicating that he was fighting something inside of him.
'Well, sometimes when I'm really excited, I sort of half turn,' Sihtric said, 'I'm not sure if that's a common thing or… or a problem.'
'Oh,' you chuckled, 'it's not a problem. That happens to me too sometimes.'
You continued to talk for hours on end, and when you both got hungry, you decided to get some takeaway and you joined Sihtric to his house, as he lived closer to the park than you. You enjoyed each other's company, and even if you both didn't say the words, you more or less already knew you two were soulmates. There was no denying. And when you stayed after dinner, to watch a really bad horror classic on tv, you both started to slowly allow your inner wolves to explore each other.
At first you had nestled against Sihtric's side, to which he let out a soft, sweet and excited whine. And when you looked up at him, Sihtric perked up, staring down at you, and his big, warm hands cupped your cheeks. He brought his face closer to yours, getting drunk on your pleasant scent as he leaned in, and he slowly nuzzled your nose. You faintly whined as you smiled at his touch, and you moved your hands up to his neck, softly caressing his skin with your fingertips, trying to soothe him as you felt he was really fighting his urges.
'You okay?' you whispered, after Sihtric let out a soft growl.
'Yeah,' he hummed and continued to softly nuzzle your face, 'you just… you,' he sighed, 'make me really excited.'
'You make me really excited too,' you smiled, and your eyes lit up when they met Sihtric's soft, puppy dog eyes, 'I just feel like, as if… you're my soulmate.'
'I feel the same,' Sihtric breathed, 'and I… may I- can I kiss you?'
You nodded with a shy smile, and it felt as if the world around you stopped when Sihtric carefully held your face and pressed his soft lips against yours. And you both softly whined when he broke the kiss. You pulled Sihtric in again, kissed his cheek, and then lightly rubbed your jaw against his, before you nuzzled his face and neck, to which Sihtric hummed with a satisfied smile.
And then, reluctantly, you had to tell Sihtric you should be heading home soon, as it was getting late and you had to work early in the morning.
'I will drive you home,' Sihtric said, being fully aware you could take care of yourself, 'I don't want you to take a bus at this hour.'
And you happily accepted his protective nature.
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'Will I see you again?' you asked when Sihtric pulled up at your house.
'I hope so,' he smiled, 'I had a really good time with you.'
'Me too,' you smiled and held your arms open, inviting a hug.
Sihtric pulled you in, his jaw softly rubbing against yours again, and he whined when you pulled away.
'Sorry,' he said, a little embarrassed.
'Don't be,' you smiled and looked up into his glowing eyes, 'I think your accidental whines are really cute.'
'Oh,' Sihtric chuckled and looked away from you, 't-thanks.'
You kissed his cheek and then quickly pecked his lips before you got out of his car. And when you were both home, in your own beds, you both couldn't stop your constant whining at the thought of each other. And a second date was quickly planned.
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You met up at the park again, a few days later, but this time in the evening, after work. Sihtric perked up again when he caught your scent, and when his eyes found you, he jumped up and ran over to you. 
You loved the way he looked with his grey jeans and black sweatshirt, his hair messy and loose. And he loved the way you looked in your black skinny jeans with a black hoodie. 
And in his excitement, he accidentally knocked you over. You pulled him with you as you fell down onto the grass, Sihtric landing on top of you and you both whined at each other's scent and warmth.
'H-hi,' you giggled, composing yourself while looking up into his big, glowing eyes.
'Hi,' he said, excitedly, and rubbed his jaw up against your cheek before he kissed your lips softly. 'I- I missed you,' Sihtric said, suddenly looking shy.
'I missed you too,' you smiled, 'but you, mister big bad wolf,' you grinned, 'have to be more careful. You're much taller and stronger than me,' you chuckled, 'you can't just jump up on me like that.'
'Sorry. I only wanted to play,' Sihtric said with a sly smile.
'Play?' you laughed and gave him a sudden shove, pushing him off you.
'Yeah,' Sihtric grinned and tilted his head to the side when he crawled back up to you, 'play.'
You looked at him, and then you jumped up, pushing him over in the grass, where you rolled around for minutes, laughing, kicking and kissing. Until Sihtric suddenly froze at a sound. He snapped his head towards the faint rustling of leaves not far away from where you were lying in the grass.
'Rabbit,' Sihtric perked up, and his eyes grew wide.
And that's how you found out that Sihtric was not in control of everything that comes with being a werewolf. You could easily ignore the rabbit, as you were purely focused on your wolf mate right now. But Sihtric jumped up like a puppy, eyes fixated on the rabbit, and you had to chase after him as he basically dived into the bushes, following the tiny, furry animal.
After the cute, but tiring chase, Sihtric went back home with you this time. And it was almost a repeat of your first date. But before you ate some food, you picked out the small twigs and leaves from Sihtric's wild hair, which he earned after his sudden rabbit chase, and then you both cuddled up on your couch. But instead of watching tv, you just switched the radio on, and before you could sit back down, Sihtric caught you in his arms and pulled you down to him.
'Wolfie,' Sihtric smiled at you with heavy-lidded eyes as you straddled his lap, 'I think I need you by my side,' he whispered, 'to keep me in check sometimes.'
'I think so too,' you smiled.
Sihtric rubbed his hands slowly up and down your thighs, and his scent betrayed how eager he was for you. You felt a little too eager as well, and you captured his lips into a soft kiss, after which you kissed his cheek and jaw, and then you nuzzled his neck, pressing soft kissing onto his skin.
'That feels really good,' Sihtric sighed, and his hands moved up to your waist, slightly squeezing your clothed skin, 'please, don't… don't stop,' he pleaded, almost desperately, 'I know we only just- just met but I… I want to- need to mark you.'
'Sihtric,' you breathed heavily, your claws lightly digging into his neck as you kissed him lustfully, 'please,' you whined.
Sihtric growled and picked you up in his strong arms. He carried you up to your bedroom, where you wasted no time in tearing off each other's clothes, and you both clawed into each other's skin as you made out on your bed. Soft whines and heavy growls from the both of you filled the air. His big, warm hands moved over your bare back, while your hands were up in his wild hair. You sucked and bit each other's lips in between kisses and smiles. Then, Sihtric flipped you on your back with ease, and lowered his muscular body down onto you. You whined at his touch and the feeling of his hot breath on your skin as he breathed down your neck.
'You're the one I've been searching for,' Sihtric breathed playfully in your ear.
He kissed your neck and shoulders sweetly, and you heard his growl when he licked your neck, before he bit down into your soft flesh to mark you. You moaned and hissed at the feeling of his sharp teeth, and your claws dug into his muscular back. Sihtric was quick to kiss you with his blood stained lips, and he moaned into your mouth when you allowed his tongue to enter. His claws accidentally shredded your bedsheets when it became evident to him that you wanted more. The smell of wanting to mate was all over you, despite not being in heat, and you both thanked your human traits for that while you thanked your werewolf traits for knowing you couldn't get pregnant right now.
'Want to- want to mate, Sihtric,' you moaned against his lips, 'need to fuck.'
'I know,' Sihtric breathed, desperately, 'are you sure you wish to be mine?' he asked, his big eyes staring down at you, even though he already knew there was no other way. You were his. You were meant to be his. You belonged together.
'Yes,' you smiled, 'I want to be yours. I need to be yours.'
Sihtric smiled, nuzzled your nose with a soft hum, and then smoothly pushed inside you. You exhaled sharply at the feeling and raked your claws down his back as he leaned his forehead against yours, earning a strangled growl from him.
'Gods,' Sihtric moaned, 's-so good,' he stammered, and started to thrust into you.
'Oh, fuck,' you moaned with a smile, your head falling back onto your pillows as Sihtric gradually quickened his pace.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, keeping him close, neither of you able to stop your eyes from glowing as you looked at each other. You felt your fangs appear, like Sihtric's, just before he marked you. He bared his teeth when you pulled his hair, and he snarled at the pleasing sight of you moaning and squirming underneath him, while he finally got to fuck someone like the beast that he is.
'Such- such a good boy to me,' you moaned.
Sihtric growled, hard. He usually hated when someone called him a 'good boy'. But from your lips, it simply drove him wild. He fucked you for hours, hard and intense, but full of love and admiration. And after you both came with a loud, heavy moan, which more sounded like a howl, you laid down next to each other, completely worn out.
When you both somewhat came back to your senses again, Sihtric pulled you in his arms, softly pecking your face all over in between soft nuzzles, and he whispered sweet nothings to you for a while.
'My wolfie now,' Sihtric smiled, finally having what he so desperately had longed for; someone to love. Someone who understands him and someone who could love and handle him, all of him.
'I'm all yours, my little Alpha,' you smiled and kissed the tip of his nose, to which Sihtric softly whined.
He buried his face in your neck, not being able to get enough of your scent, and he rubbed his jaw all over your exposed skin.
'I will always protect you,' Sihtric whispered, looking up at you as his chin rested upon your shoulder, 'I promise, wolfie.'
'I know,' you smiled, 'I can feel it. Your emotions seem to be as strong as mine, which is good.'
'Mhm,' Sihtric hummed, 'but I'm not sure if I will allow you to read my thoughts,' he laughed, 'could be risky.'
'I don't need to read your thoughts to know you're thinking about humping me again,' you chuckled, ruffling his hair as Sihtric blushed. 'But I agree,' you said, 'let's keep that human trait and stay away from reading minds, it usually doesn't do much good.'
Sihtric agreed with a soft hum and kissed your cheek. And after you had both cleaned yourselves up, you snuggled up in between your shredded blankets, nestled against each other.
'Next weekend,' Sihtric said as you both stared out of your bedroom window, up to the clear, starry night sky, 'the Moon will be full again,' he said, and kissed your forehead.
'Mhm,' you hummed, smiling as you enjoyed the tenderness of your Alpha wolf mate.
'And… I was wondering… if you wanted to, maybe, uhm, howl at the full Moon with me?' Sihtric asked with a shy smile.
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taglist: @clairacassidy @finanmoghra @uunotheangel @hb8301 @bathedinheat @neonhairspray @anaeve @bubblyabs @travelingmypassion @sylas-the-grim @bubbles-for-all-of-us @andakth @bel-bottoms @willowbrookesblog @lady-targaryens-world @skyofficialxx @diosademuerte @elle4404 @alexagirlie @sweetxime @solango @gemini-mama @cheyennep3107 @little-diable @jennifer0305 @drwstarkeyy @mrsarnasdelicious
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valhallasubstitute · 2 years
I Put A Spell On You Pt.12
Werewolf!Finan x Witch!Eadith
CHAPTER TWELVE - No Good At Goodbyes
Request:  Can I prompt you? Witch!Eadith works at an animal sanctuary. When a wolfdog is dropped off she realizes it’s cursed & smuggles him out to her home at a nearby caravan park to break the curse. Eadith ends up hiding Werewolf!Finan by passing him off as her absentee boyfriend til she can reunite him with his pack. Who, btw, doesn’t care for human stuff like personal space, clothing, or being parted from his new mate even when she doesn’t know she is because she’s too busy hiding them from hunters.
WARNINGS: angst, nightmares I guess???????? mentions of coma and stab wounds
@lalamaria @brynnmclean @lauwrite1225 @meat-pie-with-sauce @star-light-child @mariec1978 @filliandkili @magravenwrites @wanderlustmags @flowers-in-your-hayr @mariaenchanted @solinarimoon @i-am-ducky @trenko-heart @taupeshop @xoxosoulshine @emilyhufflepufftlk @madrielite @wisetudentgeek @elephantsinthecloset
a/n: epilogue will be out next monday and will be the final part
Eadith felt weightless.
It was like being submerged in ice cold water; her limbs too stiff to break above the surface.
I’m going to die…
The thought came to her with such clarity she couldn’t quite find it in herself to be scared, only tired. She was so tired. Sleep called to her with the sweetness of a mother’s lullaby, warmth slowly enveloping her as she leaned into the sound.
Eadith, it called, Eadith come back to me.
The voice reminded her of the crackle of a campfire and the gentle lull of summer rain.
She was weightless and something was keeping her warm.
Please Eadith. Please.
Okay, Eadith thought with a little annoyance. She never liked to be rushed. I’ll sleep now.
There were jaws snapping at her in the dark. Teeth so large and sharp that the sight of them made Eadith cower.
She was a child.  Too small and too powerless to stop them as they snapped at her ankles and growled her fears from somewhere just out of sight.
She ran from them, stumbled, and cried. Searching…
Searching for something she couldn’t remember but it knew she had lost.
In the darkness there was nothing. nothing but her and the question of why she was alone. Her own voice called back to her, echoing as mist swirled at her feet, tripping her.
‘Because you chose to be.’
No. no!
Then light, bright as dawn. And that voice again, calling to her.
Eadith… Eadith come back to us… To me…
She wanted to but it hurt when she tried to move, her body demanding stillness until the darkness welcomed her back.
She wasn’t a child when she returned nor was she alone. She felt confused, hadn’t she always been alone?
The figure was tall and broad, with brown eyes that made her see more than what was in front of her.
She was in a room that smelled like lavender, in a bed, white sheets wrapped around her, and the figure was beside her. A book in one hand, the other was holding hers, his thumb rubbing circles on her knuckle. He was reading to her, but she couldn’t hear the words.
She couldn’t see his face but she knew he was smiling at her. She wanted to smile back.
Then there was fur beneath her fingertips.
A wolf.
But its jaws didn’t snap at her. The nose was cold and wet. It nipped at her fingers and whined.
She felt it’s sadness. It sat on her heart with the weight of the ocean.
She could feel herself drowning  in it until she was sure the grief was her own.
She felt weightless again but there was no comfort.
She couldn’t reach the surface.
She couldn’t reach the surface.
She called out.
To the wolf.
To the figure.
To herself.
Eadith, please.
