#what are they going to do with regular horus though if summer horus is already light and this strong
tastycitrus · 6 months
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who knew all horus had to do to become strong was put on a swimsuit
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katcadecascade · 5 years
Storybook for the Gods
Fair Game Week: AU/Freeday
God AU
They say the gods left to become the stars in the sky.
They say the gods obeyed the Brothers Grimm, agreeing that humanity was a failure.
They say the gods died and their children are doing a horrible job.
Qrow says that everyone should just shut up.
It’s one thing for the world to contain monsters and magic but no. Humanity loves, hates, fears, and respects the new religions the left over gods have made.
The Remnant Gods as they’ve been titled.
Technically demigods as good old Oz would describe but that doesn’t change the fact that the chain of godhood falls onto their shoulders.
Qrow can only speak for Vale’s side of the story, the dominion of the great and powerful Odin where he bestowed powers to his own children as he goes on his own journey for research and wisdom.  
But nowadays he goes by Ozpin, the only old god that didn’t abandon the new gods of Remnant.
Qrow can understand why the god changed his name. No one would think a scholarly dressed old man is secretly the god of Vale, wielding a cane and not a spear. Disguises are necessary now that civilizations are slowly rioting against the Remnant Gods.
Tensions are as high as ever what with mortal heroes rising and fighting in the name of their people and not in the name of any of the gods. Qrow can’t blame them, Hell, he was once one of them.
Not anymore ever since Oz saved his life.
If Qrow had to pick a god to owe a life debt with, Odin had to be the best pick of the batch. No way was Qrow going end up in servitude for Horus, that war god has been raging Vacuo’s deserts for centuries. He did hear rumors that Fuji was still a beloved god, distance as she was ever since she chosen a mountain as her vessel.
Another elder god is from the north but no one has heard a peep from him in nearly a millennium.
That is until today.
Qrow is a relatively a new asset of dear old Oz, just shy of having a decade’s worth of experience under his belt as Odin’s black bird. So he wasn’t expecting much when he was flying through a winter coated forest.
The mission for the year is to find this rouge Valkyrie, rumored to be harboring souls away from their designated afterlife. As the crow flew above the dark trees, looking for any sign of the whisky sparkles of souls detaching from their bodies, a sudden cold breeze hit his face and along with it, a scroll.
It’s not often paper mail is delivered this way, nature spirits keep to their selves or to nature gods. Somehow a winter spirit by the chill of it knew who Qrow worked for and on the edge of the rolled paper was a cursive address of ‘To Odin’
Ominous, not quite, suspicious, only to his birdbrain but curious, oh he definitively is.
Flying back to the cottage, miles away from the rest of the forest and small towns still growing, Qrow keeps the letter in his peak, its edges flapping wilding in the cold winds.
As if already aware, Oz is waiting at the doorstep. His arm up as Qrow took his landing with ease.
It took two attempts for the god to nab the paper from the bird having fun playing keep away.
“Very funny Qrow,” Ozpin chided, finally getting the scroll.
As he unrolls it, Qrow hops off and wills his feathers back into skin, a rush of shivers getting his bones into its original shape. He dusts off stray feathers out of his hair, “Got it from the northern winds. Do you know what that means?”
“Nicholas,” he answers, his eyebrows knitting together, “he needs us in Atlas immediately.”
“Wait us?” Qrow peeks over the god’s shoulder and sure enough the letter is asking for Qrow by his title, Muninn.
Now that’s pretty curious. Gods don’t often seek help from other gods of a different dominion. Usually they get it through their own pantheon and even that is a hassle.
Just look at what happened between Thor and Loki.
“A magical shapeshifter isn’t exactly a secret among gods,” Oz explained. “Making two in this new world is even more of a gossip.”
Oh yeah, he didn’t take in account of Huginn’s rogue status. Raven is probably making waves in Mistral right now.
Still though, there are only a handful of people Qrow introduced himself as Muninn. A few of them were Oz’ old friends but also two humans he and Raven befriended.
Last he checked, Taiyang and Summer are on a sea expedition in the Burning Ocean.
Yeah, Qrow decided not to go with them for obvious flaming reasons.
So now he’s pondering over on why the son of Atlas is asking for him and his patron god for a visit.
