#wgh speaks
rickztalk · 2 years
Bill Cosby Still Planning Return To Comedy Touring
Bill Cosby Still Planning Return To Comedy Touring
Controversial comedian Bill Cosby apparently aims to return to comedy touring later next year. Deadline reports that Cosby shared the news while speaking to host Scott Spears on “WGH Talk” during a radio interview this week. Bill Cosby Planning Return To Comedy Touring Cosby, now 85 years old, told spears on the subject when asked if he’ll return to comedy in 2023, “Yes,” adding, “When I come out…
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happy new year, guys! i pray that 2019 is a year full of unexpected good things, happiness and lots of love.
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ask-ranmaru · 3 years
Sara Ranmaru really stressed can you help
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“Ranmaru! Oh my god where were you? You look sickly! Do you have any idea how long you were gone?”
“Uh… no?”
“Two days! Ranmaru I thought you were dead!”
(“Two days? Probably slept in there longer than I have in a while.”)
“I… I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize! I’m just glad you’re okay! Where were you?”
(“Oh right, Safalin probably didn’t want to reveal that she’s here by talking to Sara. Crap.”)
“Charging room…”
“Where’s that?”
“Hinako told me about it… I’ll tell you later.”
(“God let’s hope Sara doesn’t talk to Hinako about that, or that Hinako is willing to lie for me. She’ll wanna know how I knew… I should have thought of a better excuse…”)
“Well, I’m just glad you’re okay. You’re a precious friend to me… I just… (‘I can still hear Sara speaking, but her words are a jumble of static.’)
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“I don’t want to hurt you, Ranmaru, my precious… friend.”
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“Ranmaru! You look like you’ve seen a ghost!”
“I’m… fine. H-hey, someone asked you a question.”
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“They say that “Ranmaru seems stressed, can you help”. Jeez…”
“Of course I can! Ranmaru, anytime you feel stressed, you can come to me, okay?”
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“I don’t want you disappearing again. I care about you, and I want you to get better. You’re a dear friend to me. Okay?”
“Heh, okay.”
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“Now, Anzu was about to do my makeup. Feel free to join us, if you’d like! Remember I’m here for you. Ranmaru, stay strong.”
“You… too.”
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(“What was that? That image… scene? Did that happen? It hurts…”)
“What, to think Sara would friendzone you like that?”
(“The way she looked… paired with what she said… it can’t be true. That didn’t happen, it’s just my imagination playing cruel tricks on me.”)
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maddysacademics · 3 years
I thought I’d better do a little bit of research into all of the presidents, that way I can really research into the ones that interest me most at a later date- I wanted to started from 1900 and I went up to 1950, I hope to cover before and after this time period at a later day too :) I also hope to cover the PMs and other world leaders who were very influential. What I love about my research is that I’m always finding new things to research off of the back of research. 
PS- sorry about the odd formatting, I had to copy and paste it from my Google Docs to upload at home since the school computers have tumblr blocked haha
26- Theodore Roosevelt
Party: Republican
Years: 1901-1909, 2 terms
Youngest ever president
Set up national monuments and parks, lover of natural beauty
Won a nobel peace prize by helping Russia and Japan make peace
Strengthened navy
Started constructing Panama canal
Square Deal brought about progressive era, idea of equal rights
Obsession with his own masculinity
Named The White House, started west wing construction
27- William Howard Taft
Party: Republican
Years: 1909-1913, 1 term
Interested in foreign affairs 
In disagreement with Roosevelt over a lot of things, eg being more sympathetic to big businesses, which made Roosevelt run for reelection under the progressive party
Saw construction of West Wing finished and Oval Office
Landslide voted him out, more conflict between Roosevelt and Taft meant loads of people voted for Wilson, leaving Taft and Roosevelt powerless (not coalition)
28- Woodrow Wilson
Party: Democratic
Years: 1013-1921, 2 terms
Had lots of power as congress was formed of his own party
Federal Reserve Act and Federal Farm Loan Act introduced, very progressive]
Reintroduced income tax
WW1 broke out in 1914 and stayed out of it for a while until Germany were rumoured to ally with Mexico
Passed 19th amendment: votes for women!
