#whaddup new oc just dropped
imogenkol · 2 years
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Our hero, our hero, claims a warriors heart
I tell you, I tell you, the Dragonborn comes
Yrsa Gunnr
Race: Nord
Date of Birth: 19th of Evening Star, 4E 175
Special Status: Dragonborn, Werebear
Occupation: Blacksmith Apprentice, Woodworker
Affiliations: Stormcloaks (former), Companions, Thieves Guild
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saprophetic · 5 years
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[image descriptions under the cut]
well, you heard it here folks! wheelchair wheels are expensive!
whaddup i’m arty and i desperately need new wheels! the ones i currently have are secondhand and extremely worn down, and while that was fine when i was rarely using my chair and only inside the house, i’m now permanently confined to my wheelchair, and it’s just not feasible to have bald tires anymore. i was going to use my tax refund to buy new ones, but after looking at how much it would cost to buy a pair (because the price i thought was for two was actually only for one wheel) i know i won’t be able to afford that, even with my refund.
SO. i decided to open up commissions.  
for $10, i’ll draw a bust of one person. for $12, i'll draw one person from the waist up. for $15, i'll draw one person full body.
each additional person is +$5. all art will come colored because frankly i prefer my art that way.
i will draw:
fictional characters, even from fandoms i don’t know (provided i can have a physical description if i don’t already know/can’t find what they look like) 
dnd characters
ship art
light gore/blood
i will not draw:
abusive ships/dynamics of ANY SORT
sexually explicit art
animals or robots (i just can’t do it)
if you’re unsure if i’ll draw it, just ask! since i’m unemployed i should be able to fill commissions within 1-2 days. i’ll keep an open line of communication with you and send you a screenshot of my progress once i’ve finished the lineart to make sure you’re happy with the pose upon your request.
(NOTE: there are some characters/ships i simply will not draw for my own comfort, and i will let you know that’s the case if/when it comes up.) 
if you don’t want to commission me but still want to help out, my paypal is paypal.me/arvandor or [email protected]
if you do want to commission me, email me at [email protected]
thank you!
[ID: five digital drawings. 
the first image is a long banner with the words “Arty needs a new set of wheels!”, a drawing of myself, a pale dark haired person with glasses, green eyes, and a nervous expression, saying “yikes!”, and a wheelchair wheel, all on a pale green background.
the second image is a  drawing from the waist up of a male drow with purple skin, white hair that’s longer on the top, and top surgery and battle scars. he has multiple ear piercings and a silver ear cap and is wearing a red mesh tank top. he’s looking up and to the left of the image and appears to have his hands on his hips. the background is light blue and the lineart is sketchy.
the third image is a bust drawing of the fullmetal alchemist character envy, a pale androgynous person with long dark green tendrils for hair, with their chin resting on their hand. they have violet eyes and multiple piercings, and are wearing a black headband with a red upside down triangular symbol on it, a black binder, and a long black fingerless glove. they are staring at the camera while licking their lips, and the background is a dark red and the lineart is sketchy.
the third image is a 3/4 image of the yu yu hakusho characters kuwabara kazuma and hiei. kuwabara is a light skinned man with an orange pompadour and grey eyes, with an upturned nose and emphasized cheekbones. he is wearing a white t shirt with rips on it and blue jeans, and is carrying hiei piggyback while looking back at him with a concerned expression on his face. hiei has a medium skin tone and is extremely short, with black hair that’s styled up in a style similar to a troll doll, with white outlining his bangs. he has his arms loosely around kuwabara’s neck and a dissatisfied expression on his face. two of his eyes are crimson while the eye on his forehead is purple. he’s wearing a black tank top and black martial arts pants with multiple white belts, has his ankles wrapped in off-white wrappings, and black shoes. the only parts of hiei that are visible are his arms, his face, his left leg, and his right knee and toes. both of the boys have dirt on them and look battle-weary. hiei has a speech bubble that says “if you drop me, i WILL bite you and give you rabies. the background directly behind them is a dark green, and the rest of the image is transparent and the lineart is sketchy.