“We’re taking the express trip right?”
“You’re always so eager for a fast travel.”
“What, do you expect me to flap all the way to Atlas?” Qrow flaps his human limps.
“As amusing as that is, no,” Oz chuckled. He pockets the letter and holds up his cane, “Nicholas needs us now.”
The intricate clockwork mechanism in the cane’s handle winds up and it ticks loudly as a green light pulses between the weapon and its creator’s hands.
As rune circles appeared below their feet, Qrow giddily bounces on his feet.
This was always his favorite part.
A rainbow of colors consumes the god and the shapeshifter and all they can feel is pulsating brightness as their entire beings are flying through the sky.
In a matter of seconds, Qrow and Ozpin find their selves at the foot of a temple built upon the highest mountain of the northern lands.
Only the oldest of gods know of this place ever since the real Olympus was tarnished when their namesakes left. The ruins of Olympus only had one resident, a power older than most gods.
The last son of Atlas has the power of a titian but its strength is a mere tale since the old man rarely leaves the mountain peak. Qrow may not know the reasons but it must be similar to Oz’ own lifestyle.
Elder gods have increasingly become isolated from the world, leaving the Remnant gods with all the pleasures and pains of warding over humans. It’s a hassle really, getting devoted to or smiting usurpers or whatever. Again, Qrow can’t relate since his god chose to live in a cottage in the middle of nowhere.
This lonely damaged temple is Nicholas’ choice and honestly it is a nice view.
Ignoring the Olympians’ rumble, there is a grand stone staircase that curves into the mountainside, covered in chilly fog as it dives down. Beyond that is the view of the tundra of Mantle, a white slate with dots of cities.
Qrow is very tempted to go free falling into the clouds, feel the wind rush at him as his heart races. He can picture it now, falling as a human only to shift into feathers right as the world is nearing.
“It’s not the time for that Muninn,” Oz lectured, lightly whacking his cane at Qrow’s leg.
Muninn, he’s only referred to that title when they have company.
Tearing his gaze away from the clouds, the thrill of flying, Qrow looks at the only temple left standing.  
Walking out of the temple of Atlas’ son are two men.
The tall one of black hair is easily recognized by his lighting blue eyes. James, the son of Zeus and is also a major stick in the ass according to Qrow.
“It’s good to see you, Odin,” James greeted but his tone is always so grim and serious. His eyes narrow at Qrow, “Why did you bring your pet?”
“Hey, I got invited by name,” Qrow huffed, straightening his back to have some sense of pride. It still doesn’t compare to James’ height but it’s the intention that counts.
Qrow doesn’t care if James is a demigod turned Remnant God, he can still match his speed no matter the wind pressure. Hell, James is not the only god to question Qrow’s power as a former mortal.
Speaking of mortals, Qrow notices the second guy, someone he distinctly recalls meeting at the piers of Midpass, “Wait, hold up, you’re that boat guy.”
A chuck passes through pink lips, lightening up his teal eyes, “That’s not my official title but yeah, that’s me.” The brunet holds his hand out, “I’m Clover, son of Poseidon.”
“Yep,” Qrow shakes his hand, “boat guy for sure.”
From the humble smile and adorable cheeks, Qrow innocently mistook this guy as mortal. He didn’t elude power like James or Oz and instead just came off as a regular fisherman.
A cute one at that since Qrow, day drinking with his friends, threw a bunch of flirts at Clover.
That’s probably why he didn’t clue in the fact that Clover suddenly appeared before them right as Summer and Tai were boat shopping for their expedition.
“I knew you were a pretty bird but I didn’t think you’d be the Muninn as well,” Clover winked.
“I’m just full of surprises,” Qrow shrugged off, “something Jimmy here can attest to.”
James grumbles, “Let’s go inside already, Nicholas has waited enough.”
Due to pride alone, James walks ahead with Ozpin at his side.
Clover follows with Qrow, as if he’s more interesting than an ancient Greek temple, “So you’re really Muninn? That’s amazing, there are so many stories about you and you’ve only been a god for a decade or so.”
“Technically I’m not a god,” he corrected before James could but in, “I just serve under Odin.”
“Not all the time right? I thought you’d be traveling with your friends.”
“Nope,” he popped, looking around the temple’s interior.