South weren’t very big fans of him, but some of his cabinet were pro-segregation so it kept them happy to an extent
The US profited from WW1
Helped make League of Nations and Treaty of Versailles, got a nobel peace prize
Prohibition happened, but Wilson had little to do with it
29- Warren G. Harding
Party: Republican
Years: 1921-1923, half a term (heart attack)
Popular during his life, turned out he was super corrupt after his death
First president to speak in protest of lynching
30- Calvin Coolidge
Party: Republican
Years: 1923-1929, 1 and half (finished WGH’s term)
VP of Harding, took over after death
Quiet, worked with middle-class on new ideas
Broadcasted on the radio for first time
Granted native Americans citizenship if they were living on reservations
Saw roaring 20s
31- Herbert Hoover
Party: Republican
Years: 1929-1933, 1 term
Wallstreet Crash ‘29 as soon as he came to office, Great Depression, awful economy
25% unemployment, many people declaring bankruptcy
Tried to balance economy by raising taxes, made things worse
Hoover supported prohibition, but it was causing more issues than it was solving
Built the Hoover Dam, mainly to tackle Depression
Protests happened, people were fed up
32- Franklin D. Roosevelt
Party: Democratic
Years: 1933-1945, 3 terms, died in 4th
Landslide victory in his votes, ‘new deal’ offered to country
Regulated business, Wall Street, and banks
Offered state employment to the unemployed
Involvement in economy by individual states
Saw progressive and liberal turn for party, yet still supporting segregation 
Cut ties between gold and money to print more money to pump economy
He suffered paralysis in his lower body during his rule, but his this from the public
WW2 broke out, originally stayed out, but helped allies eventually in fight for democracy
Atomic bomb progress made, just in case
After Pearl Harbour, US entered war fully, helping evacuate people from Nazi camps
Whole country was helping fight the war, on land, at seas, at home, across country
Laid grounds for UN
Died before Germany’s surrender
33- Harry S. Truman
Party: Democratic
Years: 1945-1953
Dropped 2 atomic bombs on Japan
Fought the spread of communism, eventually involved in Cold War
Did the Berlin Airlift in response to blockade
Established NATO, helped fend off Soviets
Civil rights pushed, racial integration began
Created CIA, NSA, Department of Defense, and National Security Council
 Presidency became limited to 2 terms
Made first president oval office broadcast
34- Dwight D. Eisenhower
Party: Republican
Years: 1953-1961, 2 terms
Was a WW2 commander
Inherited Korean war from Truman and threatened Nukes to end it
Nuclear Deterrence was a key idea in Cold War once Soviets made Nukes
Increased social security, created interstate highways, pushed for science education
Lots of God references in propaganda and mottos, possibly to oppose secular USSR
Civil rights began in South
Warned people of military industrial complex in farewell speech
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hey guys! i’m back from my conference and i braved the single digit weather again and my roommate having a flu, so.. but truly, it was a great experience! 
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hey guys! i know i posted not even 3 weeks ago that i came back from a conference, but guess what? i’m going on another one! this time i will be away at jan. 31 - feb. 2, which i have a queue set up so i can keep everything updated. 
wish me luck - i’m going to be in single digit weather again! 
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dosesofgrace replied to your post “happy new year, guys! i pray that 2019 is a year full of unexpected...”
Same to you! :)
thank you! ily, talita! 
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guys, i got the job!! i’m so excited!! 
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i’ve got a job interview today... please pray for me!! 
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so long story short - my friend recently quit her job because of the toxic environment there and i’m very happy that she’s out of that environment but not even twenty minutes after she quit, she texted me saying that she felt like a loser for being unemployed. and i get that it’s the pressure put on us, but as someone who has been unemployed since sept. of last year and just got fired from her freelancing job, i felt like it was sort of a blow to me. then, tonight as i was talking to her about something else, she texts me and talks about how she’s in the same spot of life i am and she was calling herself a loser and she was so upset that and angry and i just... i know she isn’t meaning to make digs at me, but i can’t help but feel like she’s indirectly calling me a loser too because she knows that i’m in the same life spot (i talked to her in depth about my feelings about it just prior to her quitting) and now i just... i feel terrible
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when someone you once considered a friend is not happy that you come in to volunteer your whole friday to do a job that someone abandoned with no preparation or announcement and they take digs that you have no life and that they’re living their life because they have two jobs and barely have time to do anything but then they cry because they can’t handle the responsibility of said jobs 
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i graduated high school the first week of january and tonight my family and i went out to have a celebration dinner. my dad told our waiter that i’d just graduated and our waiter got a few employees to congratulate me like they do when you celebrate a birthday and sing to you. they didn’t but they did congratulate me and it was fun! 
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hey guys! sorry for not posting about it a couple of days ago, but i was away at a conference and i had a whole queue for while i was gone but i’m back now and ready to get warm from all the snow we just left! hope you guys are doing well. <3
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um... so i just told this guy who wants me to go on this conference that i was tight on money and wanted to know how sure he was about me not having to pay for the housing too and he replied “for you, entirely sure” 
umm.... that’s um... very poetic?? 