Eadith jolted awake and pain burned through her body. She winced, reaching to her side but warm hands were immediately pushing her back. Gentle but firm. By touch alone Eadith knew it was Finan.
‘Easy, easy. That’s it Eadith.’ His voice was soft, gentle as summer rain. Eadith regarded him slowly as she sunk back into the white sheets. He looked tired, the bags under his eyes dark and she did not miss the way his shoulders slumped. She reached for his hand as he drew back, somehow she felt warmer when he held her.
‘How did you like your first battle?’
To laugh hurt more than Eadith could have expected ‘I swear it will be my last. From now on, I will be staying in the house.’
Finan chuckled, brushing a stray hair from Eadiths face. ‘You showed the spirit of a true warrior.’
Eadith wanted to believe him but the brave was the last thing she had felt. Reckless, drunk on magic? Maybe. Had her heart finally won in its battle against her head? Definitely.
‘Finan –‘
‘What happened?’ Finan shook his head with a sigh.
‘You shouldn’t concern yourself with that now. You’ve been out for nearly a week, you- ‘
‘Nearly a week?!’ The panic made Eadith’s head pound, a pit forming in her stomach. How much had she missed? Had the young witch survived? How did she survive?
‘Relax. Relax,’ Finan placed his hands on her shoulders, his brow creasing as he searched Eadiths face. ‘Please Eadith.’
With a deep breath Eadith did as he asked, choosing to focus on her breathing rather than the pain in her side or her panic.
‘Where would you like me to begin?’
‘From the beginning.’
Finan’s smile was small and Eadith felt the sadness rest on her heart once more.
‘You were stabbed.’ Eadith watched him wince as he spoke, as if the mere words pained him. ‘I found you once it was over, covered in blood and carried you back to the house. Brida left once she realised she couldn’t win. Half of her coven is dead, the other is scattered in the wind… Eadith I was so worried, I – you could have died.’
Eadith watched as he tried to hide the tears in his eyes.
‘I know.’
‘I sat with you every day while the coven healed you, but you had lost so much blood they weren’t sure if it would be enough. They put you in this sort of medically, magically induced coma, said that you’d wake up when you were ready. It was hard to watch.’
‘You watched me sleep?’ Eadith knew she shouldn’t tease but she found no other way to fight her own tears that threatened to spill. Finan huffed out a small laugh and Eadith found comfort in the sound.
‘I read to you too, some fairy tales I found in the hall. I thought you’d prefer that to the Bible in the bed side drawer.’
Eadith struggled to keep her laugh contained, her eyes squeezing shut as she shook. When she opened her eyes again Finan was smiling at her, and this time the light reached his eyes.
She felt warm when he looked at her, like the sun was shining and for once in her life she was actually being seen.
‘So are we going to address the elephant in the room?’
‘Would that be your stab wound or something else?’ Eadith rolled her eyes, grateful for how easy it was to slip back into normality with him.
‘No, no. That I’m willing to ignore for the promise of morphine… When were you going to tell me?’
The word bounced around her head again and again. Did she really want the answer to that question? Yes, her heart whispered. She let the silence sit. She could see him finding the words, his lip drawn between his teeth in concentration. She scanned the room while the silence became heavy; there was a fresh jug of water by her bedside, as well as a bowl of grapes. What caught her attention was the vase filled with lavender perched on the windowsill, the patten was so intricate Eadith found herself getting lost in it.
‘I didn’t want to push you.’ Her attention snapped back to Finan. ‘I knew from the moment I laid eyes on you who you were, what you were but… you didn’t seem ready and there were bigger things at play. We were being hunted for Christ’s sake.’ He paused, running his hand across his face before sighing. ‘I didn’t want you to feel like I was trapping you, like you had no choice in the matter - because you do. I want you to be able to choose me of your own free will, not because of some werewolf arranged marriage. I want you to want this just as much as I do.’
Eadith wiped away the tears as quickly as they fell. Finan was smiling at her tentatively, searching her face.
She held his gaze, loosing herself in his eyes.
Warm and brown and wolf.  
She could still run, he was giving her an out, giving her her freedom. But he was offering her a home, one she could build at her own pace. With him.
She reached forward, her hand trembling slightly as locked their fingers together.
‘I need time but I… I choose you Finan.’
Eadith couldn’t help but return Finan’s grin, nor fight the blush that painted her cheeks as he brought his lips to the back of her hand.
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valhallasubstitute · 2 years
I Put A Spell On You Pt.13
Werewolf!Finan x Witch!Eadith
Request:  Can I prompt you? Witch!Eadith works at an animal sanctuary. When a wolfdog is dropped off she realizes it’s cursed & smuggles him out to her home at a nearby caravan park to break the curse. Eadith ends up hiding Werewolf!Finan by passing him off as her absentee boyfriend til she can reunite him with his pack. Who, btw, doesn’t care for human stuff like personal space, clothing, or being parted from his new mate even when she doesn’t know she is because she’s too busy hiding them from hunters.
WARNINGS: nada, not beta read but when is anything of mine 
Tags: @lalamaria  @brynnmclean @lauwrite1225  @meat-pie-with-sauce @star-light-child @mariec1978 @filliandkili @magravenwrites @wanderlustmags @flowers-in-your-hayr @mariaenchanted @solinarimoon @i-am-ducky @trenko-heart @taupeshop @xoxosoulshine @emilyhufflepufftlk @madrielite @wisetudentgeek @elephantsinthecloset 
The smell of Eadiths caravan was the same, if not a little stale with time but it didn’t smell like home anymore.
No, home was the man who shuffled from her room to her car, carrying boxes upon boxes of her belongings like they weighed nothing.
Finan would opt between winking at her, flexing as he readjusted the boxes and asking if she needed anything. If Eadith was being honest with herself his concern was beginning to annoy her, but she swallowed every snarl.
It was only after she had awoken from a coma did she realise just how close to death she had come. The thought of Finan in her position made her throat constrict and her eyes swell, even after so many months.  
They had stayed at Aethelflaed’s estate after the battle, her coven undoing the damage done to the estate house and the wounded’s bodies. And once Eadith regained her strength she found herself doing the same.
True coven magic was unlike anything she had ever experienced before. It surged through each person, each and every one of them like rivers all leading to the ocean, until finally Eadith was submerged in golden light. There was no violence to taint it, just magic as it always should have been.
Eadith had been reluctant at first but as soon as she had seen the young witch walk in with the aid of crutches, she had made up her mind. Ava, as Eadith came to know her as, had faired far worse under the hunter’s knife but her smile never faltered. She always found her way to Eadith, just as she had done on the battlefield, and slipped her hand into hers. Her grip was gentle, never demanding and her presence brought Eadith comfort as she learned what it meant to be a part of a coven.
The pack welcomed her too. One of them was always near whenever she needed something no matter how small or insignificant. If she even glanced at the cereal box on the top shelf, Sihtric was there, a small grin on his face. If she ever found herself thinking of watching a film Osferth was there, offering her a bowl of popcorn and commentary she didn’t ask for but valued all the same.
Even when she walked along the grounds, enjoying the feel of the sun on her face and the company of her own thoughts she would catch a glimpse of a wolf with blue eyes. She knew it was Uhtred from the way it moved, self-assured and at ease as if it owned the ground beneath its feet.
Their friendship became easy and Eadith delighted in watching them with Finan, feeling her own signature blend with theirs.
While Ava and the boys brought her comfort, Finan brought her peace.
He kept his word, letting her take things at her own pace and Eadith loved him for it. He still read to her as she was healed, still brought her fresh lavender and saved the dried stems at her request. He made her laugh until she cried and held her when she thrashed with nightmares.
Eadith admitted she loved him when he dragged her back through the woods in his wolf form. Tail wagging as he nipped at her sleeves, and he had a bark for every cruse she had to voice. For a moment it was like they had never left, neither of them had been hunted by Brida or death. She thought for a moment on the girl she had been and smiled with only a little sadness. She wouldn’t take a moment back.
She was pulled from her thoughts as the tress started to thin and the sky became whole again. It took her only a moment to realise where she was and what lay in front of her. She dropped the bag from her back and rushed forward. The car was covered in debris but looked otherwise unharmed and Eadith felt her sob turn into a laugh and back again. Finan took the bag and disappeared behind a tree before returning as a man wearing joggers and a hoodie.
‘I told you we would come back for it.’ His voice was a little hoarse as he spoke, the light tinkering of keys breaking up the sound.
‘You did. You did…’ Her heart felt fit to burst, the feeling staying with her as she drove them both back to Aethelflaed’s estate.
As the car had rolled to a stop Eadith had taken Finan’s hand him hers and brought it to her lips, mumbling ‘thank you’ followed by ‘my love.’  
His eyes had widened comically large before he had recovered, whispering the words back to her.
Eadith smiled at the memory, months had passed since then and now she was moving out and moving on with him. The pack had their own territory, and Finan had a proper home to offer her.
Eadith winced as she tried to balance a box on her hip. Whether Finan could sense her pain, or he simply gave into his own desire to be close to her the Irishman appeared at her side, taking the box from her hands.
‘Are you sure you’re alright, my love?’ She couldn’t help but smile at the endearment. She nodded as she balanced on her tippy toes, bringing her lips to his bearded cheek.
‘Mmh I’m fine, Finan, do not fuss.’ His smile turned to a frown, but Eadith knew he well enough to see the mischief in his eyes.
‘Well, I am not fine, Eadith.’
‘And why is that?’
‘I wish for a proper kiss; from the woman I love.’  Eadith couldn’t help but scoff, watching with careful eyes as he placed the box on the counter.
‘And what if she refuses, denies you such a carnal pleasure?’ Eadith could see in his eyes that she was playing with fire, but she liked the way it made her feel alive. She removed herself from his grasp slowly, so not to rouse suspicion.
‘Then I’ll have to let the big bad wolf come out.’
Eadith let her laughter free as she ran from him, but the attempt was useless, seconds later she was right back where she started, wrapped up in his arms.
‘A simple kiss and I’ll let you go.’
Eadith hummed in response, taking her time as Finan’s hands roamed her sides. She brought her hands to his shoulders and beckoned him forward with the slightest nod of her head. He paused for a moment, hovering just above her lips.
‘You’ve put a spell on me Eadith.’ Eadith rolled her eyes but leaned in closer all the same.
‘Shut up and kiss me.’ Finan did as he was told with a grin, bringing his lips to hers. Despite herself Eadith couldn’t help but sigh into the kiss, the softness of his lips was addicting and with his hands cradling her head she felt loved. She felt safe.
She had finally found home.
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valhallasubstitute · 2 years
I Put a Spell on You Pt.11
Werewolf!Finan x Witch!Eadith
Request:  Can I prompt you? Witch!Eadith works at an animal sanctuary. When a wolfdog is dropped off she realizes it’s cursed & smuggles him out to her home at a nearby caravan park to break the curse. Eadith ends up hiding Werewolf!Finan by passing him off as her absentee boyfriend til she can reunite him with his pack. Who, btw, doesn’t care for human stuff like personal space, clothing, or being parted from his new mate even when she doesn’t know she is because she’s too busy hiding them from hunters.
WARNINGS: angst, violence
Tags: @skyla71 @lalamaria @brynnmclean @lauwrite1225 @meat-pie-with-sauce @star-light-child @mariec1978 @filliandkili @magravenwrites @wanderlustmags @flowers-in-your-hayr @mariaenchanted @solinarimoon @i-am-ducky @trenko-heart @taupeshop @xoxosoulshine @emilyhufflepufftlk @madrielite @wisestudentgeek @elephantsinthecloset
Watching Finan walk out the door was harder than Eadith ever could have imagined. In her mind it was always her leaving him. Returning him to where he belongs and then setting off alone in a world where she feels a little less whole but accepting of her fate.
This was something else entirely.
Finan had walked out with the rest of his pack with confidence; jaw set, and shoulders squared, fire dancing behind his warm brown eyes that threatened to set the whole world ablaze.
From her seat at the window Eadith felt displaced, like her existence didn’t quite make sense anymore now that he had left her. Something in her screamed to run, to abandon whatever she had found in Finan and do as her brother had done – save herself. But the other voice was louder, a feeling so strong Eadith could barely contain it. It was the pull to seek Finan out, stand beside him as he fought for his family, for his home.
She wanted to cry as she watched Brida’s coven emerge from the treeline, but she was still too proud, too tired to let the tears fall. Eadith could feel the violence roll off them in waves, her stomach churning as she took in their numbers compared to the pack and Aethelflaeds coven.
Their numbers were too few and their opponents hate was too great.
Eadith had seen this before and her family had died.
Clutching her necklace Eadith tried to centre herself before she started reciting every protection spell she could remember.
The action would prove to easier said than done when the taunts started, Brida’s voice shrill as she goaded Uhtred.  
‘And you think that you’re able to just walk away? Why should you get to live happily ever after what you’ve done to me?’ Even from three stories up Eadith could see how Uhtred battled with her words, his signature revealing the sadness and shame he kept from his demeanour.
Finan’s voice broke the silence and Eadith felt her heart stop.
‘And who gives you the right to play judge, jury, and executioner? What makes you any different Brida?’
‘Oh, how the hounds howl to defend their master.’ Brida laughed without humour, her eyes fixating on the Irishman. ‘I should be thanking you Finan, none of this would have been possible without you.’
Brida let the silence linger like the smell of death, enough time for everyone to come to the same conclusion. Eadith watched Finan’s head drop, and she felt the hairs on the back of her neck prick as a chill went through her.
They had led them right to Uhtred. From the shelter to Eadiths home, from there to the forest and Aethelflaed’s home. The whole time, even when she thought that they were safe, they had been hunted. But how, they had been so sure?
The question seemed to occur to Finan at the same time, his voice steady as he spoke, the tiniest amount of denial slipping through.
