#westren au
inbarfink · 5 years
One day I should do something with my Ace Attorney Westren AU where Phoenix's legendary Poker Player status is like... "They say he's the only man to have played the game against the Devil Himself... and he won". And the Devil is Literally Kristoph and he just fucking sucks at the game. Like, nobody else has ever won against him cause very few dare to play at all cause he's the Literal Devil and that's Scary and the stakes are very high - but Phoenix has and he can tell you he's just a big loser.
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trickstermelon · 6 years
It’s not ready yet but the Westren AU will be called WildCardHeartland
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taiteilija · 3 years
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I’m dropping two tiny artworks I’ve created using my very old sketches from like five years ago or something.
I’m currently re-reading The Master and Margarita by Bulgakov. That must be one of my most cherished books. Makes me laugh, has deeper meaning to it, some fantasy pieces, absurd, romance and it breaks my heart at the very end every single time…
What makes me sad though is that this magnificent piece of art is not as popular as it should be. I mean, it lacks the huge fandom it deserves. It’s probably due to the lack of mainstream adaptation of it. There’s one pretty good Russian TV series from 2005 that actually reflects its mood and is pretty exact, but it’s faaar from being mainstream.
I know that Andrew Lloyd Webber was considering turning it into a musical, but gave up eventually deciding it’s ‘undoable’. Well, it’s a mosaic story made of many little pieces so… Yeah. Sad, though, cause it has the camp mood that would go well with ALW’s style.
Back to the topic, there’s also the problem that the book is very much period and place specific, very Russian so maybe Westren world does not get it or something? I don’t know. Hard to say. I’m from Poland and it’s probably easier to grasp it here than, let’s say, UK or USA. Just guessing.
But damn, it’s amazing! If you love Good Omens and/or Jesus Christ Superstar then it’s a book for you. Pretty similar in some aspects.
The story is circling around three intertwined plots:
the Devil himself with his entourage visits Moscow and wreak havoc. It’s the kind of a Devil that is actually not really evil, but more like very much into unmasking people’s evil little deeds, pettiness and through it all he also kind of makes fun of the system;
the story of the Master and Margarita. Master wrote an AU novel about Pontius Pilate (it turns out it actually tells the real story of him and Jesus) and that book, shortly speaking, made him lose his mind. Margarita would do anything, including becoming a witch to get him back;
the story from Master’s novel; Pontius Pilate and Yeshua Ha-Notsri (aka Jesus) and how Pilate regrets what’s happened.
Go, read it, for Someone’s sake! If you haven’t then you should! If you love camp, good old Christian/Judaic AUs, sad love stories, books inside books, absurd, witches, magic, a bit of satan parties and moral debates – the book’s for you. Oh, and if you have read it… DO IT AGAIN! 😁
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haraldbulling · 2 years
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