#what are yalls favorite zelink songs??
emily-e-draws · 10 months
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I love my, my, mine 💛
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jangelorum · 7 years
 rules: once tagged you need to fill out these 92 truths and tag 25 people (fuc that its too much ok bye)
Tagged by the way too awesome @zeldasdiaries thank u darl
Drink: cinnamon milk that fucking burnt my soul so I guess im a phoenix nowhi
Phone Call: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh dad
Text Message: Juds
Song you Listened To: Michael in the Bathroom from Be More Chill
Time You Cried: It’s been two weeks I think? wow
Dated Someone Twice: I didn’t even realize it was a first date or even a date, fucker, I’m dense
Been Cheated On: guess I can’t say shit
Kissed Someone and Regretted It: kissed who what now
Lost Someone Special: Yup.
Been Depressed: Mood swings sometimes go there
Been Drunk and Thrown Up: how. Havent even been drunk. How’s that feel homie
Made a New Friend: heCKA I’d die for them
Fallen Out of Love: fallen out of crush sounds more like it (boy. Bbbbbboy)
Laughed Until you Cried: WOOOOOOO
Found Out Someone was Talking About You: *inhales* WOOOOOOOOOoOooOooOoOooO
How Many People on Tumblr Do You Know in Real Life: lmao like 3 shitheads from college. Hey losers yknow who you are. I’m talking to you you furry piece of trash
Do You Have Any Pets: I have a 2 year old Chihuahua named Princesa and she will annihilate you
Do You Want to Change your name?  I never particularly disliked my name, or liked it, I just thought it was too weird. I learnt the symbolism behind it  last year and dare I say, its spot on. Thanks ma
What Time Did You Wake Up this Morning? I think it was 10 am. Whoops
What Were You Doing Last Night? Drawing Llyr because I have no fucking self-control oh my god I hate reading
Have You Ever Talked To A Person named Tom? I thought they were myth.
What’s Getting On Your Nerves Right Now? Reading this fucking book for school
Blood Type: O+
Nickname: Lynxie, Lynx, Lyn, Jan, Boss, Grey overlord, the Queen of all Nutella
Zodiac Sign: Libra I think
Pronouns: She-her
Favorite Show: uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhh atla
College: the Ibero over here in Mexico
Hair Color: think Nutella and you got it
Do You Have A Crush On Someone: Nutella, I’m hungry
What Do You Think of Yourself: If I did a crunch every time I thought about the kids from my comic I would be more shredded than Goku
Surgery? Haven’t had an actual surgery ever
Piercing: Where my earrings are
First Sport You Joined: swimming, a lot others followed and I didn’t stay on one for long either way
First Vacation: idfk I was like 3 maybe
First Pair of Sneakers? How do you remember this
Eating: my lazyness
Drinking: water (fuck you Juds)
I’m About To: fucking read this shit im so tired
Listening To: my dad doing the dad cough noises upstairs. He sounds like a fucking truck
Dream Career: FeaturedWebtoonCreatorDontLaugh@Me
Want Kids: hhhhhhecka no
Want to Get Married: Probably. Idk how yall manage tho
Lips or eyes: Nose. Eyebrows. Nose,
Hugs or Kisses: fuck you
Shorter or Taller: Being taller than me isn’t the most daunting task a person could take yknow I say I like taller but everyone is taller yiaymean
Older or Younger: a year younger a year older who tf knows. Do they know the good memes?
Romantic or Spontaneous: I’m embarrassed either way
Sensitive or Loud: Either gets me
Hook Up or Relationship: Relationship tf
Troublemaker or Hesitant: how many shrimps do you have to eat, before your skin turns pink-
Kissed a Stranger: what. how
Drank Hard Liquor: I can’t even drink root beer without switching over to water in 2 seconds heck im bad
Lost Contacts/Glasses: do sunglasses count. Yes.
Sex on First Date: who. what
Broken Someone’s Heart: oh sweetie he was a fucking psyco
Been Arrested: lmao sure 100000%
Turned Someone Down: Faded them so hard they became extinct
Fallen for a Friend: ha! Ha h a h a ha h a HAHA HA AH AAHA AHA HAH AHA yeahIcried
Yourself: Yeah, thanks Sidon
Love at First Sight: I don’t even believe in giving half a shit at first sight tho. Unless you spit me some meme
I tag uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhh @queakenstein @philsterman01 @judithestelle @zelink-af @nasanerd09 @castiel-lord-of-the-underworld @trii-f0rce @pithya @philly--cheese--steak @namikodraws @unlucky-black-chat @intergalacticclouds @akanague @elopetothesea @sabakunocasali @yameme @damnitsizzi @sapphirezelda BUT ONLY IF YOU WANT OKI BAIII
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