It was a young witch that answered him, his voice dripping with arrogance.
‘Of course, we could track you, you Irish mutt, from the moment you found your mate. Poor little witch was so enamoured she couldn’t keep her signature to herself. Little drips of pretty purple and silver left all over the place.’ Amusement rippled through Brida’s coven.
‘I wonder if that’s the only thing she spreads so easily.’
‘When you die boy, mine will be the last face you see.’ Finan’s voice cut through the laughter, every word a promise. It was all Eadith could focus on to keep herself grounded. Her stomach dropped, and she forced herself to swallow the vomit and guilt.
The word rolled around her head as every part to the puzzle fell into place.
Every touch, every glance, every almost-something-more. She had been fighting her head and heart for days and yet with one word, the weight of it, the implication, hushed every argument she made. Her loneliness and fear and commitment issues over the last decade had all been one big cosmic joke.
Her heart pounded painfully in her chest as she watched the punchline shift from man to beast. The shift changed the energy in the air, the threat of violence teetering from one side of the scales to the other.
The collide was unceremonious, teeth and claws and screams and magic.
It was carnage.
It was electric.
Eadith felt every spell, every vibration as power made itself known on the battlefield.
Signatures soaked in black and the ground beneath her feet slick with blood, energy being pulled and manipulated.  
Eadith found herself running towards it, letting herself be consumed by it as she entered the fray.
Her hands moved on their own accord, her lips reciting spells she had promised herself she would never use.  
Without warning Eadith felt warmth envelop her hand and a surge of power through her veins. Whipping her head to her left Eadith came face to face with one of Aethelflaeds witches. Eadith’s first reaction was to pull away, but the witch shook at her and then reached for another witch, and then another.
As new hands joined the line Eadith felt her magic grow stronger. It was like every atom in her body doubled its vibration, her blood running so hot it might as well have been molten lava.
The witch recited words Eadith had never heard but her heart understood and with a single breath, Eadith embraced them.
She closed her eyes as the spell took form, feeling it build in her and the others and then feeling the rush as they fired. Eadith could tell from the screams that they hit their target.
She felt unstoppable as they worked together, channelling their magic through each other, directing it where it was needed.
The fight was nearing its end when Eadith felt the connection break. Next to her the witch fell, her eyes wide and afraid as she coughed up blood. Behind her stood one of Haestan’s hunters, a knife in his hand.
The other two witches scrambled to get away, but Eadith dropped to her knees, cradling the girl in her arms. Blood soaked Eadiths hand as she tried to apply pressure, tripping over her words as she willed the witch to hold on.
‘Not so mouthy now, are ya?’ The hunters voice was mocking and Eadith felt her grief turn to rage. The curse flew past her lips with venom, her eyes trained on the hunter, but he lunged at the last moment.
Eadith felt the weight of the hunter as he landed on her and every inch of the knife as it dug into her flesh.
The Eadith felt weightless.
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valhallasubstitute · 3 years
I Put A Spell On You Pt.9
Werewolf!Finan x Witch!Eadith
CHAPTER NINE - Where You Belong
Request:  Can I prompt you? Witch!Eadith works at an animal sanctuary. When a wolfdog is dropped off she realizes it’s cursed & smuggles him out to her home at a nearby caravan park to break the curse. Eadith ends up hiding Werewolf!Finan by passing him off as her absentee boyfriend til she can reunite him with his pack. Who, btw, doesn’t care for human stuff like personal space, clothing, or being parted from his new mate even when she doesn’t know she is because she’s too busy hiding them from hunters.
Tags: @skyla71 @lalamaria @brynnmclean @lauwrite1225 @meat-pie-with-sauce @star-light-child @mariec1978 @filliandkili @magravenwrites @wanderlustmags @flowers-in-your-hayr @mariaenchanted @solinarimoon @i-am-ducky @trenko-heart @taupeshop @xoxosoulshine @emilyhufflepufftlk @madrielite @wisestudentgeek @elephantsinthecloset
The walk to Aethelflaed’s estate was filled with quick glances and murmured conversation that Eadith was not privy to.
It irked her, like an itch she couldn’t reach. She couldn’t quite bring herself to be mad about it either though, this is what she had wanted wasn’t it, what they had worked so hard to achieve?
And Finan was smiling wider than she had ever seen him. His signature mingled with the others, the deep green getting lost in blues and silver and soon Eadith found it hard to hold onto.
She let it slip completely from her grasp as Finan laughed again. It was a hearty laugh, the type that starts in your belly and ends with your eyes watering and mouth hurting from smiling too much.
No one in the group seemed to let her fall behind either, there was always someone behind her. She felt like a sheep, or a cow, anything that needed to be herded.
She also felt the weight of their eyes, wolfish in nature, and Eadith couldn’t quite work out if they looked at her like she was another predator or if she was prey.
It was only after she tripped that she knew for sure. She had been lost in thought, eyes fixed on nothing in particular when her foot had caught on a tree branch.
The ground was hard with frost and Eadiths palms ached on impact. Little specks of red beading as the forest left its imprint.
All four men had made it to her side within the blink of an eye, Finan reaching down to help her up.
And Eadith had reached back for him before she had a chance to process the action. It felt as natural as breathing, but the look shared between Sihtric and Uhtred made her hesitate.
It was a question that passed between them, heavy with concern but not for Eadith.
It was then that Eadith decided not to take Finan’s hand. She picked herself up as she had done so many times before and dusted herself off. Her gut twisted as his face flashed with hurt, but the expression was gone as quickly as it came, a nod and a smile in its place.
He backed away with his hands pushed deep into his pockets.
Eadith wrapped her arms around herself, for comfort or for warmth she didn’t know but she found neither in her own embrace. With each step Eadith felt farther and farther away from herself, a mixture of guilt and fear beginning to make her head pound.
The idea of being without Finan felt realer now than it had in the last few days, hell the last few hours. He had felt so much like home. She had let him in and even with the comfort he had given to her so freely last night she hated herself for falling into it, for embracing it.
And what could she do, ask him to stay? What right or claim did she have to something that wasn’t hers to begin with? Would he even want to stay? Who was she to keep him from where he belonged?
No one. You’re no one Eadith.
The thought haunted her as the group rounded an uprooted tree and came face to face with Aethelflaed’s home.
The estate house was huge, grand in its arched windows and columns, manicured gardens and stables. Eadith thought back to her caravan and stifled a laugh, it tasted bitter in her mouth and the nights Eardwulf would sit and describe the wealth they would share one day sprang to mind.
He had seemed so certain back then and now Eadith was meters away from his dream with a pack of werewolves and hunters at her tail.
Eadith almost felt suffocated by the amount of protection spells around the house but still breathed deeply as they approached the door. Aethelflaed leaned against the doorway with her arms crossed, perfectly shaped eyebrows raising as her eyes met Eadiths.
‘I see you’ve found your friends Uhtred.’
Friends… The word felt hollow to Eadith the way Aethelflaed said it, like a white lie. Something harmless and empty but a lie all the same.
‘That we did, I assume an extra room isn’t out of the question?’ Eadith watched the way Uhtred touched Aethelflaeds arm, the barely-there brush of his fingertips giving it all away. Aethelflaed smiled briefly at him, straightening herself before her eyes flickered back to Eadith.
‘That can be arranged. Follow me, I’ll show you to your rooms where you can rest and bathe.’
Eadiths eyes found Finan’s, his gaze already fixed on her. The warmth in his eyes was ever present but for the first time Eadith saw just how tired he really was. She felt another twist of guilt in her stomach.
He looked away as Uhtred brought him into a final embrace, slapping him on the back and pulling him close. Eadith felt the Dane looking at her as he whispered to Finan, and she forced herself to stand tall under his scrutiny. The muscles in Finan’s back flexed and his shoulders set, whatever relief he had felt Uhtred erased with his words. Eadith fought the urge to interrupt, to insist he needed rest before whatever plan Uhtred had was put into action.
Biting her tongue Eadith watched as Finan brought Uhtred closer, whispering something that made his friends eyes widen and then soften. Finally, Uhtred looked away from Eadith, his eyes dropping to the ground with a smile.
When Eadith finally emerged from the shower Finan was sitting on her bed, fiddling with his necklace.
The silence in the room was well rehearsed and Eadith let herself pretend that for a moment that it would last. Finan’s voice filled the room and Eadith forced herself not to lean into his signature now that it was just the two of them.
‘It’s been quite a journey, hasn’t it?’ Eadith could only nod, not trusting the sadness in her to spill out and never stop. She could picture him discussing with his pack how he was going to let her down easy, send her off with a tight hug, sincere thank you and bus fare pressed into her hand.  ‘I’m sorry I pulled you into all of this, if I could have met you any other way –‘
‘Don’t apologise,’ Even to Eadith’s ears the words came out too quickly, rushed in their honestly. ‘It might just have been the best week of my life.’
Finan’s laugh bounced off the walls and Eadith found herself smiling despite everything.
‘I promise next week will be better. I’ll show you what pack life is really like and repay you for every kindness you’ve shown me.’
Eadith sat next to the wolf on her bed and placed her head on his shoulder. The way he spoke didn’t sound like a goodbye and the hope she felt didn’t bear thinking about, the world was such a cruel place how could she accept something that sounded so much like the promise of tomorrow?  
But Finan wasn’t cruel.
He gave her a final squeeze and then pulled her to her feet.
‘Are you hungry?’
‘Good. Aethelflaed has prepared a feast in our honour.’
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valhallasubstitute · 3 years
I Put a Spell On You Pt.10
Werewolf!Finan x Witch!Eadith
CHAPTER TEN - The Last Supper
Request:  Can I prompt you? Witch!Eadith works at an animal sanctuary. When a wolfdog is dropped off she realizes it’s cursed & smuggles him out to her home at a nearby caravan park to break the curse. Eadith ends up hiding Werewolf!Finan by passing him off as her absentee boyfriend til she can reunite him with his pack. Who, btw, doesn’t care for human stuff like personal space, clothing, or being parted from his new mate even when she doesn’t know she is because she’s too busy hiding them from hunters.
WARNINGS: lil angst at the end
Tags: @skyla71 @lalamaria @brynnmclean @lauwrite1225 @meat-pie-with-sauce @star-light-child @mariec1978 @filliandkili @magravenwrites @wanderlustmags @flowers-in-your-hayr @mariaenchanted @solinarimoon @i-am-ducky @trenko-heart @taupeshop @xoxosoulshine @emilyhufflepufftlk @madrielite @wisestudentgeek @elephantsinthecloset 
​A/N: hi guys sorry for being gone so long, I’m writing my dissertation at Uni atm and I’ve not been feeling super creative HOWEVER! I am back now and regular updates should be resumed <3 
When Finan opened the door to the dining room Eadith was first hit with the ornateness of it all; polished hardwood floors and a long, mahogany table with matching chairs, carved with swirls and crosses.
The second thing that hit Eadith was the smell of freshly baked goods, bacon, and orange juice. She could help but moan quietly, her shoulders slumping at the sight. Finan’s eyes met hers with a raised eyebrow and a smirk that sent blood rushing to Eadith’s cheeks.
The third thing that hit her was the warmth of Finan’s hand on her lower back as he walked with her, guiding her to the two empty chairs at the head of the table.
The fourth thing that hit Eadith was how warmly she was welcomed. Osferth greeted her by name, a sheepish smile on his face as he loaded another piece of bacon onto his plate. Sihtric welcomed them with a genuine smile, pouring her and Finan a glass of juice unprompted.
Eadith felt like the sun was shining on her after a storm.
Eadith waited for the discomfort to settle in her stomach, to feel ostracized as she sat down at the table filled with strangers. To feel as alone in a room filled with people as she had done the day before.
She reached for their signatures, searching for something, anything that would justify her reluctance to relax.
There was nothing but peace.
As Finan piled his and her plates high with fruits and pastries Eadith couldn’t help but take how their signatures mixed together. It felt like a hot cup of tea on a cold day and the gentle kiss of a mother on a scraped knee, cold beer, and the smell of a campfire. It was masculine and warm and brotherhood.
Eadith didn’t feel unwelcome, her reluctance was the only resistance. Eadith had never ignored her gut, she never could have afforded to in the past but the only thing it told her now was that she was hungry.
The food tasted as good as it looked and Eadith felt unashamed as she wolfed it down.
‘So Eadith,’ Osferth’s smile was shy as he brought the tables attention to her. ‘What are your intentions with Finan?’
‘Osferth.’ Finan’s voice was filled with warning. Eadith’s gaze flicked between the two of them, her brows creasing as Finan shook his head slightly, trying and failing to be subtle.
‘What do you mean “my intentions”?’
‘Eadith, you don’t have to answer, he just being facetious.’
‘That’s a big word for you Finan, who are you trying to impress?’ Sihtric leaned back in his chair, eyebrows raised as he grinned at the Irishman. Eadith turned to Finan fully, a grin of her own appearing as she noted the faintest tint of red on his cheeks.
‘Are you trying to impress me Finan?’
‘I- Uhtred what’s wrong?’
Eadith’s eyes snapped to the doorway, the look on Uhtred’s face was grave.
‘She’s here. Gear up.’
‘At least if we die it’ll be on a full stomach.’
The sound of scraping chairs filled the room and Eadith felt her stomach drop. The four men strode into the hall and Eadith struggled to keep up. As they reached the stairs Finan stopped abruptly and turned to her, placing a hand on her shoulder.
‘I need to know that you’ll be safe. I need you to hide, wait it out until there’s an opportunity to escape or until one of us comes to get you.’
‘Finan – ‘
‘Please Eadith. Please.’ His eyes were pleading and Eadith couldn’t deny him, just like she couldn’t all those times before.
She cursed him, wished she’d never met him or helped him. She wished that she had let him stay a dog, stay a stray. She wished that she’d never let him into her quiet life or caravan or heart.