the fifth image is a drawing from the thighs up of the yu yu hakusho character hiei. he has black hair that’s spiked up, with white outlining his bangs and a medium skin tone. his eyes are crimson, and he has a headband covering his forehead. he’s wearing a bright pink tank top that appears to have the sleeves and collar torn off, and says “we all have demons / and sometimes / THEY WIN”. he is also wearing flowy high waisted black pants with four thin white belts with bronze fastenings on it, and has his right arm covered in off-white bandages. he’s wearing a hiruseki stone necklace (a chain that has what appears to be a light blue pearl on it). he has one hand in his pocket and the other hand is slightly toward the onlooker. he has a dissatisfied expression on his face and is looking to the right of the image. the background is multicolored.
end ID]
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theonetheycallsagey · 7 years
Back to the Streets
First time I’m doing this on Tumblr, so here goes nothing. This is a one-shot RWBY fanfic prompt involving both my and @gruntnuker-rwby‘s OCs. This takes place after the Fall of Beacon, as we catch up on Jade Meadows trying to start over with a new life post-Beacon invasion. But, chaos doesn’t stay away for long in the world of Remnant. Enjoy!
JASR belongs to @gruntnuker-rwby
DASH and The Leash belong to me
“The campus and surrounding areas remain inaccesible. Try as they might, the remaining huntsmen and huntresses cannot seem to get a hold of the situation at Beacon Academy.”
Jade sighed as she watched the news through the window of the television store. The on-display TV’s usually played the news, and it felt like every time she passed by, the headline was the same. It was almost as if it was the same rerun for the past couple months, but Jade knew the fact that Beacon’s condition was not improving. Each time she saw the broken campus, it was too easy to close her eyes and recall the times when she called it home. The images of being with her team in the dorm and causing trouble with their friends were all still so vivid in her head. But, she couldn’t focus on that past life right now. She had to go to the store and pick up groceries to make dinner tonight.
Jade adjusted her beanie and kept her head down as she approached The Lanes, a district of downtown Vacuo notorious for gang warfare. It seemed that every gang that called Vacuo home resided there, and fights over turf were regular. With every pair of eyes outside that turned to watch her as she walked by, she could feel her pace quicken. Even as she left The Lanes, she barely slowed down until she reached her destination.
Stood before Jade was a little convenience store located on the corner of Carob and Hickory. Before she walked in, a buzz from her hoodie pocket made her draw out her scroll. On it displayed a message from her friend and former teammate Riley Currant asking Jade to pick up some chips for her. Jade shook her head and smiled at the screen, typing up “We’ll see” as a response before entering the store. 
Upon walking in, she noticed a dark-skinned wolf faunus near the entrance. His short white hair was tucked under a fedora, and he was sporting a black bomber jacket. His attention didn’t shift from the newspaper he was reading, and it seemed he was oblivious to the world surrounding him. Jade took a few minutes to go up and down the aisles, scratching off the items on her shopping list one by one. She even made sure to grab Riley her snacks. Once finished, she went to the register, greeting the small elderly man behind it with a warm smile.
Midway through checking out, Jade noticed two guys come from the back of the store, one with sunglasses on and the other with a bandana covering most of his face. Two more walked through the front entrance, with one standing in front of the doors and the other standing next to the wolf faunus. Before Jade could even react, she felt something cold press against her neck. She froze. Her hands slowly and shakily raised above her head.
“Down,” the scratchy voiced leader Shades said. Lester, the bodyguard that accompanied him prodded Jade’s neck with the gun harder, forcing her to her knees. The one that approached the wolf faunus, named Aries, suddenly sprinted toward him and put a knife around his throat. The wolf didn’t tense up or even look away from his newspaper.
“Now. Give us the money,” Shades said with bat in hand. He feigned a swing in order to scare the cashier enough to start emptying the register. But, all of the thugs were suddenly caught off guard by the sound of light chuckling coming from the faunus.
“This ain’t gonna work,” he said, smiling while putting the paper down. His icy blue eyes glinted in the light, and he showed no signs of fear.
“Quiet, fleabag!” Aries said. “It don’t work that way anymore! You got no power!”
“Just figured I would warn you. What do you think, guy?” he said while motioning to the one guarding the entrance. They all turned to see him bright red in the face, violently trying to grasp for air with a chain wrapped around his throat. A face suddenly peeked from behind him, one that Jade immediately recognized but never thought she’d find here. The familiar brown fox ears and mischievious crimson eyes.