It’s all white pillars and high ceilings. The place has typical fancy architecture that scholars would die for even if there are some dust and dirt here or there.
Qrow continues, “If I went with them then their ride would definitely fall off the ends of the world or fall into the river Styx.”
“What does that mean?”
He ignores the concern from Clover as they enter the last room. It’s set up as an altar room where a stage is under a skylight. On the stage is Nicholas, the son of Atlas, and a pale woman with white, shimmering hair.
“Welcome all of you,” Nicholas nods with a sad smile, “I and Fria thank you all for coming.”
“Nicholas, is something wrong?” James immediately asks, the room dipping a few degrees colder, “This is about the storms in the west yes? I knew there is something coming from the horizon, I can feel it and-“
A heavy laugh stops the lightning god. Nicholas’ smile grows just a bit, “You focus too much on bad news, James.”
“Someone has to,” James side glances at Clover.
He shrugs, grinning innocently, “I just think you purposely give yourself dark clouds.”
“That was one time, Clover.”
“Yeah and it nearly flooded Athens.”
Qrow has twin instincts to laugh at James but also be terrified at the casual mention of how he almost flooded a populated city. These gods and their temper tantrums really are ridiculous, even more so if humanity suffers from it.
Oz taps down his cane, gaining everyone’s attention, “So why are we here, Nicholas?” His eyes shifted to Fria, “Although I’m starting to understand.”
The woman beams and suddenly a veil of frost coat her hair as she grasps Nicholas’ big hands. Her own hands are small and decorated with frostbite but their held hands brings a warm feeling to the room.
“We’re getting married,” Fria announces, a loving gaze on her fiancé as they nudge closer together, “but we want something more than that.”
“We plan to start a family,” Nicholas explains and now the tension in the room is back as the guests realized just who these parents-to-be are.
A child between these two would have the lineage of a titan, a being far superior to a god, and, from the looks of it, a winter spirit.
Qrow recognizes Fria now, her winter powers eluding off of her effortlessly. It is that same breeze that found him and that coldness still clung to him as he stares at the faery.
“That’s too dangerous,” James warns with a thunder in his core.
Clover grounds his cousin with a steady hand on his arm, “They know that and,” teal eyes trace over to Oz, “you asked for Odin to do something about this right?”
The wise god of Vale steps onto the stage, looking wearier than Qrow has ever seen him.
“You’re both giving up your godhood,” the old man said.
“We want to be human,” Nicholas corrects.
Qrow blinks, “Oh.”
That’s something he has never expected to hear. A titan and a faery want to become human to protect their future child from infinite power and consequences.
For Qrow he gave up his humanity to protect himself, well that’s what he claimed after Raven left him. He believed that working for Ozpin would further help humanity or so he hopes.
Muninn built up a name as an omen to malice but Qrow recently sees he’s a harbinger as well. Maybe it was the powers or some part of Qrow that amplified the moment he swore oath to Odin. There has been a trail of bad luck following him.
His only solution is to stray away from humanity, protect them from a distance as Oz has done.
Now before him are two ancient beings deciding to give up their powers and live in a world where humans are slowly thinking for their selves, where the gods are no longer their priority. Instead their priorities are their families.
That is what Nicholas and Fria want.
Oz nods gravely, “Alright, I’ll do it.”
“Wait what?” Clover questioned.
“Of course,” James bitterly concludes, “If Odin can grant power to mortals,” he gestures to Qrow and then James nervously gulps, “then he could do the reverse for his fellow gods.”
Okay, from that perspective that sounds terrifying, Qrow thinks, but this is Ozpin they’re talking about. The old man has spent eons making mistakes with humans and gods and other magical beings but has chosen to repeat for it all.
For some reason Qrow is one of the first things Ozpin saves and for that Qrow trusts him forever.
“I’m not that great and powerful,” Oz assures, smiling kindly at James.
James does the quietest relieved sighs.
“Or am I?” Oz notes humorously.
An angry noise comes out of James, his shocked and fearful face making Qrow laugh out loud.
Ozpin returns the conversation back to the couple, “I can do it but your powers will have to go somewhere because I for sure won’t take it for my own.”
“We thought of that,” Fria nods. “The sky is a fitting place to place winter and strength into it. I’m going ahead and naming it an aurora, after my mother.”