She wished she meant it all, but she didn’t.
‘I’ll do as you ask.’
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valhallasubstitute · 3 years
I Put A Spell On You Pt.8
Werewolf!Finan x Witch!Eadith
CHAPTER EIGHT - Into the Woods
Request:  Can I prompt you? Witch!Eadith works at an animal sanctuary. When a wolfdog is dropped off she realizes it’s cursed & smuggles him out to her home at a nearby caravan park to break the curse. Eadith ends up hiding Werewolf!Finan by passing him off as her absentee boyfriend til she can reunite him with his pack. Who, btw, doesn’t care for human stuff like personal space, clothing, or being parted from his new mate even when she doesn’t know she is because she’s too busy hiding them from hunters.
WARNINGS: Sorry for the lack of updates, i went home for the holidays. Also sorry if there’s more mistakes in this one more than normally, i had my covid booster and i feel like ive been hit by a train, pls be gentle with me
Tags: @skyla71 @lalamaria @brynnmclean @lauwrite1225 @meat-pie-with-sauce @star-light-child @mariec1978 @filliandkili @magravenwrites @wanderlustmags @flowers-in-your-hayr @mariaenchanted @solinarimoon @i-am-ducky @trenko-heart @taupeshop @xoxosoulshine @emilyhufflepufftlk @madrielite @wisestudentgeek @elephantsinthecloset
The car had been parked on a secluded trail, barely visible from the road itself. The trees of the forest were thick and tall, fading sunlight barely filtering through the remaining leaves and branches.
Eadith felt silly for the lump in her throat as she walked away from the car, its rusted rims, broken radio and the faded polaroid sitting in the sun block.
They were just things. Eardwulf’s things but things all the same and if the last few days had taught her anything it was that life can and will change in a heartbeat. What was materialism in the face of her own mortality?
But that didn’t spot her from appreciating Finan’s promise. They would survive and they could come back for it.
Finan seemed to relax the further into the forest they walked, breathing deeply and letting himself smile a little. Eadith recalled a much furrier Finan being just the same, long tail swishing as they walked side by side. It seemed like a lifetime ago, the stresses Eadith felt then seemed like blessings in comparison to how she felt now.
It was hours before Finan finally mentioned stopping. It was completely dark by then and Eadith clung to his arm just to stay upright. She was exhausted. The unforgiving winds of December and the leak in her trainers only adding to her weariness.
The wolf beside her seemed completely unaffected, warmth radiating off him as he patted the hand wrapped around his bicep. He was humming to himself, and Eadith strained her ears to find the tune. It was easy to convince herself that every snap of a twig was the people hunting them, but deep base of his voice made for a wonderful distraction.
They stopped walking when they reached the edge of a small clearing, just enough moonlight filtering through to outline the long grass and the satisfied look on Finan’s face.
‘We’ll rest here for the night,’ He scanned the area once more, nodding to himself. ‘The moss should be pretty comfy once it thaws a little and if we put our jackets together then we shouldn’t get too wet.’
‘What, no quip? No sassy comment?’ Eadith could hear the amusement in his voice, even see the tilt of his head in the darkness. Eadith huffed out a laugh despite herself.
‘I’m tired Finan.’
‘I hear ya. Here, give me your jacket.’ She did so without hesitation, wrapping her arms around herself, trying and failing to keep herself warm. She watched as Finan shrugged off his own jacket and placed it on the ground, stretching the fabric as much as possible.  
Finan sat down and nodded, patting the space next to him. Eadith shuffled forward, her teeth beginning to chatter, hesitating before sitting down a few centimetres away from Finan.
Stopping, Eadith concluded, was the worst thing she had done that day. Being on the run, leaving Eardwulf’s car, none of it compared to the way she felt now. She could feel the fear in her heart start to freeze in place. Eadith could feel the walls she had built so high around her, the pillars of strength and self-preservation, being to crumble.  
She could feel the sting of tears and the constriction in her throat.
‘Eadith?’ Finan’s voice was soft, quietly imploring her to look at him. She did as he asked, fighting the urge to let it all out as he pulled her gently into his side. She let herself lean into him, his warmth, and the comfort he offered. She wouldn’t deny herself that. Not when he felt so much like home, and she wasn’t sure when or if she would ever get to have this feeling again. She would drink him in and soak up all the kindness he had to offer while she still had the chance, even if it broke her more in the long run.
Eadith wasn’t sure when it happened, but she found herself being spooned, her back pressed firmly to Finan’s chest and her jacket covering them both. It was still dark, but Eadith knew it was early morning, she could hear some birds beginning to harmonize with Finan’s snores.
The fear still gnawed at her insides, but Eadith felt lighter as dawn creeped in, like the ice in her veins had begun to thaw. Finan shifted behind her, his snores turning into a growled good morning and despite the ache in her body Eadith turned to face him.
‘Good morning.’ Despite whispering Eadith’s voice still sounded a little raw, the remnants of trying to contain her emotions, but she said it with a smile.
Finan smiled back, and Eadith’s heart squeezed taking in the sight; his hair was mused, thick black strands standing up at odd angles and sleep kept his eyes half lidded. Eadith could only imagine what she looked like but couldn’t bring herself to care, not really.
Eadith untangled her body from Finans grasp, stifling a laugh as he pouted at her. As she stretched Finan stood up, shaking out Eadiths jacket before handing it back to her.
She muttered a thank you, watching the way Finan had already began eyeing the treeline. Eadith stood and brushed down Finan’s coat as he had done for her, the rustling of the fabric loud in comparison to the quiet hush of the forest.
It sounded wrong to Eadith’s ears, like an intrusion. As Eadith handed the jacket to the man beside her she realised that the sound of the coat wasn’t the only thing wrong with the forest.  Her chest tightened; the trees creaked too loudly, and the birds had stopped singing, the wind dropped, and the forest felt empty, yet filled with eyes Eadith couldn’t see. She turned to Finan.
‘Can you feel it?’ He held his hand to silence her, his shoulders were set, and his eyes focused on the other side of the clearing. Eadith came to his side, waiting for him to move, tell her to run or to fight. Or tell her it was a false alarm, and rib her for the way all the colour drained from her face.
She heard it before she saw anything, the near silent snap of a twig to the far left then nothing again.  Finan pulled her behind him by the elbow, his grip firm and unwavering as she stumbled over the uneven ground.
Another twig snapped to the right, and Eadith could feel the forest inhale as the shadows turned into solid forms. Eadith began to mummer the first defensive incantation she could think of it didn’t matter if the whole forest burnt to the ground, as long as they made it out, her fear turning to determination.
Eadith could sense Finan’s anticipation, she watched his fists clench and unclench and how his signature bled deep red. It was hostile. Eadith could tell Finan was at ease with it, comfortable with the impending violence.
It didn’t scare her the way Brida’s signature did, it didn’t scare her at all.
What did scare her was the sudden shift, the near manic laughter that burst from Finan as three men emerged from the treeline. His signature felt like fireworks, and it reached out to them.
‘You lucky bastards, I was ready to fight you all.’ The men kept advancing, their smiles wide and welcoming. The first to reach Finan was clearly their leader, confident and self-assured, he pulled Finan into a bear hug.
‘As if you’d win against us Finan. It’s good to have you back brother… And I see you’ve brought a friend.’
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valhallasubstitute · 3 years
I Put A Spell On You. Pt.6
Werewolf!Finan x Witch!Eadith
CHAPTER SIX - Homeward Bound
Request:  Can I prompt you? Witch!Eadith works at an animal sanctuary. When a wolfdog is dropped off she realizes it’s cursed & smuggles him out to her home at a nearby caravan park to break the curse. Eadith ends up hiding Werewolf!Finan by passing him off as her absentee boyfriend til she can reunite him with his pack. Who, btw, doesn’t care for human stuff like personal space, clothing, or being parted from his new mate even when she doesn’t know she is because she’s too busy hiding them from hunters.
WARNINGS: none? Eadith being an Aquarius and not know how to do feelings?
Tags: @skyla71 @lalamaria @brynnmclean @lauwrite1225 @meat-pie-with-sauce @star-light-child @mariec1978 @filliandkili @magravenwrites @wanderlustmags @flowers-in-your-hayr @mariaenchanted @solinarimoon @i-am-ducky @trenko-heart @taupeshop @xoxosoulshine @emilyhufflepufftlk @madrielite @wisestudentgeek @elephantsinthecloset
Eadith got home late that night, Reina’s questioning, and the fear that Haesten was somewhere lurking in the dark kept her in the shelter long after her shift had finished. She found it surprisingly easy to lie about Finan and their ‘relationship’ after his stunt that afternoon. Eadith knew little to nothing about the Irishman, nothing she could tell Reina that wouldn’t land her in an institution anyway. But what she did know was good enough to imagine what a normal life would be like for them if they weren’t … well, what they were.
They had met in the street, Finan had spilt his coffee on her while out with his friends and had offered to buy her one as an apology. Eadith had fallen for his smile and eyes and voice. They had gone to dinner that night, and Reina didn’t find it hard to believe that Finan had been charming and the perfect gentlemen, paying for the meal despite Eadith’s protests. The rest had been a history of scattered dates and love letters, signed with a kiss and the promise of more the next time he was in her arms. He slept on his back and Eadith missed his little snores when he wasn’t around, the warmth that radiated off him and kept the chill from her bones like he it was his purpose, what he had been made to do.
It all fell so convincingly from her lips that when Eadith walked through the door that night she couldn’t quite look Finan in the eye.
He greeted her warmly, coming to meet her halfway as she dropped her bag and took off her boots. He stopped just shy of her, rocking back and forth on the balls on his feet, a smile planted firmly on his face. As Eadith studied him she decided that it was somewhere between smug and excited.
‘I have good news.
She hummed in response, placing a hand on his side to gently move him out of her way. Finan’s hand caught the sleeve of her hoodie, his body turned to face her as she walked, the material slipping through his forefinger and thumb. ‘I called the hotels, the first one was a dead end…’
‘And the second?’
‘One Osferth Alfredsson booked into the Snooty Wolf’s Tavern exactly six days ago.’ Eadith couldn’t help but mirror his triumph.
‘That’s fantastic, where is that?’
‘Just outside of Manchester…’
‘That’s nearly four hours away. How’re you going – ‘
‘Okay…’ Eadith wouldn’t argue, not when things were going so well for them. ‘How are we going to get there? Bus? Train? I certainly can’t afford a plane.’
She watched Finan’s face grow from excited to sheepish, his hand coming up to rub the back of his neck.  She waited.
‘The car.’
‘I don’t have a car.’
‘I saw your driver’s licence in your purse earlier and its sitting on your plot,’ His voice was gentle but unyielding. ‘It’s your car Eadith.’
‘No. It’s broken.’ Eadith turned her back on Finan, bracing herself against the kitchen counter with one hand and running the other through her hair. She felt him take a step towards her, his footfall loud but gentle, so not to startle her.
‘I fixed it.’ Eadith felt a coldness run up her spine and then heat, an unbearable heat covered her body as she begged herself to just accept it.
He had fixed it. He had no right. He should have left it there to rust like Eadith had… but was that what she really wanted?
‘I need to get to them Eadith, before Brida, before the hunters.’ His voice was strained, pain mixing with the beginnings of desperation making the words come out strained.
Eadith imagined her voice would sound much the same if she could bring herself to speak, instead she nodded and heard Finan sigh in relief behind her.
The silence in the car was heavy.
Eadith felt heavy.
She had felt heavy as she packed and heavier still as she pulled the rusted door open.
But she couldn’t hide her fondness for the old Toyota as she felt it splutter to life after three tries and breathed in the faded cedar and mint air freshener. The beat-up frame of the car shook as Finan settled next to her, mumbling to himself as he searched in vain for more leg room.
It took Eadith half an hour to reason with herself, to sooth the lump in her throat and for her to finally acknowledge the question Finan was too polite to ask.
‘The car was my brother’s.’ Eadith glanced from the road to Finan, he had turned to her with raised eyebrows and tentative interest. ‘He’s dead.’
Eadith regretted it the moment she said it, she saw the pity in his eyes. Warm and brown and filled with pity for something she had hardened herself to long ago.
‘I’m sorry.’ She could hear the sincerity in his voice. She smiled quickly, brushing it off and opened the sun visor, quickly picking up the faded polaroid and handing it to Finan.
She didn’t look at it, not properly but she knew exactly what Finan would see from the light pollution spot in the top right corner to the smiling faces of a much younger, much happier looking Eadith and Eardwulf.
‘He had just turned eighteen, Dad brought him the car and I begged and begged for him to take me for a drive. He insisted until the very last minute that he was taking his friends first, we took the picture after he nearly crashed,’ Eadith laughed despite herself, lost in the memory. ‘He stuck it up in the visor as a reminder that we were stupid and young and … and alive.’
‘I had a brother too… We didn’t necessarily get along, but I know what it is to lose someone. This photo, hell this, car is a gift. Thank you for showing me.’ Eadith damned him for his kindness, eternally grateful that he didn’t mention the tears that had crept up on her nor the way her hand shook as he handed the picture back to her.
‘Tell me more… about your childhood or Ireland or Uhtred or Osferth… please.’ She felt lighter when he spoke. The man beside lounged back, his head leaning against the window as he absentmindedly shifted gears for her. His voice was smooth and soft, describing an Ireland filled with music and culture and family. Fist fights with his brother and chasing pretty girls with red hair. And then the first full moon.
‘I remember it being beautiful, the brightest I’d ever seen it. I was fifteen and thought I was ready. My Da took me out to the hills and told me to strip, it was freezing but I thought I’d look more like a man if I didn’t show it,’ His laugh was like honey and Eadith found herself struggling to focus on the road, Finan’s hands painting the story as he spoke. ‘I wasn’t ready. I was a boy and it hurt like hell. I’ve never screamed so much in my life, but the after? It was euphoric, to be free and as corny as it sounds, I felt at one with nature. I do every time.’  