“Auburn?!” Jade exclaimed.
“What?! We got Leash!” Shades said as all of the gang members simultaneously readied their weapons for a fight.
“Miss me, boys?” Auburn said. Shades charged at her, so she rammed the one she had in a choke into him. She then jumped off of his back and nailed Shades with a big punch. Acting quickly, Jade used the distraction as an opportunity to elbow Lester in the knees. He groaned angrily, then aimed at her but before he could fire, Auburn had thrown an entire display of candy bars at him. It knocked him back and forced him to drop the gun, giving Auburn a chance to run at him. She quickly nailed a left jab to his stomach, then a right. He swung wildly, which Auburn easily ducked. She spun around him, wrapped her arms around his waist, and lifted him over her shoulders, suplexing him into the shelves. She stood over him, her body now glowing.
While this was all happening, the wolf smirked and delivered a headbutt to Aries to get him off. He reached into his jacket and slipped on a pair of brass knuckles. When Aries went to retaliate, the wolf nailed him with an uppercut, flooring him in the process. He landed next to the gun, which he scrambled to grab and point at Auburn. Jade saw this and ran toward him, hitting him with a kick to the chin, but not before he fired it twice at Auburn’s back. While she winced slightly, the bullets just bounced off of her. She turned around with fury covering her expression.
“Kinetic armor, bitch!” she said before wrapping her chain whip around his waist. She ran past him and yanked him off his feet and through the front window, sending him crashing to the sidewalk outside. The only one left was Shades who was staggering to his feet. He tried to punch the wolf, but he intercepted it and wrenched his arm backwards to its breaking point. He fell to his knees and looked up at his assailants.
“Did The Lanes miss me? Because I’m back to reclaim what’s mine,” Auburn said while wrapping her chain around her fist. “See, I had to come back. Because scum like you never learn.” She then suddenly rained down a hard right to his temple, then a second, then a third. The last one knocked him out and sent his trademark glasses flying off his face, shattering on impact. Jade couldn’t help but cringe slightly, even though she knew what Auburn’s wrath was capable of.
“That feeling never gets old, Revan,” Auburn said to the wolf before turning and finally facing Jade. Jade smiled softly at her, unsure of how to greet her friend from Beacon. Their teams were close, and after the fall, she wasn’t even confident that she would see them again. It had felt so long since the last time they were together. However, Auburn did her the favor and pulled her into a tight hug.
“Why do you have to do this? You’re making me miss Beacon,” she said, smiling the whole time.
“Glad to see you too, Foxy,” Jade said in response before stepping away. Revan looked at the two with his head tilted in curiosity while dusting off his fedora.
“You know her, boss?” he asked.
“Hell yeah,” Auburn said. “I told you Beacon had some great people.”
“I could tell by the way you fought. Most people just hide in the corner,” he said while handing Jade her bag of groceries. Once she took it, Revan pulled out some lien and tossed it on the counter to the shaken cashier. “On me, don’t worry.” Before Jade could protest, the sound of incoming sirens cut her off.
“Welp, time to go! Mika’s waiting out back,” Auburn said. “Jade, you’re coming with us. We have some catching up to do.” Jade could only nod as she took her food and followed them out the back entrance. Behind the store laid waiting a yellow sportscar with the engine still running. Revan slid across the hood and got into the shotgun position, and Auburn opened the door to the backseat to let her in. As soon as everyone was in, the car sped off, away from all the incoming police cars.
“Picked up a hitchhiker?” said the female driver. She had shouler-length navy blue hair that faded into yellow, and she had yellow markings painted on her face. She was wearing a white and blue hoodie marked by a #00 and had on a pair of cut-up jeans.
“Right, introductions. Guys, this is Jade Meadows. She’s a close friend I made from Beacon. Jade, let me introduce you to the crew. Revan Polaris”
“M’lady,” Revan said on cue while tipping his fedora. Jade rolled her eyes and Auburn knocked the hat off of his head.
“And the driver is Mika Inari.”
“Whaddup, girl?” Mika said. “Where are you going by the way?”
“Could you bring me to the ice rink? I’m meeting a couple of friends.” Mika nodded and Auburn chuckled to herself.