“It’ll be lovely,” Nicholas agrees and then the couple turns to Qrow, “and there’s one last thing too.”
With everyone’s attention on Qrow, he has the sudden need to fly away before something awkward or unfortunate happens, “Um, hi?”
“You’re Muninn, the Bird of Memory,” he announces and since Qrow blinks and points at himself, still confused, the son of Atlas clarifies, “We want to forget our godhood. You can take them away.”
“What?” He, Clover, and James practically yell.
“He can do that?” James baulks.
“You can do that?” Clover awes.
“I can do that?” Qrow nearly chokes on his spit.
Oz, helpful as he is, only shrugged, “Well that is a theory now.”
“Please,” Fria begs, walking over to the shapeshifter. Snowflakes trail behind her as she reaches Qrow and takes his hands into her cold ones, “We’re tired of this eternity we wait in and once we become humans we can actually start living.”
Her eyes look just like that tundra their temple views over, cold and clean and goes on for miles filled with emptiness. Fria barely reaches Qrow’s shoulders but there is an ancient power in her being that makes Qrow shiver.
It would be a mistake to think of her as human with the snow on top of her robes and how her hair is literally a mist of frost. Yet the gentle slope of her face reminds Qrow so much of his tribal Chief. Both lived a long life and now they want rest.
“I’ll do my best,” Qrow says, his voice barely trembling at this promise.
The winter spirit’s smile warms up the room, “Thank you, Muninn.”
The ceremony gets started immediately because gods can be impatient like that.
At the stage area, Ozpin stands as the holy figure before the couple, their hands held together. James and Clover stand on the side of Atlas’ son. The two were chosen to be here today because Nicholas trusts them to take care of their people.
Qrow is on Fria’s side of the stage and he still feels out of place. They only need him for his powers which aren’t news to him. Nearly everyone Qrow meets wants to use him for one purpose or another. But this is for a good cause, he remembers himself as he watches the couple share tender looks and words.
Their vows are of the typical stuff that happens in weddings, promises to love each other and all that jazz. Qrow quietly chokes up when they promise to die in each other’s arms.
The concept of death is different between gods and humans. If a god dies… well actually Qrow doesn’t know. Gods just become nothing, absolutely nothing but dust.
For humans, Qrow once wondered where he’ll go because the gods of death had different rules and jurisdictions and he doesn’t want to learn any of that since he’s pretty immortal at this point.
Nicholas and Fria finish their vows and Ozpin wraps it up.
With a tap of his cane, a brilliant light captures the room and if Qrow squints his eyes he can barely see how the colors are moving around Nicholas and Fria.
The light dims and with it, the chill of the temple disappears from the temple. Fria has pinkness in her cheeks and she buries her warm hands into her husband’s white hair. Nicholas himself looks almost bigger now that there is no more weight on his shoulders, a cursed pain that haunts his bloodline.
Human, Qrow realizes and accepts.
All of the colors are swirling above their heads, blues and pinks and purples dancing together until Oz sends it up high, passing through the open ceiling and to the dark sky above. The colors blanket the night and its stars.
They all stand witness to the first ever aurora borealis.
“Muninn,” Oz commands and waves him over to stand in his place.
Right, moment of truth, he thinks as he is presented to the newly wedded and human couple. Even without their magic, their eyes are still old and weary.
Not thinking, Qrow carefully presses the tips of his fingers on their foreheads.
As far as Qrow knows, Muninn can do two things: turn into a bird and kick ass.
He doesn’t quite know where the memory association came from but then again other gods can say the same thing with their gimmicks.
It can be through sheer luck or coincidence or fate that led Qrow to this moment.
Memory is not a title Qrow thought he would bare and yet here he stands, feeling something tingle into his bones as a light glows from Nicholas’ and Fria’s foreheads. Energy flows from them and into Qrow and it starts to do more than buzz his bones.
He can’t breathe as images are passing behind his eyes.
It’s the old world full of magic that no human could ever imagine where nearly everyone is a demigod and nature spirits thrived without fear of pollution. The world has colors Qrow didn’t think existed and now it lives on through his head, an honor and a chain.
Qrow blinks away new tears as the two ancient beings give up their lives to finally get some peace in their souls.