Eadith could feel the magic in it, the memory. It was the same as his signature, green and smokey like a campfire, touched with something she could only describe as ancient.  ‘I met Uhtred a couple of years after that, to be alone isn’t in a wolfs nature, not really.’
‘What’s it like, being a part of the pack?’
‘Simply put it’s belonging, your home being a group of people rather than where you lay your head at night. I’d do anything for them, and they’d do the same for me. Like a family but more.’
Eadith wondered if that was what a coven should be like. She was too young to remember it properly, them properly and what it was like to belong. The closest she’d come to it since Eardwulf’s death was Finan.
Finan who was kind, warm and annoying in a way that didn’t really annoy her at all.
And she was driving him back to where he belonged.
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valhallasubstitute · 3 years
I Put A Spell On You Pt.5
Werewolf!Finan x Witch!Eadith
CHAPTER FIVE - Undercover Lover
Request:  Can I prompt you? Witch!Eadith works at an animal sanctuary. When a wolfdog is dropped off she realizes it’s cursed & smuggles him out to her home at a nearby caravan park to break the curse. Eadith ends up hiding Werewolf!Finan by passing him off as her absentee boyfriend til she can reunite him with his pack. Who, btw, doesn’t care for human stuff like personal space, clothing, or being parted from his new mate even when she doesn’t know she is because she’s too busy hiding them from hunters.
WARNINGS: none? Eadith being an Aquarius and not know how to do feelings? 
Tags: @skyla71 @lalamaria @brynnmclean @lauwrite1225 @meat-pie-with-sauce @star-light-child @mariec1978 @filliandkili @magravenwrites @wanderlustmags @flowers-in-your-hayr @mariaenchanted @solinarimoon @i-am-ducky @trenko-heart @taupeshop @xoxosoulshine @emilyhufflepufftlk @madrielite @wisestudentgeek @elephantsinthecloset
a/n: sorry this is basically 2 days late, slap on the wrist for inga, jail for a thousand years 
It was hot.
It was December. It was meant to be cold. It was England for God’s sake.
Eadith had woken up covered in sweat, the heat of her dream fading with the fantasy of his lips and the sudden wave of dehydration.
The boiler had broken in the early hours, the heat in the small caravan rising until Eadith was beyond uncomfortable and Finan?
He made her blood boil even more.
He was painfully dismissive of every suggestion she made to try and find his pack, and yet each protest he made was logical, thought out, as if he knew what she was going to suggest before the idea had even occurred to her.
The pages of her grimoire brought her no comfort, folding the corner of a minor locating spell while accepting the fact that the engineer wouldn’t come until the next afternoon.
Her anger had begun to fade when Finan came up behind her, more heat rolling off him in waves with that musky scent that sent the butterflies in Edith’s stomach into overdrive.
She hated it.
She hated even more when she realised he wasn’t wearing a shirt again. She pushed herself away from him, picking up and throwing the t-shirt on the floor at him.
‘I didn’t buy you those clothes for you to leave them on the floor.’
‘It’s hot, maybe you should try it.’ Finan shrugged, and Eadith was sure he flexed deliberately. She had never been so brazenly flirted with before she had met Finan. It was passing comments, easy smiles and small touches that caught her off guard. She had grown accustomed to it, the boyish charm, Finan’s charm. She had yet to master being unbothered by his proximity though, as if his physical touch was something special compared to any other mans.
Eadith rolled her eyes, throwing on a hoodie and then a jacket before grabbing her boots and keys.
‘Where are you going?’
‘To the shelter. It’s too hot in here and I can’t think.’
‘Oh, I guess I’ll put a shirt on then.’
‘Ha ha. You don’t have to… I don’t think they’ll let you in anyway. Unless you want to adopt a dog?’
‘I might.’
‘Mmmh well when you get back to your own place then be sure to swing by.’ Finan barked out a laugh, his frown returning once more as Eadith made for the door.
‘I’ll see you later?’
‘Of course.’
As soon as Eadith stepped outside she felt better, letting the cold air sooth the pounding of her head and the breeze clear her airways, the mix of chewing gum and cold air making her feel fresh and magic in the most mundane way.
The leaves no longer crunched under her feet, the rain making them soft and slippery, squelching with each step. Her breath still pooled in front of her, and for the briefest of moments all she could see was the wolf stalking towards her, huge and dark, its breath pooling as hers did.
Finan was no monster though, nothing about him sparked fear now. Quiet comfort, maybe, the same way he had made her feel when he had been stuck as an animal.
None of it mattered, if Eadith could use the location spell then he’d be gone soon. That was as long as Haestan stayed out of there way which seemed increasing unlikely as Eadith watched him leave the Animal Sanctuary.
His pace was unhurried, the look on his face the same as it always was – smug.
Eadith waited until he was gone before she hurried into the sanctuary. Reina sat at the front desk, flicking through the pages of an out-of-date magazine. She greeted Eadith with a wide smile, waving her other with perfectly painted nails.
‘Hey, what happened to the wolfdog?’
‘What, why?’ Eadith could feel the panic start to rise in her chest, her palms starting to get clammy. She tried to fain casual disinterest, turning away from her co-worker to hang her coat.
‘This man came in, he was quite slimy if I’m being honest, he was asking about that breed specifically. Well, I checked the records, and he should be here… but he’s not?’ There was no accusation in her voice, only curiosity.
‘Oh right, of course. He was taken home…’
‘Well, if I were you, I’d do the paperwork before Derek sees, you know how he gets around the holiday season.’ Eadith sighed, her shoulders relaxing as she turned to Reina with a smile. ‘You can be the one to tell the man when comes back in tomorrow though, I get the feeling he’ll be quite disappointed -’ Eadith forced herself to keep smiling as Reina went on. Did he know she worked there? ‘I suppose you must be quite sad that he’s gone too, I half expected you to adopt him yourself.’
Was it a coincidence that he showed up at her house or did he know something more? Did he know Finan was hiding at hers? Did he -
‘Wait, what?’
‘Derek described it as puppy love – a connection. Honestly the way he went on about it you’d think it was love at first sight, at least for the dog of course.’
‘I’d hardly call it that.’ Eadith snorted, waving her hand dismissively.
‘I don’t know babe, you’re pretty easy to fall for.’
‘Finan!? What are you doing here?’ Eadith whipped her head around to see the Irishman standing with an easy smile on his face and his eyes fixed on her. She shuffled past Reina, who was practically lying on the counter to shake Finan’s free hand, the other holding two coffees. He took it and let his eyes fall to the blushing brunette.
‘You never told me you had a boyfriend Eadith! It’s such a pleasure to meet you, I’m Reina.’
‘Hi Reina and I work away a lot unfortunately, but I try to spend as much time as I can with my lovely girlfriend.’ Eadith wanted to snort again but let herself be swept up by the lie, coming to stand by Finan’s side. He handed her a coffee and let his arm rest around her shoulders. The action forced her closer to him, nestling into his broad body. ‘I just wanted to let you know that I fixed the heating, you don’t have to worry about it.’
Before Eadith could reply Reina was audibly swooning, clasping her hands together as she leaned against the counter once more.
‘Oh, aren’t you just the sweetest. Where did you find him Eadith? I have to find someone just like him.’
‘Just another of my waifs and strays.’ Eadith smiled politely, her presence becoming secondary standing next to Finan. He was being friendly, obviously enjoying the way Reina batted her eyelashes at him and twiddled her hair. She had watched it happen a million times before and what man could say no to big doe eyes and flirtatious innocence? It wasn’t until she made him laugh that Eadith hoped Finan might be immune.
To maintain their impromptu cover story of course. Obviously. Naturally.
‘Right well I’m sorry to cut this short but you should really be going babe. I have lots of paperwork to catch up on, right Reina?’
‘I won’t tell Derek if you stick around. I’m good at keeping secrets.’ Reina wasn’t looking at Eadith as she spoke, her eyes fluttering towards Finan as she bit her lip.
‘I bet you are.’ Finan winked at Reina and Eadith removed herself from his grip. Shaking off his warmth and the twist of jealousy she felt. It was irrational, silly and Eadith didn’t want to play games. She wanted her house back and the peace and quiet, how it was before.
‘I’ll be in the back room if anyone needs me.’ With a brief smile Eadith excused herself but Finan’s hand caught hers, intertwining their fingers.
‘Lead the way, my love.’ He looked her in the eyes as he said it, as if Eadith was the only one that mattered, the only one there. Despite knowing it was all a part of the act Eadith couldn’t help but blush.
She tugged him through the corridors in silence, Finan holding her hand with a firm grip, but his thumb rubbed small circles on her knuckle.
As soon as they reached the back room Eadith untangled her hands from his, motioning to the extra chair as she sat down in front of the computer.
‘We have a problem. We need to find your pack now, Haestan knows you were here.’
‘He’s too close for me to try a location spell, if he’s been hired by Brida then they’ll sense it.’
‘It takes a witch to know a witch, right?’
‘Exactly. I’m thinking if there have been any other wolf sightings in the area then that might be a place to start.’
Finan moved his chair closer to Eadith’s as she typed, draping his arm across the back of her chair. None of the web pages came up with anything, just posts to see if Finan in his cursed form belonged to anyone and a notice saying he had been brought to the sanctuary.
‘It doesn’t shock me. Brida wouldn’t make the same mistake twice, if she got to them then they’re dead.’
‘There has to be a way…’ Eadith felt Finan stiffen beside her, turning to look at him she saw the doubt and hesitation on his face. ‘What is it?’
‘We have a system. Are there any hotels, B and Bs, pubs in the area with the ‘wolf’ in the name?’
‘Uhtred’s not exactly known for being creative. If we get separated then we’ll head to the closest one, wait it out for as long as we can.’ Eadith felt her amusement be replaced with anger, she turned to Finan, her mouth falling open in disbelief.
‘And you didn’t think to mention this earlier? We have hunters knocking on my door and you just failed to mention it? Christ, men.’ She typed furiously, turning to face away from him, biting her tongue before she said any more. ‘There are none in town. What now?’
‘Expand the search area, it’ll be the closest one. Doesn’t matter if it’s ten or one hundred miles, we find each other in the end.’ Eadith did as he asked, the third time yielding two results. She clicked on the first, making sure it was still open and not another relic of small-town England.
‘There’s two. The Wolf’s Den Inn and the Snooty Wolf’s tavern. Either of them sounds familiar?’
‘Not in the slightest.’
‘Fantastic.’ Eadith rolled her eyes before running a hand over her face. Finan seemed calm though, her attitude seemingly having no effect. Or maybe he just knows how to keep a level head, Eadith thought.
‘I’ll note down the numbers and see if Osferth has checked in anywhere.’
‘Why not Uhtred? I thought he was your leader?’ Finan turned to her with a smile, considering how to answer. Eadith watches the cogs turn, as if he could spill state secrets any moment.
‘Honestly? Osferth is the only one of us without a criminal record and he has the best credit. He’s the least conspicuous.’
‘He sounds… sweet.’
‘He’s a good lad. You’ll like him, I’m in no doubt that he’ll like you.’   His smile was genuine, his eyes crinkling at the sides.
‘I hadn’t realised that I was going to meet him.’
‘Of course, you’ll meet him.’ Finan said it so matter of factly that Eadith didn’t push it any further.
Meeting him Osferth could come later, but at least now they had a chance of finding him.
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valhallasubstitute · 3 years
I Put A Spell On You Pt.4
CHAPTER FOUR - Knock Knock, Whose There?
Werewolf!Finan x Witch!Eadith
Request:  Can I prompt you? Witch!Eadith works at an animal sanctuary. When a wolfdog is dropped off she realizes it’s cursed & smuggles him out to her home at a nearby caravan park to break the curse. Eadith ends up hiding Werewolf!Finan by passing him off as her absentee boyfriend til she can reunite him with his pack. Who, btw, doesn’t care for human stuff like personal space, clothing, or being parted from his new mate even when she doesn’t know she is because she’s too busy hiding them from hunters.
WARNINGS: minor mentions of violence
Tags: @skyla71 @lalamaria @brynnmclean @lauwrite1225 @meat-pie-with-sauce @star-light-child @mariec1978 @filliandkili @magravenwrites @wanderlustmags @flowers-in-your-hayr @mariaenchanted @solinarimoon @i-am-ducky @trenko-heart @taupeshop @xoxosoulshine @emilyhufflepufftlk @madrielite @wisestudentgeek @elephantsinthecloset
a/n: sorry this is a little later, got caught up doing uni work :p
Eadith was exhausted. Breaking the curse had been one thing but to drag a 6 foot, fully grown man into her caravan was an entirely different matter. Her arms ached and her head felt although it was filled with fog, thick and blinding. She wanted nothing more than to collapse into her bed and stay there but in her post-curse breaking haze it had seemed like the best place to put the werewolf.
In hindsight Eadith regretted her kindness, her couch was far less comfortable than she had expected, and the window shook with the wind. The night had been restless. As she made breakfast, Eadith decided that she would curse the werewolf all over again if he had the audacity to complain about his night’s sleep.
She could hear him turn on the shower, the boiler groaned, and the pipes spluttered to life. It was a relief that she didn’t have to wake him, now he was human.
She could have animals need her, rely on her but people were different. They asked too much of her and in all the years since her coven had been disgraced and hunted Eadith knew that it was never worth it, giving too much, expecting too much. She wouldn’t do that to herself again.
‘Smells good.’
The sound of his voice startled her, not for its proximity but the smooth Irish accent. It was low and sweet, gentle to her ears. She hummed in response, focusing on the frying pan as she stirred its contents.
‘Thank you…’
Finan. It suited him.