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it’s been a while!
hey guys, it’s been quite some time! i’ve also gotten new followers in the same time, so i was thinking about updating you guys about what’s going on in my life/getting to know me! 
my name is ryan
i’m 19 years old, but i will be 20 on december 10th of this year (oh god how am i this old already?? i’ve literally had this blog since i was at least 15. god i’m so old) 
i have a interest in all royal families and history, especially ancient history 
some of my others interests involve k-pop, cooking and music (which you can see on my other blog. hmu if you wanna know my url) 
i just got two 6 week old kittens a few days ago... their names are harry and mittens and they are the most adorable little things 
for the past 7 months i’ve been working as an intern and i’ve learned how to film and edit videos, lead a whole team and plan events 
in january i went on my first ever business conference, along with it being my first ever trip by myself. it was a good experience for me, despite having a breakdown the first night, because i built some great relationships and it had renewed a passion for the sound in me (since i work with it so much, sometimes it’s hard for me to be passionate about it or not feel burned out.. i appreciate those small things that help me fall back in love with it)
a few weeks back i went to the first wedding i can remember. i didn’t know the people, but that’s because i was hired to be their sound person. even though my boss said he knew i could do it myself and believed in me, he showed up to be my supporter. 
the guy who i was in love with for years and the one who broke my heart... he ended up getting married and they celebrated a year together a few months ago, and even though i still get upset about him sometimes, i’ve moved on and it’s great when i see him on my social media or in person and i don’t feel anything anymore. we don’t speak at all anymore and that bothers me sometimes but i feel like for right now, that’s the best 
the last 8-ish months have been a crazy ride, but in a good way? like, i never imagined that i would move on from that guy, i never thought that i’d get the internship... and i definitely never thought of myself as becoming a producer in my church, going on my first ever business conference alone, building great relationships with my co-workers and friendships with people when a year ago i would’ve been so nervous to talk to someone new. i’m also learning how to not apologize for every small mistake i make, or just apologize just to apologize.. (i had the most horrible day at work last night and had to call one of my co-workers to come in and fix it for me, and i only apologized twice for having to call him in on his weekend off... which is such an improvement considering he knew me when i would apologize for anything, and one time he told me i said ‘sorry’ too much, to which i responded ‘sorry’) i’m learning how to be more confident in myself as well. it’s taking a while, but i can definitely tell there’s so big of an improvement already. although there are still places where i’m not as confidence as i hope to be, but i’m getting there. i’m confident that i can run my department at work as my boss is on a vacation for a few weeks, i’m confident in myself as i produce, i’m confident in when i talk now... and i never, never thought my anxiety would get better! like, the first day at work, i learned so much and i came home and cried because i was so anxious and felt so overwhelmed.. now, i’m still anxious from time to time, but it’s so much better. (one of my friends who i went on the conference with has known me since november. she and i were on the conference and we really bonded, so i told her ‘i’m naturally a nervous person and me being a producer is a very big step. i’m always nervous i’m gonna mess up’ ... but today she was there with me as i was having all these problems and after our co-worker left and i started working on what i had to do before the service started, she said to me ‘you’re acting very calm. i was wondering how you were so calm when he was fixing everything.’ and i told her ‘trust me, i wouldn’t have been this calm three months ago’ but then it got me thinking... and i wasn’t really nervous at all? like, i was nervous and scared that we’d have to go unplugged for the whole thing, but i was calm and that surprised me when it dawned on me because that is something unlike me. especially since i started having problems afterwards and i had her stay back with me for a little bit to make sure everything was okay) 
i’m also really happy. :) sometimes i just think of how great my life has been the past few months and i get so happy. i don’t realize it in the moment, but i am definitely happy and pleased with how my life has gone the last few months. it’s a crazy wild ride and i’m grateful for seeing how different my life has gone (career path, relationships ending and others beginning) and even though not every moment is perfect, i’m happy and i’m thankful. 
i could go on and on about this forever, but i’ll stop rambling. i just really wanna say i’m thankful and although i don’t talk much on here, just know that i’m happy and doing okay. 
<3 <3 <3 i didn’t expect this to turn into a sappy post, but i’m a really cheesy person so :/ 
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beautifulcharlotte replied to your post “[[MOR] i’ve got a job interview today… please pray for me!! ”
Good luck!
thank you very much! i think it actually went really well. 
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