It is all over before he knows it. They wanted to forget everything from their godhood so Qrow tries his best as promised. He leaves things in there, the knowledge of old friends and the joys and grief shared.
Fria will know how she felt when she first felt summer, how Nicholas brought her a literal ball of heat. Nicholas will know how light he felt the first time Fria made him laugh, a rusty thing in his lifetime. They will both know how they fell in love, when the sun kissed the sky as they held each other in their arms as eternity passed them by.
Lastly it is this moment, the details of the other gods will be vague but their hope and relief that this is finally happening will stay with them until their dying day.
Qrow lets go, his face wet and heart beating achingly slow. While his eyes are blurry he sees how young Fria’s and Nicholas’ eyes are.
The couple blinks slowly but their smiles are wide, like they know what happened but he doubts that, he just took away their memories.
Ozpin and James handle their retirement plans, something about sending them to Athens where Pietro, the son of Athena, will smooth out the details.
“Are you okay?” Oz asks and steads a hand on Qrow’s trembling arm.
He tries to speak but his tongue is heavy. His whole body shivers with the weight of winter’s rage. Qrow bites his lip harshly, snapping himself back into stillness. He manages to get out, “I’m good.”
Oz frowns at the lie but doesn’t argue. Instead he walks over to Nicholas, Fria, and James where he readies his spell and a rainbow flies them away.
“Qrow,” Clover warns with great concern but he waves him off.
“I feel fine,” Qrow says before he collapses.
The son of Poseidon catches him easily, his muscles proving its worth.
Muninn is known for his elegance and raw power. Black wings hold the winds of old and can cut through the toughest of stones. Right now that warrior is a twitching, gasping mess who’s clinging tightly to the only person grounding him.
“Qrow, hey, look at me,” Clover carefully guides a hand through black hair, making their eyes meet. He rearranges their bodies, complexly supporting Qrow’s weight to cradle the shapeshifter in his arms.
Two lifetimes are running around in the bird’s head, too much energy with no outlet and they are literally squeezing Qrow’s own memories into a peanut shell.
Wow, Qrow really should have thought this plan through but he didn’t want to ruin two gods’ wedding day. He’s not that much of an asshole. That and he didn’t want to be smited.
Too bad his brain is occupied with tearing itself apart to even think of a resolution. He has two brain cells and they don’t belong here.
Literally, Qrow sees nothing but never melting snow that is casted upon men and beasts alike simply because they wandered into territory of the winter faeries.
Another memory takes the reins, this time Qrow is crushed with the weight of the sky as Nicholas attempts to save his father from eternal punishment.
It didn’t work. Nicholas stood numbly as Atlas’ body dispersed into atoms at the moment the moon shattered, thus starting a territory war between the sky gods.
Now that’s a story Qrow never thought he’d learn, it would be really cool if he learned this in a less painful, mind aching, way.
“Hey breathe with me,” a warm hand is pressed to his collarbone, heating the skin as Qrow’s heartbeat flutters.
With lungs on fire, Qrow barely registers the rawness in his throat.
Has he been screaming? The wails of agony from the grieving son of Atlas rings between Qrow’s eardrums.
It hurts so much, an intense drumbeat in not only his brain but the rest of his flesh and blood and he just wants it to stop.
But gods don’t get that luxury do they?
Humans can live and die and rest while gods just keep on going and going until infinity yells at them to catch up already.
Somewhere in the raptures, Qrow questions why exactly he gave up his own mortality.  
“Qrow, I need you to focus on me,” a blurry figure begs and closes the inches between them.
Their foreheads meet and despite the bright light returning, all Qrow can see are teal eyes.
Burning sea salt takes over all sense of smell as well as the sudden loud crash of waves at the portside. The little sea village in Midpass suffers from near endless heat due to the enchanting fire that rides the seafoam.
Qrow’s sight of that ocean is torn away as a familiar, gruff laughter catches his attention.
On the wooden pier are other fisherman but three visitors are out of place. It is mind boggling and an out of body experience to see Summer and Tai walk around with a Qrow joking with them.
This was a month ago and yet this version of Qrow appears years younger, cracking a wirily smile at Tai as Summer throws a mock punch his way.