‘Thank you Finan.’ Eadith smiled at him, fighting the blush that threatened to expose just how much she enjoyed the sight of him. He was smiling back at her, leaning against the door frame with thick arms crossed over his chest. His dark hair was still wet, dripping onto his bare chest, the droplets running further and further down, past his abdomen, past the V line, past the snail trail until…
‘Oh my god you’re naked!’
‘That I am…’
‘Eadith. My name is Eadith. Jesus Christ where are your clothes?’
‘Eadith…’ Eadith watched with wide eyes as Finan considered her name, tasted on his tongue. He answered her with another easy smile, glancing from her face to his manhood, he covered himself with his hands. ‘You see, Eadith, one of the side effects of being a dog is no clothes.’
Of course. Of course! Why would the dog have clothes on?
‘Right. I’ll… I’ll get you something. Just put this on.’ Eadith grabbed an apron from the drawer beside her and threw it to Finan. He caught it with one hand, eyeing the ‘kiss the cook’ branded on it in swirls. Despite herself Eadith scoffed at his reaction. ‘It was a gift. Just put it on.’
She shuffled past him with her eyes lowered, feeling the heat from his body only briefly but immediately feeling the chill once it was gone.
Her room smelled of him, like rain and musk. Eadith let herself breath it in only for a second before heading towards the boxes at the bottom of her wardrobe.
She had gotten rid of most of her father’s things, Eardwulf’s too but she had kept some. She used to sleep in the t-shirts, worn them until the shitty indie band’s logos had faded beyond recognition. She cradled the fabric in her hands, her thumb running over the collar. She fought the tightness in her throat, a reflex rather than genuine emotion. She shoved the shirt back in the box, instead opting for the plain black T and grey sweatpants.
Eadith lay them on the bed, smoothing them out one more time before calling Finan through.
She could tell he knew something was off, but she gestured to the clothes with a small smile and closed the door behind her, not waiting for him to speak.
In the time it had taken her to pick out the clothes Finan had already helped himself to his portion of the eggs that had been frying. Eadith picked at her own, feeling heavier than she had done earlier. Just as Eadith began to consider sleeping on the couch for a second time there was a knock at the door.
Eadith felt herself straighten, anxiety gnawing at her stomach. Finan appeared in the doorway, concern lining his face. Her eyes met his, the question between them lingering. The desire to ignore it so much stronger than her pull to answer it.
Another knock, harder this time.
Finan sniffed the air, his face turning to a snarl as he made for the door, but Eadith stopped him with a wave of her hand. Finans glare fell, his eyes filling with concern. Eadith shook her head, ushering him back inside the bedroom, leaving the door open only a crack.
With a deep breath Eadith opened the door, her fake smile dropping immediately.
‘Hæstan. What do you want?’
‘Now now, that’s not very friendly.’
‘That’s because I’m not your friend.’ Eadith watched with disgust as his eyes trailed her up and down.
‘Pity.’ The two men behind him laughed and Eadith smiled back at them without humour. ‘Relax my lady, we’re not here for you. We’re hunting werewolves not witches this time. Seen any?’
‘Go to hell.’
‘Still as fiery as ever Eadith, your brother was so much more agreeable.’
‘And look where that got him. I don’t intend to make it a family tradition. But to answer your question…’ Eadith considered the man hiding in her bedroom, how much bother he had already been. How dangerous it would be to get caught up in hunters’ business and yet how his eyes never changed even when he was an animal. ‘No. I haven’t.’
Eadith could tell by the way Hæstan sighed that he wasn’t convinced but he didn’t push, simply nodded with a small smile.
‘Well then, you’ll be sure to keep an eye out for us Eadith, won’t you? We’ll be keeping an eye on you.’
With a bow Hæstan turned, leaving Eadith with shaking hands. Bracing herself against the counter Eadith let herself breath, her stomach churning.
‘Are you alright?’ She could feel Finan behind her, taking tentative steps towards her.
‘Fine.’ She felt him recoil. Guilt pulled at her heart; her shoulders slumped as she turns to face him. ‘I’m fine but we need to get you out of here.’
‘What?! Why?’
‘Are you deaf, or just stupid? There are hunters literally knocking at my door looking for a werewolf. It could not be any more obvious. So where are they, your pack?’
Eadith watched the hurt flash across his face, his shoulders sagging.
‘I don’t know.’
‘How can you not know?’
‘It’s a long story.’ Finan’s voice was quiet, all the charm and humour gone. He looked defeated and Eadith’s anger, her fear subsided.
‘We’ve got time. It’s not like we can go anywhere is it.’
‘I suppose not.’
The two of them sat on the couch, Eadith curling herself into the cushions while Finan leant forward, his hands running over his face.
‘We were heading North when we came across Brida. Now Brida isn’t a woman you want to cross at the best of times but Uhtred, our leader, well he just can’t help himself when it comes to women.’
‘That doesn’t explain how you ended up as a wolfdog at my shelter.’
- Three Weeks Earlier -
The back of the bar was bathed in neon light, cold air pooling between Sihtric and Finan as the Dane lit up a cigarette.
‘She’s the prettiest barmaid I’ve ever seen.’
‘All barmaids are pretty Sihtric, but it makes sense why you keep dragging us  here.’
‘I can’t help myself, first time we met we shared a smoke and now it’s tradition. Trust me, come 2am she’ll step out those doors looking unimpressed as shit, but she’ll smile when she sees me.’
‘You’re a lovesick fool, it’s your cigarettes she’s after.’ The two stared at each other, letting the words settle before their laughter echoed throughout the alleyway.
The feeling crept in slowly, like a drink that turns bitter on your tongue, the charge between two magnets before they collide. It was energy and it washed over Sihtric and Finan in a cold wave.
When their laughter died the world sounded too quiet, felt too still and then they heard the shattering of a class inside the bar.
The inside of the bar was a mess, drinks spilled on the floor, patrons running out as Uhtred, Osferth and Hild are surrounded by the coven. All Finan could hear was the pounding of his own heart in his ears as he watched the others be forced to their knees.
There was a hand on his shoulder, then another, pushing him into the circle beside his pack. Whatever they were chanting stopped, their queen taking centre stage.
Brida’s eyes were filled with hate, as they always were when she looked at Uhtred. And her speech was the same, broken promises, weakness. Revenge.
Finan couldn’t understand how Uhtred could have loved her and love her still.
The grip on Finan’s shoulder loosened, only a fraction but it was enough. With a quick glance at the heavens Finan ripped himself from their grasp, knocking the witch to the ground.
Other members of the coven made a grab for him, a sea of desperate hands but in their haste their grip on the others weakened. Uhtred and Sihtric were the first to break off, pushing the witches that still held onto Osferth and Hild.
It was chaos as Brida screamed, her eyes fixed on Uhtred, the sound ringing in Finan’s ear as they made for the exit. He could feel the malice in it, her power and hate. Uhtred toppled under it, his knees buckling. Osferth caught him. Finan and Sihtric made up the flank, fighting off the other coven members.
Time slowed for Finan, he could see the pain in Uhtred’s eyes, the fear in Hild’s as she held the door open for them. He knew, he knew what he had to do. Sihtric’s gaze locked with Finan’s, the Dane knew too, shaking his head furiously as he knocked another witch to the ground. Finan willed him to go, glancing from him to the others with a small smile. Pain and understanding washed over his friend and Finan’s heart ached at the sight but what other choice did he have?
Punching the witch that grabbed him, Finan ran towards Brida, tackling her to the ground with all the force he could muster. His heart was pounding, the rush of the fight still coursing through his veins. There was no time for regret, only rage and blind faith that it would be enough.
The other members of her coven swarmed to her, ripping Finan off her as his pack stumbled away.
They forced him to stand. His eyes fixed on Brida as she seethed at him. The sting of her slap ripples through him, the taste of blood on his tongue. With a smile Finan greeted her.
‘It’s always a pleasure Brida.’
‘Keep your mouth shut. Who was holding him? WHO?!’ Her voice ricocheted across the bar and the fallen tables. Finan could smell their fear, it clogged the back of his throat as they withdrew into themselves. He could practically taste it when they bound his hands behind his back.
‘It was me.’ The witch that stepped forward was little more than a child in Finan’s eyes, if he saw them in a school uniform, he wouldn’t have been shocked. Their eyes are downcast, trying their best to hide the tears forming in their eyes. ‘I’m sorry…’
‘You will clean this up.’ Brida’s tone was sharp, colder than ice and Finan felt its chill as she took a final look at him. ‘You haven’t saved him, not from me. Put him on his Knees.’
With a swift kick to the back of his leg Finan fell to the floor. Silence settling over the bar until it was just him and the young witch left.
‘I’m sorry.’ Their voice is hoarse, shaking as they spoke.
The world started to spin and then it turned to black.
‘When I woke up, I was alone and a dog. I wandered around for a few days trying to pick up their scent, but the rain must have washed it away. I have no idea where they might be now. I didn’t expect them to stick around, hell I didn’t expect to survive.’
‘But you did.’
‘But I did.’
‘I’m glad.’ Finan looked at Eadith with those big brown eyes and she felt herself soften. The nature of the beast before her was clear as day – Finan was a good man and just as lost as she was.
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valhallasubstitute · 3 years
I Put A Spell On You Pt.3
Werewolf!Finan x Witch!Eadith
CHAPTER THREE -  Evenings Are For Action
Request:  Can I prompt you? Witch!Eadith works at an animal sanctuary. When a wolfdog is dropped off she realizes it’s cursed & smuggles him out to her home at a nearby caravan park to break the curse. Eadith ends up hiding Werewolf!Finan by passing him off as her absentee boyfriend til she can reunite him with his pack. Who, btw, doesn’t care for human stuff like personal space, clothing, or being parted from his new mate even when she doesn’t know she is because she’s too busy hiding them from hunters.
Tags: @skyla71 @lalamaria @brynnmclean @lauwrite1225 @meat-pie-with-sauce @star-light-child @mariec1978 @filliandkili @magravenwrites @wanderlustmags @flowers-in-your-hayr @mariaenchanted @solinarimoon @i-am-ducky @trenko-heart @taupeshop @xoxosoulshine @emilyhufflepufftlk @madrielite @wisestudentgeek @elephantsinthecloset 
Eadith felt although luck was finally on her side. All the ingredients she needed to break the curse could be found in the local area and the moon was due to be full that night. She couldn’t have asked for better circumstances.
The spell would take place on the witching hour which gave her ample time to hike to the graveyard. Moss from a dead mans grave wasn’t hard to come by. It was England and the local church had lost funding in recent years, the council finding better things to do with their money than care for the resting place of the dead. But Eadith didn’t like the local graveyard, it was still too fresh, the magic in the earth tainted by tire tracks and cigarette buds. Teenagers would jump the fence, hidden in the headstones the perfect place to share a first kiss or a stolen bottle of their parents’ alcohol.
Just as she had done in her youth.
The graveyard Eadith chose was old, long forgotten down an old dirt road lined with oak trees. Autumn had turned the path into a gently tumbling sea of red and gold, filtered sunlight reflecting off the puddles at the side of the track.
The werewolf took to padding beside her, his tail wagging slightly and Eadith found herself smiling at him whenever their eyes met. It was so easy to forget what he was when she felt like he’d been around so much longer than two days, but the incident in the kitchen that morning was still fresh on her mind. There was a person under the fur and wagging tail, a stranger with a name and a voice. She wondered what it would sound like, if it would be as loud as his bark? She hoped not.
The gate groaned as Eadith pushed it open, rust and ivy covering the hinges. The werewolf trotted in beside her, sniffing as he went. She followed him with her eyes as he wandered around, different spots piquing his interest before he eventually came to her side again.
‘Do things smell different? From when you’re a human I mean…’ Silence. ‘Two barks for yes, one for no?’
Two barks. Eadith felt herself grinning, satisfied as she crotched beside the grave of choice and began scraping the moss into a Tupperware box with a teaspoon. ‘Is your eyesight the same?’
Two barks.
‘That’s quite impressive.’
Two barks and a broad swish of his tail.
Eadith scoffed. ‘Humility is a virtue.’
One bark.
With a roll of her eyes Eadith stood, placing the box into her bag, and heading for the stream at the other end of the cemetery. The werewolf kept pace with her until she struggled to open the gate, time and even more foliage wedging it shut.
‘We’ll have to go around. It. Won’t. Budge.’ Eadith pulled as hard as she could, but the gate didn’t even wobble. With a huff she wiped her hands on her coat looking from the gate to the werewolf. ‘You’re welcome to give it a try, please feel free.’  
Edith was halfway across the graveyard when she realised that the werewolf wasn’t beside her, her heart began to race as she spun around, eyes darting from left to right.
He was sat by the gate – the now open gate – with his tail thumping against the ground as he waited for her. She could practically see the smug look on his face as she approached, she gave him a small, slow clap as her heart rate returned to normal.
‘I’m impressed. How did you manage that without hands?’
He barked twice in agreement then opened his mouth wide, snapping his jaw shut quickly.
‘Huh, I really am impressed. I’m going to need the name of your dentist though, or is it genetics?’
Two barks.
Eadith scoffed but thanked him again before making her way down the slope to the streams edge. Once again, the werewolf wandered around, sniffing here and there. Eadith paid little attention this time, her focus firmly fixed on not loosing her balance.
The water was cold as she placed the jar into it. From what little water there actually was the current was strong, engulfing Eadith’s hand in its icy grip.  For the spell one jar would have been more than enough but Eadith’s own supply was running low, she twisted the second jar open, giggling to herself as she wobbled. She could feel the werewolf next to her before she saw him, his magic signature slowly seeping into hers as he approached.
He made no noise until the last second, his paw smacking the water’s surface, so it splashed her. Eadith gasped at the chill, blinking away the droplets that had landed on her face as the beast scampered away.