“Guess Riley is up to her usual. What about the rest of the team?”
“Well, Amber, Riley, and I are fine here in Vacuo,” Jade said before trailing off. Auburn turned, now looking a little worried, and waited for her to go on. “But... we lost contact with Sienna. We have no idea where she is.” Auburn clenched her fists hard enough to where her knuckles cracked.
“She’ll be ok,” Auburn said, mainly to reassure herself. Jade nodded in agreement, also trying her best not to think about it.
“What about you guys?” Jade asked in an attempt to change the subject.
“We got split up. When Atlas called back all of their soliders from the other kingdoms, the upper class got paranoid. Dash got called back, so Sapphire went with him. I hope she likes the trophy wife lifestyle. And Solomon is currently in a group tasked with fixing communications in Vale.”
“You know how much Amber misses him?” Jade said.
“Hell, I miss him,” Auburn said back. “I miss all of them. Even Ospreay.”
“Yeah. But at least you have a good crowd here.” Jade’s words prompted Revan to take a bow in his seat, and Mika shot her a thumbs up. “So... is this what you’ve been doing since Beacon? Leash?”
“It’s what I did before Beacon too,” Auburn replied.
“Isn’t The Leash the gang that got charged with arson after the old Arashi warehouse burned down?”
“Yeah, the same Arashi warehouse that got linked to faunus trafficking a few months later,” Revan added.
“Don’t listen to the cops. Don’t listen to the news. We’re different. We only target other criminals,” Auburn said. But Jade crossed her arms, not quite swayed by her words. She had heard a lot about The Leash, and although most of it was just rumors, she knew they were a group shrouded in mystery.
“Why should I believe that?” she asked.
“Because I was its leader!” Auburn said, legitimately shocking Jade. “Well, at least I used to back when it actually existed. After I left for Beacon, the group bascally disbanded. When I came back and tried to get us all back together, I couldn’t get a hold of most of them. The only ones I could get were these two.”
“Those vixens ain’t loyal!” Revan yelled. Jade looked down and processed what Auburn told her. She knew her friend to be loose with authority, taking orders more as suggestions, but she knew Auburn would never be a criminal.
“What made you make The Leash then?” Jade couldn’t help but ask and learn more about Auburn’s past.
“Because there’s a lot of injustice in this world that needs dealing with,” Auburn said. “I remember my first day of school. Little cutie Vulpes was about 6 years old and ready to make friends. What I got instead was kids a few years older than me picking on me for being a faunus. My dad and I watched some boxing movies together, so I decided that it would be best if I used some of those moves.” She was then cut off by Revan and Mika both trying to hold in their laughter.
“Yeah, you guessed it,” she went on. “Got my ass handed to me that day. I ended up getting used to it the teasing at least. Still made some good friends, like Mika. Until one day when we were about 12, and this group of guys stopped us on the street. I was ready for whatever crap they had to say, but they didn’t focus on me. They focused on Mika. They called her a disgrace for hanging out with an animal in public.” She paused again, her emotions boiling over just bringing it up.
“Anger didn’t even begin to describe how I felt. I didn’t know what else to do, so I just swung at one of the guys. Then again, and again, and again, till I made sure he was down. That was the mistake the first time I tried to fight. The guy got up. Wasn’t letting that happen again. From there, I knew I had to get stronger, not for my sake, but for my friends. Eventually, a lot of people that felt the same way, human and faunus alike, joined me.” Jade smiled slightly at Auburn’s sincerity.
“Problem was, The Leash was getting me into a lot of trouble with the law. I didn’t care, but my dad did. So one day, he handed me a little pamphlet for some place called Beacon. To me, it was a place to fight for what was right without worrying about the cops. Sounded like a win-win to me. So the next time I could, I said goodbye to my dad, and got on a plane to Vale.”
“And the rest is history,” Jade said. “That’s very sweet of you Auburn.” Before the sharing could go any further, Mika pulled into the rink’s parking lot.
“We’ll catch up more another time. Tell Riley and Amber I say hey, ok?”
“I will. It was nice meeting you guys,” she said to Mika and Revan, who both flashed her a smile and waved as she exited the car and walked off. She sighed happily before entering the building. One small step toward normalcy.
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