He can’t recall what he teased them about because this isn’t Qrow’s memory, it’s Clover’s.
When the trio is passing by, Summer voices her desire to on a sea voyage. Tai, being logical for once, points out that they don’t have a ship.
That’s when the son of Poseidon heeds this call, friendly introducing himself as an expert boatman or seller or whatever because Qrow, both present and past, is not paying attention to the dialogue.
Past Qrow is ogling the sheer amount of muscles the fisherman has while Muninn, the ghost of the future, feels everything Clover felt.
It starts with piqued interest in the trio, all eluding different personalities and loud friendship but the dark haired man is who really catches Clover’s eye.
As a god of the sea, water orientated powers comes to mind. So it feels kind of out of place to sense a person’s luck scale.
Maybe Clover got the luck thing from his other parent, that’s not uncommon considering a lot of Remnant Gods have multiple heritages.
Anyway, only a god with this type of power can see how bad luck just reeks off of Qrow and finding this out is really ticking Qrow off.
He knew it. He knew that he’s nothing but a bad luck charm. Qrow was right in his argument with Summer that he shouldn’t tag along. He didn’t to be the reason his friends drowned or burned to death.
A new feeling takes over. Its strong warmth pushes aside the misery inside the black bird. This fast heartbeat, breath leaving lungs, it all happened when teal eyes met red.
“So you’re an expert boat guy, huh?” Qrow had said with a bit of slur. The drinks in this town were rumored to be a High John favorite and he wanted to taste. The results ended up being this flirt and wink, “I just so happen to love seamen.”
“Oh my fucking gods, Qrow,” Tai seethed.
Summer and Clover are busy laughing, a breathless energy making Clover feel lighter than air as he blushes furiously. With each laugh, the ocean rumbles, something Qrow did not notice before.
“I am so honored to hear that,” Clover returned a blinding smile once the urge to barrel over laughing is settled.
“He’s better at this I swear,” Summer giggled, “Well actually no, he can be terrible at this too.”
“Brat,” hissed Qrow.
“No, no,” Clover shook his head with a grin, “I think you’re doing just fine.”
“You sir are one in a million,” Tai rolls his eyes.
“Huh, in that case, lucky you,” Clover winked to Qrow.
In that tipsy state of mind, Qrow beamed, practically preening at being called the opposite of what usual mocks him day in and day out.
That’s when Clover’s emotions shift a bit. There is flustered wonderment at seeing Qrow just simply smiling like this is the happiest moment in his life.
A sudden need to see more of that smile bursts in Clover, a selfless urge to be the reason Qrow smiles or at least keep this man in the world a little longer than death will plan.
Clover’s bundle of positively is conflicting with Qrow’s confusion on the matter. It’s a bit flattering to witness this but it is also a bombardment of sensations he doesn’t know how to unpack.
The fleeting images of Qrow and Clover in that perfect sunlight fades away. The world returns to the nightlight temple, the aurora coloring the sky.
Qrow ever so slowly leans away from Clover just enough to have their noses brush up.
“What was that?” He asks.
With the couple’s memories, he felt drained but with Clover, he honestly feels better.
“I don’t know,” Clover admits, a blush setting on his cheeks, “I just wanted to stop your pain.”
Well it worked as his head feels less heavy. It’s somewhere in him still, the knowledge he took away from Nicholas and Fria. As for Clover’s memory, it probably wasn’t stolen at least that’s what he guesses.
“I didn’t,” a sudden horror is in his head, Qrow needs to check, “do you still remember how we met?”
“Of course,” Clover assures and he rubs his hands up and down Qrow’s arms.
“Cool, um what was all of that?” He swallows down the saliva building up in his mouth, “All of those feelings and stuff?”
Teal eyes go wide and his cheeks equally turn red, “Oh you would feel that too, um. It’s just my first impression of you.”
“…If this is about the seaman thing, I really could’ve said something better.”
A laugh surprises him as Clover’s chest shakes with each rumble, “It was one of the best pickup lines I have ever heard.”
“Okay that has to be a lie.”
“No really,” he shook his head, “You really impressed me.”
Scoffing, Qrow shifts out of Clover’s arm despite liking how it felt to be encircled by them, “Now I know you’re a liar.” He scuffles over to sit at the edge of the stage. Leaning back, Qrow rolls his neck to stare straight up at the skylight, “So that’s an aurora.”