‘You are so going to regret that!’ Despite her unsteady footing Eadith scooped up as much water as she could in both hands, hurling it towards him. The water hit him in the face, a whine escaping him as he darted back, already trying to shake himself dry. ‘Not so nice, is it?!’ Eadiths tone was teasing, she couldn’t fight the smile on her face. She had almost forgotten what it was like to play, absentminded and free.
She watched the werewolf slowly begin to make his way back towards her – and the water – and she could see the mischief in his eyes, she had no doubt he’d push her in completely given the chance. She considered doing the same, the idea alone tickling her, but the rising wind sent chills through her. She raised her hands in surrender, and the wolf bobbed his head. The light was fading and Eadith had a curse to break.
The full moon is high in the sky by the time they made it home, Eadiths nerves already beginning to gnaw at her insides.
At quarter to three Eadith led the werewolf outside. It would be risky to do it outside, too many potential prying eyes, but if something went wrong Eadith liked the idea of being able to run, no furniture to trip her, no locked doors to slow her down.
She knelt in front of the beast, taking his paw in her hand. ‘I’m going to need some of your blood, twelve drops to be exact…’ She bit her lip, chewing it lightly as she tried to fend off the guilt. He needed to do this. She needed to do this.
He nodded his head, bumping it gently against her cheek. She smiled, hoping it would distract him from the needle she pricked him with. To her surprise he didn’t yelp or whine, just sat as she counted the droplets.
Once she had it, she thanked him, taking the bowl to the backstep. The makeshift altar had all that she needed; the ingredients laid out neatly in front of her grimoire.
With shaking hands Eadith added the blood to the mortar and pestle, the lavender, salt, moss, and water already waiting. She grinded them until it became a fine greyish red paste. She beckoned the werewolf over and motioned for him to sit in front of her.
‘I need to put this on your face, is that okay?’ Two barks. ‘It might be a little cold, I’m sorry.’
Eadith dipped her finger into the paste, it tingled slightly on her skin. The sensation intensified as she outlined his eyes, followed by a stripe down his muzzle. It was like little jolts of electricity and warmth, Eadith could see the slight discomfort in his eyes, but she couldn’t stop now, not if he wanted to be free. She finished with the triple moon symbol in the centre of his forehead.
Eadith lit the candles and had him stand in the centre, his body was shaking and Eadith hoped it was the magic affecting him and not fear. Her own hands shook as she held her grimoire in one hand and her sliver pendant in the other.
As Eadith began to whisper the words of the witches the wind began to rise, picking up leaves on the ground and spinning in time with her pendant around the werewolf. Eadith stole a final glance at him, standing stubbornly as the wind whipped his face before she closed her eyes, giving all of herself to the spell. From behind her closed eyes Eadith could see light begin to form, she had no doubt it would be blinding to him, but she didn’t stop.
She felt the pull that surrounded him. It was intoxicating.
Energy and
magic and
light and
Dangerous in the same way a flame is to a moth, the sun to Icarus.
Eadith fell to her knees when it was done, her breaths laboured as she gathered the strength to open her eyes. The light was gone, so was the rush of the wind, she knew that much.
It took her a moment to adjust to the darkness, the light of the moon and the sprawl of stars hidden by the cover of pine trees. The candles had been blown out by the wind, tiny swirls of smoke dancing upwards. They shifted as the thing at there centred moved, huge and dark.
The wolfdog had been large but this? Eadith had never seen a werewolf in its true form before and suddenly understood why they were considered the villains in human fairy tales.
He was bigger than any wolf she had ever seen, he was at least double the size he had been at the beginning of the spell, his shape had changed too. His muzzle was longer, his limbs bigger and taut. His eyes were sharp but the same shade of brown as they had always been. They were fixed on her. His breath pooled to the ground as he snarled. Eadith wasn’t sure if the sound shook the ground or just her.
The spell had failed, it had to have. He should have been human. What if she had cursed him to a worse fate?
The beast began to walk towards her and Eadith readied herself to run, to fight, to die but he collapsed forward, his eyes turning white as they rolled backwards. Eadith stayed where she was, knuckles turning white as she gripped her grimoire and waited. She felt the curse break, the rush of power and the absence of something she had grown accustomed to in the past few days.
With a deep breath Eadith began to shuffle forward, not caring for the mud on her clothes, her only concern was if he was still breathing. She stopped just shy of him, relief flooding her as his chest moved up and down gently.
It was as she watched him that she noticed the changes. Before her eyes he grew smaller, the fur and the claws retracting until it was no longer a wolf lying in front of her but a man.
His beauty is the first thing that struck her, taking the air from her lungs, and racing the beat of her heart.
The second was that he was unconscious.
The third that he was completely naked in her back garden. Eadith was no prude, but she found herself fighting embarrassment and heat at the sight of him.
She forced herself to focus on his face and only his face as she dragged him inside, praying to every god that her neighbours didn’t decide to take an early morning stroll.
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valhallasubstitute · 3 years
I Put A Spell On You Pt.7
Werewolf!Finan x Witch!Eadith
CHAPTER SEVEN - Will Things Ever Go To Plan?
Request:  Can I prompt you? Witch!Eadith works at an animal sanctuary. When a wolfdog is dropped off she realizes it’s cursed & smuggles him out to her home at a nearby caravan park to break the curse. Eadith ends up hiding Werewolf!Finan by passing him off as her absentee boyfriend til she can reunite him with his pack. Who, btw, doesn’t care for human stuff like personal space, clothing, or being parted from his new mate even when she doesn’t know she is because she’s too busy hiding them from hunters.
WARNINGS: lol i cant keep to my plan for shit so there’s now going to be 10 parts! 
Tags: @skyla71 @lalamaria @brynnmclean @lauwrite1225 @meat-pie-with-sauce @star-light-child @mariec1978 @filliandkili @magravenwrites @wanderlustmags @flowers-in-your-hayr @mariaenchanted @solinarimoon @i-am-ducky @trenko-heart @taupeshop @xoxosoulshine @emilyhufflepufftlk @madrielite @wisestudentgeek @elephantsinthecloset
‘That is a disgusting amount of pickles Finan.’
‘Here’s a thought Eadith, why don’t you focus on your own happy meal?’
‘It’s a McChicken meal actually.’
Finan scoffed before taking a large bite out of the biggest burger Eadith had ever seen. She knew she couldn’t really afford the number of extras he asked for, especially with the amount of work she had been missing over the last couple of days, but she couldn’t quite bring herself to say no to him. He would turn to her with a bowed head, big brown eyes and just the hint of a smile and Eadith was giving in, spending her rapidly dwindling rent money on extra pickles.
There was more to it though, more than Eadith wanted to admit to herself. So much more than his boyish charm and easy banter. It was the wave of sadness every time she acknowledged that this was their last few hours together. She had grown accustomed to his presence, the earthy smell and the way he made her feel more at home in her own skin than she had done in years.
Maybe it was how he remembered just how she liked her tea or maybe it was how he never shamed her, for her independence, for her temper. For being alone – for acting the way all people do when they are suddenly faced with the fact that maybe they aren’t just alone but lonely.  
She felt it deep in her heart and every time he smiled at her from the passenger seat, she felt the foundations of the walls she’d built around herself start to crack.
Eardwulf had always taught her to never trust too quickly, after all look where it had gotten their parents, their coven.
Shield your heart little sister, we’ll get what we deserve soon and then you can feel all you want.
They hadn’t gotten what they deserved, or even close to what they wanted.  Eardwulf had ended up on his knees, executed for crossing the wrong coven and all Eadith was left with was her feelings and his advice.
After days of chasing away the way Finan made her feel, Eadith recognised just how piss poor that advice actually was.
Whether by fate or by chance Eadith had kindness into her life and it would pain her to see it go.
She pushed the sadness down again as Finan stole a chip for her lap, throwing it into his mouth with a wink. Eadith slapped his hand, goading him as he winced. She could tell it didn’t hurt, in such a small space his signature was all over hers, she could feel his amusement as well as ill hidden concern.
Eadith took two chips from Finan’s lap and dipped them in his ketchup, as if the teasing would reassure him. She shoved them into her mouth with all the grace of a drunken goose and watched with satisfaction as his face creased with laughter.
Finan’s laughter slowly came to end as Eadith swallowed her mouthful triumphantly. He stared at her, his eyes flickering from her eyes to her lips. Eadith’s breath hitched as he leaned closer, the car becoming claustrophobic and her clothes entirely too restricting.
Finan wiped a piece of ketchup from the side of her mouth. His touch was gentle, his thumb brushing over more of Eadith’s lip than felt necessary. Eadith shuddered, her cheeks turning a light shade of pink.
It was as Finan pulled back that his calm demeanour changed, his face slipping from something half intense, half amused to serious. Eadith whipped her head around, eyes searching for the cause of Finan’s shift in mood.
The figure was distorted by condensation, but Eadith knew even without seeing his face that it was Haesten. His pace was leisurely, unbothered as he greeted a second figure.
A woman.
Eadith could feel her power now she focused on it, her signature pulsed red, saturated with vengeance. The further Eadith explored the more members of the woman’s coven she could feel. They were sitting in cars, in the restaurant, stretching their legs on the grassy incline.
Each one’s signature tainted with the same red.
‘We need to leave. Now Eadith.’
Finan’s voice was harsher than she had ever heard it, filled with urgency. The car started immediately and Eadith fought the urge to floor it, muttering to herself as she forced herself to keep to the speed limit.
‘That was Brida, wasn’t it?’ Finan nodded, running a hand over his face roughly as his shoulders slumped. ‘I don’t understand. How could they know, how could they possibly know?’
‘Maybe they don’t. Uhtred has a friend who lives near here. She’s powerful and rich as hell, if Brida’s looking to blow off some steam and pick a fight then there’s no better option than Aethelflaed. We need to get to Uhtred and then head to Aethelflaed’s estate. We should be safe there as long as Brida doesn’t know any of us are here.’
Eadith had heard of Aethelflaed’s family, a powerful coven with estates littering England and the witch herself, beautiful as she was kind, and strong as steel.
In truth Eadith hated the idea. Her coven had been hunted while the other covens had sat back and removed themselves from the fate of her family. They did nothing but judge and dismiss the orphans left behind.
But this wasn’t Eadith’s family, it was Finan’s.
The reception was old and dusty, the red carpet was faded, and the dark oak countertop was worn from decades of use. The walls were covered in tobacco-stained paintings depicting the aristocracy that once flourished in a time gone by.
Finan drummed his fingers against the wood impatiently, the smile on his face was strained but convincing enough that the receptionist didn’t question him when he pressed her for the room number of Osferth Alfredsson.
‘I’m sorry, it looks like they checked out yesterday – ‘
‘Did they say where they were going? Did they leave anything behind?’ Eadith watched the receptionist recoil as Finan snarled, desperation slipping out from beneath the civil mask he had put on. Eadith placed her hand on his arm, squeezing lightly. Finans blazing eyes snapped to her touch and for a moment Eadith thought she had overstepped but in the same breath his own hand covered hers, rubbing circles slowly.
They walked out hand in hand and Eadith wasn’t sure who was comforting who by the time they reached the car. Finan leant against the side of the vehicle, his eyes darting across the countryside village.
‘To Aethelflaed’s then?’
‘To Aetelflaed’s. How far is it?’ Eadith offered Finan a small smile, digging about in her bag for the car keys.
‘About an hour away… Shit.’
‘What, what is it?’
‘Brida and our old friend Haesten.’ Eadith didn’t stop searching for the keys as Finan moved her in front of the driver’s door. She unlocked it with fumbling hands and the prickling of fear in her heart. She knew they’d follow.
‘Have they seen us?’
‘That they have. Get in the car Eadith.’ She did as she was told, speeding out of the car park as if the devil himself were chasing her. As soon as they were out of town Finan urged her avoid the motorways, despite their convince they were the obvious means of escape.
As concrete gave way to forest Eadith finally felt relaxed enough to loosen her grip on the steering wheel. Flexing her fingers, she glanced at Finan, his face was set in a frown and his jaw flexed without rest.  
He met her gaze, and she could tell she wasn’t going to like what he was about to say.
‘We need to ditch the car and continue on foot.’
‘What?! No.’
‘I’m not risking our lives Eadith. They know what the car looks like, and they know where we’re headed. Do you trust me?’
‘Then take the second the left from here and then a right. We’ll come back for the car when its done. I promise.’
Eadith didn’t know if she actually believed Finan or just wanted to. Without another word she flicked the indicator, turning left and in an ideal world, away from death.
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valhallasubstitute · 3 years
I Put A Spell On You Pt.1
Werewolf!Finan x Witch!Eadith
CHAPTER ONE - Waifs and Strays 
Request:  Can I prompt you? Witch!Eadith works at an animal sanctuary. When a wolfdog is dropped off she realizes it's cursed & smuggles him out to her home at a nearby caravan park to break the curse. Eadith ends up hiding Werewolf!Finan by passing him off as her absentee boyfriend til she can reunite him with his pack. Who, btw, doesn't care for human stuff like personal space, clothing, or being parted from his new mate even when she doesn't know she is because she's too busy hiding them from hunters.
Tags: @skyla71 @lalamaria @brynnmclean @lauwrite1225 @meat-pie-with-sauce @star-light-child @mariec1978 @filliandkili @magravenwrites @wanderlustmags @flowers-in-your-hayr @mariaenchanted @solinarimoon 
Eadith woke up alone. As she always did.
She made her tea alone, showered alone, hummed to the radio alone. It was hard work to sing both parts of a duet, but Eadith did with a smile on her face.
She was comfortable, used to the echo of her own footsteps and meals for one. The sinking in her heart had been buried six feet deep a long time ago and now, she liked to think, wildflowers grew on the top. It made it easy to detach, to practice without a coven and fly under the radar of unfriendly eyes.
Eadith was alone and that’s how she preferred it.