The demigod takes a seat next to him, “It’s their last gift to the world.”
“Is it for the gods or humans?” Qrow asks. The memories of the gods have lulled itself to sleep in his head but flickers of a beautiful world with a full moon catches his breath.
Maybe they missed their old world and they wanted to put a bit of it back into reality.
“Well, why did you become a power?”
He snapped his head to the demigod, not at all seeing the connection.
Clover actually lays his back down, his arm crossed behind his head to watch the sky. He continues, “Was it for Odin or for something else?”
Only close friends of his know the reason. He and Raven were considered heirs for their Chieftain but after a tragic monster attack they lost most of their tribe. Ozpin was there to save those who remained and as their tradition, the twins owed him a life dept.
They unknowingly pled servitude to a hidden elder god, just their luck.
All Oz wanted was some company so Qrow easily agreed and traveled with him while Raven took care of their tribe. Along the way the god later revealed his true power and granted the twins immortality for their loyalties.
They became Muninn and Huginn, the Black Birds of Odin.
But Raven saw it all differently, not at first but gradually she grew to despise how Oz just isolated himself from the world. He could’ve saved the tribe before disaster struck.
Qrow had many disagreements with his sister but this was the pinnacle fight that changed everything. He picked Ozpin over the tribe that forced him to kill another kid to have a place in their brutal community.
To him, both gods and humans are alike through bloodshed and harshness and bitterness.
It didn’t matter to Qrow if he just ended up living a hundred years longer than fate planned. He wanted to get away from everyone, something he believed Ozpin once felt until they started taking initiative on saving other towns from monsters and chaotic magic.
“I used to think it was all for humanity, the good parts of it,” Qrow answered, “but seeing Fria and Nicholas, well, I didn’t think gods needed saving.”
He looks down at Clover, still gazing at the stars. Just like the first time they met, Qrow doesn’t see anything god-like in him, aside from the arms but his point still stands.
Curiosity takes over as Qrow asks, “Clover, would you ever do what they did?”
“I never thought to consider it until today,” he said, his voice soft and yet Qrow’s complete focus is on it. “Maybe if I met the right person,” Clover trails off and then teal eyes meet red again.
The memory of the ocean is at the edges of Qrow’s vision, enrapturing how stunning Clover looked in simple fisherman grab. That’s not something he’ll admit out loud, the amount of pockets are ridiculous.
Clover is undeniably handsome but he looks so human too, something that Qrow once was. The echoes of the demigod’s feelings mix in with his own, that sense of amazement at how utter goodness radiates off of him.
They may have met only twice so far and yet what is time compared to the immortals?
That and the single memories starts to bleed more than Qrow imaged. He felt Clover’s love for the ocean, its smell and feeling in his soul. How Clover was so charmed by Summer and Tai, instantly admiring their tenacity and enthusiasm for exploring.
The world looked different in Clover’s eyes. The same thing is said about Qrow.
In the memory, Qrow looked almost enchanting and not sleep deprived as he is normally. It’s weird to see himself look so human when he never appeared as joyful until he left the tribe.
Clover sits back up, “Qrow, I think you’re lovely.” He blinks at the sudden compliment and usually he won’t believe it but the glimpse in Clover’s head is convincing. “Meeting you just feels right to me, like it wasn’t just fate or luck that gave me the chance to see you again.”
His teal eyes are searching desperately for a reaction, any indication that risking his heart out will have a good outcome.
Qrow doesn’t know where this will lead, not at all as he drops a hand over Clover’s.
Not a lot can be said about the son of Poseidon, just lore and sea stories, but when he met the not-quite mortal Qrow was equally intrigued and wanting to get more of this fisherman.
He denied Summer’s teasing that it was a crush but now that he suddenly got invited to a wedding with Clover, finding out there’s more to his godhood and how kind he is, Qrow finds himself feeling very human.
Too long he spent his immortality alone, abandoned by Raven and Ozpin still keeping secrets. Summer and Tai were a drastic improvement in his life and now here he is, presented with something new and raw.
“Well,” Qrow settles, weaving their fingers together, “we have the rest of eternity to figure this thing out between us.”
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