She especially loved walking to work alone. It was a short walk but in the autumn air Eadith felt the chill. She loved the colours, the crunch of leaves under her boots and the chirp of nesting birds in the late afternoon. She loved the smell of coffee from the roadside café, and the blast of warmth that engulfed her as she entered the Animal Sanctuary.
What Eadith didn’t love was the immediate feeling that something was off. The moment she crossed the threshold her whole body screamed at her.
Wrong. Wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong.
It felt like ice and electricity, the hair on the back of her neck standing to attention. Eadith forced herself to keep walking. She greeted Reina with the same half smile she did every other day and clocked in with steady hands. She hung up her coat and placed her bag on the back of her chair.
Eadith focused on her chipped nail polish as she followed the knot in her stomach, ignoring the excited barks and yelps of the animals around her.
She let the off-feeling flow through her, she knew it was magic. Unpleasant and manipulated but magic all the same. She could feel its signature, it called to her, coated in fog but as familiar as the sound of her own heartbeat.
It led her through the corridors until she stood in the vet’s room, bright and clinically clean. It wasn’t until she opened the large double doors that the sounds of clattering tools filled her ears.
The scene in front of Eadith would have made her laugh any other day. The vet Derek, stood on his tippy toes, beads of sweat forming on his brow as he desperately clung to the wolfdog that thrashed on his table.
The junior nurse cowered behind her equally terrified mentor in the corner and the wolfdog, well the wolfdog looked about ready to eat them before its eyes shifted to Eadith.
The room froze and Eadith felt the earth shift with the force of magic she felt. The wolfdog had stilled and Eadith found herself trapped in its gaze. Its eyes were fixed on her, dark and warm brown and utterly human.
Eadith felt herself let out a shaky breath, pulling herself out of depths of its gaze and back to reality. The wolfdog had stopped struggling, giving Derek the chance to continue his check-up and Eadith felt like her presence was questionable at best but each time she took a step towards the exit she could hear the dog begin to snarl, bearing sharp, white teeth.
‘For the love of God Eadith, I will fire you right now if you take one more step towards that door.’
‘I need to finish his medical and he likes you,’ The wolfdog lay down, nipping at the vet’s hand as if to agree with him. ‘So - Stay. Put.’ His voice had a desperate edge and while Eadith could guarantee she would keep her job if she did walk out, she couldn’t guarantee that Derek would keep his hand.
With a deep sigh she settled herself at the desk, clicking through the notes they had managed to make. There wasn’t much to be said about the wolfdog apparently – no collar, no chip, no visible injuries. He had been found wandering around the high street, the family who had brought him thought he was disorientated but noted how gentle he had been with their young children. Eadith stole a glance at the animal now, his eyes still fixed on her, but his body lay completely still. Gentle might be a stretch, she thought, but he evidently wasn’t all bad.
It was another fifteen minutes before the check-up was over, the dog only stirring briefly when the vet tried to manhandle him. Eadith could sympathize with him there, she didn’t appreciate it much either when strange men tried to prod at her.
‘Job done.’ Derek stripped the latex gloves from his hands and tossed them in the bin with expert precision. He turned to her with a shy smile. Eadith knew that look, knew he was about to say something she wouldn’t like. ‘I want you to look after him. I know what you’re going to say - you don’t have any spaces in your block at the moment, but it’s not everyday you get such a difficult dog just do a 180 like that.’
Eadith looked from her employer to the wolfdog, his ears standing to attention. She knew he was touched with magic; in what way she couldn’t tell but this was an opportunity she couldn’t pass up. It was the perfect excuse to figure out what curse he’d been put under.
‘That’s fine, I’ll take him to one of the empty kennels now?’ Derek’s face slipped from apprehension to relief, his smile wide and genuine.
‘You’re an angel, thanks Eadith.’
With a wave of her hand Eadith dismissed his praise, instead taking a leash from the drawer and adjusting the collar. The wolfdog seemed to understand, jumping down from the table, his tail wagging as the student nurse squealed in surprise. He hesitated when Eadith tried to place the collar around his neck, she could practically feel the discomfort rolling off of him. She settled on her knees in front of him, tentatively placing her hand behind his ear and scratching lightly.
‘I know it isn’t nice, especially if you aren’t used to it but I’m going to help you, okay?’ She hoped that whatever was cursed under the wolfdogs imaged was intelligent enough to understand the meaning of her words. Magic recognised magic, she knew the being in front of her knew what she was.
With a huff the dog jerked its head through the opening of the collar, tugging towards the door immediately after.
‘He’s keen. You better watch yourself with that one Eadith.’
‘I’ll do my best.’ And she would. Or try to at least. She walked through the corridors quickly, letting muscle memory do the work for her while her mind began to race.
Having now physically touched the wolfdog she knew for sure it was cursed but there was no way Eadith could break it from inside the Animal Shelter. From its signature she knew the process wasn’t a particularly long one but filled with intricacies. The devil is in the detail.
She had used the phrase often growing up, Eardwulf happy to brush over them before taking any action but it had never ended very well for them. Breaking this curse would take time and space. The two things she just didn’t have at work.
It wasn’t until Eadith had settled on the kennel nearest the back door that the idea came to her. She kneeled in front of the wolfdog, making sure his attention was fully on her before she spoke.
‘I need you to listen carefully. I am going to come back for you tonight and I’m going to take you home with me. I don’t know what you are under there, but I meant it when I said I was going to help you.’ She felt silly whispering to him, but she couldn’t risk anyone else hearing what she was actually saying, everyone baby talked the animals at work but in Eadith’s experience no one discussed escape plans with them. 
The dog made a noise that was halfway between a bark and a huff, and Eadith took that as agreement. 
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valhallasubstitute · 3 years
I Put A Spell On You Pt.2
Werewolf!Finan x Witch!Eadith
CHAPTER TWO - Mornings Are For Research
Request:  Can I prompt you? Witch!Eadith works at an animal sanctuary. When a wolfdog is dropped off she realizes it’s cursed & smuggles him out to her home at a nearby caravan park to break the curse. Eadith ends up hiding Werewolf!Finan by passing him off as her absentee boyfriend til she can reunite him with his pack. Who, btw, doesn’t care for human stuff like personal space, clothing, or being parted from his new mate even when she doesn’t know she is because she’s too busy hiding them from hunters.
Tags: @skyla71 @lalamaria @brynnmclean @lauwrite1225 @meat-pie-with-sauce @star-light-child @mariec1978 @filliandkili @magravenwrites @wanderlustmags @flowers-in-your-hayr @mariaenchanted @solinarimoon @i-am-ducky @trenko-heart @taupeshop @xoxosoulshine @emilyhufflepufftlk  
Smuggling an incredibly large dog from a relatively secure animal shelter was far easier than Eadith had anticipated. The dog had greeted her with a wagging tail, and he had followed her instructions perfectly, walking through the unlit corridors at her side. Her heart had been pounding, her palms becoming clammy as she reset the alarms but the animal beside her appeared perfectly calm, nudging his head against her thigh when he sensed her hesitation.
Eadith could hardly remember the walk back, and even now, as she poured over her grimoire with a mug of tea in hand she still couldn’t recall the exact details. Despite how well she had slept after her adrenaline high Eadith had woken up just after 6am, the birds not yet singing, and the sun still absent from the sky.
She had walked as quietly as she could to the kitchen, unwilling to disturb the quiet beast that slept on her couch. He slept on his back, head propped against the arm rest, and despite his size he was all soft snores and little twitches.
As the kettle boiled Eadith had found herself leaning against the door frame, staring at him. She could feel the magic rolling off him and filling her small home with its signature. She could feel the curse but there was something else, something that complicated things. It was magic on top of magic, it wasn’t a simple, unfortunate human that was bound as a dog and that meant to break the curse, she needed to figure out just exactly what was bound.
Had she invited another witch into her home? A vampire or werewolf? At the very worst a hunter?
Each being required something different to break the curse, something specific to their species not just a witch’s magic. And as the thought settled in her mind Eadith wondered if it was worth getting involved in. As soon as the thought came, she scoffed, her whole life she had been asking herself the same question and then finding herself in the thick of it, why should this time be any different?
Eadiths grimoire wasn’t as old as the others she had come across in her time, it wasn’t bound with leather or covered in jewels, nor was it filled with the spells and wisdom that came with having a coven.
Her coven, her family and their grimoires had been burned a long time ago. Disgraced and hunted they had lost everything. But Eadith had made do.
Her grimoire was a purple spiral notebook, a little worn at the edges with age but sturdy and dependable. It had taken Eadith longer than she cared to admit to doing magic alone, but she had found her own rhythm in the last few years. She knew she could rely on herself and that little purple notebook.
She flicked through it as her tea grew cold and the sun began to rise. She marked the necessary pages, noting down the generic requirements she would need.
River water, charged in moon light…
Three candles, one white, two black…
Salt and lavender…
The light scrape of claws on wooden floors altered Eadith to the dog’s presence. She greeted him with a smile and received the swish of his long tail in return. He padded over to where she was sitting, and used the table to balance as he stood on his hind legs. It was like sitting next to a monster, his height like that of a grown man and his breath hot as it fanned her cheek. Eadith watched as he examined the open book, and the notes Eadith had made. He nudged the list with his nose.
‘It’s some of the things I need to break your curse.’
The dog seemed satisfied and returned to all fours. The room returned to silence once more and Eadith lost herself in thought, planning and replanning, dismissing her own ideas with tuts and mutterings. The longer she pondered the harder it seemed and the weight of being a lone witch seemed to weigh on her more heavily than it had done in years. Why did it matter so much?
Just as her frustration turned to unshed tears warmth spread across her lap. His head was large and warm, his eyes inviting as he looked up at her. With tentative and gentle hands Eadith let herself pet the beast. His fur was thick, thicker than any animal she had petted before, but it was soft, dark as raven feathers and it shone in the sunlight. In unison they sighed and Eadith felt herself relax, loosing herself in the feeling.
Something about him made her feel better, like a cup of tea or a hug. Like a friend. Eadith didn’t believe in fate, that’s what she convinced herself anyway, but something about him was familiar. Or maybe she had just been alone too long?
It didn’t really matter what she felt or thought she felt. She was here to help him, this stranger that had stumbled into her life… a stranger whose ear she was scratching while their head lay in her lap…
Eadith jerked her hand away and she fought the heat that rushed to her face. The animal followed her hand, chasing her touch but Eadith pushes his muzzle away with a small smile.
‘I’m sorry, I’m not really used to having company. Maybe I should get a familiar?’ She joked.
His bark is loud and unimpressed, the look on his face indignant.
‘That’s a definite ‘no’ then. I don’t know though, maybe it would be good for me…’ Eadith says to herself more than anyone else but the dog barks again, nipping at her arm. ‘Hey! Don’t use that tone, or your teeth on me. I’m the one that’s trying to help you here… whatever you are.’
Eadith raked a hand though her hair, trying and failing to relieve the tension that slowly crept back into her bones. She looked at dog, big and dumb and her responsibility now. She knew if he was human, he would be frowning at her. ‘Do you even know what you are?’
The howl he let out was loud and rattled the windows. Eadith covered her ears, a frown of her own firmly planted on her face until he finished.
‘You’re incredibly loud. Got it. Fantastic. That really helps, thank you.’ The dog whined, his ears flattening before howling again with vigour as Eadith pushed herself up and away from the table.
‘Enough! What does that tell me? You can make noise, you can howl because you’re a dog, because you’re … oh my god.’ Eadith couldn’t help but laugh, realisation washing over her as another howl bounced from wall to wall. ‘You’re a werewolf. Oh, that is funny, at least the witch that cursed you had a sense of humour.’
The howling stopped abruptly and Eadith knew he didn’t find it half as funny as she did. With renewed hope Eadith flicked though her grimoire again, nodding to herself as she checked the calendar on her phone. With a grin she turned to the werewolf.
‘I know exactly how to break the curse and I can do it tonight.’
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valhallasubstitute · 4 years
* - smut
Yours, And Only Yours
part one, part two* & part three*
The Things You Deserve
Rainy Days - Modern AU
That One* - TLKFFF2020
Mother’s Daughter - Dad!Sihtric
His Warrior, His Woman & Part Two  Part Three Part Four
Even the Day After Tomorrow
What is Mine, is Yours
A Reason to Come Home
I Won’t Ask You To Stay...
Trouble - Modern AU
All Love, No Shame
Blind - Modern AU
A Hot Bath
The Hunt* - A/B/O
Sweeter Things
The Ruins Of You
part one, part two & part three
Daddy said Stay Away from Juliet
Oh the Things I Would Do* 
It Feels Too Good To Be Bad*
The Storm*
When Someone Falls in Love - Finan x Eadith
In Sickness and In Health - Finan x Eadith*
I’ll Look After You 
I Put A Spell On You
Part. 1, Part. 2, Part.3, Part.4, Part.5, Part.6, Part.7, Part.8, Part 9., Part 10., Part 11., Part 12., epilogue - Werewolf!Finan x Witch!Eadith
~Finan x Reader x Sihtric~
Sweet Like Berries 
Her Boys 
Birthday Cake - Modern AU
In Times of Celebration...*
All But A Memory
All Eyes On You
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valhallasubstitute · 3 years
m glad you liked my witch x werewolf Finith prompt. I really should make a new tumblr account so you can tag me on this. Lost my original one and all my writing to a computer hack about 8 or 9 years back. Lost all desire to write, understandably, but Finan & Eadith kickstarted my idea generator. Since you loved my prompt for IS&IH too I will be more than happy to keep prompting you. :D
aw man that’s really shit, I totally get why that would be disheartening but I wholly support you making a new blog. I had no idea you were the same anon for IS&IH! Thank you for sending your ideas my way, you’ve kind of pushed me out of my own writing slump so I’m eternally grateful haha  
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